Planning a Heist
Posted on Mon Apr 17th, 2023 @ 11:46am by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Captain Nathan Bishop & Captain Ken Jamison
896 words; about a 4 minute read
Short Treks
Location: Admiral's Office, Deep Space 12
Timeline: 2431-05-30, 21:30
Willian Targaryen stepped into his Office adjacent to Operations aboard Deep Space 12 completely unsure how the Hell they were going to pull this off. Originally he'd planned to ask the Cardassian Ambassador if they could coopt one of the Cardassian vessels that had penetrated the DMZ by impounding for study, instead he now had to be a bit more creative as the Ambassador himself had chosen to come on this mission with them. That made this all the more difficult to accomplish.
Now, in less than 20 minutes, he had to be aboard the Enterprise to lead the diplomatic component of this mission to try to find a peaceful solution. That meant he needed to have someone he could trust leading the second part of it and there was only one person he trusted for such a complicated assignment.
And he'd already called him to the Ready Room.
Aboard the Enterprise Captain Nathan Bishop received a summons to report to Admiral Targaryen's office aboard DS12. He wondered what this was in reference to but shook his head, headed to the transporter room and beamed over to the station. He would find out soon enough.
Aboard the USS Valhalla, Captain Ken Jamison received a similar summons to report to Admiral Targaryen office aboard the space station. "What now Will?" He muttered as he left his first officer and wife in command. Soon he was at the Admiral's door where he saw another captain already there. He recognized him as the admiral's executive officer. "Captain Bishop, isn't it?" He asked as he stuck his right hand out in greeting. "Correct and you are Captain Jamison of the Valhalla, correct?" Bishop replied giving a firm handshake in return. "Guilty as charged." Ken replied. "Any idea why we were called?" "None at all but we'll find out soon enough." Bishop replied as he pressed the Admiral's door chime.
"Gentlemen," the Admiral greeted as they entered. "Please, have a seat."
Willian got right to it, "You're both aware of the situation going on out along the Cardassian DMZ. We don't have time for a rehash, so I'm going to just let you both know what's happening. The Cardassian Ambassador and I will travel aboard Enterprise to speak with the leader of the invasion force. While I know this is not an ideal step, my hope is that by having one of his leaders with me it will help to overcome some level of animosity we may experience. Captain Bishop, you'll be in command of the Station while I'm gone."
"That leaves a very large portion of this mission still unassigned. We need a sample of the Coalition's weapon and the easiest way for us to accomplish that, now at least, is by force. Captain Jamison, I am assigning you to prepare a strike team that will proceed to the DMZ in an effort to capture one of the Hideki Class support vessels that are assisting the invasion force. Please select a team and have them ready to depart within the hour."
"Aye sir. We'll keep things together." Bishop replied stoically
Ken looked at the Admiral. "Sir?" he asked, not quite keeping the surprise out of his voice. "You want me to lead and select a strike team to steal oh excuse me capture a Hideki class Cardassian ship?"
"Yes, Captain, that's the mission I have planned for you," the Admiral confirmed. "Computer, display."
Atop the desk a holographic replica of the Cardassian Fleet that the Enterprise encountered appeared. Willian addressed the Hideki's specifically, "We have strong reason to believe that these are part of a Cardassian war surplus that went missing a few years back, most likely hidden and stored by the True Way for an occurrence such as this. They're old, but not to be underestimated because of the potential advancements that the Coalition could have provided."
"Run simulation," Willian ordered and the video began. As the Admiral spoke the simulation changed, "Enterprise will meet with the Cardassian Flagship, with our local Cardassian Ambassador in tow. During the meeting, we'll spring a trap that the Cardassians will have to investigate to create a distraction and we can adequately surmise that Gul Nayat will order ships off to investigate. That's where Valhalla comes in. I have already requisitioned for you a collection of Starfleet Tachyon Torpedoes. These new weapons, while extremely rare, are designed to disable rather than destroy starships. Using your torpedoes, you'll disable the enemy vessel and then tractor it to a preloaded navigation point where we will offload the crew and return them to Cardassia, while the ship will remain impounded under the provisions of the Treaty of Bajor."
The simulation ended, "Any questions?"
Jamison looked at Bishop and then back to the Admiral. "No sir, no questions."
The Admiral sat back in his chair, "Alright then, Captain. I'll setup the away team that will travel with you aboard the Valhalla. I'll need your ship ready for departure though within the hour. You'll have to try to be a bit stealthier with your transit though as I don't want to spook the Cardassian Ambassador. Captain Bishop, you're in command of the Station until I return."
"Any parting thoughts, gentlemen?" When they were silent the Admiral continued, "Alright then. This is our chance to make a real difference for the entire future of the Federation. Let's get to it. Dismissed."