Secretary Lawrence Wilkinson
Name Lawrence Wilkinson of Lyshan
Rank Secretary
Character Information
Age | 42 | |
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human |
Father | ||
Mother | ||
Sibling(s) | ||
Spouse | ||
Child(ren) | ||
Other |
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Physical Description |
Personality Overview |
Personal History | Lawrence was born on the Lyshan colony, near to the Cardassian border of Federation space. Not long after his birth his parents were forced to give him up. The circumstances of which remain unclear to this day, but the outcome being that Lawrence was bounced around from colony to colony, household to household throughout his childhood. Some of the time this was due to no fault of his own. Other times this was because a family would have had enough of his ill temper, harmful nature, or general bad attitude. It wasn't until he had left school and found himself now needing to seek out his own way in life that he discovered the law, and the advantages that it could bring. As he looked deeper and deeper into the subject, eventially arriving at law school, he could see that the law made a way for his past misery, and the law could make a change to that. He was convinced that he would make it his lifes work to make those changes a reality. After graduating he found himself a lawyer in a corporate law firm, where he travelled across the quadrant meeting with various clients. He later discovered that some of the firms clients were responsible for laundering credits for the Orion Syndicate. When he raised this with his supervisor he was told very clearly to aid in these crimes, which left him with two options, either he continue his employment unlawfully, or he Reported the clients and the company to the authorities. He chose the later, and found himself in search of other work. This work came quickly, as word of his integrity spread, and he found himself being offered a courtship, which he accepted openly, and so he began his life of passing judgement on Proxima Colony. As time went on in this new role, the repetitive nature of cases began to engulf Laurence with boredom, and he started to realise he never achieved what he had set out to do. Make law work for those its not working for. To do that he would have to shift from being the once who passes judgement on the law, and become a law maker himself. This is when he put himself forward as a Federation Councillor. After a long campaign and some political hand shakings, he found himself elected into the council, and with his legal skills not going unnoticed he was given the administrative job of Attorney General. |
Service Record | Harvard Law School - student - Earth - 2406-2410 Jerril & Basset Law Firm - Lawyer - travelling - 2411-2418 Proxima High Court - Judge - Proxima Colony - 2418-2430 Federation Council - Federation Councillor/Attorney General - Earth - 2430-Present day |