Starfleet Equipment

Created by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen on Wed Jan 3rd, 2024 @ 10:48pm

Starfleet Equipment

Standard Equipment

Communicator Badge

Communicator BadgeThe Starfleet Communicator Badge allows for voice communication between the user and other personnel, a starship/starbase, or to a planet via subspace channel. Also known as a combadge, the Communicator is worn by Starfleet personnel on their uniform and incorporates diverse technology to maintain linkages between the user and others including a small, but complex universal translator.

To use the Communicator a user will either tap the Starfleet insignia built into the device or activate the unit through voice. The internal software of the Communicator will then connect with the computer systems of the starship, routing the transmission to the appropriate receiver or the Main Computer itself should an information query be needed. Complex subroutines monitor the conversation and analyze the message, monitoring for any voice commands or to connect the user to needed information. Communications will end when the user taps the device, gives an "out" command, or no communication occurs for 30 seconds or longer (but notifies the Communications Officer that no command to close the channel was received for follow up).

While not as advanced as the Universal Translator used by the Ferengi Alliance, Starfleet Communicators are capable of interpreting any conversation it overhears by comparing spoken language to an internal library of over 300 languages. If the Combadge is unable to translate on its own, the device will connect to the Main Computer of the Enterprise through a background connection to assist with analysis. By design the Universal Translator will translate the conversation for both the transmitter and the receiver, allowing two-way communications for both parties.

Starfleet Combadges have an internal range of 60,000 kilometers, but this can be extended to over 100,000 kilometers when supported by the user's mothership. Capable of over 1,000 hours of continued use, a Communicator broadcasts a unique identification signal based upon the user's on file biometrics that Starfleet can use to track the user while they are within range of the spacecraft's sensors as well as to establish a transporter lock.

Desktop Terminal

Desktop TerminalThe Desktop Monitor is a personal computer console used aboard the Starship Enterprise for personal library computer retrieval and for visual communications. Consisting of a polyduranium base, the Desktop Terminal incorporates a touch-sensitive transparent aluminum monitor and keyboard screen built into the unit, but can also take verbal commands. Should a guest be near the device while in use the transparent display will automatically turn opaque to protect the user's privacy. A series of gray and white buttons lined the base of the terminal to access the internal components of the terminal. Internally the Desktop Terminal has similar components to a Personal Access Display Device including a sarium krellide power cell, positronic memory chips, and a subspace transceiver assembly.

The desktop terminal allowed the user to perform a wide variety of activities. Configurable to the needs of its user, the Desktop Terminal allowed its user a wide variety of data retrieval options as well as the ability to make log recordings and access to subspace communications, enabling face-to-face conferences. Aboard the Enterprise each Desktop Terminal is connected to the workstation of the assigned crew member, allowing the user access to their duty station from their personal quarters; however, only members of the Senior Staff or their designees can access critical systems remotely.

Personal Access Display Device (PADD)

Personal Access Display Device (PADD)The most common piece of technology in the known galaxy, the Personal Access Display Device (or PADD for short) is a high-capacity hand-held computer terminal used by both civilians and Starfleet personnel alike. Standard issue Starfleet PADDs feature a touch-sensitive transparent aluminum display screen connected to a flat metal housing that contains a positronic memory chip powered microcomputer. When sensitive information is accessed the display will turn opaque to protect confidentiality. Each PADD also incorporates a subspace transceiver that allows real time communications up to 50,000 kilometers away from the unit for up to 5 days on a single charge.

With a variety of available functions, Starfleet issued PADDs are used for a variety of functions. Aboard the Enterprise, personnel commonly send and receive reports via their personal PADD and can configure their PADD to interface with any control panel or workstation aboard the ship, provided they have appropriate command clearance. In addition a PADD may be used to make appointments, communicate, and for recreation. In an emergency a PADD can be used to assume control over any shipboard function, again provided the user has the appropriate command clearance codes. In theory an authorized user could control the entire Starship Enterprise from a single PADD.

Phaser Type II

Phaser Type IIPhasers, short for PHASed Energy Rectification, are the standard weapon used by Starfleet. Employing a rapid nadion effect (producing highly energetic, short-lived particles) and superconducting crystals to emit powerful beams of energy, a Phaser can stun most targets at lower settings or cause disintegration at higher levels. In addition to their tactical applications, Phasers are useful tools for Starfleet personnel and can be used as a cutting tool, to heat rock, or remove obstacles.

Currently, Starfleet has assigned Type II Phasers for usage aboard its starships and space stations. Larger than the Type I Phaser issued to civilian and planetary security forces, the Type II is a pistol-like defensive weapon constructed of nano-bound polyduranium and other synthetic materials. The Phaser Type II fires concentrated pulses of energy and uses a manual safety located immediately behind the trigger. Each Type II Phaser can be modified to fire in a beam to conserve power at the expense of range, with further options to fire continuously, in a preprogrammed pattern, or even in a wider arc to impact multiple targets. Internal circuitry continually changes the energy frequency of the Phaser to help prevent an enemy from adapting to a specific modulation.

With an effective range of 100 meters, users of the Phaser Type II can select from one of five power levels selected by dial on the top of the device. If enough energy is available a user can force the Phaser to overload, creating an explosive that will detonate in 30 seconds. During normal operations Phasers may not exceed the stun setting and are closely monitored by the Enterprise's computer for compliance; however, an authorized officer can override to allow higher settings to be used. Each Phaser has an extractable charging magazine containing the sarium krellide power cell. Inserted into the unit's stock, the magazine provides 250 charges prior to recharge with side mounted ammunition counter showing the remaining number of charges. As an optional modification an underslung targeting system can be fitted beneath the emitter crystal to aid with targeting, even at long distance.

Phaser Type II Power Settings

1 Stun 2 Stun a Human for 15 minutes or a Klingon for 5 minutes.
2 Thermal 5 Cut a 1 m hole in 10 cm of steel or rock.
3 Kill 10 Kill a humanoid.
4 Vaporize 25 Vaporize any substance.
5 Disrupt 50 Explode 500 cubic meters of rock into rubble.
Overload 100 Vaporizes all objects within 30 meters of the Phaser.


TricorderTricorders are all-purpose, powerful sensory devices used by Starfleet and other organizations. Taking their name from the original name for the device, the Tri-function Recorder, the Tricorder used aboard the Enterprise is a wearable tool instead of hand-held like previous models and is constructed of durable materials. The unit is also smaller than its predecessors and is approximately 8 centimeters long, has a diameter of 10 centimeters, and is only 1 centimeter thick. Should it be necessary a built-in holographic emitter diode can project information and a corresponding interface. The Tricorder can utilize its own sensors to investigate a subject, or it can connect to external sensors (either through a peripheral module or its mothership) to perform scans.

Tricorders incorporate advanced sensor equipment that can be used to detect and analyze a variety of phenomena and have an effective range of 5 kilometers for long-range scans and 50 meters for short-range scans. Extensive onboard computer databanks contain detailed files on a variety of subjects related to phenomenon that may be encountered by its user, allowing the Tricorder's user to identify energy sources, life-forms, other materials through comparison of readings to records. Routine scans can be nearly instantaneous while more concentrated analysis can take up to an hour of time, but simple tasks may be continued. Internal subspace communications equipment - similar to that of the Communicator - allow the Tricorder to connect with other Tricorders, the user's mothership, or even alien computer networks to transmit and receive data. Powered by an internal sarium krellide power cell, the Tricorder can operate for up to 1,000 hours of routine use or for 36 hours of continuous use. While advanced the Tricorder is not infallible as ionic and electromagnetic interference can disrupt or even prevent scans from occurring or decrease the Tricorder's effective range.

Tricorder Scan Types

Biological A Tricorder can identify the species of a lifeform (if known to the Federation) or the type of lifeform as well as the lifeform's health status. A Tricorder will detect and track the position of lifeforms within scanning range.
Geological The Tricorder can locate caves, small concentrations of mineral deposits, or concealed geological features. The chemical composition of a subject can also be determined. Large caves, significant mineral deposits, and large geological features can be detected.
Meteorological Scans will determine the atmospheric composition of the local area and small-scale energy sources. Large energy sources within range will be detected by this scan type, local weather patterns analyzed, and interference identified.

Tricorder Peripheral Module

Tricorder PeripheralTricorders are all-purpose, powerful sensory devices used by Starfleet and other organizations. Tricorders have been designed to meet a variety of mission profiles and incorporate sophisticated sensors and computer software to meet these objectives. Because of their versatility, Starfleet Logistics has developed specialized Tricorder models to perform enhanced analysis and investigation through the inclusion of a Peripheral Module.

The Tricorder Peripheral Module is a specialized sensor probe that connects with a Tricorder through a remote secure wireless connection, allowing the device to conduct a more thorough analysis of a subject. Users can then use the specialized sensors of the probe to conduct detailed scans of a subject within at least five meters of the device. When within one meter of the subject the Tricorder can provide extremely detailed information about the subject down to its atomic structure. To assist in these close-range scans the probe can be disconnected from the Tricorder and held in the user's hand by pressing a control on the Tricorder housing to release the bond between the two devices; however, the device can also be left attached to the Tricorder while conducting scans.

Tricorder Peripheral Module Types

Sensor Color
Engineering Yellow The Engineering Tricorder has been designed to locate and diagnose problems involving technological devices.
Medical White A Medical Tricorder features enhanced bio-sensors that can diagnose medical conditions as well as take detailed scans of a life-forms anatomy.
Psychotricorder Green Used by Counselors and law enforcement, the Psychotricorder analyzes a humanoid’s behavioral and emotional state.
Security Red The Security Tricorder is used to locate contraband, hack computers, and identify and track criminals.


UniformStarfleet Uniforms are worn by individuals serving in the Federation Starfleet. Designed for comfort and durability in the most extreme environments, Starfleet uniforms facilitate the wearers' needs as both scientists and researchers, as well as Starfleet's military role. Wearers are expected to abide by the Starfleet Uniform Code, though special exceptions can be made to honor aspects of an individual's cultural heritage.

While the color scheme had varied over time, Starfleet uniforms are classified by color with the current colors in practice:

  • Command: The Command Division is responsible for the administration of starships, starbases, and space stations. These personnel are distinguished by red coloration.
  • Operations: The Operations Division is the backbone of Starfleet and incorporates the engineering, operations, and security departments. This group is responsible for technological innovation and for maintaining and defending the Federation and typically wear uniforms with gold coloration.
  • Science: The Sciences Division is the heart of Starfleet and comprises members of the exploratory, medical, and mental health departments within the fleet. Science personnel are identified by uniforms with teal coloration.
  • Service: The Service Division fulfills all support roles within Starfleet and are identified by uniforms with silver coloration.
Introduced in 2437, the uniform utilized by the crew of the Enterprise consists of a black undershirt, a pair of black trousers, and a tunic overshirt with division colors.

Engineering Equipment

Engineering Multitool

Engineering MultitoolOriginally developed in the mid-24th Century for civilian medical kits, the Engineering Multitool was created in the early 25th Century and uses advanced microreplicator technology to reproduce almost any handheld tool. Initially limited to emergency kits due to unreliability, recent advancements in replicator technology have allowed the Corps of Engineers to redesign the device, leading Starfleet Command to approve the device for routine use. Despite this, some forms of radiation and other interference can impact the efficiency of the device.

A Positronic chip built into the handle of the device stores the patterns of hundreds of different tools, allowing for a variety of equipment options but with some limitations. To operate the device, the user identifies the desired tool either through selection on the built-in monitor or by voice command. Once selected, the multitool uses microreplicator technology and force field projectors to produce the selected object at the end of the device. When activated it takes five seconds to produce the tool and an additional two seconds to deactivate the tool when power is turned off. While capable of almost 25 hours of continuous usage, the multitool has difficulty producing high-energy tools like laser cutters or welding lasers as they can rapidly drain the power cell.

Common Engineering Multitool Devices

Coil Spanner The Coil Spanner is used to make phase adjustments to equipment.
Field Destabilizer Capable of destabilizing forcefields, the Field Destabilizer determines the forcefield's harmonics and temporarily overwhelms them.
Gravitic Caliper Gravitic calipers reroute plasma flow, isolating components without disrupting power to an entire system.
Hyperspanner A Hyperspanner analyzes and modulates plasma flows.
Magnetic Probe Magnetic probes regulate warp core antimatter flows to expedite repairs.
Maintenance Jack A Maintenance Jack is used to remove security braces or divert power inside an EPS junction.
Micro-Optic Drill A precise hand tool, the Micro-Optic Drill can drill small holes through common materials.
ODN Recoupler An ODN Recoupler is used to modify Optical Data Network circuitry.
Phase Decompiler The Phase Decompiler is used to work on plasma distribution networks.
Plasma Torch An all-purpose cutting tool, a Plasma Torch uses a super-heated, ionized beam to cut through materials.
Sonic Driver The Sonic Driver is a general-purpose tool used to either attach or remove screws, bolts, and other fasteners.

Medical Equipment


HyposprayThe Hypospray is a medical device that is used to either extract or inject liquids into a body.

Through the usage of a noninvasive transport mechanism of compressed air, an injectant is inserted into the base of the Hypospray and transferred from the device into the subdermal layer below the skin of the body or artery without the the need of a needle. Oftentimes the Hypospray injection site is the side of the neck, to the carotid artery, but the Hypospray can inject even through clothing if necessary. As the Hypospray is bloodless, the skin of the patient was not punctured during use and reduced the risk of infection or pain at the site of injection. As the medication is not contaminated by use the medication can be injected into multiple patients until the Hypospray is depleted without risk of spreading blood-borne illness.

When needing to extract liquids from a body, a user can reset the device to pull liquids from a body rather than inject them into one. Utilizing a needleless reactant, the Hypospray will pull blood or other liquids from the body and into the device. The vial may then be removed and sent for analysis.

Common Medications

Alkysine Neurostimulant
Anesthezine Anesthetic
Anetrizine Anesthetic
Arithrazine Treats Radiation Exposure
Axonol Anesthetic
Cervaline Antirejection medication
Chloromydride Cardiostimulant
Cordrazine Stimulant
Corophizine Antibiotic
Cortolin Pulmonary Stimulant
Delactovine Stimulant
Dermaline Burn Treatment
Dexalin Counteracts Oxygen Deprivation
Dylovene Antitoxin
Hydrocortiline Pain Relief
Hyronalin Treats Radiation Exposure
Inaprovaline Cardiostimulant
Kayolane Sedative
Lectrazine Cardiovascular and Renal Stabilizer
Melorazine Sedative
Retinax Optical Stimulant
Terakine Pain Relief
Tri-Cordrazine Stimulant
Tri-Ox Compound Pulmonary Stimulant
Vertazine Counteracts Vertigo

Medical Multitool

Medical MultitoolOriginally developed in the mid-24th Century for civilian medical kits, the Medical Multitool uses advanced microreplicator technology to reproduce almost any handheld medical device. Recent advancements in replicator technology have allowed the Corps of Engineers redesign the device to increase is reliability, leading Starfleet Command to approve the device for routine use outside of emergency kits. Despite this, some forms of radiation and other interference can impact the efficiency of the device.

A Positronic chip built into the handle of the device stores the patterns of hundreds of different medical devices, allowing for a variety of equipment options, but with some limitations. To operate the device, the user identifies the desired tool either through selection on the built-in monitor or by voice command. Once selected, the multitool uses microreplicator technology and force field projectors to produce the selected object at the end of the device. When activated it takes five seconds to produce the tool and an additional two seconds to deactivate the tool when power is turned off. While capable of almost 25 hours of continuous usage, the multitool has difficulty producing high-energy tools like exoscalpels as they can rapidly drain the power cell.

Common Medical Multitool Devices

Anabolic Protoplaser An Anabolic Protoplaser is designed to repair torn veins and arteries by uniting the nerves and muscle fibers.
Autosuture Using specialized molecular bonding technology, an Autosuture is used to heal physical injuries.
Cardiostimulator Applied to the chest, the Cardiostimulator is used to stabilize irregular heartbeats or even restart a stopped heart.
Cortical Stimulator Applied to the head, the Cortical Stimulator uses electrical impulses to normalize, or even restart, neural activity.
Dermal Regenerator By stimulating natural healing processes Dermal Regenerators accelerate the repair of injuries and mild infections.
Exoscalpel Exoscalpels use a low-power cutting beam to cleanly cut through flesh, bone, or other organic material to a predetermined depth.
Micro-suture A micro-suture was a microscopic suture used to connect two separate things.
Osteo Regenerator An Osteo Regenerator is used to repair bone fractures.
Thrombic Modulator This Thrombic Modulator changes the coagulation ratio of blood within the body.
Tri-laser Connector Used to treat neurological trauma, the Tri-laser Connector repairs reconstructs damaged brain tissue.
Vascular Regenerator A Vascular Regenerator is used to repair blood vessels and stop bleeding.

Scientific Equipment

Security Equipment


Photon GrenadeA grenade is a small explosive weapon that is typically thrown by hand or shot from a grenade launcher. Highly restricted within the United Federation of Planets, grenades may only be utilized by Starfleet personnel during times of open war. Each grenade consists of two main sections — a rimmed, cylindrical separating base that fits in the hand of an average-sized humanoid and a metal casing that is topped with a color-coded identifying cap. Their outer casing, which is made of synthetic materials, is designed to detonate either after a time delay or on impact with a target.

Grenades used by Starfleet are primarily designed to be fired from a Grenade Launcher or from a Mortar, but they may double as a hand grenade in extreme circumstances. When fired from a Phaser Rifle the grenade round has an effective range of 400 meters, and an accurate range of around 180 meters while a Mortar can launch the grenade up to 2 kilometers in any direction. Despite its main purpose as a launched projectile, each grenade can be employed as a hand-thrown grenade by flipping off the plastic cap and depressing the button beneath. This will trigger a three second fuse, after which the round will detonate. Normally, the grenade would be thrown immediately after the safety cap was removed, but could be held for additional time to make the weapon detonate sooner. Presently, no grenade incorporates a safety feature once activated and the detonation will have an equal effect on friend or foe alike.


Electromagnetic Pulse Green Disables all unshielded technologies in a 15-meter radius of the detonation.
Flare Yellow Provides illumination for approximately 60 seconds.
Forcefield Blue Generates a high-powered containment forcefield dome for 5 minutes.
Photon Red Vaporizes all objects within 5-meter radius of the detonation.
Quantum Purple Vaporizes all objects within 10-meter radius of the detonation.
Stun Orange Stuns all Humanoids for 1 hour or a Klingons for 15 minutes in a 10-meter radius of the detonation.
Transport Enhancer White A beacon that allows a target to be transported through interference.
Transport Inhibitor Black A beacon that prevents an individual from being transported.

Phaser Type I

Phaser Type IPhasers, short for PHASed Energy Rectification, are the standard weapon used by Starfleet. Employing a rapid nadion effect (producing highly energetic, short-lived particles) and superconducting crystals to emit powerful energy pulses, a Phaser has both tactical applications as a defensive weapon or can be a useful tool.

Commonly used by civilian and planetary security forces, the Type I Phaser is a small defensive weapon constructed of nano-bound polyduranium and other synthetic materials. Normally the Type II Phaser is the standard sidearm of Starfleet personnel, but the Type I is issued in situations where there is the possibility of danger, but the away team must be discreet. To comply with local planetary regulations the Type I features software restricting the weapon to the stun setting and a manual safety located behind the trigger; however, an authorized officer can override this restriction allowing the kill setting to be selected. While the Type I is limited to firing energy pulses and does not have a beam mode, the Starfleet model incorporates the option to overload if enough energy is available. An optional modification allows the Type I to fire pulses more quickly than the standard model, but reduces the 50 meter accuracy of the weapon.

Each Phaser has an extractable charging magazine containing with a sarium krellide power cell. Inserted into the unit's stock, the magazine provides 100 charges prior to needing recharged with a side mounted ammunition counter showing the remaining charges until depletion. an enhanced magazine containing 200 charges is available for assault missions; however, due to the magazine's length, the Type I becomes harder to reload.

Phaser Type I Power Settings

1 Stun 2 Stun a Human for 15 minutes or a Klingon for 5 minutes.
2 Kill 10 Kill a humanoid.
Overload 50 Vaporizes all objects within 15 meters of the Phaser.

Phaser Type III

Phaser Type IIIPhasers, short for PHASed Energy Rectification, are the standard weapon used by Starfleet. Employing a rapid nadion effect (producing highly energetic, short-lived particles) and superconducting crystals to emit powerful beams of energy, Starfleet has assigned Type III Phasers for usage aboard its starships and space stations during times of war or extremely dangerous situations. The Type III is a rifle-like offensive weapon constructed of nano-bound polyduranium and other synthetic materials that fires concentrated pulses of energy at a target.

Like all Phasers, usage of the Phaser Rifle is closely monitored by the Enterprise's computer. The stock Phaser Rifle features an effective range of 1,000 meters and ten energy settings selected by a display on the top of the device. Unlike other Phasers the Type III does not have governor limitations on its power setting and incorporates sensors in the grip to ensure the proper operator is using the weapon. Internal circuitry continually changes the energy frequency of the Phaser to help prevent an enemy from adapting to a specific modulation. A side mounted ammunition counter monitors the rifle's extractable sarium krellide power cell magazine, showing the remaining amount of the unit's 500 charges.

Compared to its predecessor Type III Phasers, the current model incorporates more customization options depending upon the mission profile. The Type III can be fitted with an underslung Grenade Launcher comprising a barrel, breech and magazine. Fired using a trigger in the forward grip, Grenades must be hand-loaded into the launcher's four-round magazine, which are then loaded into the breech and primed to fire via pump action. An extended magazine is available to improve the available charges to 750, while an accelerator module can be used to increase the rate of fire beyond manufactured limits, but at the expense of higher recoil and ammunition management. A further modification allows users to replace the grenade launcher with an under barrel mounted, 15 round projectile launcher based upon technology designed for the TR-116 rifle in the 24th Century for use in dampening fields or against shielded targets.

Additional modifications increase the Type III's abilities in engaging targets at distance. The Type III's accuracy could be improved through the incorporation of a targeting module, which assists the user via a Tricorder module mounted on the rifle. The tracking system could be further enhanced through a specialized stock that could steer the rifle toward the target, but the user could override this by manually steering the Type III toward their preferred target. Should the user be engaged against long distance targets, the Phaser Rifle could be fitted with a state-of-the-art reconnaissance scope (similar to the targeting module) that utilized sensor-based target tracking systems to identify and displays threats at distances of up to 2 kilometers away. This mode features additional modifications to suppress the rifle's sound and flash for a better accuracy, but with reduced stopping power.

Phaser Type III Power Settings

1 Stun 2 Stun a Human for 15 minutes or a Klingon for 5 minutes.
2 Heavy Stun 3 Stun a Human for 1 hour or a Klingon for 15 minutes.
3 Thermal 5 Cut a 1 m hole in 10 cm of steel or rock in 3 minutes.
4 Heavy Thermal 7 Cut a 1 m hole in 10 cm of steel or rock in 30 seconds.
5 Kill 10 Kill a humanoid.
6 Light Disrupt 1 15 Cut a 1 m hole in a duranium bulkhead in 10 minutes.
7 Light Disrupt 2 20 Vaporize resilient alloy.
8 Medium Disrupt 1 25 Vaporize any substance.
9 Medium Disrupt 2 35 Explode 100 cubic meters of rock into rubble.
10 Heavy Disrupt 50 Explode 500 cubic meters of rock into rubble.
Overload 150 Vaporizes all objects within 60 meters of the Phaser.