
The Adversary

Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 12:40am by Lieutenant 0110 & Lieutenant JG Rrawran & Lieutenant JG 1001 & Lieutenant JG Zomuul jav Ghul & Lieutenant JG Anzai Sulu & Crewman Zod Drixx & Captain Wilkan Targaryen & First Ikidik'tan & Lieutenant Stacey Moore & Administrator Kuzos

3,702 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: Pilot
Location: USS Enterprise/Jem'Hadar Vessel ST-321
Timeline: 2439-03-09, 07:00

Lieutenant Anzai Sulu sat at the Astrometrics workstation on the Bridge of the Enterprise staring at the report on the wall mounted display console. Having served aboard the previous Enterprise as an Astrometrics Officer, Lieutenant Sulu was excited that she had been recognized for her service. When the new Enterprise was launched, she was assigned here as the Senior Astrometrics Officer and, when Lieutenants Toryn and Ghul were off the ship, she was the senior Science Officer aboard. That meant she got to serve on the Bridge, and this was the first time she'd had such an honor, despite her history.

She thought that she would be happier, but she was really somewhat bored by it. Normally she loved reading the reports from her team and their successes, but today it was just annoying her, and she wasn't sure why. At least they were making it really look like they were doing a full survey and not just playing a game. Maybe it was because she was on the Bridge and not in Stellar Cartography with the rest of her team. Almost all of Starfleet looked at her as being Starfleet Royalty because of her ancestors - her grandfather had a damn ship named after him after all - and that was a lot to live up to. Maybe that was it. Maybe she was worried about being something that she wasn't.

From the Helm, Lieutenant 1001 announced, "Adjusting course, bearing 047 mark 129."

As she heard the announcement, Sulu sighed ang kept scrolling through her report. A lot of people were still surprised that she didn't go into Flight Control like so many of her ancestors. Instead, she chose to explore the stars as a scientist, charting space instead of charting a course through it. It suited her better anyway, and she felt like it was a connection between the world she loved, and the world people thought she should be part of.

Looking at the details of the report, a series of beeps came from her workstation. She reached forward, pulling up the data on her screen. "Lieutenant, I'm initiating an EM scan. I think there may be something watching."

Lieutenant Avir Yavan turned in the Captain's Chair toward the Science consoles on the starboard side of the Bridge. The Angosian woman rose from the chair and walked over toward the railing separating the consoles from the command arena, the acting commanding officer looking toward the wall console as she spoke. "What are you seeing out there, Lieutenant?"

"I'm seeing something, it's like a reflection," Sulu explained.

Rrawran looked at the sensor readouts on his tactical console. The lupine officer's artificial voice spoke, "She's correct. I am picking up an ionization trail nearby. We aren't alone."

"Is this a ship under cloak?" Yavan turned toward the Tactical Officer as she asked and started back to the center seat.

Rrawran typed on the display screen, checking the details available carefully. Inputting a sequence, a series of beeps came from the console. He let out his nearest approximation of a sigh, his species not able to do so, "It's not a traditional cloaking device, it looks more like masking circuitry designed to interfere with our sensors."

"Orders, Lieutenant?" 1001 asked from the Helm.

Now back in the Captain's Chair, Avir pressed the comlink button, "Bridge to the Captain."

"Lieutenant Yavan?" Captain Targaryen seemed questioning instead of confirming. "Where's Lieutenant Moore?"

"The Lieutenant had an errand, Captain, and left me in command. Sir, we've picked up a ship trailing us. I thought you'd want to know," she informed as she looked between Rrawran and Sulu for confirmation of what she was saying.

"Understood, Lieutenant. I'm on my way up. Targaryen out," he answered as Rrawran and Sulu confirmed what Lieutenant Yavan had said.

Once the channel was closed, Lieutenant Yavan looked at her Tactical Officer, "Yellow alert, Lieutenant. Standby for further orders."

"Aye," the lupine officer confirmed as the alert lights began to flash.

Fifth Gage'lez stood at his workstation on the Command Deck of ST-321 watching the Federation vessel on the readouts. It had not been long since the support vessel lowered itself into the atmosphere of the planet and, thus far, they had been unable to detect it despite their best efforts. The planet featured a large amount of sensor reflective materials in its atmosphere and, no matter what they did, the sensors did not penetrate enough to detect them so far. He had tried several different strategies to penetrate, but it was to no avail.

The Jem'Hadar ran its fingers over the display, scrolling through the information that popped up on the display. Poking at the emerald-colored buttons, it still wasn't doing much to get through the interference. Adjusting the settings, the Fifth was about to initialize a new scan when a series of beeps emanated from the console.

First Ikidik'tan turned, "Report."

Gage'lez knew it wasn't a question. Glancing at the report, "Sensors have detected an EM Scan directed at our location."

Kuzos was also on the bridge and heard the exchange between Ikidik'tan and Gage'lez. "What? What did you say? An EM scan directed at us from where?" He looked over at Ididik'tan " has this been verified?" He snapped.

"It is verified, Administrator," Gage'lez answered with a slight guttural growl inside his words.

Adjusting the headset that he wore, "Give me the source on my display, Fifth."

The virtual sensory display was a portable headset device used in place of a viewscreen on Dominion starships and let the Jem'Hadar First and the Vorta Administrator to view the space around the ship by simply turning their head. As one Cardassian once put it the display was like having a viewscreen inside your brain and connected to the audio and video feeds of the ship's com system. He didn't like what he saw as the Federation vessel was returning.

Kuzos studied the images he was receiving and was none too pleased by them. "Are you stating that the Federation ship is responsible for the EM scan that you detected earlier?" He demanded.

"It is, Administrator, and it is on a direct course for us."

Kuzos stared at the Jem'Hadar and then a slow smile spread across his features. "Now. that is interesting. Drop out cloak. Let them see us and what they are facing. That we are the face and might of the Dominion along with the will of the Founders."

"Disengaging the masking circuitry," the Jem'Hadar Second answered from his workstation.

"Is there any change in the actions of the Federation vessel?" First Ikidik'tan asked over his shoulder.

Gage'lez nodded, "Indeed. They've set an intercept course."

Kuzos stood watching silently. After a few moments he addressed Ikidik'tan. "Open hailing frequencies but do not hail them Let them make the first move. After all." He continued, "They are in our space. "Let them explain their presence...if they can."

"We are monitoring channels now," another Jem'Hadar notified. "No hails have been received yet."

"Probably ascertaining the threat level we pose for one another," Ikidik'tan added. He looked at the Tactical officer, "We should do the same. Complete a tactical analysis of the Federation vessel."

The Tactical Officer reviewed the readouts on the display. Typing quickly, the Jem'Hadar soldier compared the two vessels, "The Federation vessel incorporates high-capacity Phaser Arrays and Torpedo Launchers, scans identifying Photon, Quantum, and a torpedo type we cannot discern from previous encounters. Our two vessels are equal from a tactical perspective; however, they do have an edge with maneuverability over ours."

"Perhaps." Kuzos commented. "We have stealth technology they do not. So, it even outs." He looked to Ikidik'tan. Keep hailing frequencies open but do not contact them."

"Understood," the Jem'Hadar First confirmed. "Continue monitoring Comms."

Kuzos stood, arms across his chest. "While we wait for the Federation ship to come to its senses and make the right decision. Let s not be idle. Make sure we are ready for any action they may take." He ordered.

The Second looked to the Vorta, "Do you want weapons primed?"

Kuzos fixed The Second with a stare. "Yes, let's see what the Federation reaction is to that." He answered.

"They've raised shields, Administrator," the First answered.

Kuzos nodded, "Raise ours First." He answered his eyes still on the viewscreen and the federation ship in the middle of it.

Ruka'voni nodded, "Both ours and the Federation vessel's shields came online concurrently."

"Just how far do you want to take this, Administrator?" First Ikidik'tan interjected. "Even if we succeed, is this display really worth the lives it may cost?"

Kuzos didn't look at him. His eyes remained on the viewscreen and the Federation starship it showed. "Are you questioning my tactics First?" He asked still not looking at the Jem'Hadar. "And as to how far I will take this, that is a very good question. I would say that the actions of the Federation will determine that."

Ikidik'tan continued, "The Quadrant War nearly destroyed the Founders and the Dominion, Administrator, discretion may be the better part of our valor. Escalation is not in our best interest, nor theirs. Perhaps we should extend the olive branch the Federation is known for?" It was probably unusual or unexpected to hear a Jem'Hadar being the proposer of peace, but sometimes it was the way to win a battle.

Now Kuzos did turn to fact the Jem' Hadar First. "What's that you say First? Extend an olive branch to the Federation? The interlopers who are in our space? Who have not even had the courtesy to contact us. Am I understanding you correctly?" Kuzos purred silkily. His tone giving no hint to the deadliness of his question at Ikidik'tan.

"It may throw them off balance if we use their tactic against them, Administrator."

Kuzos mulled the observation over. "Hmm. It may at that First." He looked to the Jem'Hadar at the comm station. "Open hailing frequencies. Let us say hello."

"Opening a channel."

"Shields are up, Lieutenant," Rrawran announced from the Tactical console. The Rorworr's furred fingers raced across the display surface. "I have weapons at the ready, should they be needed."

Lieutenant Avir Yavan looked at the Tactical Officer and solemnly nodded as she stood between him and the Captain's Chair. With crossed arms she looked at the tactical display on the main viewer, carefully analyzing the information on the screen. The distance between them was closing and the Dominion vessel's weapons were active. If they chose to fight the battle was balanced, but the question was who would fire first. She hoped she wasn't the one who had to make that decision, or react to it.

Sulu called from the Science Station, "The Dominion vessel is charging weapons."

Hearing the Turbolift doors open, Avir turned.

Stacey was a bit nervous, but she was focusing on her training at the moment to get her through this. Deep inner thoughts, she wondered would the Dominion really attack them? "Orders Captain?" Stacey was wondering does she plot an escape course or did they go directly after the Dominion ship.

Captain Wilkan Targaryen crossed through the door onto the Bridge of the Enterprise with Doctor Brooks nearby. The Captain's demeanor one of stern preparation as he approached his chair. He looked right at Lieutenant Yavan as he came down the stairs, "Report."

Yavan stood from the chair and turned toward the Captain of the Enterprise, her look just as determined as the Captain's, "Sensors have detected a Dominion starship following fairly close to us, Captain. Their shields have raised, and they've primed their weapons."

Wilkan let out a long breath as he looked at the Tactical plot on the viewscreen, letting the information sink in. He glanced at the alert monitor and saw that they were still at Yellow Alert, not yet having risen to Red. If the Jem'Hadar had prepared their weapons and shields, then they were looking for a fight. The question was did he give it to them?

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Targaryen said as the Lieutenant passed by him. He chose not to sit, instead turned toward the viewscreen and the Dominion vessel now present. "We have to protect our away team, they are our first priority, and I won't leave them at the hands of the Dominion. Instead, we need a more direct approach. Think we should say a friendly hello to our shadow?"

Yeoman Viktoriya Nikolayenko answered for them. From the forward mounted Communications Station, the young Crewman said, "They're hailing us, Captain."

"Fortuitous," the Captain answered, having preferred to have been the one that hailed the Jem'Hadar. Turning toward the viewscreen, the Captain walked to the small platform between the screen and the forward workstations to speak with the Dominion vessel's crew. Since they hailed first, he was content to let them do the introductions.

Kuzos stood in the middle of the screen with Ikidik'tan to his right. "I am Kuzos, commander of this vessel. Why have you entered Dominion space?" He asked without preamble.

Captain Targaryen looked across subspace at the Vorta Administrator, "Our apologies, Administrator, for the violation of your territory. I'm Captain Wilkan Targaryen, Commanding Officer of the Federation Starship Enterprise and when we last explored the Gamma Quadrant this system was part of unclaimed territory. Under the Treaty of Bajor we were permitted to resume limited exploratory missions and were taking the opportunity to do so," While over 50 years old, the Treaty of Bajor was still the law of the land when dealing with Federation/Dominion relations. It did give the Federation permission to explore the Gamma Quadrant.

Kuzos was unmoved by the Federation Captain's silver tongue. "So because the treaty of Bajor gives you access to explore. You just took it upon yourselves to do just that without even considering where you were going. Or....." He drew it out, "You knew exactly where you were going and just hoped you could complete your mission without a Dominion ship appearing. Well, guess what? Here we are."

"And we're happy to have you to greet us," the Captain answered politely, "but, you misinterpret our motives, Administrator. The Federation has only recently returned to its exploratory roots and we've opted to resume our deep space missions. Enterprise is on a five year mission to explore strange new worlds and seek out new civilizations. After over a decade of preparation, Starfleet authorized this mission of discovery back to the Gamma Quadrant. We're here in peace, nothing more, and we want no quarrels with the Dominion - in fact we even attempted to speak with the Great Link prior to undertaking this mission, but our requests for counsel were unanswered."

He paused, shifting his weight to keep an informal stance, "To help us better maintain peaceful borders and boundaries, would you be willing to share an updated star chart of the region? That way we can navigate away from your territories and remain in open space away from Dominion territory. We wouldn't want to accidentally breach the sovereignty of the Great Link anymore than we already have."

Seconds ticked by as Kuzos stood there and listened to Targaryen speak. Finally, a broad smile appeared on His face, "My congratulations Captain Targaryen. You indeed have a silver tongue if you expect me to believe such an outlandish story and in addition to this fairy tale you spin, you wish us to give you a star chart of our territory. I highly doubt you would be so accommodating if the situation was reversed, and we were in Federation territory and asked for a star chart."

"I don't know," the Captain answered quickly. "If I were trying to prevent an interstellar incident I'd probably be willing to share. In fact, Yeoman," he looked off screen, "Please share with the Dominion vessel a current star chart depicting Federation territorial boundaries." He turned back toward the viewscreen, "just in case you end up on our side of the Wormhole."

Kuzos nodded his head at Targaryen's gesture of sending a current star chart of Federation territory. "A generous gesture Captain and I suppose one good turn deserves another." He turned to speak to a Jem 'Hadar off screen. "Send a current star chat of our space and territories to the Enterprise, so they do lose their way." Another brilliant smile on his face.

Wilkan saw the nod of the Yeoman confirming the delivery of the starchart. Returning his full attention to the open channel, "We apologize for our intrusion, Administrator, and we will make preparations to leave your territory. Lieutenant Moore, please begin plotting a course, using our gifted charts." He motioned toward the Vorta on the viewer.

"Yes, yes." Kuzos said. "So, you said before. However, that still doesn't explain your presence here at this world or why we detected one of your shuttles entering the atmosphere or the EM scan coming from the planet direct at us. So, please do explain....if you can."

"Standard protocol, actually. We selected this world because it's initial survey by the Defiant was cut short over 50 years ago when Captain Sisko provided aid to a Karemma freighter that was under attack by a Jem'Hadar patrol. Sisko's logs made it seem pretty fascinating so we thought we'd finish the job. The shuttle contains a survey team that's conducting atmospheric investigation." He glanced back at Lieutenant Yavan, "I apologize for the EM scan, but it's also standard procedure when we think we detect a cloaked vessel."

Kuzos leaned closer to the view screen. "I fear we are off to a bad start in out meeting captain as I don't believe you. You answers are too glib too pat, too convenient to be believed. So, I think we will just wait here to see what you have found."

"It's a free galaxy," Targaryen answered with a slight hand flourish as he walked toward the center seat. "I'd be more than happy to share orbit with you, Administrator, while we wait, as well as share a report of our findings. My only request is that you deactivate your weapons array in a neighborly gesture."

In response Kuzos muted his comm and turned his back to Targaryen so he could speak to First. "He's lying." He stated bluntly. "They are searching for something and trying to throw us off track by these false claims of exploring. Well, it won't work. We still here and watch what occurs." he turned back to Tergaryen, bright smile on his face. "We'll stay thank you." As he nodded off screen before turning back to Tergaryen. "We have powered down our weapons."

"Very magnanimous of you, Administrator, and appreciated by my crew and I. Nobody wants a war and I won't put your weapons being targeted at us in my log if you won't," it was an odd gesture to include, but a Dominion starship targeting a Federation one was a breach of the Treaty of Bajor in itself. He left out the shields from the equation.

"So, since we're still at peace anything else you'd like to chat about before we sign off of this call?"

Kuzos laughed, "Oh captain! You do have a sense of humor! Report what you wish in your log. Our weapons were never actually locked on your ship. Are you going to lower your shields as well, do demonstrate this good faith of yours?

"Feel like lowering yours too?" Wilkan parried. "Although, with the concentration of metreon gas in the atmosphere of this planet we orbit we could have some problems due to its volatility."

Kuzos smiled another infuriating smile. "I think not Captain. As you said, I would not wish to have damage, especially unnecessary damage done to my ship and crew."

"I'm of the same viewpoint, Mister Kuzos," Wilkan answered. "If there's nothing else, I hope you have a pleasant journey."

Kuzos gave a short nod of his head before replying. "I'll be seeing you again, Captain."

Before the channel could be closed, Lieutenant Sulu turned away from the Science console with a look of earnest concern on her face. "Captain," she said to get Wilkan's attention as she pressed a control, "The runabout."

On the viewscreen the visual feed of Enterprise's support craft appeared on the display in a split screen next to the Vorta. The runabout looked a little battered, but it all in all looked as if it were ok. It was what came next that surprised them the most. A large form rose from the clouds behind the shuttle, a shimmering hulk of a creature easily the size of the Starship Enterprise itself. As quickly as it came though it descended back into the depths of the atmosphere, obscured by the blanket of clouds.

Wilkan turned away from the viewscreen, "What the Hell was that?"

On the Dominion ship, Kuzos and the bridge crew had seen the same thing. The federation support craft and then something HUGE rising from the planet's surface before disappearing again. "What was that?!!!!!!" He yelled, "Get me an analysis now, I want to know what it was we saw."

"It would seem, Administrator, that we are both at a loss as to what we're seeing. Maybe we should pool our resources instead of trading diplomatic barbs?"

Kuzos turned back to the viewscreen, "So, it would seem captain, so it would seem."

Wilkan nodded, feeling that they had finally reached a firm truce of nonaggression for now. Returning to his chair, "I'm sending you the sensor details. Let's reconvene in fifteen minutes."

Kuzos nodded. "Agreed. Fifteen minutes." As he closed the connection and turned to is staff. "What do the Enterprise's sensor logs show?" He demanded.

As the channel closed, the Captain looked around the Bridge. "I'm going to go debrief the crew of the runabout. Yavan, you have the Bridge until I get back. Lieutenant Moore, keep us in position, but keep an eye out for that creature. Doc," he looked at the Chief Medical Officer, "start reviewing the log information about that creature. Let's see what we can see."

Kuzos looked at the bridge crew, "Answers. I want answers now. What was that creature and what do we know about the Enterprise's support craft's time on the planet?"



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