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New Business

Posted on Sun Jan 10th, 2021 @ 5:13am by President Gruzy of New Xindus & Councilor Kohek Cilona of Vashti & Councilor Idris Kizak of Betazed & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes

746 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Cheese
Location: Federation Council Chamber
Timeline: 2430-08-30, 10:30

Councilor Kohek Cilona sat at her desk inside the Federation Council Chamber bored out of her Romulan mind. They had been in session for over an hour and a half now and they were no further along than they were at the beginning. So far they had discussed trade routes, a membership application, everything as routine as one could imagine. It was almost a little bit too routine. She could only yawn as she waited for something interesting to happen.

It had been almost a whole year since she had sat in this chamber and charged the Federation of being speciest against the worlds that weren't in the core. Planets like her homeworld of Vashti weren't given the consideration that they were due. It seemed like they were working on improve that a little, but the progress had been negligible. Sometimes she wondered if things would ever really change.

At the podium the Zaranite Councilor was rambling on - something about an agricultural exchange with the Galardonians for spider cows or something - and she just couldn't focus. She wondered what would come next.

Spider cows? Councilor Idris Kizak was trying not to visualise them in a horror way as Jozan had shown him a few films from various worlds in the Federation and some outside throughout their dating. He was somewhat bored with the commerce and trade side of government discussions, he was a Starfleet officer for most of his life and so a man of action and Courage.

He found the same boredness coming from the Vashti Councilor and gave her a nod once they made eye contact. Idris decided to send her a question on her computer terminal. 'Dear Councilor Cilona of Vashti, may I inquire as to what Vashti has to trade in? I hope nothing living that has any resemblance to a spider. hehe. Thanks, Councilor Idris Kizak of Betazed.' He sent the message and waited, half watching the Zaranite and Kohek.

Councilor Cilona saw the message come in and glanced at it. The Zaranite was still blathering on and she had to choose between which was the lesser of the two evils. She sighed and relented, reaching forward and picking the datapad up from the desk. Pecking at the controls she sent the following response:

'Vashti is a refugee planet still trying to find its footing following the destruction of Romulus. We have little in trade instead we recycle technology.'

Idris blinked. Recycle technology? He thought. 'What do you mean by recycle?' He wrote back.

'We recycle technology to its base components for disassembly.' She explained.

President Gruzy was trying not to fall asleep in his head at the front of the Council Chamber. The Zaranite had been on for what felt like a week and no one, not a single soul, had interrupted him so far. Gruzy wondered what he had done in a past life to have to deal with such minutiae from the Council. Both of these worlds were Federation Members. They should have just worked out their trade issues and left the rest of the Council alone. Instead they all were listening to it. Half of the Councilor's eyes were glazed over anyway.

"Thank you," he heard the Zaranite say as he stepped from the podium.

"Thank you, Councilor," Gruzy had to hold snark back from his words because it could have dripped from them. He also had to stifle the yawn that was brewing inside his head. He looked around as he considered what he had seen on the recording of Illuminating the City of Light and wondered if he should continue. He knew he didn't have a choice. "Do we have any other new business?"

Idris stood. "May I have the floor?"

"The Chair recognizes the Representative from Betazed," the Xindi announced as he returned to his seat.

Jasmine listened closely to what Idris had to say. She noticed that most of her day was sitting around and listening. Well at least when it came to meetings. Then she noticed, that she ended up meeting with a lot of admirals, councilors and governors. Jasmine just had a meeting with Governor Annie Singh Barnes of New Vulcan prior to coming into this meeting.

The President listened as the diatribes continued back and forth until, finally, he let out a long sigh. Pressing a control he spoke to the entire group, "We are at recess for lunch. We will reconvene at 13:00 hours."


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