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Sun Jan 26th, 2025 @ 4:28am
Commodore Wilkan Targaryen
Name Wilkan Emot Targaryen
Position U.S.S. Enterprise Commanding Officer
Rank Commodore
Character Information
Age | 154 | |
Gender | Male | |
Species | El-Aurian/Human |
Father | Dazad Targaryen | |
Mother | Kiala Targaryen | |
Sibling(s) | Geimed Targaryen (Sister); Dovrun Targaryen (Brother) | |
Spouse | Loatha Targaryen | |
Child(ren) | Vezkun Targaryen (Son); Zaklim Targaryen (Son) | |
Other |
Height | 6'2" | |
Weight | 200 | |
Physical Description | Tall with an athletic build, Captain Willian Targaryen has taken care of himself over the years. |
Personality Overview | Wilkan Targaryen is somewhat of an enigma for many personality wise. Normally he is outgoing and seems to gain energy by spending time around others; however, he is also comfortable with limiting his social interactions. He can thrive in social situations and naturally tends to take charge when decisions need to be made, but the personal feelings and the emotions of others don't often factor into his choices. He is very confident and self-assured, but struggles with being impatient and can be stubborn. Wilkan is future focused and is a strong communicator, but hides his own emotions and sentimentality from others as he views it as a weakness. |
Personal History | ||
Service Record | Starfleet Academy - Student Accepted into the Starfleet Academy Class of 2309, Cadet Willian Targaryen initially enrolled as a Pre-Medical Student with the intention of becoming a Doctor like his mother. This went against the desires of Cadet Targaryen's father, who had wanted him to pursue a career path that would lead to starship command. Undeterred, Cadet Targaryen would be informed at the end of his first semester by his Academic Advisor, Lieutenant Commander Mylon Bray, that the Dean of Students believed Cadet Targaryen was not meeting his potential as a Medical Student and required his transfer to another field of study, such as Flight Control or Navigation, to remain at the Academy. After agreement, Cadet Targaryen declared a dual-major in Navigation and Starfleet Operations in order to appease his father. Bitter over being forced to change majors, Cadet Targaryen did not live up to his full potential and was placed on academic probation during his Sophomore year. His personal life also struggled, having few friends due to his negative and acerbic demeanor. After discussion with his mother he was able to turn things around, but his grades had suffered. USS Enterprise-B - Cadet Cruise/Night Watch Navigator/Assistant Chief Navigator Accepted for a midshipman cruise aboard the USS Enterprise-B, Cadet Targaryen was assigned to studies under Lieutenant Commander Marruu. Cadet Targaryen came to the attention of Captain John Harriman due to their similar backstories as Captain Harriman had also been pushed by his father. Upon completion of his midshipman cruise, Captain Harriman arranged for Cadet Targaryen's transfer to the Enterprise. Assigned as the Night Watch Navigator, Ensign Targaryen quickly found his niche aboard the Enterprise. Quickly rising through the ranks, Ensign Targaryen became Assistant Chief Navigator in 2311 shortly before the Tomed Incident, a conflict between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire, and was aboard the Enterprise as it hosted negotiations for the Treaty of Algeron. Shortly afterward he was promoted to Lieutenant J.G. USS Excelsior - Chief Navigator At the recommendation of Captain Demora Sulu, who had followed Captain Harriman as Captain of the Enterprise, Lieutenant Targaryen became Chief Navigator aboard the USS Excelsior under Captain Hikaru Sulu in 2316. Lieutenant Targaryen was heavily involved in the charting missions of the Beta Quadrant while aboard Excelsior for her five-year mission. Promoted to Lieutenant Commander in 2320, the Excelsior herself would be decommissioned soon afterward. Starfleet Command School - Command Candidate Under the recommendation and guidance of Captain Hikaru Sulu, Lieutenant Commander Targaryen was accepted into Starfleet Command School as part of the Class of 2322. One of the oldest students in his class, Lieutenant Commander Targaryen had difficulty relating to the younger students due to his age and the changing nature of Starfleet service. Struggling socially, Lieutenant Commander Targaryen focused on his studies and thrived academically, despite his colorful educational past. USS Gettysburg - Cadet Cruise Command Candidate Targaryen was excited to be assigned to the USS Gettysburg for his Cadet Cruise as the vessel was well known for his exploratory missions in the Beta Quadrant. Despite this excitement, Captain Mark Jameson and Lieutenant Commander Targaryen did not get along well. This was further compounded when Lieutenant Command Targaryen logged a serious error made by the Gettysburg's Security Chief. Instructors and classmates alike snubbed Candidate Targaryen after the incident, even though his actions had been a correct application of duty regulations, and he was not invited to continue on aboard the Gettysburg at the completion of the Cadet Cruise despite graduating with near perfect marks. USS Republic - Academic Advisor Following graduation, Lieutenant Commander Targaryen was assigned to the USS Republic as an Academic Advisor. The Republic, a Constitution Class starship, was the primary training ship for Starfleet Academy cadets and was on permanent assignment to the Sol System. While Lieutenant Commander Targaryen had been excited to graduate from the Command Academy, the assignment to the Republic was a blow to his career development and the Gettysburg Incident continued to haunt him. When he was ignored for promotion in 2325, Lieutenant Commander Targaryen chose to temporarily leave Starfleet service and enter civilian employment. Copernicus Ship Yards - Construction Specialist Joining the Copernicus Ship Yards in 2326, Willian Targaryen was hired to serve as a Construction Specialist due to his experiences within Starfleet. Mr. Targaryen participated in several construction projects while at the Copernicus Ship Yards, but would later transfer to the San Francisco Fleet Yards. San Francisco Fleet Yards - Yard Supervisor Accepting a Yard Supervisor position at the San Francisco Fleet Yards in 2330, Wilkan Targaryen was assigned to oversee several construction projects on behalf of Starfleet due to his experiences within Starfleet. the Copernicus Ship Yards in 2326, Willian Targaryen was hired to serve as a Construction Specialist due to his experiences within Starfleet. Mr. Targaryen would remain at the San Francisco Fleet Yards for several years before being contacted by his former Commanding Officer, Captain Demora Sulu. Captain Sulu was working on a specialized project and wanted Mr. Targaryen to join her team, with the rank of Commander. Mr. Targaryen accepted her offer. Starfleet Intelligence - Mission Advisor Assigned to Starfleet Intelligence under the command of Captain Demora Sulu in 2336, Commander Targaryen was posted as a mission advisor. Details of his assignment are classified by Starfleet Intelligence. USS Proteus - Chief Navigator/Executive Officer/Commanding Officer Having missed space service, Commander Targaryen applied for and was accepted to serve as Chief Navigator aboard the USS Proteus in 2339. A Centaur Class starship, the Proteus was assigned to the Federation Diplomatic Corps and worked closely with Ambassador Curzon Dax. In its first mission, the Proteus helped to mediate the Klaestron Civil War and would later help to resolve the Great Soolian Algae Crisis. For his service, Commander Targaryen was assigned as the Executive Officer of the Proteus in 2342. Eager to fulfill his new assignments and support Captain Shen glov Dvovef. In 2344 the Proteus made contact with the highly xenophobic, insectoid Jarada. During a diplomatic assignment, Captain Dvovef had a slip in the pronunciation of the greeting and the Jarada were deeply offended, killing Captain Dvovef in retaliation. Commander Targaryen was offered command of the Proteus, which he accepted. While he had previously been well liked by the crew of the Proteus, Captain Targaryen found himself struggling to engage with the crew following his promotion to Captain. This, coupled with his own guilt for being unable to save Captain Dvovef, led Captain Targaryen to accept transfer to the Federation Diplomatic Corps in 2346. Federation Diplomatic Corps - Envoy Joining the Federation Diplomatic Corps in 2346, Wilkan Targaryen was assigned to the rank of Envoy and attached to the Second Contact Initiative with Starfleet. Initially attached to the Miranda Class USS Lantree, Mr. Targaryen was unprepared for the long-term nature of the Second Contact Initiative after having served on front-line exploratory craft for most of his Starfleet career. Envoy Targaryen resolved himself to remain with the Second Contact Initiative and would later be assigned to the USS Saratoga, where he was involved in several diplomatic initiatives to new worlds encountered by the Federation. During one such assignment on the Saratoga, Envoy Targaryen was injured during a visit to Ligon II. During a diplomatic conference, Lutan - ruler of Ligon II - took offense to Envoy Targaryen and challenged him to ritual combat. Mr. Targaryen allowed Lutan to win the fight, damaging the Federation's standing with the Ligonians, and required Mr. Targaryen to be transported to Starbase for treatment. A special investigative hearing determined that Mr. Targaryen, while attempting to secure a stronger relationship between the Federaton and the Ligonians, had considerably damaged Federation efforts at securing Ligonian membership. The tribunal determined that Envoy Targaryen would be dismissed from the diplomatic service in a 3-2 vote with the tiebreaking vote having been given by Ambassador Curzon Dax. Starfleet Intelligence - Mission Advisor Having left the Diplomatic Corps, Commander Targaryen returned to Starfleet Intelligence in 2350, Commander Targaryen resumed responsibilities as a mission advisor. Details of his assignment are classified by Starfleet Intelligence. During his assignment, Commander Targaryen was promoted to Captain. USS Tian An Men - Commanding Officer In 2352, Captain Targaryen was selected to serve as the Commanding Officer of the Miranda Class USS Tian An Men. Assigned to a deep space exploratory mission, the Tian An Men had several encounters with Cardassian and Talarian vessels in neutral territory. During its assignments the Tian An Men was involved in the Galen Border Conflict and would later become embroiled in the Federation/Cardassian War. At the conclusion of its five year mission, Captain Targaryen was reassigned. USS Ulysses - Commanding Officer Assigned as the Commanding Officer of the USS Ulysses in 2357, Captain Targaryen and the Ulysses were assigned to patrol the Federation/Cardassian Border during the Federation/Cardassian War. The Ulysses found itself frequently involved in conflict with the Cardassians during the war and was nearly destroyed in several engagements yet survived. In 2361 Captain Targaryen was tapped for promotion to serve as the Minos Korva Sector Commander with the rank of Commodore. Prior to this new assignment, Captain Targaryen and the Ulysses was given a final assignment to investigate planet SR-III on behalf of Starfleet Intelligence. The Ulysses discovered an object which was later determined to be one of the three Bajoran Orbs of the Pah-wraiths. Shortly afterward the Ulysses was attacked by the Cardassians and crashed on the surface of DR-III. The surviving crew, including Captain Targaryen and Executive Officer William Ross, were captured by the Cardassians and held prisoner for eight months. Upon his recovery, Captain Targaryen and his crew were placed into observation due to Obsidian Order strategy of programming former prisoners to serve as sleeper agents. Cleared by Starfleet Intelligence, Captain Targaryen was subsequently tried for the destruction of the Ulysses and found guilty for the loss of the vessel. He was reduced in rank to Commander. USS Kumari - Executive Officer In 2362, Commander Targaryen was assigned to the USS Kumari under Captain Ashra sh'Ovaza, whom served as his Second Officer on the USS Tian An Men. Working well with Captain sh'Ovaza, Commander Targaryen would oversee several high profile away missions and assisted with strategy during several conflicts with both the Cardassians and the Tzenkethi. Returning to Tranquility Base for resupply in 2367, the Kumari was diverted under the orders of Admiral J.P. Hanson to participate in the blockade of the Borg at Wolf 359. During the conflict, the Kumari was part of the second wave of ships to engage the Borg Cube, which allowed the crew to observe and better understand the enemy they were about to face. Ordered into battle alongside the Columbia, the Kumari was quickly overwhelmed and faced a warp core breach. Captain sh'Ovaza chose to separate the saucer in an effort to save as many crew as possible and piloted the stardrive into the Borg vessel, leaving the partially assimilated saucer module under the command of Commander Targaryen. Unable to recover the saucer, Commander Targaryen ordered the evacuation of the Kumari and was one of the few crew able to successfully evacuate and survive the Battle of Wolf 359. USS Gorkon - Executive Officer/Commanding Officer After a brief hospitalization following the Battle of Wolf 359, Commander Targaryen was assigned to First Officer of the Gorkon. A short time afterward, Gorkon's Captain, Hriia, announced her retirement from Starfleet service. In light of his experiences, Admiral Alynna Nechayev authorized Commander Targaryen to serve as Captain of the Gorkon and authorized his reinstatement as Captain. During this assignment, Captain Targaryen worked closely with Admiral Nechayev as Gorkon served as the flagship of the 16th Fleet. Gorkon had frequent interactions with the Cardassian Union through Nechayev's responsibilities and was commonly used to transport the Admiral to high profile assignments. USS Armstrong - Commanding Officer Captain Targaryen would transfer to serve as the Captain of the new Intrepid Class USS Armstrong in 2371 and oversaw the vessel's mission of exploration of the Gamma Quadrant. Nonetheless, the Armstrong's mission would be short lived with the rising tensions between the Federation and the Dominion. Not long afterward Armstrong was recalled and assigned to an exploratory assignment between Cardassian and Ferengi territory. With the outbreak of the Dominion War in 2373, the Armstrong was recalled from its assignment and assigned to the Federation's Seventh Fleet. Under Targaryen's leadership, Armstrong would be involved in several high profile missions and was one of only 14 ships to survive the Battle of Tyra. The effects of the war took their toll on the crew of the Armstrong and Captain Targaryen was not immune from them. The Armstrong was heavily damaged during the Battle of Goralis and towed back to Deep Space Nine for repairs and Captain Targaryen was wounded. The Armstrong would return to service under the command of its Executive Officer, but Captain Targaryen was placed on the injured reserve list. USS Pequod - Commanding Officer Fully healed, Captain Targaryen was assigned by Starfleet to command the newly completed Galaxy Class USS Pequod and dispatched to the Bajoran Sector following the devastating Second Battle of Chin'toka. Refitted to withstand the Breen Energy Dampeners, the Pequod performed border patrol duties before being assigned to participate in the Battle of Cardassia itself. Captain Targaryen led the Pequod in combat, decisively guiding the vessel and assisting in the destruction of 8 separate Dominion vessels in the conflict. Following the Dominion War, the Pequod was assigned to serve as a patrol vessel along the Demilitarized Zone. Due to Captain Targaryen's experience with the Cardassians, Starfleet Command considered promoting him to Commodore; however, he refused the promotion to remain aboard the Pequod. In 2381, with the discovery of the Romulan Supernova Crisis, Captain Targaryen met with Admiral Jean-Luc Picard to personally protest the decision to reduce resources along the Cardassian Border to focus on the Romulan Relocation Effort. Citing prior incidents involving the Cardassians, Captain Targaryen was rebuked by Starfleet Command and informed notified that his command of the Pequod was in jeopardy. Unwilling to rescind his protests, Captain Targaryen's command was suspended and Starfleet Command reassigned him to the Romulan Relocation Effort. Romulan Relocation Effort - Command Attache Due to the suspension of his command, Captain Targaryen was reassigned to serve as the Command Attache in support of the Romulan Relocation Effort against his direct protest. Given the option to resign his commission, Captain Targaryen chose to remain with the Relocation Effort and assisted with resource coordination to support the project. Following the Attack on Mars in 2385, the Romulan Relocation Effort was suspended by order of the Federation Council. Captain Targaryen was assigned to the USS Pennsylvania as Captain shortly afterward. USS Pennsylvania - Commanding Officer Reassigned to the USS Pennsylvania, Captain Targaryen and his ship were assigned to the Cardassian Union to assist with updating navigation routes through the Badlands. During one such survey mission, the Pennsylvania triggered a previously unknown trap left by the Ocampa Caretaker that transported the Pennsylvania to the Delta Quadrant in 2371. After almost seven months trapped in the past, Captain Targaryen was able to negotiate with the Caretaker for the safe return of his vessel to the Alpha Quadrant. Shortly before their transit the Pennsylvania observed the USS Voyager being transported into the region by the Caretaker. Returned to 2386, the Pennsylvania resumed their investigation of the Badlands. With the collapse of the Romulan Star Empire in 2387, the Pennsylvania was transferred to the former Romulan Neutral Zone to begin survey missions of former Romulan territories. During this assignment the Pennsylvania came under frequent attack from warlords and others attempting to profit off of the destruction. Pennsylvania was severely damaged, almost destroyed, in an engagement with a Bird of Prey commanded by Kar Kantar. Rescued by the USS ibn Magid, Captain Targaryen chose to leave Starfleet in 2388. Petitioning the Diplomatic Corps to reinstate his credentials, Wilkan returned to the diplomatic service later that year. Federation Diplomatic Corps - Envoy/Ambassador Wilkan Targaryen was assigned to the Federation Diplomatic Corps Beta Quadrant Operations Center in 2388 during what was, perhaps, one of the most tumultuous times since the 23rd Century due to the Romulan Supernova. During his time working with the Diplomatic Corps, Wilkan was promoted from Envoy to Federation Ambassador to the Romulan Free State in 2396. Despite this, seeing the damage that had been done to the former worlds of the Romulan Empire by the Federation withdrawal from the region, Wilkan chose to resign from service in 2398. San Francisco Fleet Yards - Yard Supervisor Returning to the San Francisco Fleet Yards in 2398, Mr. Targaryen returned to the Yard Supervisor position he had vacated decades prior. Assigned to oversee the construction of the Constitution III Class, Wilkan would oversee the beginning of construction of several vessels including the Intrepid, Sulaco (which he later commanded), and the Yorktown before leaving San Francisco Fleet Yard a year later. New Holland Fleet Yard - Director of Operations In 2399, at the request of Commodore Dazad Targaryen, Mr. Targaryen was given the position of Director of Operations for the New Holland Fleet Yards in the Maelstrom Sector. During his assignment, Mr. Targaryen was responsible for all ship construction and development projects at the Fleet Yard. In 2400, Captain Viara Nixo and Commander Ro Laren of Starfleet Intelligence visited Captain Targaryen and offered the opportunity to return to Starfleet Intelligence. Starfleet Intelligence - Internal Affairs Analyst Returning to Starfleet in 2400, Mr. Targaryen had his rank reinstated and was assigned to Starfleet Intelligence's Internal Affairs Division, Captain Targaryen would serve as an investigative analyst to investigate incidents and possible suspicions of criminal and professional misconduct attributed to members of Starfleet. During one assignment as an Analyst, Captain Targaryne worked closely with Commander Ro to investigate a potential Changeling threat with the belief that Starfleet had been compromised at the highest levels. While investigating a lead involving Daystrom Station, Captain Targaryen was captured and replaced by a rogue Changeling. Imprisoned by the Changelings, Captain Targaryen was subjected to brutal interrogation, but not killed. He was later rescued and returned to his role as an analyst. USS Sulaco - Commanding Officer Transferred to the Constitution III Class USS Sulaco as Commanding Officer in 2404 following service to Starfleet Intelligence. Immediately following the Sulaco was assigned to serve as a patrol vessel near Klingon Territory. When the Klingon Empire declared war on the Federation, the Sulaco led Starfleet forces against the Gorn at Sherman's Planet. The Sulaco later is assigned to lead Starfleet forces in the Archanis Sector against the Klingon invasion. At the conclusion of the Klingon Conflict, the Sulaco was transferred to participate in a deep space exploratory mission beyond former Romulan territory. The Sulaco would be involved in first contact missions with 18 new species and surveyed nearly 200 separate star systems before returning to Federation territory in 2415. Deep Space 12/USS Khitomer - Commanding Officer At the request of his father, Captain Targaryen succeeded his father as commander of Deep Space 12 and the USS Khitomer in 2415. Located near Cardassian territory, assignment to DS12 was problematic for Captain Targaryen due to his personal history with the Cardassians and the impact of both the Cardassian and later Dominion Wars upon him. Serving at DS12 for five years, Captain Targaryen was promoted to Commodore during his assignment and named Sector Commander of the Maelstrom Sector. Despite this, Commodore Targaryen accepted transfer to Starbase 75 in 2420. Starbase 75/USS Nostromo - Commanding Officer Transferred to Starbase 75, Commodore Targaryen served as Sector Commander for the Azure Sector between the territories of the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans due to his previous experiences in the area. An active assignment, Commodore Targaryen accepted promotion to Rear Admiral during his assignment to Starbase 75 and was closely involved in diplomatic missions within the formerly war torn region. During this assignment, Admiral Targaryen's relationship with the Klingon Empire strengthened, working closely with their military forces on patrol over the region despite his previous experiences with the Empire. This assignment, temporarily, led to Admiral Targaryen being considered for the reactivation of his diplomatic credentials and assignment to Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire; however, Admiral Targaryen refused the assignment outright in favor of returning to exploratory assignment. USS Enterprise-G - Commanding Officer In 2431 Captain Seven of Nine informed Starfleet Command of her intention to retire from command of the Starship Enterprise. A highly desired post due to the Enterprise having the most successful record of five year missions, Rear Admiral Targaryen chose to accept a grade reduction to Captain to transfer to command of the Enterprise in 2431. Due to his history, Starfleet Command initially rejected his application; however, Fleet Admiral Dazad Targaryen overrode and approved the appointment. Due to his experiences, the Enterprise was assigned to the Beta Quadrant to begin long-term deep space exploratory assignments of the region. During the assignment, Enterprise surveyed 125 star systems and made first contact with 31 different species under Captain Targaryen's tenure. Enterprise, as well as all other Starfleet vessels, were recalled to Federation territory in 2435 following an attack by the Vaadwaur Supremacy upon the United Federation of Planets and its allies. Captain Targaryen was assigned to oversee Starfleet's investigation into the destruction and to locate the Vaadwaur. Taking almost a full year to accomplish, the Enterprise and a combined Task Force were able to locate the Vaadwaur at the mythical Foundry. Captain Targaryen commanded the fleet during the Battle of the Foundry, with the Enterprise being lost and Captain Targaryen being severely injured but recovered. A formal inquiry was launched after Captain Targaryen recovered, determining that the loss of the Enterprise saved the Federation from destruction at the hands of the Vaadwaur. It was agreed that Captain Targaryen would be given command of the next Starship Enterprise in honor of the sacrifices of both he and his crew; however, construction of the vessel would take no less than four years. Wilkan considered overseeing the construction personally, but chose to accept command of an exploratory vessel. USS Pequod - Commanding Officer Following the destruction of the Enterprise, Captain Targaryen was assigned to command of the new Galaxy III Class starship USS Pequod. Sharing the name of the vessel Captain Targaryen commanded during the Dominion War, the Pequod was tasked with exploration of the Alpha Quadrant beyond the Maelstrom Sector. During its assignments, the Pequod would find itself frequently challenged by renegade forces within the Cardassian True Way movement. Captain Targaryen resolved to help locate the command center for the True Way and led a combined Federation and Cardassian Task Group to infiltrate and eliminate the terrorist leadership. For his efforts, Captain Targaryen was awarded by not only the Federation, but the Cardassians as well. USS Enterprise-H - Commanding Officer In 2439 construction of the new, Constitution IV Class USS Enterprise NX-1701-H completed at San Francisco Fleet Yards. Captain Willian Targaryen was selected to command the vessel and assigned soon after. |