Getting to Know You
Posted on Mon Mar 27th, 2023 @ 11:27am by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Crewman Melly
1,784 words; about a 9 minute read
Short Treks
Location: Admiral's Office, Deep Space 12
Timeline: 2431-03-13, 09:00
Admiral Willian Targaryen looked at the report on the datapad carefully, studying its contents intently as he waited. It had been a few days since the debacle that had led a bounty hunter to his station and raised several red flags throughout the Federation. Lieutenant Haines had already reported aboard but, now, there was a second item that needed addressed. The Federation had pulled the Designated Survivor from the Station, having concerns over its viability now that a bounty hunter had found their way to Deep Space 12, and that left many of the personnel assigned to it in limbo. Even the former Chief of Staff had found her career somewhat tarnished by what had occurred.
Tossing the PADD on the desktop, Willian heard the door chime.
As the door opened, Crewman Melly of Miri slowly entered looking around as she held her PADD. This was of course her first official day on the job and she was unaware how early she should arrive but avoided the crack of virtual dawn that the former Chief of Staff prefered. Looking across the room to the Admiral her face brightened in happyness with a tinge of fear. Slowly she stepped forward, closer and closer she walked. She was waiting for her former CO to yell at her for what she did. In addition if she knew she had caused such a hassle she would have prayed to be captured enroute. Approaching the desk she looked over the edge to Him and reached up to place a PADD on his desk before standing at attention.
The small girl, not even four feet stood in attention with her hands behind her back. Her blonde hair was pulled tight back in a braid as she took the deepest breathe and almost choked saying, "Greetings Admiral. Melly of Miri reporting for duty... I.."
She paused, a few more deep breathes later. "I missed you."
Willian looked at the former officer that stood across from her. There had been many who had come and gone over the years, but there were some that were more memorable than others. A person who looked like a child flying a fighter shuttle could be somewhat memorable for a Captain. Nonetheless, he had to be a bit more direct than that.
"How are you feeling, Crewman?" the Admiral redirected the conversation. "How are you healing from your little adventure?"
She thought to lie, to say all was grand, to be smiles. But she knew he would see threw her. "Day by day Sir. Everyone is helping me, bunking with Ash was a godsend. Security Chief Taylor is training me in martial arts to be more self confident. While Doctor Cyrus and Counselor R'elle are making great strides. PTSD does not go away quickly or ever fully but I am making progress. I am eating more then just slave food but at times.. it is what my brain orders. I am no longer sleeping in a pillow fort on the floor. Umm the pillow forts on the bed now. But I believe I am a person now and am allowed to sleep on the bed. So progress. I.. have wanted to tell you how sorry I am for getting court martialed. You meant so much to be and I can only think the disappointment you must have had for me when you saw the news."
"Actually I did not know about it until I received the application that you had been considered for the position aboard this station," the Admiral replied as he sat comfortably in his chair. "Tell me a bit more about your Court Martial."
Melly lowered her head and looked at her boots. After a moment she looked back up, "I was mostly in shock during the trial. I didn't defend myself as I did the act. I didn't ask for mercy and behind the scenes I was warned about speaking ill of the victim. But seems Section 31 had a axe to grind with the Admiral so the Court Martial was forced to consider circumstances. I was sentenced to Tantalus Penal Colony until the therapists and warden feel I could be released. A prisoner tried something on the transport but another stopped him. Met a nice therapist and got a lot of progress. She.. died. Then got a mad therapist and well lost a lot. After six months the Chief of Staff came and got me out. Now it's recovering day by day. I just want to work but I must ask. Why do you want me Sir? I want to be your yeoman just was wondering why you wanted me Sir?"
Willian looked up from the datapad, acting as if he wasn't listening but he had heard every word that she had said. the advantages of being partially El-Aurian was that he could better discern from communication what people were saying, and what they were really saying behind the scenes of their own words. He pecked at the screen of the tablet, "Crewman, I have, on this very datapad, nearly 200 applications for persons who want to be my Yeoman. I am curious why you think you're here?"
Melly looked up and then felt like she would shatter but she kept strong. She would at least while infront of him. "I'm by far not the most qualified. I've formally had two days of Yeoman training and in that I think I started a interstellar war with the holographic Romulan Ambassador. To be honest the only thing that creeps into my mind is from 'his' training. From the Admirals when I was doing Yeoman like work for him. Pity. But I don't think you are the type to give out pity. You weren't on the Enterprise. So I guess i'm here because your giving me a chance?"
Willian, unconsciously, looked out the window as the Enterprise circled the station. He had only just approved Commander Tua to be made Acting Captain for a patrol of the new Cardassian Demilitarized Zone at the urging of his wife, the Starfleet Commander. He would rather be traveling with the Enterprise than stuck on the station, but they all had their orders. If something went wrong he'd be relegated to using the Uhura for support for the time being. "No, I'm not much for pity, Crewman. Not typically anyway." He handed her the PADD, "You're approved as my Yeoman. While you are the Yeoman, Galatea is my official Attache so you will be working with her and reporting to her most of the time. With her being the AI of the Enterprise she will be off the station for the next two weeks, so you will be primary for that time."
She brightened hearing Galatea, "I have missed speaking to her Sir.. it feels so long. Um guess it has been a time now." She scanned the PADD before looking up making mental notes. "Business question, then a personal..." She straightened her back, "Do you wish anything prioritized or shifted around. As in anything you wish to avoid for a bit I can shuffle to later? For the personal. Do you think less of me for being weak, letting him do it, then disgracing the uniform with my actions? I can't read Sir well yet. I am kinda a bag of anxiety." She looked over the edge of the desk at him.
He really wanted to answer that he wanted his schedule rearranged so he could be on patrol aboard the Enterprise, but that was an impossibility. While he processed what to say for the first, he pivoted his attention to the second instead, "I do not, personally, base my opinions on things that have happened in the past, Crewman, rather I look at a person in the here in now instead. I won't deny that you have reason to be anxious though. Being my Yeoman is not an easy role. While Galatea will take the brunt of things, the truth is you will have some share of that responsibility and challenge. My role in Starfleet, and the Federation for that matter, is significant. This station is the backup for the entire Federation. That's not an easy assignment. If the Federation ever goes silent, we're in command of the entire government. Until our new Liaison arrives from the President's Administration we are even more at risk."
Knowing the role of the place do to being attached to the former Chief of Staff albiet a super short time Melly understood. Melly then stood at perfect attention and saluted the Admiral, "I'll be a good girl. I promise. May I get to work now Sir?" She then repeated to herself, "I'll be a good girl."
"What do you mean by that, Crewman?" Willian looked up from the computer monitor. "That you'll be a good girl?"
Utter and complete panic covered her as her facade of strength broke as did her attention stance. She cringed like a Ferengi being yelled at by a Klingon. Looking up she said, "I am sorry Admiral, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry. I mean to say you won't get a negative word from me and I will do everything ordered without question. I promise to be the best yeoman and be pleasing. I will as said. Be a good girl." She peeked up from looking to the ground her eyes wide as she expected to be called out for the unprofessionalism shown.
Willian rose from his chair and walked toward the window. Crossing his arms he looked out at the stars, "You have no need to apologize, Melly, nor need to apologize so many times frankly. I don't expect or anticipate a need for you to be anyone but yourself so long as you are serving aboard this Station, nor is there a need for you to worry about being positive all the time. It's not sustainable."
The answer was just what she needed, no judgement, no anger, no pity, no mocking, just acceptance. She wanted to rush over and hug him but figured that would be a step too far. Instead she just said a simple, "Thank You Sir." Her face was visibly better, her mood was better, everything. She got what she truly needed to feel better. She was safe and she was accepted. "Permission to head to my tasks Sir!", she said with more joy and happiness then anytime during the meeting.
"Permission is granted, Crewman, welcome to Deep Space 12," he said kindly, "dismissed."
"Thank You Sir", she saluted and then rather then a proper twist to turn she held out her arms and spun one before giggling and skipping out a whole lot better then she came in as.