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Tales by Starlight

Posted on Fri Jun 28th, 2019 @ 5:02pm by High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes & Civilian Jeyson Zarland
Edited on on Thu Jan 2nd, 2020 @ 5:46pm

1,320 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Atlantis
Location: 10 Forward Lounge
Timeline: 2429-12-01, 00:00

"Penny for your thoughts, Commander?" the lounge manager Jeyson asked as he cleared the neighbouring table.

"Is it that obvious that something is on my mind, Mister?" Jasmine started to ask, as she waited for the bartender to properly introduce himself to her. She had a stiff drink in her hand. Saurian Brandy, was very potentate.

"Jeyson Zarland," the Bolian introduced himself. "You wear that brooding expression humans seem to assume every time they stare into the star-scape like that. Of course other species are prone to spells of melancholy too."

"Spells of melancholy?" Jasmine asked with a confusing look on her face, as she took another sip from the Saurian Brandy. What was he talking about? She had John on her mind, and her mission here on this ship. And how the two conflicted.

The civilian smiled softly: "Sadness, regret whatever you wish to call it weighs heavily on our shoulders, no matter the role in life we play." He paused studying the woman. "Though, this time my observation seems off point."

"How so?" Jasmine asked. She was a little curious, he seemed to be on point to her. Her heart was aching, and she was sad, and had regrets. And now being assigned to Starfleet One, she did feel like she had the weight of the world on her.

"Judging by your choice of drink," Jeyson nodded toward her glass then continued. "I'd conclude there's something heavy weighing upon your mind. I understand you're replacing Lieutenant Commander Neri's following his death on the Vulcan colony recently. He left big shoes to fill, a role would make less men quake."

"That I do, and honestly I am not focusing on that. Now with that said, I'll do the best I can." Jasmine started off, hoping he would want to continue to talk about this Commander Neri person, a person she had no emotional connection too.

The barman smiled again, "Funny, that's what Neri used to say. You would have thought a handful of previous hosts would aid in his experience? He said to me once they tended to get in the way and hinder more than help. Talking was always the best medicine."

"I know your right, but sometimes its just nice to drown your sorrows." Jasmine said, with a slight smile on her face. She knew there was truth in what he was saying. She was not ready to talk just yet, maybe after a couple of drinks.

Jeyson nodded sensing their conversation was drawing to a polite end. "Just remember to come up to the surface for breath."

Jasmine was not surprised by his response. It was pretty typical she thought. But it was also good advice non the less. She looked over at the Bartender. "What about you?" Jasmine asked, getting some of the attention off of her.

"What about me?" he asked turning back.

"What's your story, surely you must have one too!" Jasmine said, with a big grin on her face. Now it was his turn to be in the hot seat. Plus she was curious to know about his story. She was pretty sure, that no one asked the bartender, about his issues. She was only speculating. But it seemed to be make sense to her.

Now that's something I've not been asked in a long time." The Bolain chuckled putting down the empty glasses he was holding and took a seat. "I came from a large family," he begun. "So much exceptions to fulfil, you understand I'm sure. But wasn't interesting in pressurising anything grand like my siblings, I'm what you humans call a black sheep in the flock. I wanted to travel, see the far reaches of the stars without the hassle of commanding my own ship and the idea of taking orders from one didn't sit well either."

"I don't get why Families, can not be more supportive, of our choices." Jasmine said, as she raised her glass to the bolian bartender. "For what its worth, I am glad your here. We should always follow our dreams." She said, as she waited for a small clink of the glasses. Jasmine did not do a lot of toasting. She was not really a party girl. She was very content with her life, the life she had with John, but now that was possibly over, and she was having to figure it out.

"Thank you," Jeyson smiled surprised by Haynes compliment and reached over to clink glasses. "Here's to the dreamers."

"I never thought I would be serving on Starfleet One, or protecting the President. I feel like a dreamer at times." Jasmine said, as she took another swig of her drink.

"Most of the crew share that disbelieve," the barmen confirmed. "Though she's been renamed for the new role the Enterprise makes even the longest serving personal weak at the knees and the inexperienced implode." He chuckled at his own humour always enjoying meeting members of the crew taking particular joy if they were new. "Now she's the President's flagship everyone has stand stand a little straighter to attention, dot the i's and cross the t's to speak. We're all under the microscope here especially when the President is in residence not exactly everyone's dream."

"Maybe I'm still to new here to feel those affects. For me, its all exciting." She said, as she took a small sip from her drink. She then continued on. "This is all I have to look forward." She said, as she thought about John.

"All you have?" Jeyson tilted his head slightly curious what she meant but away he may have just crossed a line.

"My boyfriend is in a medical comma, well would he still be my boyfriend?" She asked, trying to figure out for herself. She was so confused, on how to perceive things. Does she move on, does she stay faithful? Is there is a thing as faithful, if he is comatose?

"Ah, I see your dilemma." He nodded feeling sorry for the officer. "How long has it been?"

"A few months ago. When is a good time to move on? Or should I wait for him?" Jasmine asked, well practically begging for advice. She was so torn on what to do. She did not like feeling this way.

"I guess that depends on how long the Doctor's say he'll be in the comma, and more importantly how you feel about him." Jeyson replied though not really knowing how to respond. "Did you speak to his family?"

"They are travelling to see him, they told me to move on." She said, feeling a little out by his families comment.

The Bolian regarded her a moment before answering. "Do you want to?"

"No, but I know I can't live like this, my life always on hold." She said, hating the fact she just said that.

"It's not on hold," Jeyson shrugged. "Or at least not permanently. It's simply on pause until he wakes up or you finally decide what you want to do. Give it time. In the meanwhile talk to your crewmates, I don't just mean a counsellor I mean all of them, take your mind of things at home, try to enjoy yourself and live a little."

Those three little words seemed like a foreign concept to her. 'Live a little.' They were not something she could grasp at this moment. She was on edge, and wanting John back. How are you suppose to live, without your loved one? "I will try." She said, not sure, how she was going too.

"Good," Jeyson stood. "That's be best we can ask for."

"You're wise beyond your years. I have a feeling, you already know that!" Jasmine said, trying to take the topic off of her.

The barman shrugged. "I've heard that one a few times before. I've taken up enough of your time. Enjoy the rest of your evening."


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