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Life Support

Posted on Sun Sep 29th, 2024 @ 11:11pm by Captain Wilkan Targaryen & Lieutenant Commander Jeanette Brooks MD
Edited on on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 12:37am

1,347 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pilot
Location: Sickbay, USS Enterprise
Timeline: 2439-03-09, 06:30

Captain Wilkan Targaryen stepped into the Deck 1 Turbolift, turning back toward the doors as the lift began its descent into the Starship Enterprise. There had been a lot happening aboard the ship in this short span of time and, for many, this wasn't exactly the mission that they had signed on for. The Enterprise was the flagship of the United Federation of Planets, the best-known vessel in the history of the organization, and it was meant to explore the cosmos. Here they were again on the cusp of potential war and the Enterprise was caught in the middle.

The Turbolift doors slid open, revealing a nearly empty corridor. Yellow alert lighting was in place throughout the space, indicating a heightened state of readiness amongst the crew of the starship. Most likely the hallways were deserted because the crew were at their duty stations waiting and preparing should the war come to them. Whatever decisions they made here today it was possible that they could bring the war directly to them.

Turning down a circular corridor, the captain found his way to the appropriate door. Stepping through the entry, Wilkan found the Chief Medical Officer, "Doctor?"

Jeanette was towards the back of Sickbay double checking to ensure everything was readily available at a moment's notice. Hearing someone calling out, she leaned slightly backward to peer around the corner to see who it was. Seeing the Captain, she straightened up ran her hands down her jacket to straighten it, she walked towards him. "Captain," she said with her usual smile and calm demeanor, "What can I do for you Sir?"

"I have a bit of a headache," Wilkan admitted. "I was hoping you could help me out with it."

"Well, you've come to the right place, and I most certainly can." Jeanette replied. "The question here is, is it a slight headache or the start of something bigger?"

"That's a good question," the Captain of the Enterprise answered as he pondered the question. The truth was that the headache wasn't all that bad, yet, but he knew it would be more if they didn't get ahead of it. The Enterprise was in hostile space, if the Dominion weren't already aware of their presence they soon would be, and an away team was in the middle of one of the most dangerous environments that they would ever face. That was more than enough for a perfect storm.

"We have a couple of options here. I can you issue the old fashion, take two aspirin and call me in the morning. Or I can give you 5cc's of Triptacederin and hope that does the trick." pausing briefly, "Let's just take a quick scan and see which remedy would be the best." she said with a smile as she reached for the scanner in her pocket.

Captain Targaryen nodded to give his permission for the scan to the Enterprise's Chief Medical Officer wordlessly.

Running the scanner over the Captain, her face lost the smile, and a very concerned look took its place. Double checking the results she replied with slight trepidation. Finally, she spoke, "Well Captain it seems we have a few things going on here." as she tilted her head slightly. "Your headache may be the result of a couple of things. There is a combination of heightened pain in your neck and jaw which could lead to the increased pain in your head. Not to say that the pain in your lower back isn't contributing to it as well. But the inflammation is something that can be easily rectified as well."

"Why do I have a feeling that there's something you're not saying so far, Doctor?" The Captain asked from his seat on the biobed.

"The headache and lower back are the easy part," she continued. "Your increased heart rate is what has me concerned." her brow furrowing slightly.

Wilkan nodded in agreement, "I had a feeling that you'd say something like that. Is it possible thought that this is a result of the situation that we're in? The Enterprise is in Dominion space, I have an away team on a shuttle going to a planet that's one step above Hell, and an Admiral that wants to see me reassigned from this ship to a garbage scow," he paused, "well probably a garbage scow. I'd assume that much at least with how he acts." The tricorder beeped rapidly, showing the increased heart rate was back again.

A quick little smile crossing her lips, "We both know full well the stress you're under Captain, but unless you work with me and we keep that..." shaking the tricorder lightly in front of him, indicating the rapid heartbeat notification. "... from happening. You won't be commanding anything."

"What do you suggest, Doctor?"

"I would suggest that you try and I mean honestly try to relax if nothing than one hour a day." she replied encouragingly. "I'm also going to prescribe some Metrazine to try to regulate that rapid heartbeat of yours and let's see if that helps with the headache and the backache." Walking over to a cabinet she continued, "Stress can do funny things to your body that you don't realize until it happens."

He laughed, "Too bad we don't have a ship's counselor among the senior staff of this vessel." He smiled after having said it, thinking about the changes to a ship's crew over the years he'd served in Starfleet. When he served during the Klingon and Dominion conflicts of the late 24th Century there were ship's counselors in the senior staff, even some in higher roles including command. Now, after years of peace, they weren't typically found in such high roles anymore. Maybe he'd change that.

Instead, he got to a point, "How are preparations going for our time here in Dominion Space, Doctor?"

Looking around Sickbay she replied, "Well, I believe we have prepared ourselves for any emergency that may arise. But you can never really be overly prepared in any case." Her mood changed slightly as she continued. "Personally, I have to admit, considering the past, our being here unnerves me just a little."

"I can relate," the Enterprise's captain answered as he thought of the past again. He decided to go into a bit of an optimistic tone over a negative one, "but the war was a long time ago, far longer than it seems at times, and we've come a long way since those days." It was hard to believe it had been over 50 years since the war. While his El-Aurian heritage kept him looking young, he still remembered the war.

"Even though it was year ago, if the lessons learned from the war are not adhered to history tends to be repeated." she replied as the Captain's combadge sounded.

"Bridge to the Captain."

Wilkan was surprised by the voice on the other end of the comlink. He looked at the Chief Medical Officer, "Excuse me, doctor." He stepped away and tapped his communicator badge, answering the call questioningly "Lieutenant Yavan Where's Lieutenant Moore?"

"The Lieutenant had an errand, Captain, and left me in command. Sir, we've picked up a ship trailing us. I thought you'd want to know."

The Captain looked at the Enterprise's Doctor, "Understood, Lieutenant. I'm on my way up. Targaryen out." He returned to the doctor and, as he was about to speak, the yellow alert klaxons began. He sighed, "Well, doctor, looks like my stress may not be ending anytime soon. Thanks for your counsel. Want to head up to the Bridge with me, or do you plan to stay down here?"

Jeanette looked up at the ceiling as the yellow alert sounded. Hearing the Captains statement she gave a quick smile and replied, "You're very welcome and we can only try to maintain our calm, but I do understand given your position." giving him a quick smile and a nod. "I would be honored to head up to the Bridge with you, if nothing else as a physical reminder of our conversation."

Wilkan motioned toward the exit, "Lets get going."


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