Bringing Down The Sky
Posted on Sun Apr 12th, 2020 @ 8:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Chire & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake
743 words; about a 4 minute read
Location: Ten Forward Lounge, Starfleet One
Timeline: 2430-01-08, 22:55
Chire pulled her drink towards her and happily sipped it, munching on the bits of fruit that weren't quite blended well enough. This didn't bother her as her species loved fruit in any form. She glanced at Blake and wondered what he was thinking about when a force hit her, catching her off guard. Her eyes snapped open, her wings erupted from the snug spot they'd been tucked against her back and she began flapping, looking absolutely terrified.
Startled Dylan spat his beer back into the glass and quickly return it to the bar top. "What's wrong?" he asked stepping back slightly from the moving wings. Everyone else around him did the same, poor Chire was quickly becoming the centre of attention for the wrong reasons. Christ, Blake noted the President and his security were still close by God's know what they were thinking about all this!
"Commander, what's wrong?" he asked again.
"They're coming to take you away," she screeched. "Look at them, watching you!!!!!" She began to lift off from her stool, her wings taking out nearby people's drinks and causing them to scramble for cover against the force of the wind and the distance of her powerful wings. "I won't let that happen," Chire let out this piercing call. It certainly got everyone's attention in the room.
Instinctively Dylan ducked to escape the down-draft from her wings as she began to take flight. "No-one's going to do such a thing!" he forced himself to shout over the sound of breaking glass and surprised onlookers. What the hell was going on? They were talking normally just now, then this! Had he said something wrong? Had it been the feather? No, it couldn't have been, she had already explained that....
"Please, just calm down, everything is fine!"
"Stay away from him," she squawked in an almost alien tongue that the universal translater seemed to be having trouble with. She was fully in the air now, beating her wings and hovering above and just in front of him, taking care to now blow him over. But, that was the only thing she seemed to be taking care of. In the moment Chire didn't care who else she knocked down.
Dylan was lost for words at her behavior. Did somehow his acceptance of her feather make him her mate or offspring? She was certainly attempting to shield him from everyone else in the room.
"Chire!" He shouted again, "It's OK no-one is going to hurt us!"
She apparently paid no attention to what Dylan said. "Back," she shouted at the others, she turned her wings and used them to blow air at the crowd now gathered around her. She floated down closer to Dylan this time, within his reach and hovered there, her breathing still quick and her eyes darting around.
Pursing his lips momentarily Blake considering his next move as she hovered just in front of him. He needed to find some way to calm her down before security or medical intervened and forcefully bought her down again. It a desperate move perhaps more stupid than bravery: he leapt up, wrapped his arms around her torso and held tightly as her wings continued to beat.
Chire let out a squack of surprise. Her wings were powerful but not quite powerful enough to lift two of them very far off the ground. And she hadn't trusted the right wing since she broke it, it was all psychological, she knew it was healed. "What are you doing?!" She yelled at Dylan trying to get him off her. "I'm trying to protect you, my mate!"
Grimly he held on and shook his head: "These people are our friends! We don't need protecting!"
Finally, she just had to give up, she was exhausted from trying to keep both of them in the air. She flopped back down, moaned and fell over, her whole body seemed to be shaking.
His relief of being returned to the ground was short lived as the Commander slumped to the deck. "Chire," Dylan called softly crouching beside her. Tentatively he shook her shoulders in an attempt to rouse her, he could feel her trembling and hoped it was just the adrenaline wearing off. "I'm sorry I had to stop you, are you alright?"
"Dylan?" she said confused as if this were the first time she'd seen him all evening. "I feel terrible," Chire replied before slumping to the floor, completely out.