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Galactic Red Alert

Posted on Sun Sep 26th, 2021 @ 3:26am by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Commander Galatea & President Gruzy of New Xindus & Captain Ryan Walsh & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Commander Ash Randall & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake & Zoey Parker & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes

1,915 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: 749148
Location: Starfleet One
Timeline: 2430-09-08, 23:00

OOC: All Senior Staff and Player Characters have been called to the Bridge. It has been a long day for the crew and the majority are exhausted after a day working on the planet, but have been called back to their stations because of the galactic emergency. Everyone in the galaxy heard the cries of help from the Keeper and this is the fallout.


Admiral Willian Targaryen walked onto the Bridge of Starfleet One flanked closely by his wife and President Gruxy himself. It had been only a few short hours since the Keeper - a powerful alien of the Talosian race - had telepathically reached out to the galaxy with a deadly call for help. It had rocked through the galaxy, ripping at it with an unrivaled fierceness that no one was immune from hearing. His message had been but a single word that had a million connotations: help.

"Admiral on the Bridge," Galatea announced amidst the night watch lighting that bathed the bridge of the Federation Starship. The holographic woman stood at her console to the right of his, her replicated fingers gently probing the panel as the crew made preparations.

"As you were," Luzol dismissed as she looked around the Bridge. "Mister President, if you would like to take a seat."

The Xindi Reptilian nodded graciously as he approached the center stations where seating existed for the Captain, First Officer, and two guests. The alien President sat in the guest chair as Admirals Targaryen and Luzol remain nearby. The Fleet Admiral glanced at her husband before addressing Galatea.

"Put restricted file on viewer please."

The holographic screen at the front of the Bridge changed in a wink of an eye. The ancient holorecording displayed on the screen showing a Federation landing party in 23rd century styling walking around the suface of a dead world. The sky had an ominous green/grey hue that was chilling, almost as much as the winds that whipped against the crew's jackets. Rocks and other broken artifacts lay across the arid surface. A group was nearby, one exclaiming, "They're men!"

As the video continued playing, "This video was taken by the first Starship Enterprise - under Christopher Pike - during a visit to the alien world Talos IV. They were led to believe they were rescuing the crew of the Federation vessel Columbia, when in reality they were being duped by a powerfully telepathic species known as the Talosians." The image changed immediately to the Keeper and cohorts as they interrogated Captain Pike - intent on using him to breed the next generation of Talosians. After aggressive negotiations Pike and his crew were able to leave the planet; however, the only survivor of the Columbia - a woman named Vina - chose to remain with the Talosians under the belief that Pike would remain with her," the video showed Vina and then a mirage of her and Pike descending into the depths of the world.

"Due to the influence and abilities of the Talosians - who are the greatest telepaths that the Federation has ever encountered - their world has been quarantined and access restricted, once, by penalty of death. As you are all familiar, earlier today the Talosian Keeper was heard throughout the galaxy with a single message for all: Help." Luzol studied the Bridge, "Mister President if you would?"

The President of the Federation stood and looked amongst the officers himself. He glanced a moment at Counselor Montgomery at the Environmental Station before moving on to the rest, "On my personal authority as President of the United Federation of Planets I am hereby ordering Starfleet One to investigate what we can perceive is a distress call from the Talosian Keeper. You are to make top speed to Talos IV where you will visit the surface and communicate with the Keeper to offer whatever assistance would be needed."

"Starfleet One is our closest capital vessel," Luzol interrupted, "As such it is imperative that you get underway immediately. This mission supersedes all others. Now, are there any questions?"

Jasmine had wondered, when this tidbit of information was going to be released. She thought the Admiral handled it nicely. She stood by the side of the president, and waited to see how the crew of Starfleet One handled the news.

Patton raised an eyebrow and kept silent for a moment and spoke. "Do we have anything to give us the feeling they are really needing our help this time?" He paused then continued. "If not, I would recommend we go there with caution." It was more than likely going to be that way but as security chief he needed to hand out concerns.

"Do we have any other intel?" Ryan spoke up. "Even some small indication of what is going on there?" He held some of the same concerns O'Sullivan did.

Zoey thought Patton brought up a good point, but she agreed with Ryan. Did they have any intelligence. She did wonder though, being on the president's staff, why was he not informed prior to now. How far was this data classified she wondered.

Ash had watched, and listened, quietly while the recordings played, politicians spoke, and declarations were made and wondered, for a few seconds if she was the only one who thought this call of 'Help' was a test. The Talosian Keeper could, very well, have made a plea directly to any being, or group of beings, in the Galaxy without difficulty. With a mental shrug, the Tuansee Engineer decided to voice what she was wondering.

"This feels like a test." Ash said, and not in her, customary, quiet tone but loudly, like she was trying to talk over other voices who were also speaking. "Why scream to the entire galaxy when you have the ability to contact any being, or group of beings, you so desire?" She asked, a note of frustration in her voice. "We'll be going to a place we will not be able to trust our own perceptions and, literally, be at the mercy of the one who called." She added, stating the obvious, just in case it wasn't blaring in the face of everyone present.

"Those are good points." Patton spoke up, giving her a nod as he turned back to command. "It wouldn't be smart of us to go in there with our entire crew at their mercy."

"Though I agree with Commander Randall." Ryan said quietly. "No species is infallible. Perhaps someone found a way to beat them at their own game. In an act of desperation, the Federation has sent out distress signals to anyone who can pick them up." His reply would probably not be popular but he felt the need to see both possibilities.

"It takes a fairly powerful telepath to communicate, mind to mind, with a non-telepath when they are both in the same room." Ash commented, not quite as loudly as before, but still loud for her while she rubbed her temples. "My head hurts from it and the noise is back." She added, in her more, normal, quiet volume.

Staying silent as the senior staff discussed the turn of events Blake couldn't help but agree with Ash about still feeling the effects of the message his head pounded too and he wished dearly he could sleep it off.

Jasmine nodded her head in agreement. There was something not right about this whole thing. She knew she needed to speak up, she was just debating how to say it. "We need to proceed with Caution, Commander Randall could be onto something. This could be a test."

Cyrus's southern drawl could be heard, "Test or no test, when a plea for help is made I feel a strong pull to go assist them. Its in my nature and it is in my profession. I would urge caution yes but whether it is a test or not. How can we not answer the call for help."

The President was the one who answered them from his seat at the left of the Captain's Chair, "The concerns that you have all levied are valid ones. The Talosians are an incredibly powerful race and there is potential that this is a test, there is no doubting that, but one thing is every more certain for all of us: if this is a legitimate call for help what could have happened that they need our assistance?"

Gruzy rose from his seat, "My Chief of Staff is traveling with Admiral Luzol aboard the Vol'Rala. Once they arrive the Vol'Rala will relieve you at New Vulcan, Jasmine will join you aboard ship, and you will travel to Talos at that time. Admiral."

Luzol knew that this was her part, "As this was a distress call that went to the entire galaxy we have already detected evidence that additional forces are potentially underway to Talos as well. Galatea, next display file." The screen changed over to a tactical display of the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan Border. On the image four lines appeared from inside the other territories headed directly toward Talos. "This is your competition. We are confident that Enterprise can overtake these other vessels, but you will have only a short period once Vol'Rala rendezvous with you to get underway."

"In order to further protect this ship and her crew all nonessential personnel will be relocated to New Vulcan prior to our departure," Willian directed.

The Commander of Starfleet glanced his way, clearly not aware that he had made that decision beforehand. She nodded and then resumed, "Agreed. The safety of this crew is important to us, but we must discover just what happened to the Talosians. That is paramount."

"Are there any other thoughts or comments?" This was the President who asked.

Patton sat back, having said his piece already. He was pleased with the decision to leave part of the crew behind. He was all aboard with helping those in distress.

Ryan agreed with using caution. He just wasn’t sure that would help of this was a trick. He looked around and waited for others to speak.

"Yes." Ash said, though it came out almost as a growl and the Tuansee paused for a few seconds before continuing. "We unbox the AVATAR for Galatea so she can accompany any away team to the planet and utilize the A500's on ship as a fail safe in case the crew is, unduly, influenced. Assuming, of course, their positronic brains will be immune to any manipulation by the Talosian Keeper." Ash suggested, not liking the idea of what she just suggested, one bit.

"That would be a wise precaution," Hawkins added. "From both the Talosian and the secondary forces, hostile actions could ensue or could be manipulated into being."

Willian nodded in agreement, "A wise precaution." He looked among his crew, "We only have a short while before our mission begins. Let's get some rest, my friends, this mission is about to begin."

As the holograms of the President, Admiral Luzol, Jasmine, and Walsh faded away the Admiral relinquished the Bridge to the nightwatch, planning to get a moment or two of rest before their mission began.

Cyrus didn't have any other comments, just felt a slight weight in his stomach as to what they were going to face. Well come what may, they will face it head on. He left as well, feeling the need to get a nap, for who knows what they will be facing next.


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