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Seeking an Audience

Posted on Fri Jan 22nd, 2021 @ 4:45am by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes

779 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Cheese
Location: Palais de la Concorde
Timeline: 2430-08-30, 11:00

Fleet Admiral Luzol and her husband, Admiral Targaryen, appeared on the twin transporter pads not long after having met one another at Starfleet Headquarters. She didn't want to be having this meeting. Less than a day ago they had been sitting in the Conference Room of Starfleet One discussing a clandestine plan that could lead the Federation and Romulans to war. The President denied the plan, saying it was foolhardy, but a Starfleet Admiral had chosen to go it alone and ignore the orders of the President. Now they were clearly on a collision course and she was sick to her stomach about it.

"Admirals," the Caitian at the Receptionist's desk called out in greeting.

Luzol walked up to the desk with her husband in tow, "We need to speak with the President. It's urgent."

"The President is fairly booked today," the young woman answered as she typed on the screen. The opaque holographic monitor hovered before her eyes, "He could see you probably first thing tomorrow, if you were willing to travel..."

"This is urgent," Targaryen interrupted. "Are you certain that there is nothing that can be done?"

"I can arrange for you to speak with Commissioner Haynes. That is the extent to my powers in this."

Willian looked at his wife then back to the Caitian, "Get her."

"Very well. I will send her a message. You may wait in the anteroom if you so wish," she motioned to the side room and began typing on her workstation.

Jasmine wondered what the Admiral wanted with her. She was still getting use to meeting with Admiral's. Even though Starfleet One was under the command of an admiral, she spent most of her time with the President. However, now with her new role. She found herself, meeting with a lot of Admirals. Jasmine walked out of her office, and noticed the two admirals waiting impatiently. "Admiral's, please follow me." Jasmine called out, with a smile on her face. She was trying to be polite. But deep down, she wondered what they wanted with her today.

Luzol fell into step behind the President's Chief of Staff as they walked toward the offices. Admiral Targaryen wasn't far behind either, watching and studying the area closely. The President's Offices were located on the uppermost floor of the building while her office was directly below his. She'd certainly come further than he expected when she first reported for duty aboard the Enterprise two years ago.

Once they were in the office, Luzol went right to the point, "We need an appointment with the President as soon as possible and I know that you control his schedule."

"Straight and to the point Admiral." Jasmine started off, as she took a seat in her chair. "I think you know, what I am going to ask next." Jasmine responded, as she waited for the two admirals to take a seat.

"Most likely," she continued, "then we will have a continued back and forth until I drop the bombshell that's classified. So let's skip to there since the President will most likely let you stay for the meeting anyway. Admiral Coulson has gone renegade. He disabled the outpost at New Vulcan, borrowed their Aeroshuttle, and is on course for Ni'Var."

"Have you had any contact with Governor Singh?" Jasmine asked, as she started to open the President's schedule. She was a little surprised by the news. This was something that immediately needed the attention of the president. She decided to shuffle around the President's schedule. "How long do you think you will need to brief the president?" Jasmine asked, realizing she was asking two separate questions.

"Five minutes," she answered, "Provided he doesn't ask a bunch of questions. More likely an hour with questions."

Targaryen answered the first, "With the disabling of the outpost he's taken down communications. The only reason we know anything is wrong is the Sulaco told us."

"Be ready to go, on the top of the hour I can get you five minutes." Jasmine said, wondering the status of New Vulcan and the colonist. The President's current meeting was about to wrap up, so she squeezed them in for a quick briefing, before his next appointment. She would have her aid, delay the Tellarite Ambassador.

"Thank you," Luzol answered brusque.

Willian added, "Better back your things, Jasmine, I have a feeling you'll be coming along for the ride."

"I already have a grab bag. Serving at the pleasure of the President. I know that we can deploy at any moment." Jasmine said, as she looked at her go bag. "Shall we?" Jasmine asked, as the scene starts to fade. Next stop Gruzy's office.


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