Cold Shoulder
Posted on Wed Jun 26th, 2019 @ 2:55am by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Lieutenant Commander Victoria Rigby M.D.
Edited on on Thu Jan 2nd, 2020 @ 5:23pm
1,348 words; about a 7 minute read
Location: Ready Room, Starfleet One
Timeline: 2429-12-02, 13:20
Admiral William Teagarden stood inside the small bedroom off to the side of his Ready Room placing the replicas of his uniform in the closet. While he had a large crew apartment aboard the ship he found himself more commonly using the bedroom in his Ready Room in the past and found this to be a far more accommodating room for his personal needs.
He could never quite place the reason why he preferred this bedroom to his personal apartment aboard the ship. Maybe it was the proximity to the Bridge? Maybe it was the quiet that it afforded? It certainly wasn't the view. The view from his cabin was a lot better than this one, the view from the Ready Room was more or less of whatever was on the side of the ship. The view from his actual cabin showed a panoramic view of the space ahead of the ship. It was much more dynamic.
Or maybe it was the quiet that got to him.
Resting his head on the side of the closet door he considered silently what the answer was. That was until he heard the door chime. He sighed and pulled his head back, "Yes? Come in."
Vikki rubbed her hand over the back of her neck once more, trying to ease the knot of tension in the base. This new deployment already hadn't started well with the man she challenged back at the conference being the actual head of the Fleet. She knew her temper was going to be her undoing, with all that had happened in recent months any sane person would expect her to be angry but still...if a counsellor themselves can't control their emotions then how could they expect those around them to trust her assistance with their own.
Letting out a slow breath as the doors infront of her slid open, the counsellor hesitated for a moment more before taking a step inside. "Admiral Teagarden. Lieutenant Commmander Victoria Rigby reporting for du...ty?" The last word trailed off in confusion as the woman realised she was talking to an empty desk.
The door the bedroom opened and the Admiral stepped through it dressed in a black tunic and pants, "Hello, Counselor, I'm sorry I had stepped away from my desk." Despite his age his El-Aurian charms still let the boyish smile seep through from time to time if he needed it. "I've had some unpacking to do and lost track of the time."
Still stood at attention, the woman’s eyes followed the man as she tried to follow his train of thought; the casual attitude catching her a little unaware. “No worries Sir.”
"Can I get you anything?" He asked stepping toward the replicator. The pain from his injury was still very much alive and well despite Doctor Porter's best efforts.
Folding her hands casually behind her back, Vikki attempted to relax her stance in order to match that of the Admiral in some way. “Iced coffee would be good Sir. I'm sure that the Doctor will be glad to hear your taking it easy.”
William was a bit taken aback as he ordered the iced coffee, "How did you know about that, Miss Rigby?"
Vikki couldn’t help the slight smile as she shifted from one foot to the next but kept her hands cupped behind her back. “There’s some things easily hid and some not so much. Black doesn’t hide as much as some would think. Your abdomen area is tensed, more so when you move. The ever so slight hue on your face compared to the skin of your arms is also a tell tale. But more so...your reaction to my statement. If it was a case of uncomfortable trapped gas, you’d have possibly made a joke. I take it your the type to not wish pain relief even when it’s readily available?”
"Touché, Commander," he said as he handed her her drink. "I was in a training accident with the Security Officers a short while ago. Commanders Hawkins and Haynes are good at their jobs, I'm not as good or as young as I used to be." He dropped the fake smile because she'd already seen through it as he sat down.
"How are you finding things aboard ship?"
Somehow with the smile dropped Vikki felt more at ease. After all that had gone before she knew more than anyone the secrets people hid so well and how easy it was to just pretend.
Taking the drink, the woman stood standing as her eyes never left those of the Admiral. “Just arrived in all honesty. I figured it was best to start from the top and make my way down. Hit the deck running as I believe you have been sometime without a full time counselor?”
"I haven't actually been on board for long myself. I commanded this ship for a long period, but had been transferred to the diplomatic corps to work with the Klingons by order of the President. Admiral Coulson, whom I think you met on New Vulcan, had temporarily replaced me. He made a lot of changes to our crew roster."
He took a drink of his water, "I'm going to be honest when I tell you this, Counselor, I have a high standard of excellence for those who serve aboard this ship. We are part of a proud legacy and we have to be strongly aware of that."
Vikki felt her body stiffen in reaction to the Admiral’s words; an almost cold steel darkened her eyes. There was one singler mark on her record that might suggest she wasnt capable. After her last post, the woman had considered resignation rather than face the accusations that had been laid out against her. Drinking and drunk while on duty. Supposed inapproiate behaviour. But she had faced the accusations head on and the end result was ruled in her favour.
The counsellor forced her hand to raise the glass to her lips as the woman took a drink before speaking again. “Has something given you reason to believe that I’m not capable of reaching those standards, Admiral?”
"Not in the slightest, Counselor, I just tend to make myself clear to all of my Senior Officers. If I didn't feel you were up for the job you wouldn't be here," he was direct with his answer. "Do you feel you're up for the job?"
“I wouldn’t be here if I felt otherwise.” Vikki tried to force her body to release the tension but it only worked to tighten her up further. “So you rule with an iron fist of sorts Admiral?”
William shook his head in the negative, "I wouldn't go that far. Merely that I have expectations of this ship and its crew. An iron fist would imply that I don't trust my officers to do their jobs. I respect your ability to execute your responsibilities to this ship and its crew during our missions. I also respect creativity and involvement. I recognize I may not always have the right answer, and I believe in second chances."
Vikki studied the other, trying to size him up and decide what it was he was trying to get to. “Some may call that a fault. Make a wrong decision and it could cost people their lives; a moment you can’t turn back and change no matter the chances you are given after.”
"Which is why I realize I don't always have the right answer, Counselor," William answered. He handed a datapad over, "Which is why I'm happy to have you aboard the ship. This is the mission profile for where we're heading. I would like you to work with the diplomats when they are on the ship, as they are in this mission. It's been my experience that politicians always need a bit of special handling. I am assigning you as my liaison to them. We will head down to meet with them shortly. Until then you may return to your duties. Dismissed."