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The Dragon's Den

Posted on Sat Apr 11th, 2020 @ 10:35pm by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Captain Bakti Kret & President Gruzy of New Xindus & Administrator Weyoun 12 & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes & Secretary Jonathan Grayson of United Earth & Councilor Jahra Naron of Bajor & Captain Ryan Walsh & Colonel Mok'leth Kevan House of Kilrah

3,392 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Genesis
Location: Ward Room, Gateway Station
Timeline: 2430-01-09, 09:00

Deep Space Nine had been the site of one of the most historic moments in the history of the galaxy. Like Fort Sumpter serving as the catalyst for the start of the American Civil War or the Binaries being the start of the Federation/Klingon War; Deep Space Nine had been the start of the Dominion War decades ago. Not long after it had been home to the end of the War, the site of the ×+historic Treaty of Bajor that brought peace once more to the quadrants. It was fitting that they were here again today, at the descendant of the storied station, to potentially see a new peace reign supreme.

Or a new battle to begin.

President Gruzy stepped into the Ward Room of Gateway Station, escorted by Commander Haynes, and was surprised to see that Weyoun 12 was already there. The Vorta was flanked on both sides by Jem'Hadar soldiers taking each of the seats overlooking the windows into space. The Jem'Hadar all turned their heads in unison to look at the President as he stepped inside - their synchronicity the definition of unnerving. Weyoun stood, graciously bowing.

Naron followed in behind the Federation president, moving quickly but silently. He would wait for the formal presentations before making acknolwedgments of any gathered. His hands folded in his sleeve, he still ached from the headache yesterday. Even more so because he'd come to recognize his erratic behavior and had dark suspicions as to the cause. Just as quickly and silently he went to take his seat.

"President Gruzy," he smiled broadly as he stood, "I am honored by your presence."

Jasmine closely watched Weyoun 12 movements. She did not trust his demeanor, or his shrilling voice of false positive upbeat tone. Jasmine wondered what his end game was. She was not sure what to prepare for. So she monitored every little aspect.

It had taken him aback, knocked him off his game before it even started. He had wanted to be here first, to be the person the set the pace of this meeting. Instead he was already behind the times. Most of his team hadn't even arrived yet to join him. "Thank you, Mister Weyoun, for joining us here today."

That recovery was far from what he'd hoped for. It seemed weak to him, giving the Dominion an upper hand. He'd have to be careful.

"These are my officers, Mister President," he indicated the Jem'Hadar. "I must admit surprise that you have come as you are."

"We're all a little early for this," the Xindi answered as he looked at the reptilian soldiers. "They will be coming."

Weyoun continued to smile, "Then we shall wait."

"Indeed," he said as he approached the seat opposite the Vorta Administrator.

Jonathan was the next to arrive. He saw the President along with Commander Haynes of Starfleet One if he remembered the security chief's name correctly and the Vorta already there and silently cursed himself for not arriving sooner. He hadn't wanted the President to be alone with Weyoun. Moving further into the room he saw the Jem'Hadar soldiers on either side of Weyoun and the President sitting opposite him. Commander Haynes standing slightly to the side of the President. He addressed the trio. "Mister President, Mr. Weyoun, Commander Haynes, I see you are all early risers." He stated even as he moved to take a seat next to the President.

Clearly someone had been studying the president's personal schedule. Jasmine wondered how Weyoun 12 gained access to it. How would Weyoun known that the President was an early riser? Jasmine stood by the side of the president. She watching vigilantly. She noticed that the First from the Jem'Ha'Dar was doing the same thing. Clearly they were sizing each other other up.

Mok'Leth was the next to arrive. Walking with the proudness of a Klingon Warrior, he walked to the other side of the President andcassressed those who were there, "Mr. President, Cmdr. Haynes, Mr. Weyoun, Mr. Grayson, I am honored to represent the Klingon Empire and thank you for lowing me to attend this meeting", he said calmly and moved to take a seat near to the President.

Ryan entered the room and moved over to where the president and Jasmine were standing, but far enough to one side to back her up, if needed.

"I am surprised to see the Klingon delegation with us," Weyoun said looking at Mok'Leth. "I had thought that I had requested the Klingons not attend." A twinge of irritation could be heard beneath his sickly sweet voice.

"The Klingon representative is here as my guest," Gruzy answered succinctly. "At the request of my government..."

"But your government asked that they not attend as well," the Vorta replied smugly. "They had agreed to my terms, why are you not?"

Naron was about to point out that the group gathered here represented the Federation government in these matters, this council of representatives with the President. Just as he began to stand to speak, he heard Gruzy's voice and resumed his seat.

The Xindi answered, "Because they have just as much a right to be here as I do."

"What of the Romulans then?" The Jem'Hadar interrupted. "The Cardassians? The Ferengi?"

"If they were here then I would welcome their input. If this is a deal breaker, then it's a deal breaker, but the Klingon Ambassador will be staying."

The Vorta stood, palms on the table, as he stared down the Federation President. He locked eyes, probing as he stood before him. He pulled back and smiled, "Very well. The Klingon Ambassador may remain."

"Thank you," the President answered.

"May we get started?" Weyoun asked from his seat still wearing his customary grin.

Gruzy was about to speak when the doors opened revealing the Admirals arriving. Luzol stepped in first with her husband not far behind. The President smiled this time, "We're ready to get started."

"Very well then," Weyoun clasped his hands together on the table before him as the President's delegation sat. Once they were all at rest, the Vorta Administrator spoke out without delay, "We agree to all terms."

Jonathan blinked and shook his head. Had heard right? Weyoun and the Dominion were agreeing to all terms just like that? No negotiations? No bickering? He looked at the others seated at the table. They wore the same shocked look he was sure was on his face. This had to be a joke, didn't it?

William had listened to the Vorta war master, not believing a word that he'd said. He glanced at his wife beside him, her cold expression one with which he was all too familiar. She was holding back her surprise just as much as he. Both were probably exploring their El-Aurian genes to try to get an answer to the story, to see if there was a lie hidden amidst the words of the Dominion Ambassador. Trouble was they were having trouble finding the subterfuge. This wasn't the first run-in either had had with the Dominion - he'd even had a Vorta Liaison for a time and even a Jem'Hadar - but they had taken over Enterprise back then and seemed just as genuine.

Luzol processed the words, carefully studying the tone, pitch, and timbre of every syllable that Weyoun had uttered. She knew this was a trap of some kind, knew it was some kind of trick. It had to be. This was how the Dominion were. They came in with a smile as they slammed a knife in your back at the same time. She glanced to her husband, then to the President wondering what would happen next.

Naron had a moment of shock but it quickly faded. There was...he had suspected something. He knew what few others in this room knew - the existence of the Pah Wraith Orb and the implications of what that meant. It took only a moment but he made a few quick deductions, without having any way of knowing if he could be correct in his assumptions.

Mok'Leth stared in disbelief! This was some kind of trick and worse it was a cowards trick to surrender without a fight. Weyoun was up to something and he would get to the bottom of it quickly.

"Is there something I have to sign?" Weyoun smiled as he asked.

The President of the United Federation of Planets sat wordlessly looking at the Dominion Representative wondering what the catch could be. It was all too good to be true. A long standing enemy had the potential of becoming a strong friend against the hazards the galaxy had to offer. There had to be more. There just had to be.

While he had never dealt with Weyoun or the Dominion, he had researched them at length. He reviewed the private journals of Jaresh Inyo and Min Zife while on his way here. They both said the same thing essentially more than once. Weyoun was practically the Devil in disguise. He was the Serpent in Eden. If they didn't prepare he'd have their souls.

"A Devil's bargain then?"

The Vorta tilted his head, "Are you comparing me to your Devil?"

"All problems solved with no questions asked? It's never so simple, I'm afraid. No. No I want to know why it is you're not asking for anything in return," Gruzy questioned.

"I don't recall saying I wasn't asking for anything in return," Weyoun answered smugly. "The truth is I am not in favor of this deal. The Founders, however, have other ideas in mind." He looked among his soldiers, "I have been directed to secure this alliance through whatever means necessary - even if that means no questions asked. If you wish to turn your back on us that is your business: however, you must decide quickly."

One of the Jem'Hadar leaned over and whispered into the ear of the Vorta. "We will be returning to the Gamma Quadrant. You may come with us if you so choose; however, the door for this alliance will soon close. You need to choose which side you are on."

It was over as quickly as it began. The entire Dominion delegation beamed away in a wink of an eye before them.

William sighed, "That was it?"

"I don't trust them. It was a cowards way out. To surrender so fast without a fight? No something is very wrong!" Mok'Leth said growling.

“I concur,” Ryan spoke. “There is something much deeper and darker going on here. The question is what?”

Gruzy shook his head disagreeing, "No, Captain, the question is do we take the bait." The reptilian leader sighed, "I don't think we have any other choice but to investigate. Unless anyone else has any thoughts?"

"They are scared," Naron stated, looking to the Admirals. Weren't they empaths? Could they confirm his belief? "There must be something going on in the quadrant that threatens them and they want allies more than they want endless debate." He left the Orb unsaid, for the moment. He didn't want that knowledge out there, not yet. Because..."I suggest we go over intelligence from the Gamma quadrant and look for anything that might suggest what is happening. And who the threat is. Borg? Probably not, not for the Changelings, but there are other...threats."

Jasmine knew the Dominion were not afraid, and she knew they were pawns of the Founders. There was either a tactical reason, or a personal reason, they wanted the Federation's assistance. Jasmine was not sure, why they wanted it. She was sure, they only wanted it, for their own personal reasons. Whatever they might be.

Ryan listened to them speak. In his opinion it was more of a case of being useful to them at the moment. He knew what would happen once they weren’t anymore. He agreed they needed to carry on for the moment.

"Starfleet's presence in the Gamma Quadrant has been limited since the war over 50 years ago. We were authorized to have limited exploratory missions through the Wormhole only recently, but Starfleet withdrew most of those efforts at the request of the Council," Luzol reported from her chair. "Admiral J'Nea oversaw those efforts, which were restricted from even approaching the Sectors controlled by the Dominion. Because of that they focused their efforts on the region toward the Galactic Core."

The Xindi relaxed a bit in his chair, "Did they find anything of interest?"

"Nothing of real interest," the Admiral answered. "Of the ships that went to the region we only had one not return."

"The Valhalla?" Captain Kret asked - probably the only thing he'd said this entire meeting.

Luzol nodded, "It never returned."

"Then I feel we have adequate reason to follow them and investigate," Teagarden interrupted. "The loss of a Federation starship is reason enough for us to travel to the region. I volunteer Starfleet One to proceed."

Jasmine thought that was a dumb idea by the Admiral. Sending the President into a potentially dangerous situation was not a good move. "I believe the USS Spock or any other ship in the fleet would be better suited for this mission. We can not take chances on the President's personal safety." Jasmine called out, as she looked over to the Admiral, expecting to get chewed out by him.

"I never said I was going to, Commander," William answered quickly. "Actually his security is foremost in my mind with my effort. I may've said Starfleet One, but I didn't intend him to be aboard." He looked at President Gruzy, "I believe that you should use the Spock to proceed to one of our more secure ports." He looked at the Bajoran Ambassador, "No offense to Bajor, but Gateway Station is a forward operating base if a war were to break out. The President shouldn't be here."

"Gateway is more than capable of protecting the President, Admiral," Captain Bakti protested.

Teagarden quickly defended his position, "I'm not disputing that either. Nevertheless, Bajor and Gateway Station are both too dangerous for the President if the Dominion are playing a game with us and preparing for another war. I for one am not comfortable taking that chance." He looked at his wife, "I request permission to take the Enterprise and return to the Gamma Quadrant to investigate."

Luzol looked at him, then to the President, "You want to take the flagship into the middle of hostile territory?"

"It has tactical superiority to all other options in the region," he said still on the defensive. "Defiant, Spock, neither of them are tactically comparable. If we requested another ship it could be too late and our diplomatic efforts a failure. Mister President," he directed his attention firmly on the leader of the Federation, "I request permission to proceed."

The Xindi sat in his chair thinking about the entire scenario. He sighed, "Are there any alternatives?"

Jasmine hated the plan, everything about it. The plan was a complete shit show, and she hated everything about it. Her primary duty, was to the President at this very moment. "Then I will accompany you Mister President, will be hard for me to do my job on the Enterprise, when your on the Spock." Jasmine said, not really looking forward to working closely with Paddy.

The Xindi thought about it, carefully considering it. In the end Jasmine oversaw his security, but she was also the Chief of Security for Starfleet One. It would be wrong of him to take her away from those responsibilities. Yet, he still needed the protection. "Would it be impossible for you to spare her?"

After a few moments of waiting it was Fleet Admiral Luzol who cast the deciding vote, "I don't believe so, Sir." He voice held reluctance as she spoke, a trepidation of a kind. "We have no other option. Enterprise may travel to the Gamma Quadrant to investigate."

"And what of me?" Gruzy asked with a nervous chuckle.

William answered, "You and the Secretaries go to Starbase 375, Sir. The Spock is more than capable of transporting you." He couldn't help but smile when thinking of his father's former station.

"The Defiant is more tactically capable," their Bajoran host interupted.

"The Enterprise is the tactical advantage, but in this particular case, getting the President out of harms way, should be our only focus for the moment." Jasmine said, as she looked to men squabbling.

"Defiant is needed to protect Bajor," William countered. "I'd prefer to send the President inside Enterprise and take Spock, but I think that any voyage to the Gamma Quadrant into this unknown means we have to take the Enterprise. The Spock will be traversing Federation territory. It's a lot safer." He relaxed a bit in his demeanor, "I think this is the stronger plan. We can get on the road in a few minutes." He looked at the group feeling the urge, "Secretaries it has been an honor."

"The honor is mine Admiral." Grayson replied solemnly. "Are you sure you don't want me aboard? I do represent the governments position on policies."

Naron listened to the back and forth regarding the plans to protect the Federation's president. Finally, he sighed. "I agree with the others that President Gruzy needs to be removed from the situation. However, I disagree about the distance. The president should be returned to Earth. I do not believe Bajor is safe for anyone at this time, neither is the Gamma Quadrant."

He sighed, he knew they were going to consider him to be just another political nutcase running wild speculation. The only problem's quite possible he was but it was based on information they didn't want to believe in. "And I'm going with you to the Gamma Quadrant. That," he said, looking at the admirals, "Is not up to debate. I'm more and more convinced the Pah Wraiths are somehow connected to all this and you'll need someone who has an understanding of them. Before you all get yourselves killed - or worse."

Gruzy nodded, "I would prefer one of my representatives to be present with you on this mission. If what I have heard this morning is true I will need the diplomatic skills of Ambassador Grayson with me." He hadn't said much about what he had heard, but he didn't want to force more of a panic than he had to.

Luzol looked to Commander Haynes and Captain Walsh, "We will accompany the President to Starbase 375."

Jasmine tried to constrain her distrust for what he said, she had already said that. But at least, there would be no doubt. "Understood." Was all Jasmine could say. She wanted to snap at Luzol. She still hated this plan. If she had her way, the Enterprise would take the President to safety and the Spock would go into the Gamma Quadrant.

“Understood,” Ryan nodded in response to Luzol’s words. He was relieved to be going, if a situation occurred he would be on hand.

"Come Ambassador," Gruzy proceeded. "Let's get you to safety with the rest of us."

"It's time for us to adjourn," Gruzy said calmly as he headed out. "Good luck on your mission, Admiral, and stay safe."

"Permission to remain a moment," Luzol asked as they left the room.

Gruzy looked between the two, "Granted."

After the others had left the briefing room, William stood looking at his wife. With the whisper of the closing door he looked at her knowing that they were alone, "We keep doing this."

"Seems like it," his wife answered. "Life doesn't like to give us a moment's peace now does it?"

"Doesn't seem that way. I really don't like where I'm headed, but I know that we're going to be better in the Enterprise than on the Spock. I know it's not winning any friends for me, but at least you'll be safe," Teagarden commented as he stood there. "I want you to take the kids with you. I don't want them on the Enterprise with me especially if we go up against the Dominion."

"I'll have your Mom move them over to the Spock before it departs," Luzol informed. She walked over beside her husband and brushed his cheek, "Come back to us."

He grinned, "I'll do my best." They kissed knowing this could be one of the last times they saw each other.


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