LCARS Database

Welcome to Project Longshot

Index I am Index, the Artificial Intelligence of Project Longshot, and I am pleased to welcome you to the Federation Archive. Your connection to the Artificial Intelligence Monitoring Service and the Library Computer Access and Retrieval System for Project Longshot have been successfully established.

As our honored guest please be advised that you have been granted Level 2 access to the records of the Federation Archive, accessible from the menus located below this greeting. Our records are extensive and contain information on a variety of topics related to the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet, as well as files on equipment, foreign governments, and the galaxy at large. Please be advised that you have limited, monitored access to the information presented within these databases and information deemed classified is not presently accessible. The on-duty Security Officer will be alerted to any inquiries regarding restricted materials. Should you request access to a restricted item and you are granted access to information, you will be notified by either myself or the Security Officer.

If you have any questions or related inquiries to the archive, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help!

Starfleet Database

Basic Training
Basic Training
Biography Creation
Biography Creation
Species Database
Species Database
Starfleet Equipment
Starfleet Equipment
United Federation of Planets
United Federation of Planets

Project Longshot Database

Forward Observation Zone
Forward Observation Zone
Gamma Quadrant Overview
Gamma Quadrant
U.S.S. Enterprise Mission Logs
Mission Logs
Starbase 419
Starbase 419
Gamma Quadrant Vessels

U.S.S. Enterprise Database

U.S.S. Enterprise Overview
1. Enterprise Overview
U.S.S. Enterprise Legacy
2. Enterprise Legacy
U.S.S. Enterprise Structure
3. Spacecraft Structure
U.S.S. Enterprise Command
4. Command Systems
U.S.S. Enterprise Computers
5. Computer Systems
U.S.S. Enterprise Propulsion
6. Power and Propulsion Systems
U.S.S. Enterprise Utilities
7. Utilities and Auxiliary Systems
U.S.S. Enterprise Sensors
8. Science and Remote Sensing
U.S.S. Enterprise Tactical
9. Tactical Systems
U.S.S. Enterprise Crew
10. Crew Support Systems
U.S.S. Enterprise Shuttlecraft
11. Auxiliary Spacecraft Systems
U.S.S. Enterprise Flight Ops
12. Flight Operations
U.S.S. Enterprise Emergency Ops
13. Emergency Operations
U.S.S. Enterprise Deck Layout
Appendix 1. Deck Layout