

Posted on Sun Jan 26th, 2025 @ 4:28am by Lieutenant 0110 & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Commander Galatea & Lieutenant Commander Ash Randall & Lieutenant Chase Moore & Lieutenant Stacey Moore & Commander Zhora zh'Roothi

3,039 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Tosk
Location: U.S.S. Enterprise
Timeline: 2439-03-10, 12:00

Akaathaan Saarnosh stood at the Transporter Operator's Station in the Security Complex's Transporter Room closely monitoring the transporter sequence. When she'd been assigned to the Security Complex by the Operations Manager she wasn't exactly thrilled. Located on Deck 4, the Security Transporter Room was among the smallest Transporter Rooms aboard the ship. Designed to be used in secondary operations, the Security Transporter Room was also one of many aboard the ship that required two operators. It wasn't because the Transporter process was any more complicated, in fact it was somewhat easier with a secondary Transporter, rather the Secondary Transporters were located in secured areas that required closer monitoring.

Located on the left side of the terminal, the primary controls for the Transporter gave the Technician assigned there control over the entire sequence. Where she was standing, on the right, was the secondary function and monitored the medical and security functions so that they could screen visitors for health issues or security threats to the ship. It was nearly always a boring assignment except, today, she was stuck with Crewman Larshu.

Akaathaan was a Selay, a reptilian species from the planet Selay. Her people had been members of the Federation since the late 24th Century, despite her people's historically aggressive nature. The Federation accepted them because of their active work to embrace diplomacy and cooperation, they evolved to embrace change. It hadn't been easy though because, since they achieved spaceflight, Selay had been at war with their neighboring planet Antica. The two were at peace now as both were Federation members, but there were still challenges between the two. Even more today because Crewman Larshu was an Antican.

The conflict between the Antican and Selay were defining aspects of their histories, having helped to shape both of the societies and fueling mutual distrust between the two. Both species were intense rivals, which sometimes became actual fighting and numerous wars between the two with significant losses on both sides during their fight for dominance over their region.

"Energizing now," the Crewman reported from the left-hand side of the console. His furry fingers slid up the small screen.

"I don't need a play by play," the Petty Officer answered from the right-hand side. She typed on the computer terminal, "Three patterns inbound."

The Antican looked over, "You're reading it wrong. I only beamed two."

"Then why am I reading three?" The Selay countered as the patterns started to materialize.

On the platform three people appeared. On the forward two Transporter Pads were Lieutenant Commander Ash Randall and Lieutenant 0110. The third stood towering behind 0110, an angry looking scowl on his face. Like Akaathaan the alien visitor was reptilian in origin. The guest was covered in large, thick scales and ridges that were dark green in color. The alien's head was a lighter color, a yellow green, with smaller. He was reminiscent of an alligator from Earth.

"Intruder Alert," Larshu announced as alarms began to blare.

Akaathaan pressed a control and forcefields surrounded the doors.

Lt. Cmdr. Randall knew something was off the instance materialization completed as transport had taken too long and the, alarmed, reaction of the transporter team pretty much sewed up the what and why of it. She was on a forward pad with 0110 on a pad next to her so their intruder must have transported with them by making contact with one of them, probably 0110, and was on a pad behind them. The realization and analysis took only an instance for the Tuansee who, immediately, whirled around to face their intruder as she barked out an order. "Lock and disable that transporter console." She commanded, prepared to intercept the, much larger, intruder if he attempted to move.

The scaled alien looked at the two smaller aliens that blocked its path away. He had never before seen Hunters such as these two, but he had to escape. The hunt was on, and he was not going to be taken back home to be placed in a menagerie like a common dog. Bracing himself, Tosk rushed forward into the two on the platform with him, knocking them back with his broad shoulders as it ran toward the door. As it reached the exit the doors slid open quickly, revealing a large corridor beyond that led to his escape. Racing forward, Tosk bounced off an invisible forcefield back into the room.

The Antican pressed the comlink, "Bridge, the intruder's in the Transporter Room!"

The bull rush of the intruder wasn't unexpected by Lt. Cmdr Randall but, rather than try to intercept the, much larger, being the Tuansee had opted to keep Lt. 0110 from being flattened, from behind, by leaping across the path of the intruder, to drag the Binar officer out of harms way. "That was close." She observed, quietly, while regained her feet and watched the intruder bounce off the security field at the door and back into the transporter room and helped 0110 back to his feet.

"Who are you and why are you here?" She asked the intruder, clearly and quietly, while she motioned for Akaathan and Larshu to keep their distance from him as best they could.

"I am Tosk," the alien answered as it crashed against the forcefield.

Ash watched Tosk crash into the force field and considered the possibility he might have technology on him that would allow him to generate a countering field to allow him to pass through it if he maintained contact with the field long enough. She saw no other purpose in crashing against the force field that made any, logical, sense. "I'm Lt. Cmdr Randall, the Chief Engineering Officer of this vessel, and I intend you no harm. I'd appreciate it if you would stop crashing into the containment force field and tell me why you are here." She told him in that same, calm and quiet, tone. As she spoke, Ash considered whether "I am Tosk" was all she would get out of their intruder, in various inflections, and mentally, rolled her eyes at it would be, just her luck.

[Main Bridge, Enterprise]

Commodore Wilkan Targaryen turned toward the Turbolift doors as he heard them slide open, revealing his Senior Staff and Bridge crew reporting for duty. The Enterprise's Captain smiled at them as they came inside, "Welcome to the Bridge, people. Nice to see you all."

Commander zh'Roothi battled to hide her scowl as she led the others into the new refurbished bridge having been made a fool by the Project leader on the Battle Bridge for the Commodores amusement.

Despite this Hezaar and her team had done a remarkable job updating and refitting the Bridge of the Flagship ahead of its new mission into Gamma Quadrant.

“Thank you, Sir.” Chase spoke up. He glanced around at the bridge, impressed by what he saw. He headed over to the security station, anxious to check it out.

Stacey smiled that she walked over to the helm station. She did a quick walk around the station, before she slid into her seat, which is very comfortable. She started to look around the console layout. Even though it was a new shift most of the layouts were similar to establish helm protocols and configuration layout. "Oh this is very nice, they did a remarkable job on this sir." Stacey said with it approving smile on her face.

"Indeed they did," the Commodore answered as he approached his chair, "even if it is a bit retro."

"Bridge, the intruder's in the Transporter Room!"

Quickly the XO checked the security console to her side. "Re-deploying security teams, intruder measure and force fields have been engaged," she looked toward the Commodore. "Our uninvited quest is cornered."

"Thank you, Commander, head down there with them," the Captain said as he sat in his chair isolated in the center of the Bridge. "Chief I'd like you and your new Assistant to head down there too.”

The Andorian XO nodded mutely at the request and indicated the two humans to follow with another nod of her head.

“On my way, Sir.” Chase said as he headed to the turbolift. He thought about how fast things moved, he had just gotten on the bridge and already involved in an issue.

The newly promoted Commodore watched as the XO and Security Chief left the Bridge and turned toward the rest of the Bridge Crew. "We have only a short time until this ship has to be launched. Helm, check the engine systems and begin plotting a course through the wormhole to DS47. Science, start prepping our sensors and run final diagnostics before we launch."

"I'm on it, Sir." Stacey said, she started to check everything out and to program the course. The computers artificial intelligence system was doing most of the calculation for her. This was nice she thought to herself. "Verifying the course now, the ship will be ready to go in 5 minutes. Just give the good word, sir." She was eager to get the Enterprise out of here and into deep space. She really wanted to test out the engines.

"Thank you, Helm," Wilkan answered as he looked at the console attached to the side of his Captain's Chair. He looked up at the viewscreen, "Once we figure out what's going on with our intruder, we'll leave 419's Spacedock and get out there. I don't want to keep our Senior Staff away from this momentous occasion."

"My foot will be on the pedal sir." Stacey simply said, realizing there was no actual pedal. It was an old Earth metaphor basically meaning as soon as they're ready, she would get them out of there in a hurry. Like the commanding officer, she was also looking forward to this monumental is occasion.

[Transporter Room, USS Enterprise]

The Tosk looked between the Chief Engineer and the forcefield, longing for freedom from what would be coming for him. He had recognized this place, but something was different. It was like he wasn't at risk here, but could he trust that he was safe? Did these people really have his best interests at heart? They looked like hunters, but were they? These were all questions that hurt his head. He lowered his head toward the deck for a moment, staring as he processed the words. He lifted slowly, his cat-like eyes locked on the cat-like alien. "Why do you mean me no harm? You are a hunter."

Ash considered the words of the Tosk before her and shook her head in the negative. "I'm an explorer. We all are." She replied, and turned a, slow, circle indicating the ship around her. "This is a vessel of exploration and the mission we are about to embark on is one of exploration." She explained, quietly. "It is hunters that you were hiding from in the sanitation baffle then. A very good hiding place, though, I am at a loss as to how you managed to get in there." She admitted, with a little shrug.

The Hunter's prey looked at the smaller hunter before him. His answer was in a quizzical tone, "I am Tosk. We are bred to survive, no matter the personal challenge." The alien paused, studying the creature before him, "You say you are an explorer, yet you are a Hunter."

Ash wondered, silently, to herself what designated her, and the others present, as hunters to the Tosk. They were four, species that were about as different they could be, physically, with her own, Tuansee, being almost unheard of. The engineer considered, for a second or two, and then tugged on the collar of her uniform, while she asked, "Is it my uniform that designates me as a hunter?" She asked, the Tosk, hoping her hunch was correct and she could, perhaps, warn off a uniformed, security team and avoid the Tosk from freaking out and, hurting himself or someone else.

Tosk considered the words of Lieutenant Commander Randall carefully, wondering how the Commander did not realize that she herself was a hunter. "Tosks are hunted by hunters," the Tosk chose carefully. "Anyone who hunts a Tosk, is a hunter. You have hunted me, you found me within the machinery, and now you hunt me here. You have taken me captive and will return me to my people. I have failed in the hunt."

As the security team drew closer to the Transporter Room Commander zh'Roothi allowed Chase to take the lead ahead of her, ready to take action if required against the unknown intruder.

Chase entered the area, his hand on his weapon he came at a slow pace, wanting to observe the situation at hand before reacting. He saw that Ash appeared to be engaged in a conversation and held his position, staging back a bit. He was ready to react if necessary but would and hear what was being said first.

Using his keen senses, Tosk quickly identified the three new arrivals at the opposite door. The alien's catlike eyes dilated and he grunted in disgust at the mere sight of the others. Growling, he looked down at the engineer, "More hunters!" The Tosk faded into obscurity, using his natural ability to turn invisible as he moved to escape.

"The uniforms do not mean we are hunters but, have it your way." Ash stated as the intruder disappeared. "Computer! Full containment protocol on this room!" Ash called out, not willing to let The Tosk escape the transporter room, even if it meant being trapped in that room with him and rendered unconscious in the process.

"Randall, what's going on?" zh'Roothi asked stepping around Chase to see the Transporter Room was missing the unauthorised, personnel. "Where did they go? Lieutenant, can you fill in the blanks?" she asked 0110.

The Bynar was about to answer when the Chief Engineer did.

"The intruder, the Tosk, is still in the transporter room. He's just cloaked himself again. Anyone, in a uniform, is a Hunter to him and, he hides from hunters." Ash explained, quickly. "Do not enter or he will slip out while you come in. I'm recommending we close the doors and gas the lot of us. He must stay in this room, or we'll play hell locating him and that is NOT a situation I want to have to explain to the Commodore." The Engineer observed.

“Agreed!” Chase spoke quickly as he moved slowly, looking around though it was impossible to Know where the intruder was. He is on the defense and that is not a good place to be.

"N - hold that thought," zh'Roothi held her hand to warn the suggestion was not approved. "A Tosk?" she turned to Ash again. "No wonder he's frightened, its in their nature to flee from pretty much everything. Have you been able to reason with him?"

"To a point." Ash replied, looking to the commander while her ears swivelled and locked on something and the Engineer glanced the direction of the, near by, door.

From the nearby doorway the Tosk bounced off the defensive forcefield that had been erected over the entry, momentarily becoming fully visible as the energy of the field overwhelmed his natural shrouding ability. The muscular alien turned toward the gathering and growled, loudly. He vanished again and bounced off the other doorway, falling to the ground this time with the forcefield impact.

The alien looked up and sighed, "I will cooperate."

Ash plopped down on the floor, in a seated position, a few feet from the Tosk so she wouldn't be standing over him. "So, what can we do for you? How can the Federation Star Fleet be of help to you?" She asked, her tail curled around her in a relaxed manner.

"Protect me from the hunters," the creature answered quickly and simply.

"I think we may be able to offer you asylum." Ash replied, quietly, with a couple nods and a look the direction of zh'Roothi. "Given you were hiding in our waste processing system, a trip to our sick bay, for a once over, might not be a bad idea." She suggested.

The XO waved the security detail to give them more space and indicated Chase to holster his weapon. Then, she similarly to Ash she sunk to the floor to speak to the Tosk in a less dominating manner. "My name is Zhora, and this is Chase, Patrick, Ash and 0110," she nodded to the crew stationed close by. "We want to help you, but in order to do that we need to trust each other. Will you promise not to disappear again and answer our questions in return for asylum?"

"Asylum," the Tosk mouthed the words, slowing replicating them as closely as he could. The alien's voice was a melodic baritone. "I promise to not disappear again, and think I should be checked by your doctor." He looked at the Chief Engineer, "With friend Ash."

"I am Lieutenant Moore.” Chase spoke up. “The chief security officer of the ship.” He kept a smile on his face to not look threatening. “I will accompany you as much to protect you as to follow ships procedures.”

The Tosk looked at the Security Chief and the XO before stepping closer to Ash, "I want to go with friend Ash."

Ash had popped to her feet when the Tosk regained his and, suppressed a smile at his words. "I will go with you to sick bay. Lieutenant Moore will accompany us as he is obligated to do." She said, with a look to Commander zh'Roothi and an ear flick that was a, pretty good, approximation of an Antennae-bob that meant 'with your permission'.

The XO's eyes moved between the two on the opposite side of the security field and then nodded with consent. Rising to her feet the woman overrode the lock down with her authorization code: "I'll inform them to be ready for you and consult with the Captain," she said deliberately playing down Targaryen's role for the Tosk's sake of clarity.

"Let us go see your doctor," the Tosk said as he stood closer to the Chief Engineer of the Enterprise, only going if she were to go with him. With that they all left the Transporter Room, letting things get back to normal.



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