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Thu Dec 9th, 2021 @ 4:24am

Lieutenant Commander Patricia Montgomery

Name Patricia Montgomery M.D.

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 37

Physical Appearance




Personal History Height: 5'8

Weight: 135lbs

Hair Color: Brunette

Eye Color: Green

Physical Description:

On duty Patricia's uniform is kept immaculate and her hair pulled back into a bun. Off duty, she wears her hair down but is still careful of the clothes she wears, preferring jeans and a top above anything else..

Patricia's eyes hide everything, it takes a lot to be able to read anything from her expressions or in the green depths of her eyes. The only thing a person will be able to read is when the woman is angry. Her green eyes go a deep murky green, almost bordering on black.

Patricia's skin is fair, with a slight brown coloring.

An ever so slight limp is the only evidence to the fact that Patricia has a prosthetic from below her knee to her toes on her left leg.

General Overview:

While in no way is Patricia an imposing figure, when she enters a room she demands attention. Her body language and the way
she presents herself radiates an air of confidence. Upon initial contact, the reaction people will have to her that she is cut-throat and takes no crap. Even though this is very true, Patricia has an understanding that people can be out of her control.
When on duty she demands that attention is paid to their job and personal issues are left to off duty. If she feels that people are crossing the line, she will draw the line herself.

Once people get to know Patricia, they will see beyond the initial impression, they will realise that the woman is very fair and approachable and a humour actually lies under the surface.

Off duty, Patricia is very aware that she still needs to present an image as both a lieutenant commander and counsellor to others. She will mingle but normally stays away from relationships on the perception that intimate relations with someone on her crew is crossing a line when her duty is to be there for all in times of need.

Patricia has always had very few relationships in her life by choice and circumstance rather than any other reason. Deep space missions and finding herself and ACC and CC soon after meant that there was never really a proper opportunity to develop anything more with a person to whom she didn’t either serve with or over. Career, psychiatry and medicine has always been her focus.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

+Determination. Patricia strives to achieve what it is that she puts her mind to. She aims to be her best, do her best and give the task at hand her all in order to make it work.

+Kean Mind. Once Patricia takes an interest in something, she delves in much deeper. There’s no better challenge in life that gains new insight and knowledge.

+/- Hard Worker. Patricia isn’t afraid to put in the hours and days of work required for her position. It may mean an ultimate sacrifice of her personal life but to Patricia the ultimate goal is more important.

-Pushes herself too hard. Patricia is a glutton for punishment as her father used to say. Her determination can lead her to a point at which she needs to give in but refuses to do so. It’s what lead her to ignoring the early signs of her heart defect but yet she still refuses to learn. It can also at times threaten that the woman will burn out.

Personal History:

Born in 2393 to Conor and Sinead Montgomery, Patricia was born into a family where their roots and their core were focused on Starfleet. Her father was the Chief Surgeon of the USS Olympia and her mother was yeoman to the ship’s Captain, Captain Seamus Carroll. As a result, Patricia was raised amongst the stars.

As an only child, Patricia was doted on by her parents and for all intensive purposes spoiled rotten. Sinead was 35 when she finally had Patricia, understanding that this was her only chance in life at having a child.

From an early age, Patricia remembers running through ship’s corridors playing chase with the other children. Sitting in sickbay, watching as her father tended to his patients. Due to the nature of the ship, being a medical ship, Patricia also saw her fair share of natural disasters and death. She saw societies ravished by plagues and famine, planets destroyed by natural disasters as their cores ripped themselves apart from the inside out. She saw people become refugees and have nothing left but the bare clothes on their bodies.

It was instilled in Patricia that she wanted to help in any way that she could...whether that was psychological or physical, all that mattered was that she would be able to make a difference.

At the age of 9, Patricia found the foundations of her world rocked with the arrival of a brother. Sinead nearly died in childbirth; now at the age of 44 the pregnancy was high risk from the get go and the pregnancy was continued against the recommendations of her Doctors. Sinead and Conor had never thought that they would have another child and both agreed this is that they wanted.

Declan was born into the world at 7 months of gestation and had problems from the get go. His lungs were underdeveloped due to the prematurity. His heart was also very weak. Patricia’s brother spent the first month of his life in the ship’s NICU fighting for his life with his parents by his side as they waited for him to become strong enough for a heart transplant.

While both parents took it in turns to stay with Patricia, Sinead was still very weak from the trauma of the birth. The young girl wasn’t used to not having her parent’s undivided attention and as a result started to act out against the people around her.

Over the years, on several occasions Patricia found herself reprimanded for being in places she shouldn’t have been and for hitting other children just because they were in her way. No matter what her parents tried to do, there seemed to have been no curtailing their daughter’s behaviour.

The change in Patricia’s life finally came at the age of 15, when Declan was just 4 years of age. Their parent’s were on duty with just their nanny, Fidelma, for supervision. Patricia was in her room, grounded after she tried to break into the shuttlebay to steal a runabout with one of her fellow classmates who enjoyed egging on Patricia’s bad behaviour.

Patricia was alerted to something wrong when she heard a scream from Fidelma. Her first reaction was to ignore it because she was mad at everybody but something inside told her not to...that something was very wrong.

Patricia exited her room to a scene that would never leave her memory. Fidelma was screaming and crying while holding Declan’s prone body; his chest not moving and his face void of all colour.

Acting on instinct, Patricia hit the emergency call button in their quarters before rushing to Fidelma’s side and trying to evaluate the situation. She couldn’t understand what was wrong; only that he wasn’t breathing. Using what her father had taught her years before, the young girl could find no pulse and thus started CPR. All of this took mere seconds...what felt like a lifetime to those in the room.

Seconds more the room flooded with people, yellow and teal shirts running around trying to grab Declan from Patricia but she refused until she knew that her father was there. Through it all, Patricia continued with her CPR, only allowing people close enough to perform their scans; to gather the information their father would need.

Seconds more, Conor materialised at their sides bending down as the people around him talked and tried to feed him information. Conor’s focus was on just two people...his daughter and his son.

Taking command of the situation, Conor used the necessary medical equipment to jump Daniel’s heart back into a beat; only once asking Patricia to stop when he needed her to step back. The whole situation played out in mere minutes but the medical report makes mention that the only reason Daniel was able to be revived was because of the CPR carried out by Patricia.

After that day, Patricia almost became a guardian to Daniel. They became almost inseparable as brother and sister as Patricia wouldn’t allow him far from her sight.

At the age of 18, in 2411, Patricia found herself reluctantly dispatched to Starfleet Academy. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be was more the fear of being away from her family. The previous three years had been spent repairing so many holes in her relationship with her parents and brother that, now the time had come to leave and forge her own future she was so uncertain.

There were only two certainties that Patricia had in her life, 1) whatever else she studied she wanted to be in the medical profession, 2) she wouldn’t be alone as dispatched alongside her was an old childhood friend, Katherine. Haven grew up together, as youngsters they had been inseparable onboard the ship. It was about the time that Declan had been born that their friendship began to drift away. With the reputation Patricia gained as a troublemaker, Katherine's parents discouraged the friendship.

It was only upon Katherine and Patricia learning the news together that they had both secured positions in the Academy that the friendship became was as if the years in between hadn’t existed.

During their freshman year, both friends shared mutual courses in Ethics and Starfleet history although both were pursuing separate careers within Starfleet, Katherine in Engineering and Patricia in Medical.

Once the end of fourth year came about, the friends found it difficult to stay in touch. Patricia found herself strewn to the other side of the universe as she began to undertake her two year residency programme in order to fully qualify as an M.D.