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Captive Pursuit

Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2024 @ 2:00pm by First Ikidik'tan & Administrator Kuzos
Edited on on Sat Aug 17th, 2024 @ 2:01pm

1,234 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pilot
Location: Jem'Hadar Vessel ST-321
Timeline: 2439-03-09, 06:00

Standing at the central control console on the Flight Deck of ST-321, First Ikidik'tan watched the sensor displays on the headset that he wore carefully. It had been a short while since they detected the Federation vessel and, so far, they had chosen to keep their distance from it at his own recommendation. Despite that, they were still running battle drills in preparation for combat should it occur.

It had been a long time since the Jem'Hadar and the Federation engaged in combat and Ikidik'tan was certain that would not be a hindrance for them in any way. The Federation vessels were capable opponents, but so were Jem'Hadar vessels. If it came to combat they would win, even if it meant having to destroy ST-321 in the process. Ramming the Federation vessel at the junction directly behind their Navigational Deflector would destroy the starship with little effort, should it come to that.

Second Ruka'voni interrupted Ikidik'tan's thoughts, "First, the Federation vessel has deployed a support craft to the planet."

"Visual," the First demanded as he watched the small craft appear on his headset. Crossing his arms, the alien commander reached forward to the control console and brought up a tactical scan. "Why are they deploying?"


"Alert the Vorta," the First approved as he watched the craft.

In his quarters, Kuzos was thinking about the Federation ship. Why had it entered Dominion space? Surely it had to know its entrance would be noted and investigated. Was that what they wanted a confrontation? he thought some more, and a more plausible idea came to him. Perhaps the Federation wanted to make contact? This approach would garner Dominion eyes and bring a response. He was still musing when the call came from the bridge. He was needed. "I am on my way," He said curtly, pushed aside his thoughts of the Federation ship and headed to the bridge.

"Have they detected us yet?" The Jem'Hadar First questioned from his Command Console.

Fifth Gage'lez shook his head, "Not that I can tell. Indications are that our masking technology has successfully kept us hidden from their scanners. I can't rule out though that they are pretending not to see us."

The Jem'Hadar First would not underestimate the Starfleet vessel. While it had been over a generation since the Dominion War and the Dominion had progressed technologically in that time, he had no doubt that the Federation had done the same. Their new Masking Circuitry, while capable, was not as effective as a true cloaking device. Their ship was somewhat detectable when they moved into certain angles from a stellar body or other source of illumination, giving off a detectable reflection that an opponent could lock in on. It also failed to hide ionization, letting an opponent track them by the emissions given off by routine shipboard operations.

The First answered, "Never assume anything with the Federation. All we can be certain of thus far is that they have not scanned us yet."

"With our current course and speed we can overtake them in two point two minutes, First," Third Orimik'leto informed from the Flight Operations station.

Second Ruka'voni added, "I can complete target analysis and start plotting targeting solutions."

"Hold," Ikidik'tan ordered. "We will not engage unless it is our only recourse."

"We cannot allow the Starfleet vessel to violate our territory without repercussion," Ruka'voni defended. "We have to set an example and we can use them to demonstrate what happens to anyone who interferes with the Dominion."

Kuzos entered the bridge and head enough of this conversation. He walked to the Jem'Hadar. "While I agree we need to defend our territory, we will do so when we are left no other choice as First as stated. For now, we will shadow the Federation ship and see what they are looking for. Perhaps we will even find our missing ship. Which will greatly please the Founders do you not agree?" He asked bluntly.

Ruka'voni looked between the Vorta and the Jem'Hadar First, "We serve the Founders in all things, Administrator. All we do is at their pleasure."

Kuzos smiled an indulgent smile Jem'Hadar. "Your loyalty and service to the Founders does not go unnoticed and is appreciated Second. See, that there is never a reason to question it."

Moving things away from the belligerence of the Second, First Ikidik'tan turned back toward his workstation. "The Federation ship deployed one of their support craft a few moments ago into the atmosphere of that world." A series of trills came from the ovoid panel, "They are now moving off, their course suggests they are traveling to one of the nearby moons."

Kuzos walked over to Ikidiktan's station. The Second would be observed for anymore breeches "What of the support craft? Is it still in the atmosphere or has it rejoined its mother ship? He questioned wondering what the Federation was up to.

"I've not observed it leaving, no. The atmosphere is blocking our scans from this distance," the Jem'Hadar explained matter-of-factly.

Hearing the reply, Kuzos made a decision. "Leave the support craft for now. Concentrate and continue to shadow the Federation ship. We will learn more of why they are here by shadowing them." He explained.

The First nodded in agreement, but still quietly wondered about the Starfleet vessel's support ship. If this starship were conducting a routine survey mission he supposed that it was possible that the Starfleet personnel would launch a secondary craft to explore; nonetheless, the First was curious why they would risk penetrating such a dangerous planetary body. Atypical to say the very least.

"As you wish," he relented

"You have something you wish to say First?" Kuzos stated. "I can tell by your body language. Speak your mind, what is it you wish to say?".

Ikidik'tan looked away from the control panels, "I was just considering the Federation and their strategies, Administrator." He resumed entering commands on the workstation panel, considering discussing further.

"I see." Kuzos replied, then continued. "You are going to leave it at that First? Not share your thoughts, your considerations. Just make a general and rather boring statement about Federation strategies?"

The Jem'Hadar relented, "Their actions do not make sense for their protocols in previous interactions. Our study of Starfleet tactics indicates that they are unlikely to risk the safety of their personnel blindly; however, they seem to be doing just that." Opening a window on a nearby display, "the planet that craft approaches is highly dangerous, meaning they are at risk."

Kuzos listened as the First gave his reasons for questioning the Federation ships latest moves. When he had finished, Kuzos was quiet as he considered his response. "Yes, I see. Very good analysis First. "So, you suspect they are what? Engaging in subterfuge? For what purpose?" He questioned. Then he answered his own question. "Is it possible they have found our missing ship?"

"I wouldn't rule it out," the answer was direct.

"Hmm. Yes, that would be just like the Federation, sneaky using misdirection to hide their true intentions." Kuzos looked at First, "I believe you may be onto something First. We will direct our attention to the planet where their shuttle is entering the atmosphere. We will watch and see what comes of this endeavor of theirs. Maintain vigilance on their shuttle." He ordered.

The Jem'Hadar nodded, agreeing to the new directive.


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