Panel Discussion
Posted on Fri Dec 4th, 2020 @ 5:21am by Khiryl & Secretary Lawrence Wilkinson of Lyshan & Councilor Jahra Naron of Bajor & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes
2,024 words; about a 10 minute read
Location: Illuminating the City of Light
Timeline: 2430-08-29, 18:00
Illuminating the City of Light was one of the most popular programs offered by the Federation News Service. Debuting not long after the end of the Dominion War, the program was designed to offer commentary on the actions of the Federation government and brought together pundits, politicos, and military personnel to discuss the events of the day. It had been many things to many people. Some missed the old style where they just reported the news instead of commercializing it. For others it had become a hard hitting program ever since former Admiral Picard had challenged Starfleet while being interviewed from his home in France.
Khiryl had just finished her opening monologue from center stage. Having been the host for the last seven years, the venerable Caitian newscaster hadn't slowed. If anything she'd just become more controversial. She had never been a fan of President Gruzy either. Despite approval of the President rising, she had remained his constant critic with most of her diatribe having been about him and the continued lack of investigation into the death of Councilor Caxl. The actual interviews would probably just be more of the same.
Sitting down in the Moderator's chair in the center of the triangular chairs, she cozied herself on the oversized chair and welcomed her first guest...
"Thank you," Naron said as he adjusted himself in the chair, his hands hidden in the sleeve of his Vedek robes as usual. "for having me on the program, Khiryl. I understand that some in the Federation are still uneasy regarding the Dominion and, as you have pointed out, they have a right to be. Especially in light of what I have previously said regarding the actions of Gruzy's administration. Part of which is why, and I'm announcing this here first, I will shortly be introducing legislation that will help prevent the same from happening again."
The live audience was a mix in response to the announcement. Some were applauding while others were jeering. The Caitian journalist was nonplussed by either side of the audience, aside from stifling her own smile. She still had to do her job, "So what will that look like, Councilor? Under the Federation Constitution the President is the Chief Diplomat and is responsible for diplomatic relations - not the Council. What will this legislation look like to prevent this from happening again?"
Naron smiled himself. "You make a rather interesting presumption and one that is incorrect. Yes, the president is responsible for diplomacy. However, that is not the issue to which I intend to address. Though, the 'diplomacy' regarding the Dominion is the fruit that bore this seed. No, as Councilor Caxl said before his death - an event to which this administration has remained woefully inadequate in providing answers to why and how Caxl died - Starfleet has become too much the masters of the Federation rather than the servants. Events that I witnessed firsthand while attempting to prevent another war within the Alpha Quadrant between the Federation and other major powers. No, Starfleet took far too much on itself, with the tacit approval of this administration. We are one step away from martial law should Starfleet decide to stop their pretense that they serve the Federation rather than rule over it."
Naron sat forward, his hands on the desk before him. "I intend to introduce legislation that will secure Starfleet's role in Federation affairs as that of service to the Federation."
The Caitian had to keep a straight face and not try to sway anyone, but she was looking forward to seeing what became of this new legislation. She had a feeling that the President would be against it, undoubtedly, but that there would be more and more debate about the nature of the Starfleet in the Federation's dealings. She was actually looking forward to it.
"Let's see how our other two guests feel about it," the host said with a slight inflection, "Our next guest is Secretary Lawrence Wilkinson. A native of Lyshan, Secretary Wilkinson has been confirmed to serve as the Secretary of the Federation Judiciary Council in President Gruzy's Administration. Also joining us is Ambassador T'Nara of New Vulcan. Ambassador T'Nara represents the Confederacy of Vulcan in the Federation Council. Mister Secretary," she said addressing Secretary Wilkinson then looking at the Vulcan, "Ambassador T'Nara thank you both for joining us."
T'Nara replied with a polite nod of her head.
“Thank you for having us,” the secretary replied. He had never held his punches as a lawyer and he wasn’t going to start now, without barely a breathe he continued by addressing the matter at hand. “As for how I feel; I’d like to point out to Councillor Jahra, that Star Fleet is not in the habit of enforcing martial law at all. In fact it exists to serve the federation as an invaluable asset. I have to wonder what exactly Star Fleet was meant to have done whilst war was being prevented in the Alpha quadrant? Does the commanding Officer of the ship that was sent into the Gamma quadrant not have a diplomatic rank? Was their mission not one of diplomacy, under the orders of the Gruzy administration?”
“If I may?” T'Nara politely asked the host. Turning to the Bajoran, “Councilor Jahra, what is the basis for your proposed legislation? And what circumstances to you have to support it?” she addressed him softly with a slight tilt of her head indicating her curiosity.
Jasmine sat in the background, with a data pad, taking notes. Her role at the moment was clear, to hear all sides of the political arena, and strategize accordingly. And to help recall key events of the meeting or topics. She felt a little overwhelmed for the task, but she knew she could handle it. On a personal level, she was also curious what the Councilor's basis was for the legislation. She would never admit that openly, but deep down she was curious.
Khiryl listened to the back and forth intently, grateful that this was happening on her show. At the very minimum it was going to get her amazing ratings. She just hoped that there was no blood on the floor when this was all over.
"With respect, Ambassador," Naron said, completely ignoring both the president's Secretary and Chief of Staff, "I'm sure you'll understand as this is a Federation matter it would be logical that I first introduce the legislation and give my fellow representatives the chance to read and understand it before I begin giving out snippets that may be," here he glanced at Secretary Wilkinson, "easily used out of any meaningful context. Suffice to say, I'm sure President Gruzy and his Cabinet will have much to discuss, as will my fellow representatives."
"So are you talking a Constitutional Amendment?" The question came from Khiryl instead of the panel. The Caitian had listened thinking carefully about the possibilities that could be coming. She glanced at the Secretary, "I suppose you'll find out soon enough yourself too since the President's Cabinet is pulled from the Council and maintains their roles on it."
"I suppose I will," Lawrence shrugged. He wondered what the point was to a public announcement if the proposed bill wasn't going to be discussed openly in public. But he bit his tongue. There was no reason to push for the information and potentially cause harm to the councils public imagine. He would simply have to pull Naron aside privately, to probe further. But something about the situation struck him as fishy.
Naron chuckled. "No, not at all. I maintain the belief that amendments to the Federation Charter should remain for those limitations upon the Federation government and not for corrective actions. Legislation is more than enough to take care of that. Since this is a governmental issue and does not, necessarily, impact the rights of Federation citizens at large, I don't think discussing curtailing Starfleet's ability to run roughshod over the Federation as a Charter Admendment is necessary. Though, if it has to come to that, we'll see how the member worlds view Starfleet's actions in their entirety won't we?"
He shrugged. "But it is unfortunate how President Gruzy has done little to curtail the past abuses to which Starfleet has been allowed and now feels entitled. For example, all facets of diplomacy need to be ratified by the Federation Council. It seems that many, including Gruzy, has forgotten this. Something, Secretary Wilkinson, you should be very interested in researching. After all, you may be called on to testify regarding it to the Supreme Court."
“Counselor, “T’Nara started in her usual soft-spoken manner, “You have done a very thorough, yet eloquent dance around my questions. Please permit me to refresh your memory as to what they were.” Sitting up a little straighter, her hands gently running down the folds of her robes as if to straighten them a little more. “What is the basis for your proposed legislation and what circumstances to you have to support it?” Her left hand raising gently to a position of stop, and a more solemn look on her face as she continued. “As the humans would say, ‘you have let the cat out of the bag’, so please, I would like a direct and truthful answer. One that is logical and has substantial proof to support your accusations of misuse of power by Starfleet.”
As she sat there waiting for Naron to answer, a slight change in her demeanor was evident on her face. His subversiveness reminded her of another Vedek who was shamelessly arrogant and a treacherous opportunist.
Jasmine continued to take notes. She noticed that the President was quiet too. She assumed for the same reason she was, he was gathering information from their side banter. It was always wise to study your adversary even if that adversary was a federation councilor. Deep in her thoughts, she grinned internally, as she heard T'Nara remind the diplomats, that they ignored her question. She assumed the two diplomats, would not make that mistake again.
Khiryl lifted a furred hand to her ear as the silver transceiver brought in more information from her producers. "I'm sorry, but we're running out of time for today." She smiled, "I want to personally thank each of our guests for taking time from their busy schedules to visit with us tonight. We're on the threshold of a very exciting day for the Federation and you can stay tuned to the Federation News Network to keep you up to date on all the happenings in our galaxy and beyond."
OOC: The Federation layout is unique compared to other governments. We were set up using the LUG Trek format from the early 2000s. In it the Federation government is established that the Executive Branch is made up of members of the Legislative Branch. The President of the Federation and the Committee Leadership all retain their position as representative of their world in the Council and still have the 'vote' of their world when it comes to activities. The President is voted upon from the membership of the Council itself (i.e. Random Bolian Citizen cannot run for Federation President, he/she would have to be a member of the Federation Council).
Responsibilities of the Federation Council:
- Complete fact-finding missions on behalf of the Federation
- Coordinates the allocation of Federation resources
- Debates and passes legislation
- Oversight of Federation Agencies/Committees (Leadership are appointed by the Federation President)
- Oversight of the Federation President including elections
Responsibilities of the Federation Judiciary:
- Interpret legal cases
-- NOTE: Starfleet Officers can be appointed to serve as Judges if no other member of the Federation judiciary is available.
- Resolve disputes between Federation Members
- Rule on the constitutionality of edicts of the Federation Council and/or Federation President
Responsibilities of the Federation President:
- Appoints Secretaries and other Chairpersons to Federation Council/Cabinet Committees
- Commander in Chief of Starfleet
- Coordinates and develops diplomatic relationships
- Oversees Federation Security
- Tiebreaking responsibilities during voting on major events of the Federation Council