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Visiting Hours

Posted on Sun Jul 21st, 2019 @ 4:39am by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Lieutenant Commander Sawbones & Civilian Viol & Captain Nathan Bishop & Commander Sherwin Porter & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes & Patton O'Sullivan & Daeren Iril & Secretary Jonathan Grayson of United Earth
Edited on on Thu Jan 2nd, 2020 @ 5:19pm

2,332 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Atlantis
Location: Sickbay, Starfleet One
Timeline: 2429-12-02, 13:55

Admiral William Teagarden stepped off of the Turbolift and into Starfleet One's extensive Sickbay Compound, giving Commander O'Sullivan a chance to take in what he saw. This was an unusual place for William because he had spent so much time trying to avoid this room in his career and he still did. So much so that less than an hour ago Doctor Porter had came to the Admiral's Ready Room to patch up a very dangerous injury sustained in a training holo.

Just the thought of it made him grab his side. The fresh skin below the uniform still tightened as the feeling, it was still a little bruised from the major tissue damage he had sustained. He'd have to talk with Sherwin about it. They'd have to figure out what was happening before it got any worse.

"Let's hope we never have to visit again, eh Commander?" He teased as they walked through the lobby area. He could have ordered the turbolift to take them directly into the compound, but he wanted to have the Commander get a view of how expansive sickbay was.

Patton looked around the sickbay and he was impressed. He realized he hadn’t answered the question yet. “I try to stay away but I admit if I am injured I won’t mind coming here. It is impressive.”

Located on Deck 15, Sickbay featured several compartments designed to heal the sick and injured that came aboard Starfleet One. Unlike many locations the room did not have a circular or angular design, rather it was a rectangular section due to it being located near the shuttlebay complex. It featured multiple exam rooms, recovery rooms, laboratories, operating rooms, and an emergency room that connected to a hangar bay for the ambulance shuttles. It was under the exclusive direction of Doctor Porter. They had had many Doctors aboard the ship over the years, but he was still among the very best that William had met. He was ecstatic that he'd returned.

Approaching the Emergency Room he found the away team and the newcomers already there.

"Report, Commander," William said looking at Commander Bishop.

"Yes sir. We encountered a crew of five. One is dead, the other here in Sickbay for surgery. The remaining three are to be checked by medical. Their Commander is Commander Viol of the Atlantean Exploration Force. Their FTL engine malfunctioned. Stranding them here. Commander Green has the location of their home world." Bishop looked over his shoulder at Viol and the other members of her crew. "They look like us sir. I know Dr. Porter needs to do more extensive testing but on the surface the resemblance is amazing."

He nodded to the others as well, interested in their impressions.

"I'd like to speak with our newcomers," the Admiral informed. Knowing that they were away from the new arrivals he looked to his security officers, "I would like you both to work together to make preparations for shipboard defense. Go use the MTAC off the Bridge and start working on your strategies."

"Aye Captain, will strategize a plan, and get it to you and the first officer as soon as possible." Jasmine said, as she looked to O'Sullivan, to see if Paddy had anything to add.

“I look forward to it,” Patton replied. “We are ready to do what is necessary.”

The Admiral glanced to Commander Bishop, "Let's go meet with Mission Commander Viol. I want answers and I'd like to get them before the politicians arrive," he heard the doors slide open at roughly the same time.

"Yes sir." Bishop answered even as he turned to make his way back to Viol. Arriving at her side he waited for the med techs to finish before he spoke "Commander Viol, I'd like you to meet Admiral Teagarden. Admiral this is Commander Viol of the Atlantean Exploration Force." Bishop said by way of introductions. Bishop had heard the doors slide open just as the Admiral had but he didn't look in that direction. His duty was to get the Admiral and Viol to meet, talk before the stuffed shirts got to her.

"Nice to meet you, Commander," the Admiral said to the Mission Commander. "How did you find yourselves all the way out here?"

The Atlantean sat atop the biobed in the hospital section of the Sickbay and stared at the Admiral for a moment before answering. "I suppose I could say the same thing," she smiled as she made the comment. "This vessel is amazing, beyond anything that I have seen before. Your uniforms too, I've never quite seen something like them in all of Atlantis."

"We're a bit more advanced," he answered realizing she had skipped his question. He wondered for a moment whether she had intentionally done so or if it was a simple omission due to being overwhelmed. "But your vessel is advanced as well and capable of breaking the lightspeed barrier."

"We've been testing the engine," Viol answered. "We want to join the stars, to become part of the larger community. We've always thought that life here may have begun out there and we want to make contact with others." She paused a moment as she looked around the medical center, seeing the giant Chelon Doctor, "For some reason I think you may've beat us to the punch."

The Atlantean Commander looked at him, "You aren't Atlantean are you?"

Teagarden looked at his First Officer and then the Chief Medical Officer before answering. "We're not, Commander Viol. I am a hybrid of two races called El-Aurian and Human. Commander Bishop is of a race called Human," he motioned toward his First Officer and then to Doctor Porter, "And the Doctor is a hybrid of two species as well with one being a Betazoid and the other known as a Ullian."

"I would love to visit your worlds," her response was not one of surprise but of discovery, as if a person had the doors of discovery open to her for the first time. "How far away are they? Where are they? Can we go to them?"

"In time," William answered. "This is a government ship. Are you willing to speak with a Representative of our government?"

Viol nodded, "I'd enjoy that."

"XO will you see to bringing the Representatives in?" Teagarden asked with a smile.

"Certainly sir." Bishop turned to Viol. "If you'll excuse me for a moment I Commander Viol." He then went to collect Secretaries Iril and Grayson.

* * *

Daeren entered Sickbay, PADD in hand, accompanied by Jonathan Grayson. He glanced about for a medical technician. Upon finding one, he asked in a low voice if the people from the rescued ship had arrived yet.

"They're right there, Mr. Secretary," she said with a nod toward where Teagarden and a couple of his officers stood talking with someone. "Do you want me to introduce you to them?"

"No, I do not," Daeren said. "I first prefer to listen and observe. What information have you so far gathered about them?"

Jonathan stood and watched the Admiral and a commander talk to a woman. Was she one of the ones rescued? Like Daeren he preferred to watch and observe. He found you could gather much more information than by barging in and trying to either run the show or hog the spotlight.

Jasmine remained silent, she was assigned to watch over the Secretaries, while her counter part Paddy had the task of looking after the civilians. She stood in silence, listening to the conversation.

Patton hadn’t taken his eyes off the civilians. He knew those he assigned to them would not either. One glance away and it was enough time for someone to cause an issue and it would not happen on his watch. His people knew if they messed up, it was his mess up as well.

Daeren found a seat, took out a PADD, and made quiet conversation with Jonathan while pretending to read and casting occasional glances at the woman Admiral Teagarden was speaking to.

Was she one of the people from the distressed ship? She looked entirely human, from what little he could see of her. Teagarden was doing a rather good job of standing directly between the woman and the two Cabinet secretaries under his care.

Daeren was glad of that, as it gave him time to think. He had expected to meet people who were entirely alien. That this female guest seemed so human astonished him. Even if one believed that the Preservers had seeded the galaxy with humanoid life-forms, one still did not expect to find people quite so similar to Terrans this far from Terra.

Jasmine had kept her eyes on Daeren. It was her responsibility at this moment, to look after him. She would have preferred to be on the bridge. Orders were orders sadly, and she was stuck babysitting. She remained silent, but close to him. She took her babysitting assignments seriously. Especially after the recent attacks on the president. She knew, she needed to be alert at all times.

The rescued people's similarity to humankind would make matters both easier and more difficult, Daeren thought. Environmental considerations were clearly less complicated. They needed no special atmosphere, gravity, or temperature. No, the challenge would come in him remembering that, however human they might appear, they were not familiar with Federation culture and could not be expected to know the cultural references he was familiar with, nor could he presume to know what passed for good manners in their society.

Their planet might have multiple governments, multiple languages. When Daeren thought of how many possible different human cultures there were--just the ones of Earth--the possibilities were staggering.

And so he shoved them from his mind and concentrated on the moment.

Introductions might be a problem. As Teagarden would likely handle those, and as they hadn't discussed them previously, Daeren elected to leave that in the Admiral's capable hands and roll with the punches. He had forgotten to mention introductions to Teagarden, expecting the anticipated alien language to hamper communications enough to require extreme simplicity in greetings.

Daeren frowned as a thought struck him, and he glanced at Jonathan. "The universal translator is doing an amazingly good job of rendering their language, isn't it? They seem able to converse with Admiral Teagarden quite comfortably," he said in a quiet voice.

Patton might look totally concentrating on their visitors but he was also listening to the others around him. It was smart to keep yourself apprised of everything going on in the room, if possible.

Jonathan was concentrating on the small group comprised of Admiral Teagarden, his exec and the alien woman. When Daeren spoke. "Daeren, what if they really are humans?"

"I've been wondering about that," Daeren said. "They seem very much like your people. But why would they be all the way out here?"

Bishop came alongside Iril and Grayson, nodding to Haynes and O'Sullivan. "Excuse me Mr. Secretaries, the Admiral would like you to join him in the conversation with our guests. If you'll both follow me."

"All right." Daeren stood. "Let's see what these people are like."

It was a second or two later and the group arrived along with their security escorts. The Admiral stepped away from the biobed slightly so they could have a better vantage. "Allow me to introduce Representatives Grayson and Iril of the Federation, Commander Viol."

"I am charmed to meet you," the alien woman said as the Admiral stepped away.

Jonathan smiled his best non threatening smile, the one to draw you in and make you feel comfortable and like you belonged. "And I you Commander Viol. This is a true honor."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Commander," Daeren said warmly. "I hope you are recovered from the trouble that befell your ship."

"I am amazed by the capacities of your vessel," Commander Viol answered. "I was not as injured as the rest of my crew, but I'd like to know how they are doing and how my ship is doing. I've come to the conclusion that you are not of my world, despite how some of you look as we do," she pointed at Grayson and then to Iril, "and some don't." She paused a moment, "I have grown fatigued. Do you mind if we meet again later? I want to get some sleep."


The Admiral stepped away with his crew. "I want to maintain a close vigil on the Mission Commander, but to also be ready for anything that may come up. Go work on your security protocols," he directed to the Security Officers. "Nathan, I want you to stay here with the Ambassadors as they meet with Miss Viol."

"Aye sir, you can count on us, my guys will be in place and following protocol to the t sir." Jasmine said, with a smile on her face. This would be a good test for her new assistant.

“My people have their orders,” Patton added. “They won’t let you down.”

"I expect nothing less, Commander," he replied to the Hazard Team Commander. "Carry on."

Bishop groaned silently, The last thing he wanted was to babysit the Secretaries yet aloud he answered, "Yes sir. Be glad to." After all he reasoned he might be able to talk to Viol for a few minutes and he would enjoy that.

"Sherwin," he called to his Medical Officer, "a moment?"

Dr. Porter have been watching quietly from his desk. His purview was not to interview his patients, but to care for them. When addressed by Teagarden, he moved over. “Yes, Sir. Perhaps we should speak privately?“

Jasmine took that cue, to walk away slowly as she turned and nodded to Patton. She wanted to discuss the upcoming events. Jasmine walks off with Patton.

The Admiral nodded as the two Security Officers stepped away on their own assignments and Commander Bishop returned to the Ambassadors. William moved along to find Doctor Porter.


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