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Posted on Wed Jan 18th, 2023 @ 12:39pm by Councilor Kohek Cilona of Vashti

1,209 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Short Treks
Location: Deep Space 12
Timeline: 2431-03-08, 15:00

Councilor Kohek Cilona sighed as she waited outside the office of High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes. It had been, roughly, a day since she had demanded to speak with the President and Gruzy's Office had come back with he was unavailable and she'd have to meet with High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes instead. Normally that wouldn't be much of a problem. Before Jasmine was just a floor below the President's Office at the Palais de la Concord, now she was across the Quadrant. So, after a quick jaunt across the galaxy it seemed aboard the Fearless, here she was waiting for the High Commissioner to speak with her.

The Councilor from Vashti had understood the justification. The Federation was at risk from yet another galactic power and, worse, the chance for the disruption of Earth was clearly evident. If that happened the need for continuity of government was clear. It only served to better support her argument. Her government had been arguing for years that the Federation was too dependent upon the Core Worlds and this just proved it. Now she was out in the middle of nowhere getting ready to argue her point.

Jasmine was getting use to her new office. For security purposes they had temporarily relocated her. Safety of the Federation was crucial, and she knew that. She also felt bad for the councilor from Vashti. The travel to get to this new location, could not have been an easy one. Jasmine was still trying to move into the office, she had a couple of totes off to the side. For the moment they would have to wait. She had a meeting, an important meeting. This was her opportunity to shine.

The doors to the office opened and out walked a man bearing a captain's uniform with Starfleet. Shortly after he left, Jasmine walked to the door. She looked outside of the room, and discovered the councilor. She walked over to the and with a big grin she called out. "Councilor Kohek Cilona, my deepest apologies. Sorry for keeping you waiting." Jasmine had just finished eating, and meeting with Captain Walsh, just previous to this meeting. It sounded strange to say it was a meeting, everyone knew she was dating him. But they still had business to conduct. And Jasmine was a professional. She made sure the meeting was mostly about business.

Councilor Cilona rose from her seat and held a datapad in her hand. The Romulan woman looked at the grin and grimaced, "I fail to see why my being kept waiting is a reason to grin, Commissioner." It wasn't a great way to start a discussion, but the Representative of Vashti to the Federation Council hadn't been too pleased by their relationship with the Federation in recent years. Though they'd never really been happy with their relationship with the Federation, especially after they abandoned Vashti to the warlords following the Attack on Mars.

"Councilor the attack was a few decades ago. I feel that the Federation has made great strides since 2399, to rectify the atrocities your people went through. The Federation has been assisting to Romulan people ever since." Jasmine wanted to be careful how she addressed the elephant in the room. It was her people who caused the federation to become isolated in the first place.

"I believe we have taken great strides in trying to assist the Romulan people as a whole, and hopefully today we can see steps we can take to assist the Vashti. Our current situation requires us to be delicate. I believe you can agree to this." Jasmine said, hoping the retaliation from the councilor would be marginal. Jasmine knew Romulan's love to over dramatize things.

Councilor Cilona tilted her head at the comments, "I see that the President has briefed you then regarding the concerns of my people involving the support and protection of our world. While I will relent that things are not as grim as they were following the Attack on Mars in 2385, even our abandonment up until 2399, the reality is that the Federation still has left us victim to the warlords and vermin that populate the former Neutral Zone."

"I believe we have made great stride since 2399 to prove to Romulan people, that we are here to support you. In the past 30 years, we have proven our resolve to assist the alliance." Jasmine pointed out to the councilor. "President Gruzy is a good ally, to the alliance, especially to your people. As I hope to be as well." Jasmine told the councilor.

"I care little for the general Romulan population," the Councilor answered. "Vashti has joined the Federation, we were promised the support we deserve for our membership, yet we are still left on our own far too often. With Vulcan joining the Romulans and becoming the new leader of their Empire - even renaming themselves Ni'Var - they have become emboldened. Warlords threaten my world, yet Starfleet rarely supports our efforts. Commissioner, most of the Outer Rim Worlds feel the same, especially those bordering the former Neutral Zone!"

"I see your concern, and will address it with Starfleet, surely we can dispatch a few ships to increase patrols in the outer rim, would that be sufficient?" Jasmine asked. She had a sneaky suspicion it would be, but he would say it would not be. No doubt testing the waters, to see how far he can push her, before she clamps down on him.

The Romulan woman nodded, "For a start, yes."

"We can build off this starting place." Jasmine said, trying to be careful with her choice of words. She knew politics were very delicate. One bad choice, could be disastrous.

The Councilor continued, "It is a step in the right direction, but you won't like the next part." She lifted an older styled, Romulan PADD, "The worlds along the former Neutral Zone are going to welcome the increased Starfleet presence, but that isn't going to touch the depleted resources that we are faced with. The Core Worlds, those closest to the heart of the Federation, take priority over the frontier and we're tired of being second class citizens." She handed the PADD to the Commissioner, "My compatriots and I are hereby informing you, so that you can alert the President, that a dozens worlds are prepared to rescind our Federation Membership should we not be provided with additional resources."

"What resources in particular are you requiring?" Jasmine asked, waiting to see what the good councilor had in mind. It was time for the councilor to play her hand, so Jasmine would know how to strategize her next move. The time for posturing up had begun.

"I will, gladly, present the full list to the President when you arrange my meeting with him. In the interim, enjoy your time on this station. It's your political death knell," the Romulan smiled broadly, not playing the game with the Chief of Staff any longer. She rose from her seat, "I will be returning to Earth via the Dauntless, not need to trouble your friend. I'd like the President to meet with me after my return." She didn't give a chance for a response, simply walking out of the office feeling as if she had won the day.


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