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Epilogue or the Final Nail

Posted on Thu May 11th, 2023 @ 9:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen

2,410 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Short Treks
Location: Admiral's cabin

Cyrus made his way towards where Admiral Targaryen's cabin was. Over one arm he carried a bag, in the other arm he had a couple of small boxes. When he moved there was a couple of subtle clinks as he walked coming from the bag over his shoulder. Deciding to do the polite thing, Cyrus tapped on his combadge. "Will, I mean Admiral, do you have time for a visit from me? I bear gifts." he chuckled warmly. "It's Cyrus."

The Admiral's voice came through the communicator, "You can stop by, Doctor, but I'm preparing to leave on an assignment so please come quickly."

"I am right outside your door, Admiral, is that quick enough?" Cyrus having a slight laugh in his voice.

Willian tapped the release on the door, "I suppose it is, Doctor." His voice echoed through the Doctor's communicator as he said it. Willian tapped his own to deactivate the device as he motioned for the Station's Chief Medical Officer to enter, "What can I do for you?"

Cyrus deactivated his as well. he stepped inside. "I brought some drink and to say thank you for the help in closing out that mess with Melly and that other person." Cyrus began, walking over to a near by table and setting down the bag he held along with the one that had the two glasses. "Also you and I've not taken the time to just sit and chat. Been too long."

The Admiral looked back as the Chief Medical Officer entered the living chamber. Closing the door he turned and followed, "Yes, Doctor, it has been awhile it seems. Ever since we were transferred to Deep Space 12 and Starfleet started this new Project: Starfleet One I rarely know if I'm coming or going and am usually trapped in one meeting or another. In many ways I'm busier now than when I was the CinC of the entire Fleet. Who would've thought being a backup would be so time consuming?"

"That seems to happen in most places, a person becomes the back ground back up, and they become busy. As they are needed, in more ways than one. Being the one who organizes things. Anyhow, I felt catch up time was a must as who knows where we both will be sent as time moves on." Pulling out the bottles and setting them upon the table plus the glasses. "I am wanting to say I am glad the mess over that particular higher ranking officer is dealt with." him not wanting to give that particular former Admiral even one iota of mention.

The Commanding Officer of Deep Space 12 was silent, turning and looking out the windows toward the expanse that lay beyond. The Draegos Memorial Parkland in the center of Deep Space 12 was named in honor of those lost in the Vesuvi event that welcomed the Federation to the Maelstrom Sector. Inside were dozens of options for art, drink, entertainment, food, lodging, the whole gauntlet. Inside were thousands of people who didn't know the horrors that lay within the final frontier and the darkness that could infest the galaxy if good people did nothing.

Willian sighed, "JAG has already placed the suspect into custody. My wife's Chief of Security aboard the Vol'Rala arrested him herself a few minutes ago." There was more to it, a lot more to it, but those particulars were best left unsaid.

Cyrus gave a nod. "I am glad of that." he answered quietly. He watched Wil for a moment then commented."We've been through a lot together already, though my experience is just a small drop of water compared to what you've experienced, have seen." he looked at the bottles. "Which one would you like have opened, the one that can give you a buzz or, the one that you enjoy the flavor of?" giving a slight smile.

He looked at the two bottles for a moment as he considered the challenges of his lifetime. The myriad of experiences that he had had in his long life. From being aboard Voyager as a mediator during the Gorn and Klingon Summit, to having been turned and serving as a Mouthpiece for the Collective during Frontier Day. Then there were the hundreds of calamities that befell the Enterprise-G while he commanded it and now the H. So many memories, so many friends both come and gone. There was a lot.

"Maybe try mixing them together," the Admiral ruminated not sure which state he preferred to be in. The machinations of Project: White Knight had surely made his life more challenging than they need to be. Well at least he got to meet Jim Kirk through it.

"That is an excellent idea, you have the Doctor's approval. Besides, I think they will compliment each other." Cyrus pulled out the glasses, and set them down on the table. "I plan on drinking mine with no ice. What about you?" as he deftly filled the glass half full of the Romulan Ale and the other with Aldebaran Whiskey."

"If I had known I'd be mixing drinks I would have brought something to mix it together." Cyrus remarked.

The Admiral shrugged, "Desperate times call for desperate measures. Besides, technically, you could be arrested on this station for having the Romulan Ale. It's pretty illegal, especially at the moment." Another of the challenges of their past. The Federation Council was still debating the application of Vulcan - or rather Ni'Var - to return to the Federation after their joining with the Romulan Republic. While many were welcoming of the return of one of the Federation's founding members, there were others that still saw their actions as tragic and treasonous. Making things worse was the fact that Ni'Var essentially wanted dual citizenship in both the Federation and the Republic. It was giving a lot of people a lot of pause before committing to the return. President Gruzy included from what Willian had heard.

"But I won't be telling anyone. Romulan Ale is blue and this clearly isn't because it's a shade of turquoise, don't you think?" The mix of the icy blue and lime green drinks had a somewhat eerie glow as well.

"You know this reminds me of a story I heard which happened when Data was being the bartender in 10 Forward, and Scotty was looking for something strong to drink. Data brought out a bottle, which was that very shade of color, and not knowing what it was called, all that Data could say was.. 'It is Green'." Cyrus chuckled, "And like you said, that drink there is turquoise. As for that other, It had been given to me as payment for medical services rendered. And I won't have it in my possession anymore." giving Will a wink. "Well here goes." lifting the glass from the table and did a salute to Wil.

"Here's to a good friendship, garbage being taken out and may we continue on to a better future, to untangle what we find?" Cyrus taking another look at the new drink that had been thought of by Will, "May need to come up with a name for this."

Willian looked at the drink a final time then the windows, "How about Maelstrom?"

"Maelstrom, a fitting name." Cyrus giving a nod towards Willian. "C'mon, pick up your glass and lets drink to the toast I made, hmmmn?" quirking up an eyebrow.

The Admiral looked at the glass as he held it and lifted it, "Cheers, Doctor." He quickly took a drink of the confection they had created, his heightened metabolism kicking in to support him but even then it had a bit more of a kick than he was expecting. Both of the drinks used to make the Maelstrom were acquired tastes and capable of making you drunk in record time. Romulan Ale was near instantaneous in its impact, Aldebaran Whiskey took a moment or two longer but wasn't for everyone.

He wondered how the Doctor was adjusting to the effects as the Admiral pondered his already empty glass.

Cyrus contemplated the contents of his glass even more. With him being of an artistic nature, he watched the mesmerizing glow of it then, took a tentative sip. The taste had to be experienced. One taste, one swallow, the flavor he couldn't describe it yet but it wasn't disgusting. Another taste, then Cyrus just downed it. The liquid went down his throat all the way to the stomach. Cyrus waited for a moment or two wondering just how it would affect him then. Boom, it went straight to his head, and he could feel it all the way to his toes and in between. Any aches and pains he had were now gone. Then he laughed!

Taking a good look at Wil, with a heavy drawl,"Well now, this has quite the punch. I am wondering if I dare try to get up and walk." giving a bit of a giggle. He moved to stand up actually able to get to a standing position. "Can you see the pretty colors? Even you are looking beautiful, you've got quite a bit of an aura around you. " Cyrus said. "Little swirling luminescent something there."

"And I think you've officially had enough, Doctor," the Admiral joked. The CO of Deep Space 12 walked over to a small desk facing the wall in the room and pulled a box from within one of the drawers. Returning to the sitting area, he tossed it to the Chief Medical Officer (and secretly hoped that the Doctor would be able to catch it).

Surprisingly enough, Cyrus did catch it, "Aww now now Wil, don't cut me off of that drink." he chuckled. "I wanted to figure out a description of the Maelstrom. However." he looked at the box with a raised eyebrow, "What is this?" Opening it up.

"Something I've forgot to give you for about two months," the Admiral commented as the Chief Medical Officer opened the box to reveal a Lieutenant Commander's Combadge inside. "Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander Cyrus Marner, MD."

Cyrus stared down at the badge then flopped into his seat, only to find himself slipping off to the floor with a flumph being in shock, him disappearing from Wil's view. Then a hand could be seen fumbling at the table's edge then Cyrus's head peering over, as he unsteadily rose to get himself firmly upon his chair this time. "Are you sure, Wil? I am honored and in shock."

The Admiral laughed after the Doctor was steady, "Here I thought you'd be more upset over my having forgotten to give it to you for two months."

Cyrus spluttered, "W-why would I be upset, hell I didn't know I was up for a promotion! You sly dog you are." shaking his head in bewilderment and looking back down at the badge. "Lieutenant Commander. Don't that beat all. I never even thought or worried about that at all."

"Amazing," Willian said as he looked at the glass next to the Station's Medical Officer. "You seemed to sober up fairly quickly, Doctor."

"Oh I don't know about that I don't think i would pass a sobriety test... but I did catch that box. Confound it Wil now you've got me curious as to how long the effects of the Maelstrom will last. We will have to partake in again." quirking up an eyebrow towards his friend.

The Admiral smirked, "Go home, Doctor, you're drunk. Besides, I have to get going to the Enterprise. Maybe drinking a Maelstrom before going on a mission wasn't the best of my ideas, but the genetic alterations will start to nullify the fun effects here shortly."

"At least you got to have a buzz." Cyrus remarked. "Oh and when you get back from what you are doing, I have a recommendation, come have some pizza and a beer at Doughboys with me and Bishop, and whomever we can gather together. Just for some good old fashioned shoot the breeze sort of thing. It would be good medicine for you. Trust me, it did some good for me." Cyrus after pinning the badge upon his chest, gripped the edge of the table to get to his feet. He wobbled just for a moment or two, then steadied himself.

Now he had the period of cold water to throw on the Chief Medical Officer. He looked, but paused for a moment not wanting to ruin the levity of the situation. Changes were coming aboard Deep Space 12, he knew them well, but now wasn't the time to ruin the mood.

"No problem, Doc, that sounds like fun. Well, provided the Cardassians don't blow up the Enterprise while I'm on it at least," he grinned after saying it, using his own El-Aurian gifts to ensure he wasn't hiding anything in his words that others may pick up on. He picked up the bottle of Maelstrom and handed it to the CMO, "To your good health."

Cyrus accepted the bottle, then decided to put it in the bag he brought the drinks in and slung it over his shoulder. He paused and looked at Wil, grasping his shoulder. "I will hold you to your acceptance, when you get back. And I hope that you don't get blown up on the Enterprise." A worried expression in his eyes. "Okay on that note I am leaving before I get more sappy than I am now. You mean a great deal to me, my friend."

"And you to me as well," Willian answered honestly, wondering if the concoction was having more of an impact than he realized initially. "Until next time, Cyrus."

Cyrus nodded, "Indeed, until next time." Another squeeze on the shoulder a clap on Wil's back, the doctor turned to make his weaving way to the door to leave. He paused at the door, giving a wave, "Safe travels my friend, safe travels." Then stepped out the door to go home.

The Admiral watched as his friend walked down the stairway, pulled away by the sound of his communicator.

"Enterprise to Targaryen."

Willian tapped the device on his chest, "Go ahead."

"We're ready for departure, Admiral," Commander Rrawran's mechanized voice filtered through the device, sounding even more alien in the process.

"Energize," a second later the transporter beam enveloped the Admiral as he stood in the doorway, watching as Doctor Marner walked onto the pathway.

As he dematerialized and the door slid shut the Admiral whispered, "Goodbye Doctor."


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