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Posted on Wed Sep 16th, 2020 @ 3:15am by Captain Wilkan Targaryen & Galatea & Administrator Weyoun 12 & Commander Ash Randall & Lieutenant Commander T'Lisha "Hawkeye" Bishara & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Chire & Captain Nathan Bishop & Councilor Jahra Naron of Bajor

1,339 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Exodus
Location: USS Enterprise
Timeline: 2430-01-10, 12:40

[Main Bridge, USS Enterprise]

"Excuse me, Admiral, but the fuel consumption report for your approval."

Admiral William Teagarden looked up from his workstation to the young Yeoman he didn't recognize. He reached out for the datapad and accepted it quickly, "Thank you, Yeoman, for the report." He took a look at it and smiled before placing his thumbprint to approve the report. He handed it back, "Please pass it along."

She nodded and moved away as the Admiral looked around, surprised by how few of his personnel were there. This had been a very trying day, a painful day in many ways, but they were all getting ready for responding to it. He sighed and let out a long breath as he looked at the Jem'Hadar sitting at his ship's Helm and wondered if this was all worth it.

He knew it was though. It was all going to be worth it.

"My people are leaving as requested, Admiral," the Vorta said as he approached the Admiral in his chair. "I regret that we were not able to come to an agreement."

"As do I, Administrator," the Admiral answered. "I wish the Dominion nothing but peace and luck with their enemy."

"The Dominion has survived for generations. We will continue to do so. I only hope your Federation can one day say the same."

He smirked, "As do I."

"It is not too late," Naron said as he stepped off the turbolift and onto the bridge, "for the Dominion and Alpha Quadrant to come to an equitable solution to the problem." He had his hands folded in the sleeves of his robes of office, yet felt only slightly better. Knowing the Wraith Orb was secured helped. Slightly.

"Indeed," the Vorta answered, "however, Councilor, the manner in which we have been treated aboard this vessel has not gone unnoticed by both myself and my superiors. For those reasons you are asked to leave our territory immediately." He smiled and studied the room, "Best of luck on your voyage home."

Patton looked up from the security station, he had been listening but wanted his eyes on the situation at hand. One needed to be aware of everything.

Commander Randall waited for the signal to release interlocks. "All systems nominal, Admiral." The Chief Engineer reported, quietly.

Chire never understood why Starfleet insisted they report when everything was normal. IF there was a situation they would report that immediately, otherwise it seemed like a waste of breath. "The Federation will endure, so many worlds have come together to make it what it is. It's a remarkable achievment," she commented on the conversation, hoping that was acceptable.

"I agree 100% Commander," the Admiral stood and looked around the command center of the ship. "I think now is the time. Let's proceed with our mission. Captain, please proceed with your away mission. Let's move to our positions people."

"Yes sir." Bishop answered evenly. He nodded to Lily and Chire, "Commanders, it's time to move." He turned back to the Admiral. "We'll find the Spock and get it and your family to Earth. I promise you. You and the crew remaining with you stay safe. We'll be back as quick as we can."

The Admiral nodded, "Good luck, Captain."

Patton was at his station and listened to their words as they spoke. He silently wished Bishop and his team success. He briefly turned over in his mind whether he belonged here. All he seemed to do was get shuffled around, from position to position. He was assigned first officer of The Spock but that appeared in name only.

"Commander," William called to Patton as he motioned to the chair next to him, "Please join me."

“Yes Admiral,” Patton replied and headed over to where Targaryen was.

"Computer, transfer XO authorization and access authority to Commander Patton O'Sullivan effective this date on my authorization," Admiral Teagarden ordered from his seat next to the Security Chief.

"Command authorization verified. Transfer complete. Executive Officer functions transferred."

Willian crossed his arms, "What should be our next steps, Commander?"

Commander Randall watched the others leave without comment and waited for the order to initiate separation. All systems were already in a state of pseudo-independent operation and lift travel was being slowly terminated as command and crew of the two sections took their places. Saucer separation was not something that was done on a regular basis so it was a bit of a novelty.

"You are separating the ship?" Naron asked from the back of the bridge. "That sounds almost as interesting as seeing the Celestial Temple again, something I look forward to seeing very soon."

So much for this being simple - the Admiral thought to himself. "Yes, Councilor, by order of the Federation President's Office, for your safety, we have been directed to return you to the Alpha Quadrant. Commander," he looked at the Acting XO, "please escort the Councilor to his temporary quarters in the Stardrive."

Commander Randall sighed, inwardly, at the observation of Naron and the following instruction from the Admiral and sent a quick message to the Admiral's console. **Shall I prepare a site-to-site for the councilor? Just in case?** The Chief Engineer inquired.

The Admiral, instead, ignored it and looked at forward workstations. "We have a job to do, all of us. Helm, prepare to resume course. I want to maintain Yellow Alert during our transit, the XO will see to the ship when he returns from his escort. Any other items before we get underway?"

Patton turned to the Councilor. “I will show you where you will be staying on board, if you will come with me.”

Ignoring the junior officer, Naron addressed Admiral Teagarden. "I see. And you are, I presume, still heading into Dominion territory? Under orders or blessings of...whom exactly?"

"The Secretary of Defense has ordered me to continue our efforts as the Federation Envoy." The Admiral rose from his chair and approached the side workstations, watching closely as they prepared for separation so that they could move on to the next part of this mission. He turned back toward the Bajoran Councilor, "The saucer and stardrive are separating in order to ensure your safety and return you to the Alpha Quadrant. They will then proceed to assist in the search for the Spock as it never arrived at Earth."

"I see," Naron said as he shook his head. He was in possession of updates regarding the political system in the Alpha Quadrant since they set out from Earth. He was aware of the secession of several systems from the Federation, and was aware that others were on the fence about leaving as well. Already the Federation was being torn asunder during Gruzy's tenure as President and...while Naron once believed in supporting the president, more and more this trip had opened his eyes. That Gruzy's administration was going ahead with any notion of diplomatic efforts with the Dominion, without securing the Dominion's promise to drop the obstructionist and baffling requirements to cut out other Alpha Quadrant powers would lead to grave unrest in the quadrant.

He also saw now that the Federation was too beholden to Starfleet instead of the natural order where Starfleet served the Federation. He sighed as he turned to the turbolift doors, expecting that his escort would follow. It hardly mattered, he was here at the beginning of the dark days of the Federation and was afraid that the Federation would not be able to survive what was coming.

T'Lisha was a tiny bit confused as to exactly where and what her job would be so, "Admiral, begging your pardon but......exactly where do you need me?" she said gently, risking his wrath for being un-knowing.

He was not wrathful, "I'm going to have you reassigned to pilot the stardrive, Commander. Please proceed there." He returned to his Captain's Chair and retook his seat. He glanced over his shoulder at the closed turbolift door. He sighed hoping that they hadn't all just signed the Federation's death warrant.


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