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The Personal Journal of Alexis Toryn (On Paper)

Posted on Tue Dec 3rd, 2024 @ 12:16am by Lieutenant Alexia Toryn

242 words; about a 1 minute read

Entry Twenty-Four,

I have never trusted any from the Dominion, nor any of their servitors, and I never will. I will never forget the damaged world I was raised on. They came to our world seeking our telepathic abilities, as any would. I have never, ever seen anything noble about the Dominion. And they began to oppress and experiment upon us. The goal was augmenting their Vorta mouthpieces with the ability to read minds, not to mention their Jem'hadar brutes.

I will never forget what they did, nor offer them any chance for these.. shapeless.. being that fancy themselves gods. Shapeshifting... A true theft of identity. By beigns who's decit is a Romulan's envy.

And now I have to pretend to be allied with them because the Federation signed a paper with them, and so it is. You know this is how the last war started. The Federation going around, signing papers, and saying it's done.And they don't bother to ask anyone's opinion, nor did they remember almost a thousand crewmembers from the USS Odyssey that the Dominion just destroyed to make a point.

I can say this, our vigilance must never ever cease, as they think decades down the line. So I will match this vigilance with one of my own. I am still transmitting as much data as I can. But I have every contingency open to me.

I will not let one warship through the wormhole.

End entry.


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