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Chapter 2.4

Posted on Mon May 22nd, 2023 @ 11:22am by Lieutenant (J.G.) Rrawran & Lieutenant Hezaar & Lieutenant Jardok & Lieutenant 0110 & Lieutenant Ilbis Ilkun MD & Lieutenant Percival Godfry & Lieutenant (J.G.) 1001 & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Commander Bezru Tua

1,723 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: No Sleep Tonight
Location: Bridge, USS Enterprise
Timeline: 2431-05-30, 23:00

Captain's Log, Admiral Willian Targaryen Recording:

The Enterprise and its support ships are approaching the Ascella Star System. I have ordered our forces to Yellow Alert, but I am concerned that the Cardassians could still overwhelm our defenses.

Even though he was now essentially the Executive Officer of the Enterprise, Rrawran couldn't escape the homecoming feeling he had as he sat down at the Tactical console on the Bridge. After having served as the Tactical Officer on the ship for most of his career it was very gratifying and exhilarating to return to controlling the weapons and defenses of the Federation Flagship. He knew that he really shouldn't have been excited to be responsible for this role again given the circumstances, but he also knew that this wasn't a feeling that he wanted to forget anytime soon. It was nothing against Lieutenant Sulu, but this console had been his home a lot longer than she had been aboard.

"Lieutenant Godfry please send me the latest scans you've completed of the Ascella System," the Rorworr ordered from his home base.

The Science Officer nodded with a smile, "Of course, Commander." He typed on the screen and transferred the data over quickly.

The Lieutenant nodded, "Thanks." He quickly opened the readout and studied what they found. The system was relatively standard in most respects and contained five worlds orbiting a main sequence star. In the 23rd Century the Ascella System's world Mimit was home to a Kzinti Colony and munitions depot that was investigated and dismantled by this vessel's predecessor. The Cardassians later rebuilt the colony and outpost, before they went independent in the early 25th Century. Since then they were a frequent target of raids by the Kzinti, but nothing too significant was going on in Ascella. The Cardassian invasion really didn't make much sense.

"We are on approach to the Ascella System, Admiral," Lieutenant 1001 announced from the Helm console.

In the center of the Bridge, Admiral Willian Targaryen rose from the center seat and walked toward the forward workstations where the Bynar twins sat. "Slow to 1/3 Impulse, Lieutenant," Targaryen ordered, "On screen."

1001's violet fingers danced a rhythmic ballet over the Helm console to carry out the Captain's orders, bringing the massive starship out of warp and to a third of its normal sublight speed. The alien officer checked his readouts, "I'm not seeing our welcoming committee."

"They're out there," Rrawran said, "I can feel them."

Commander Tua looked at the Strategist, "I was unaware that was among your abilities, Commander."

"The canine instincts of my ancestors, Ma'am. I can sense another predator," the Rorworr explained from the Tactical console.

The Trill XO crossed her arms, "Not much of a predator. More like a bully."

The Vulcan Counselor interjected evenly from his workstation, "Sometimes they can be the same thing, Exec."

0110, the Bynar paired twin of 1001, reviewed the details on his Operations workstation, "Admiral, I am detecting an anomalous reading from near the planet Mimit. Routing to Science and Tactical."

As the Acting Security Chief pulled up the readings, the Science Officer was already speaking out, "I'd picked those up too. When the Cardassians established the Ascella Supply Depot during Legate Matan's Invasion of the Maelstrom they'd outfitted the planet with a series of Cardassian Orbital Weapon Platforms to provide colonial defense. They've been abandoned since the Sovereign and Enterprise cleared this system. The independent colony on Mimit attempted to restore them but weren't able to."

"Admiral, the Mimit colony is a concern for us," Jardok informed as he approached the railing. "While Mimit is an independent planet, the planet holds special consideration for both the Kzinti and the Cardassians both. Should a negative outcome occur we could find ourselves in conflict with multiple parties."

The Enterprise's Captain smirked, "Thanks for the reminder. Any contact with the colony, Lieutenant?"

"Negative," 0110 answered almost as quickly as the Captain asked.

"Are there signs of life from the planet?" Tua asked as she left her Chair and approached the upper level.

Godfry adjusted the scanning polarity, "It's been a challenge to penetrate the interference of the Maelstrom in this region, but indications suggest that there is life down there."

"Any contact from the Cardassian Fleet though?" Willian asked looking around.

It was 0110 again, "Negative."

"Ascella was the most recent system they were annexing," Commander Tua explained as she stood next to Lieutenant Godfry. "Could they have moved on already?"

"Anything's possible," Rrawran answered from the opposite side of the room. "I doubt that they'd make a play and not stick around to defend it though, unless they had something else planned. Or..."

Bezru interrupted, "Or what?"

"Or this is a diversion," the Security Officer completed.

That was a damning thought. Could they have pulled the Enterprise here as a diversion from their true target, the legitimate target? Willian looked at the Helmsman, "Put the Nav Chart for the Maelstrom on the screen."

The viewscreen was quickly replaced with a large map of the Maelstrom Sector, each of the key worlds and territories clearly identified and visible on the screen. Enterprise was located in the upper region of the Sector nearest the Cardassian sphere of influence while DS12 was located in the opposite direction. It was hard to believe that they'd make a play for the Station. While Starfleet may not have a defense against the Interstellar Coalition's new weapon, the Starbase could still destroy a fleet of half dozen ships without much effort.

That left the center areas. While there were a lot of independent systems in the Maelstrom and unclaimed space, most of it was on the border of at least one major power. The Cardassians had the most real estate, but the Klingons gave a strong run and the Federation was third. The Romulans even had systems, but they were heavily contested. Really, no one was a dominant power in the Maelstrom. If the Cardassians were making a play it was for something big. Something no one would want them to have.

"Could the Cardassians be going for the Romulans?" Jardok asked still standing by the railing and looking inward toward the Bridge.

1001 answered this time, "I suppose that it's possible. Beol and Xi Entrades are both neutral systems and the Romulans have been known to operate there."

"The Klingons frequently operate from Xi Entrades though as well," his brother interrupted. "The Cardassians have bene known to monitor this system closely. They may have chosen to annex it instead to end the threat to their sovereignty."

"Unlikely. The Cardassians would be more afraid to engage the Klingons than the Romulans. Xi Entrades is unlikely to be their target for that reason," the other Bynar challenged.

"It would explain the reason why the Cardassians made the effort to distract us," the Operations Bynar proposed.

The Helm Bynar continued, "Then why not distract the Klingons too?"

Willian interrupted, "Thank you, Gentlemen."

"Yes Admiral," they both answered together.

The Captain of the ship looked, carefully, at the readout on his display screen. "It's a good theory, but I'm inclined to believe that the Cardassians aren't quite ready to engage someone so directly."

"They challenged us," Bezru pointed out.

"Of course they did," Willian answered, "because there was only one ship against six. While I know this ship could handle those numbers, you're still a little new to commanding the flagship, Exec." It was meant to be as provocative as it was. The Admiral crossed his arms, "No, they're up to something else. They don't want us to fight them, but they need something and us to leave them alone in the process. That wipes out a lot of systems."

Rrawran looked, carefully, at the display and mimicked it on his own station. Studying the systems, he marked off the ones that were already discussed. Sending them away that left a remaining four systems. Two were uninhabited so easily conquered, so the alien solider eliminated them from the display. That left two systems left and both were centers of trade: Biranu and Serris.

"They're going to Serris."

Everyone's eyes turned to Lieutenant Commander Rrawran in one of the creepiest maneuvers he'd ever seen. Only Lieutenant Godfry had the courage to break the silence and ask a question, "Why?"

"The Serris System is a hub of commerce and frequently monitored by Starfleet for just that reason. More than once Ferengi vessels have been impounded transporting illegal materials into that System and been impounded by Starfleet patrols. Just a few days ago a Ferengi Trader named Agakor was arrested by the Resolute in that system, but Starfleet didn't have anything to hold him on because his ship was able to get away." The information scrolled over the display, showing the Ferengi criminal's arrest record. "Before he was released, Agakor identified he was working for a powerful figure and that we should all be afraid if we didn't let him go."

It was Commander Jardok who spoke, "That is, as Humans say, a stretch, Commander."

"Not when you realize that the ship that we normally have patrolling near Serris is in this flotilla," he identified the Resolute on the display.

Willian took it all in, listening carefully to the proposal and the potential that it could be correct. It led him to a separate question, "I didn't pull all of Starfleet off their assigned routes though. There are still ships near Serris. The Poseidon, for one, is investigating the ambient radiation of that part of the sector."

Lieutenant 0110, slowly, turned his chair toward the Admiral, "Sir, I forwarded a distress call from the Poseidon to your datapad a short while ago. They are near Serris."

Admiral Targaryen sighed, "Alright then. More evidence for the Prosecution, or, in this case, our furry Tactical Officer. How long to Serris?"

"At Warp? A little under an hour," 0110's brother answered with a hint of sarcasm atypical of a Bynar.

The Captain avoided a sarcastic comment himself. Instead he want right to work, "Engage, and, Mister 0110, make sure you alert me to distress calls in the future. Don't just assume I read my e-mail."

Just as before the twin Bynars began to type on their consoles and called out, "Aye Sir."

Willian looked up at the Tactical Officer and gave a barely perceptible nod of recognition as the Enterprise jumped to Warp.


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