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To Good To Be True?

Posted on Wed Jan 15th, 2020 @ 11:57pm by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Captain Bakti Kret & President Gruzy of New Xindus & Secretary Jonathan Grayson of United Earth & Councilor Jahra Naron of Bajor & Colonel Mok'leth Kevan House of Kilrah

2,861 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Genesis
Location: Monet Room, Palais de la Concord
Timeline: 2430-01-02, 08:00

OOC: Ok everyone we're officially beginning our new mission. Please have your characters start arriving to the Monet Room for the meeting with the President. The galley staff will begin bringing in food while characters are arriving. The meal being provided is Cinnamon Brioche French Toast with Maple Syrup and Fresh Berry Compote. Hope your characters enjoy!

We will be beginning the actual briefing on Monday, 1/16/20.

One of the most secure rooms in the entire United Federation of Planets, the Monet Room was a secure chamber on Sublevel Two of the Palais de la Concorde in Paris on Earth. The room was named because it housed Claude Monet's famous painting known as the "Bridge over a Pool of Water Lilies," though the reality of the room was far more ugly than the beauty of the artwork adorning its walls. More commonly than not the Monet Room was called by its true name: the War Room because the Presidential Administration used it to handle crises and sensitive security operations. At least once during every administration the President wondered what Monet would think of room named after him and a painting of his being displayed in a room where the business of war was often discussed.

Gruzy of New Xindus was no different. His chair was directly adjacent to the painting and often, as they handled one crisis or another, he would look to the calming painting and wonder just what Monet would think knowing the fate of the galaxy often rested upon what was decided in this room. Usually, more so than not, what was talked about in here ended in combat. He hoped today was different, he hoped today they truly did obtain peace instead of war.

"Would you like us to being serving you and your guests, Mister President?" The Serving Captain asked.

The Reptilian Xindi looked up from his diplomatic datapad, "Excuse me?"

"Would you like us to begin serving?"

He looked around the table at the surprisingly empty room, "Let's wait a short while for my guests then begin. What is for breakfast today anyway?"

"Cinnamon Brioche French Toast with Maple Syrup and Fresh Berry Compote," the Denobulan answered with a broad grin. "We are very proud of it, Sir. It's paired with Crisp Smoked Bacon, a Sausage Link, and Fresh Fruit."

"That does sound delicious," Gruzy had hoped for more meat options, but chose his battles wisely. "I haven't seen you before, Miss."

She kept the smile, "My name is Kobinex. I only was brought onboard recently after the prior Serving Captain retired."

"Oh yes," he answered remembering that the previous Captain had been a Suliban. "Nice to have you with us, Miss Kobinex. Just a word to the wise: I prefer to wait until all my guests have arrived before serving. Let's make that a standing directive."

She gave him a thumbs up, "You've got it."

He never understood the gesture, but repeated it back to her. He turned back toward the table and picked back up his PADD when he heard the opposite door slide open. Rising to his feet he noticed as the Federation Security Detachment stood at the ready should this be a threat. Beyond the threshold though he was happy to see that there were friends upon him. "Admirals," he greeted warmly. "Good to see you."

Fleet Admiral Lynz crossed the distance quickly with Admiral William Teagarden walking closely behind. "We're sorry for being late, Mister President. We had some complications on our way here."

"Apologies quite unnecessary," he brushed it off. "As you can see everyone is running a bit behind. Probably a consequence of the New Years Celebration here on Earth." He looked to see if the Serving Captain had scurried off, but the drinks were available on the eastern wall, "Please, help yourself to a refreshment."

"Thank you, Mister President," Lynz answered as she handed her portable desktop computer to her husband to set up for her. "Would you like anything while I'm getting it?"

William looked at the beverage buffet from the conference table. He could make out coffee with assorted syrups and creamers, hot water with different tea bags adjacent, and freshly pressed juices. "An Earl Grey with lemon would be perfect."

She nodded as he set up her computer, "Alright."

"Earl Grey, Will? You aren't taking after your predecessor are you?" The President teased after taking a drink of his own tea. "Jean-Luc certainly was a fan wasn't he?"

"Indeed," Teagarden answered as he activated his wife's computer and connected it to the Starfleet database through the secured communications uplink in the room. "Jean-Luc may've inspired my choice a bit," he looked around the room. "The Monet Room. You know every time I've been in this room I left with a mission that either rocked the Federation to its core, nearly got me and everyone on my ship killed, or both."

The President looked a bit surprised, "Let's hope that this isn't a repeat."

Lynz quickly brought herself back, "So, what are we talking about?"

Before William could speak the President answered for him, "Will was just saying how he's nearly died after every visit to this room."

"Did he now?" You didn't have to be El-Aurian or telepathic to hear the annoyance in the Starfleet Commander's voice as she looked at her husband. She turned back toward the President, "I'm certain he only meant the comment in jest with no disrespect, Sir."

"Nonsense," Gruzy defended. "Every time I'm in this room I nearly get killed or the Federation is rocked by something devastating. He's only telling the truth," the alien said with a smile. "So, let's wait a few more minutes for others to arrive before getting started."

Lynz nodded in agreement and sat down in her chair, silently fuming at her husband as they waited for the others to arrive.

The next person who entered was someone that most in the Gruzy Administration would be shocked to see. Benzite Ambassador Caxl strolled through the door, carefully taking in sustenance from the rebreather that he wore on his chest. He looked carefully among the arrived guests.

The President stood, "Ambassador! Thank you for joining us."

"I appreciate the invitation," the youngest one in the room said as he approached the table. "I must admit to some surprise at having gotten it."

"Nonsense," Gruzy was being as diplomatic as process. "I appreciate your counsel and look forward to hearing what you think of my announcement. We're about to get started. Please get a drink and have a seat."

The Ambassador nodded and walked toward the drinks as more came in.

The Bajoran ambassador arrived next, looking tired, exhausted and haggard all at the same time. He thought there was a firestorm when he informed his homeworld of the withholding of an Orb only to discover how much worse things could get when he made the merest suggestion that the Pah Wraiths were loose in the galaxy. Only a few were privy to the idea that perhaps they had even breached the Celestial Temple. Only those few knew of the Wraith Orb returned to them by Cardassia.

Even with the knowledge tightly contained - for now - he still spent far too much time consulting with members of the Government and the Vedek Assembly. "Consulting" was too nice a word. "Arguing" would be the more accurate term.

"Mr. President," he said, by way of greeting to the Xindi. "Mister Caxl," he said spying another of the Representatives in the room. One he was surprised to see - but wondered if he should be.

Jonathan Grayson entered next. He saw President Gruzy along with Admiral Lynz and Teagarden. "Mr. President." He greeted Gruzy politely, friendly before turning to Lynz and Teagarden. "Admiral Lynz." He said warmly. "It is wonderful to see you. It looks like you've made a complete recovery from your wounds. I cannot tell you how delighted I am." He turned to Teagarden, "Hello Admiral." He greeted as he stuck his right hand out for a handshake of both respect and friendship. For he did like Teagarden. he like the clear and concise way he thought. Looking around he saw Caxl by the drinks. He raised a hand and nodded in greeting, He would talk with the young diplomat later. He turned back to Teagarden and Lynz. "So? Any idea why we've all been called here?"

Mok'leth Kevan arrived in typical Klingon fashion, Ambassadorial garb shining brightly. "Please excuse my tardiness but my flagship is currently sitting in front of a Dominion battle cruiser. I was not aware we had company. Why are they here," he asked taking the last empty seat.

T’Nara had quietly slipped into the room unnoticed and stood silently in the back of the room. Choosing not to partake of the offered breakfast, she adjusted her robes as she silently waited for the meeting to begin.

"We're just getting to that now," the President interrupted seeing that everyone was present. "If everyone would take their seats we'll get started." As they made their way to their places, Gruzy remained standing. The Federation Security workers went on alert as they engaged the privacy locks on the room and the dampening fields. If anyone was listening in they would go dark at this moment. When they nodded Gruzy started the briefing.

"First, my gratitude for each of you for coming at such last minute notice. We have had an historic moment come upon us today and I don't want to lose sight of what is ahead." He reached forward to his own portable computer and pressed a sequence of keys. At an empty chair another person appeared. A youthful Bajoran with piercing eyes and a, surprisingly, bald head, the Captain smiled as he appeared. "Everyone allow me to introduce to you Captain Bakti Kret of Starfleet Starbase Gateway Station. Captain Bakti is joining us because of an incident that occurred on his station earlier today. Captain?"

Bakti nodded, "Thank you for having me, Mister President, Ambassadors, Admirals." He rose from his chair and tugged on his uniform, "As the President introduced I am Captain Bakti Kret - Commanding Officer of Gateway Station in the Bajoran Sector. I wish I were meeting each of you under better circumstances, but we have had an incident on the station that requires the immediate attention of the senior leadership of the Federation."

"Earlier, we had an emergency alert known as an unscheduled gamma activation. For us this is an emergency declaration where an unscheduled vessel is entering the wormhole on the Gamma Quadrant side of the galaxy. Because of our treaties with the Dominion we monitor any activity of the wormhole carefully and as any of you could imagine this wasn't something we were expecting," he chuckled nervously as he said the last part. He regained quickly, "We hoped for the best, but prepared for the worst. We got something in the middle: a Dominion Battleship has entered Federation Space and is in Bajoran airspace."

William looked at his wife, "Did you know about this?"

"Yes," she whispered back.

"Why didn't you tell me?" The CO of Starfleet One asked.

"Need to know and you didn't need to until now," she noticed the President looking at them, "and I need to be paying attention."

"What do they want?" Caxl asked from his chair as he took a nervous breath from his rebreather.

The Bajoran Captain looked at the Benzite, "They say they're here on a mission of mercy: requesting an alliance with the Federation."

"A likely story in my opinion, but, because of the treaty I suppose we must wait and see. Trust them, not now, render aid, yes cautiously,' Ko'Loth said dryly.

From her quiet vantage point T’Nara closely watched the reactions of those present, making a mental note of each at the news they had just been told.

Gruzy considered the comments so far as the serving team began delivering the breakfast meal to those present. The Xindi decided to take back control over the meeting, "Based upon the opportunities for the Federation that this arrangement has to offer I have decided that it is something we must explore to its natural conclusion..."

"Your death," Caxl interrupted.

The President looked at the Ambassador from Benzar, "Mister Ambassador that was uncalled for."

"Maybe for you, for me it is certainly something to fear. As you may have forgotten my world was occupied during the Dominion War. Betazed was occupied during the Dominion War. Dozens of other worlds were occupied during the Dominion War! Now you want us to pursue peace with a people who tried to destroy us? Though I suppose it makes some degree of sense: the Federation didn't save my people the Romulans did!" The Benzite challenged.

"By that logic then this room would be empty many of the people in it, Ambassador," Gruzy replied. "The Klingon Ambassador wouldn't be here, the Vulcan Ambassador wouldn't be here, the Andorian, even I wouldn't be here. This is a Federation built upon trust and friendship. Over time we have surpassed the histories of our worlds and pushed forward to a better future, together," he looked around the group. "If you cannot and will not support building bridges to other worlds then maybe you should leave this room," it was a blatant challenge, but one that needed to be made.

Unfortunately it was called, "Then I am not meant to be in this room." The Benzite Ambassador rose to his feet, "We are meant to build bridges, to build a stronger Federation, but the Dominion are like locusts. If they want us it is to consume. My world is just now recovered from the horrors they afflicted us with. and I will not allow ourselves to be blindsided by them again." He turned on his heel and walked toward the exit fuming.

"STOP!" Naron said, every bit of haunted exasperation coming out in that one word. His haggard appearance glaring around the room. "Now is not the time to allow ourselves to be splintered!"

He took a deep breath as he shook his head. "The Wraiths cannot abide that which is light - friendship, unity, genial disagreements. We allow ourselves to fracture and splinter now then we are lost before we've even begun.

"Ambassador Caxl, as abrasive as it may be, has a point, Mister President. The timing of this overture is rather convenient. If you recall, the last time the Wraiths were freed coincided with the first Dominion War. We cannot discount such concerns now, especially with a people who are secretive in nature and infiltrated this galaxy to topple it from inside. We do not know how far the reach of the Pah Wraiths stretch and who they have taken this time. Last time it was the Cardassians, this time it may well be the Dominion."

He held up a hand. "I'm not saying we reject the overture out of hand. It may very well be coincidental and we must proceed in order to discover the truth. We will not do so by letting our own pettiness rule our thoughts. The Prophets gave us reason and intelligence to know the light from the dark. We do not have enough knowledge yet to know which course we must take, only that we know we must gather information to know how to proceed. And we will not get there," Naron said, turning his haggard glare to Caxl, "by indulging in the chips on our shoulders. I know, very well do I know, the hazards such bring us."

Bakti spoke up, "We do have the Orb in protected custody here on the station. I have increased the watch on it with the arrival of the Dominion Battleship."

The President felt the need to elaborate a bit. "We did not formally release many details regarding the discovery but, as was discussed in the Council meeting last month, we were informed by the Cardassians of an Orb they had recovered from the Nyberrite Alliance. We negotiated for it to be returned to the Bajorans in exchange for a pair of industrial replicators that were delivered by Admiral Lynz," he motioned to the Fleet Admiral. "When the Orb was retireved it was discovered not to have been given by the Prophers, but rather than opposite number the Pahwraith."

"Most likely coincidence," Teagarden proposed, knowing it wouldn't gain him any friends.

"But possibly more," the President corrected. "We are not going to rule out any possibility with this mission. It is possible that they are related. We only have a short time before we will be departing for Bajor. I would like each of you to report to Starfleet One to accompany me on this meeting. Does anyone else have anything they'd like to add before we close?"

When the group remained quiet he spoke reassuringly, "This mission is of grave importance to us all and I need each of us at our best. Let's get packing, Starfleet One leaves at noon. We're adjourned."


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