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Chapter 2.3

Posted on Mon May 22nd, 2023 @ 11:20am by Ensign Vijraoth sh'Kovrirr & Lieutenant (J.G.) Avir Yavan & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Commander Ash Randall & Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake & Lieutenant R'elle & Captain Nathan Bishop

2,348 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: No Sleep Tonight
Location: Operations, Deep Space 12
Timeline: 2431-05-30, 22:30

While he may have only just stepped off of the turbolift, Lieutenant Vijraoth sh'Kovrirr was already annoyed beyond belief. He had just received notice from Admiral Targaryen that Lieutenant Haines was dealing with an emergency situation and was being called away on a priority mission, so he was asked to serve as Acting Chief of Security until the Lieutenant's return. Normally he wouldn't be annoyed by this request, but he was scheduled to work the night shift already and that would mean that he'd have to cover the day shift as well. Before all was said and done he would have been awake for nearly 36 hours.

He unconsciously yawned at the thought as he approached the Security workstation in the Operations Compound of Deep Space 12 and logged in. Checking the status reports, he quickly identified that the Enterprise, Galileo, and Copernicus had departed on course for the Demilitarized Zone. Valhalla was also departing and the computer indicated that it was leaving on a similar flight plan, almost perfectly parallel.

Whatever was happening out there, the Andorian wished he was heading there instead of pulling double duty in the middle of nowhere. Yawning again he was scrolling through reports from the Security staff wondering who else was unlucky enough to pull nightwatch with him.

"Yawning is contagious." A tired voice stated, quietly. The voice seemed to come from the back of one of the station chairs before the Chief Engineer peered over the top of it at the Lieutenant. It was sometimes, startling, that the Chief Engineer of the station was small enough in stature she could hide in a chair if it was turned the wrong direction. "No rest for the weary." She added as she settled down in the chair again to continue whatever work she was engaged in.

"Oh don't - " the rest of Lieutenant Blake's voice was lost as he yawned. "Look what you've gone and done," he teased the Andorian. "We'll all be wishing for siesta at this rate."

The Andorian hadn't really realized he'd even yawned, let alone started a version of the wave among the present staff of the station. Tugging on his uniform tunic, "Sorry, everyone, didn't mean to make everyone as tired as I am. Doubleshift with the Chief off the station. What are all you nice people doing here on the night shift anyway? Thought you were all Alpha Watch?"

"Well now some of us did have a nap, may hap an unexpected nap." Cyrus remarked as he slowly walked in. "Thought I'd take a stroll and here I am." the blond doctor rubbing his eyes, and stifling a yawn.

"Much prettier places to take a stroll, Doctor," the Secuity Officer replied. "I can think of the Habitation Sector for one."

At his station Dylan Blake didn't even try to hide his snicker that turned into fall laugher. He'd head the good Doctor had only recently mixed his times up with a meeting with the senior staff much to their amusement.

"That maybe so, however if I am needed in an emergency, I would need to know where things are, just in case transporters are not functioning. Would be highly embarrassing if I got lost and not good for a possible patient." Cyrus looked at the Andorian. "I'm Cyrus, and you are?"

"Lieutenant sh'Kovrirr," the Security Officer answered. "The Admiral asked me to fill in at Security while the Chief is away. You probably don't remember me, but we met before. I was assigned to provide Security in Enterprise's Sickbay when we were at Talos."

Ash peered back over the top of her chair at Cyrus, for a moment, and then at the Andorian security officer and Lt. Blake and then settled back down into her chair. "I thought it would be easier if I was here instead of in my quarters." The Chief Engineer stated and then didn't elaborate any further.

"You know Ash," Blake teased. "We could replicate you a basket with blankets to snooze in instead."

"The Admiral has frowned upon me snoozing in duty areas...I'm not allowed to even hang a hammock high up in a corner." The Tuansee lamented, in a faux, indignant tone and sighed. "A basket with a binky would be out of the question, I'm afraid." she added, as if she would even consider it.

"Shame," Dylan sighed. "A hammock would be pretty cool."

The turbolift opened and out walked a small human looking child in a yeomans outfit holding a plater with a pot of coffee, cups, creme, and sugar. Yeoman Melly smiled to all, "Security Chief Haynes isn't on board at this time. My curse with Security Chiefs. So I wanted to bring some fresh brewed coffee up for everyone. Non replicated." She walked over lifting the platter to anyone who wanted.

"Why hello Blake long time no see, and great to see you as well Ash." Cyrus deliberately dropping ranks, it was way too late in the evening so, ranks be damned. He looked at the Andorian officer, "Ah yes you saved my bacon down there." giving a chuckle. "I suppose you are all wondering why I asked you to meet me like this." he paused for a moment to take a look at Melly, "Ah thank you Melly, good to see you again."

"A pleasure to see you Doctor. I know Security Chief Haynes isn't around but he has me up every 0500 hours for training. I felt it would be nice to bring some coffee for his temporary replacement do to the long night.", she smiled sweetly the seven year old looking Only smiled looking to the Andorian. "Coffee Sir or would Ma'am be prefered?" Melly keep her eyes lowered as she offered up the platter.

Blake was intrigued at Cyrus addressed them and noted how informal he'd become which didn't always bode well. The smell from Melly's coffee had him salivating.

Almost sensing the salivating Melly smiled keeping her eyes lowered, "Theres plenty for all please enjoy!"

Ash peered around the back of the chair at Melly and gave a finger wave to the, Yeoman in miniature. "Coffee would be lovely." She said, quietly, and looked to Cyrus. "Did you find your tackle box in sick bay, doctor?" She asked, earnestly.

"yes I did thank you, Ash, I appreciate you getting that for me." Cyrus flashing a smile.

Melly begun giving out coffee to each and every one who would want, making sure they got enough creme and sugar before sitting the platter down then sitting on the floor to wait to see if others needed more serving.

Bishop thanked Melly for the coffee and creme but silently wondered why the yeoman was sitting on the floor.

Cyrus noticed and frowned slightly. He knew it was difficult for her to get out of the other mindset but great strides had been made in order for her to step out of this mindset. He walked over to where she was at and leaned over and said quietly "Melly, you are a yeoman, not a servant, make eye contact, and stand up straight and feel pride that you are a part of this crew. That is all part of being a yeoman and a bonafide crewman. Remember this, please."

Melly looked up to Cyrus and then smiled, "Yes Sir. I am getting better just slip a bit at times." She then stood with her chin and eyes high.

Ash gave a little nod to Melly standing erect and with an assertive gaze.

At the forward workstation Lieutenant Avir Yavan typed quickly, the Ardanan woman's fingers dancing over the workstation with practiced precision. She turned away and looked back at the Operations Crew, "Distress call coming in from the USS Poseidon. They're reporting that they're abandoning ship."

Instantly Blake perked up at announcement his weariness forgotten.

Bishop frowned at the news. "Abandoning ship?" He repeated. "Do they give a reason why?" He asked.

"No Sir," Yavan answered.

Melly whispered up to Cyrus hearing all this, "I can help with triage if you need a hand with the injured?"

Cyrus gave a bit of a nod. "I will accept that" he responded.

"What is the current position of the Poseidon and her mission parameters." Ash asked, quietly, of no one in particular.

Yavan typed on her console and the viewscreen switched from an external view to show a sector plot of the Maelstrom Sector with Deep Space 12 located in the lower right hand corner from its vantage orbiting New Vulcan. In the upper left corner of the screen an area was highlighted, not far from Cardassian territory.

"This is their last known location," the Dockmaster answered. "They were on a research mission according to our records."

"Do we have anyone close by who can assist?" The voice of Commander Hawkins asked having remained a silent observer until now.

"The Valhalla appears close to the location." Bishop observed looking at the viewscreen. But he hesitated in sending them, knowing what their primary mission was. "Show other ships in the area." He added.

Yavan brought up the data as requested and displayed it on the viewer, "Looks like there aren't many options. With everything happening with the Cardassians the Admiral's recalled many of the ships assigned to the Maelstrom to his flotilla. Looks like the Nostromo, the New Vulcan Support Vessel, and the Uhura are the only two not engaged in some other assignment. Unless you want to take the Geronimo out of the museum?"

"I'd rather shoot myself out of torpedo tube then put the Geronimo back into service," Blake scoffed.

"I don't know, Dylan. We could probably have the Geronimo ready for duty in about six hours." Ash mused, with a little smile and a wink that was a sure indication she only, half, joking.

Blake supressed a shiver at her comment.

"The Uhura is already prepped to go," Hawkins checked it's status. "Will leave the station a bit short handed if we assisted but given the resources and time needs we're the best option."

R'elle came to the bridge. She might be of assistance when they catch up to the ones they were chasing. She was happy to help in anyway.

"Are you volunteering, Commander?" Vijraoth asked from the Security Console.

Ash looked to Hawkins, a look of curiosity on her face.

Hawkins blinked at the question with surprise. He turned to Bishop: "Yes, though only with the Captain's permission."

Bishop made his decison. "We'll take the Uhura." He said firmly and then turned his attention to R'elle. "Find yourself a seat Commander when we board the Uhura." he looked at the assembled group, "Nothing else? Let's get to the Uhura."

"I certainly will!' R'elle nodded in agreement.

"May I join the mission, I am a formerly... decorate fighter pilot. Unless you have someone to pilot the ship Sir. Sorry Sir.", Melly hunkered down a bit to hide in the shadows.

Bishop looked at the small woman, he wasn't going to turn anyone away who wanted in on this mission. "Count yourself in Yeoman. Glad to have you along for the mission."

"Onward." Ash said, quietly.

Avir looked over, "Captain Bishop, who are you leaving in command of the station as the Admiral left you in charge, Sir?"

Cyrus whispered, "Melly, stand up no need to hide, you are right here beside me." then Cyrus redirected his attention to the others. "I plan on going as well"

"I'll stay." Ash volunteered, quietly.

Bishop looked at the engineer. "Absolutely not Ash." He firmly decisively.

"Well, as long as you're sure, Captain." Ash replied, quietly.

"The Uhura is ready for departure," Yavan announced after checking her panel, as she wondered who would be left in command of the station.

"Ash. I am more than sure; we need you there with us." Bishop replied letting a touch of emotion into his voice regarding Ash.

"It is nice to be needed." The Chief Engineer stated, while she slipped out of her chair, and looked to Captain Bishop. "Onward..."

Lieutenant sh'Kovrirr looked back at the Executive Officer of the Station, "I'll maintain monitoring of the region from here, Captain, and have a backup plan in case you need additional support. I hope that they don't need your services, Doc."

Cyrus gave a nod to sh'Kovrirr, "I echo your sentiments. Still best to be there just in case."

"Very good Lieutenant sh'Kovirr. I know you will keep the station running and maintaining everything as it should be. Hope we don't need a backup plan but yes, have one just in case." Bishop replied.

Cyrus gave another nod, and also very thankful he has his trusty tackle box/Med kit to be with him.

"Piloting credentials have been loaded for Crewman Melly, Captain," Lieutenant Yavan announced from the Docking Control Station at the front of the Bridge. "Personnel have begun to board to assist you with your mission as well, Sir."

Melly cracked her knuckles and a rare smile crossed her face. "I have missed flying. It makes me feel free. I will be strong and brave and your not going to regret it!"

"Go ahead Melly! You've earned it!" R'elle said.

Bishop smiled at her. "You don't have to sell me Melly. I know you will do just fine and I won't ever regret putting you back in a fighter."

"Thank you Sir.. I doubt I will ever be a fighter pilot again, but baby steps. I will prove myself and show you guys the skill that formerly earned me a few medals. I promise not to skin dance the Uhura off another ships hull though!", the small woman said trying to keep her eyes to Bishops eyes and not his feet. Old habits, but working on them.

Cyrus gave a slight chuckle, having an image of Melly in the seat of a pilot, she had the oomph to do her job and was looking forward to seeing that. "Well then guess it is time to get going."

"Good luck," the Acting Chief of Security noted as the crew transferred to the Uhura.


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