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Mission Info

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It is a time of uncertainty for the United Federation of Planets. After centuries of being apart, reunification between the Romulan Star Empire and the Confederacy of Vulcan has happened and thrown the galaxy into chaos. With the emergence of a new Praetor an unexpected alliance has been proposed allowing Vulcan to serve both the Federation and the Romulans, creating a political nightmare for President Gruzy and his Administration. They must decide if keeping the Federation's oldest ally is worth making a deal with the Federation's oldest enemy.

Though things are never as they seem. Deep within the galaxy lies a world that is off-limits to everyone - a world of mystery and of illusion. To visit this planet will result in certain death - if not from the harshness of the world itself then from the Federation that has sworn to protect its secrets until the end of time. So, what happens when a cry for help from deep within this quarantine zone echoes throughout the galaxy?

Mission Group Season 18
Start Date Mon Aug 9th, 2021 @ 2:59am
End Date Thu Jun 16th, 2022 @ 2:59am

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Title Timeline Location
Birthday Wishes
by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Commander Galatea & President Gruzy of New Xindus & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Commander Ash Randall & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner & Captain Nathan Bishop & Lieutenant Commander T'Lisha "Hawkeye" Bishara
2430-09-19, 13:00 Briefing Room, Spacedock
First Contact
by Lieutenant (J.G.) Rrawran & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Captain Ryan Walsh & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Commander Ash Randall & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake & Zoey Parker & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner & Captain Nathan Bishop & Lieutenant Commander T'Lisha "Hawkeye" Bishara & Lieutenant Janice Carlson
2430-09-09, 12:45 Various
Ant V. Boot
by Lieutenant (J.G.) Rrawran & Commander Galatea & Captain Ryan Walsh & Captain Nathan Bishop
2430-09-09, 12:15 USS Galileo
The Next Generation
by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner
2430-09-09, 12:15 Talos IV
The Architect of Infinity
by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner
2430-09-09, 11:45 Talos IV
The Menagerie
by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner
2430-09-09, 11:00 Talos IV
Monitor and Merrimack
by Lieutenant (J.G.) Rrawran & Commander Galatea & Captain Ryan Walsh & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Zoey Parker & Captain Nathan Bishop
2430-09-09, 11:00 Starfleet One
Distant Melody
by Petty Officer 2nd Class Akaathaan Saarnosh & Commander Galatea & Captain Ryan Walsh & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Commander Ash Randall & Lieutenant Commander Patricia Montgomery M.D. & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake & Zoey Parker & Captain Nathan Bishop & Lieutenant Commander T'Lisha "Hawkeye" Bishara
2430-09-09, 08:30 Starfleet One
Flowers for Algernon
by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner & Captain Nathan Bishop
2430-09-09, 08:30 Talos IV
Extreme Caution
by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Commander Galatea & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Commander Ash Randall & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake & Zoey Parker & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner
2430-09-09, 07:45 Bridge, Starfleet One
Galactic Red Alert
by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Commander Galatea & President Gruzy of New Xindus & Captain Ryan Walsh & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Commander Ash Randall & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake & Zoey Parker & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes
2430-09-08, 23:00 Starfleet One
Welcome Wagon
by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Attaché Kikula & Commander Ash Randall & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake
2430-09-08, 11:00 New Vulcan
The Keeper
by Commodore Loatha Targaryen
2430-09-08, 19:30 Talos IV
A New Hope
by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Commander Galatea & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Commander Ash Randall & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Lieutenant Commander Patricia Montgomery M.D. & Zoey Parker & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner & Captain Nathan Bishop & Lieutenant Commander T'Lisha "Hawkeye" Bishara
2430-09-08, 09:00 Observation Lounge, Starfleet One

Mission Summary