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For the Cause

Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2024 @ 9:07pm by Lieutenant (J.G.) 1001 & Lieutenant (J.G.) Rrawran & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Lieutenant Commander Jeanette Brooks MD & Lieutenant Commander Ash Randall & Commander Zhora zh'Roothi

1,408 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pilot
Timeline: 2439-03-08, 18:00

Captain's Log, Stardate 116182.4:

The Enterprise has successfully launched from San Francisco Fleet Yards on a five-year mission of exploration in the far reaches of the Alpha Quadrant. Our orders are taking us to Gateway Station, a Starbase built in orbit of the Bajoran Wormhole, to pick up final crew as we are short in several key postings. The current crew are using the opportunity to become better acquainted with our new home. It's not the Enterprise-G, which I commanded for several years, but she is something special.

The Enterprise H was gorgeous, and Captain Wilkan Targaryen had been in love with her since the moment that he'd first seen her. A member of the new Constitution IV Class, she was certainly no Enterprise-G, but he was no less impressed by her as he was his former command. She was a sight to behold. Designed to serve as a frontline exploratory vessel, the new Enterprise lived up to her legacy as did her crew. Having been aboard the Enterprise for several hours, they were still lacking several key roles that would be picked up at SB419, but the crew he'd met so far had proven themselves to him already.

Stepping off of the turbolift, Captain Targaryen entered the Bridge complex and was happy to see those of the Senior Staff aboard were already there. Crossing over to his Captain's Chair, Willian nodded to the duty officer as he approached.

"Report please," the Captain ordered.

Lieutenant Randall swiveled an ear the direction of Captain Targaryen as he entered the bridge and followed his progress across the bridge to the Captain's chair. The felinoid engineer shifted her position at her station, the tip of her tail, flicking back and forth, like a metronome counting 60 bpm.

His new First Officer Commander Zhora zh'Roothi turned at the sound of the Captain's voice and returned to the centre of the bridge having been reviewed ship performance with Randall. "All systems are functioning within parameters," she replied.

"Glad to hear it since we've only been out of Spacedock for half a day, Exec," Wilkan answered as he took over in the center seat. He was still surprised by the Bridge of the new Enterprise. With the Constitution IV taking on the more rounded role alongside the relaunched Galaxy, Intrepid, and Sovereigns, he was still surprised by the militaristic look of the new Enterprise's interior. It was certainly taking some getting used to, and he was sure that he wasn't the only one feeling that way.

"How long until we reach Starbase 419?"

With the Flight Control Officer awaiting pickup at Starbase 419, Lieutenant 1001 was sitting at the Helm of the Enterprise. A member of a Bynar pair, his counterpart 0110 serving as Ash's assistant in Engineering, the young Lieutenant checked the readouts on the display monitor, "We will arrive in a little over seventeen hours at present speed."

"Increase speed to Warp 9," Captain Targaryen ordered. "Anyone objecting to our arriving a little earlier?"

Ash glanced over her shoulder at Captain Targaryen and suppressed a little smile in response to his question and thought about the 'officially unofficial' Starfleet order limiting Warp travel to Warp 5. Ash had never found an, official, general order but the unofficial order seemed to carry as much weight even though it was, essentially, based upon a 70 year old memorandum. The Chief Engineering Officer weighed whether to, well, weight in on the subject of, politely, objecting and decided to hold her tongue.

Having now taken her seat alongside Targaryen his Andorian XO shook her hear mutely at his question. It was unlikely he would be met with any objections for she, and perhaps several others were keen to see the Enterprise stretch herself a little more. Their new home from home would need to be put through it paces sooner rather than later, why hold back now?

Noting no objections, Wilkan nodded to the Helmsman, "Proceed, Lieutenant."

The young alien nodded, "Increasing speed."

"I'm wondering what the rest of our team are up to at 419," the Captain commented. "Odd that Starfleet didn't have them ferried to us at Spacedock for the launch ceremony."

"Perhaps it will be a case of Serendipity, Captain." Ash stated, with a glance his direction. "Or, perhaps, just a case of not everyone being in the right place at the right time." She added as she watched their warp field expand and elongate as the ship increased speed to warp 9. "All system nominal." Ash announced, leaving whatever additional thoughts on the subject at hand, unsaid...for the moment.

"Time saving," zh'Roothi added coolly. "I feel we've been launched in hurry, therefore the rest of the crew whom were not able to return to Sol within the deadline are to be collected en-route. Organized to be in one convenient location to aid swiftness." She paused returning back the Captain's question: "As for what they'll doing on 419 probably what I'd be doing - enjoy the last of my downtime with personal interests and exploring the station's unique set up."

"Too true..." The Chief Engineer remarked, quietly, and nodded to herself.

Wilkan nodded at the duo. Starbase 419 had been setup as the replacement for Deep Space Nine following a rather unjust incident that had occurred there not long ago. Wilkan himself and the Enterprise-G had been present for what happened, barely surviving the encounter with the resurrected Legate Dukat. Just the thought of it made him feel sick to his stomach.

Targaryen added, "The anniversary of Quark's is going on there as we speak. They're probably having more fun than we are."

"Captain," Lieutenant 1001 interrupted.

"What is it?" The Captain asked looking at the Bynar.

The purple skinned alien typed on the keyboard, "Incoming transmission from Starfleet Command. It's marked for your eyes only."

Targaryen looked around the Bridge, momentarily locking eyes with his XO. "It's only been a short while since we left dock and already a priority message. I don't know if I should be honored, or scared." He rose from his chair, "Exec, you have the Bridge. Maintain course."

"Yes sir," zh'Roothi responded with a nod while her antenna twitched slightly betraying her sense of foreboding at this turn of events.

Ash checked the, old fashioned, wrist watch she wore and shook her head. "Serendipity, in deed." The engineering chief mused, aloud, to herself.

After a few minutes, Captain Targaryen returned to the Bridge of the Enterprise with a cautious look on his face. Approaching his Captain's Chair, Wilkan turned toward the Helm, "Increase to maximum warp, Helm."

1001 looked over his shoulder and saw the Captain's expression. Fully returning his attention to his own station, the Bynar complied, "Increasing speed."

"Tactical, take us to yellow alert. Senior officers already aboard I'd like to speak with you in the Ready Room. Rrawran you have the Bridge." The Captain walked back to the room from where he'd just come.

Ash logged out of the engineering station and began to follow the Captain to his ready room as another member of the bridge crew stepped in behind her to man the vacated station. Ordinarily, the Tuansee would have made a, light hearted, pithy comment but refrained for saying anything in the current situation.

Commander zh'Roothi watched her new CO's face as he issued the order in an attempt to understand the man in more detail plus gauge the magnitude of what he'd learned. She didn't like what she saw: concern. Their five year adventure into the Alpha Quadrant wasn't off to a flying start she thought and exchanged a thankful nod as Rrawran moved toward her before heading toward the Ready Room.

Jeanette had been busy going through the Sickbays inventory, in the event they needed to restock anything when they reached the Starbase.
Hearing the call to the CO's Ready Room, she looked at the nurse helping her and said, "Please continue, I'll be back as soon as I can." handing her the Padd they were using.

Leaving Sickbay she hurried to the lift and straight to the Bridge. Exiting she gave a slight nod to the crew who looked her way and straightening her jacket proceeded to enter the Ready Room. "My apologies for the delay Captain." she said with her ever-present smile. "We are doing a quick inventory of Sickbay which you well know can sometimes be a daunting task."

The Captain nodded, "That's fine, Doctor, let's go get started. We've got a lot to talk about today."


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