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Posted on Tue Oct 18th, 2022 @ 10:09pm by Lieutenant T’Lara & Captain Nathan Bishop

1,450 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Short Treks
Location: Captain Nathan Bishop’s Office.

Lieutenant T’Lara the new ACMO and Surgical Chief on board the Enterprise was late for her appointment, something she usually never was but her Sehlat was ill. This morning he had become listless and fretful and now drowsy and she had panicked. He seemed better now and she thought she had more time than she had. Vulcans tried never to run, nor did physicians so the triple whammy had also delayed her. She entered the bridge and was then aware that her hair had also began to come unpinned. She sighed, tried to repair it, smoothed her uniform and pressed the chime on Captain Nathan Bishop’s door. Taking a deep breath she sighed and waited hoping that he had not noted that she was late.

Inside the office Bishop was going over an assortment of myriad affairs, reviewing personnel files among them. He had been involved with that so, he hadn't noticed that TLara was late. He had put one PaDD down and picked up another just as his door chime sounded. Placing the PaDD to one side, he brushed invisible lint from his uniform and smoothed out any wrinkles. Satisfied he stood up behind his desk and called out "Enter" waiting to see who graced his doorway and noticing that T'Lara the new ACMO and chief surgeon was late. Not the best way to start her assignment to the Enterprise. He was interested to hear what her reason was. No doubt it would be creative.

T’Lara took a deep breath and entered the office. “Lieutenant T’Lara reporting in Captain.” She quietly tried to push her hair back into place but gave up under his gaze. “I am sorry I am late Sir, I know this does not give a favorable first impression but my Sehlat became ill very quickly.” She felt that she had to give a deeper understanding of what happened. “A Vulcan and her Sehlat have a special bond that is more than that of a pet. I have had him since an infant and we are mentally linked, so It was as though I became ill. Again I apologize Sir.”

Bishop looked at T'Lara as she began apologizing for being late. When she had finished, he spoke. "Breathe Lieutenant or do you prefer Doctor? Next have a seat. Can I get you anything from the replicator? Finally, I know what it is to have a pet you care for to be sick. It is like you are sick. I hope your sehlat is better. Now, to the matter at hand, welcome to the Enterprise. We are glad to have you. You are assigned as assistant chief medical officer and chief surgeon. Dr. Marner is the CMO of the Enterprise. I hope your assignment here is both enjoyable and rewarding. I think you will find the Enterprise and her crew to be truly special. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

T’Lara breathed a sigh of relief at her stay of execution and sat down. “No, thank you sir,” she said to the offer of a drink. “I have already met Dr Marner.” T’Lara smiled at the memory. “Dr Marner was very happy to see me. In fact for a moment It looks like he thought he was dreaming and, Doctor will be fine, thank you sir.” She paused for a minute. “I have heard many good things about the Enterprise and her crew.” She fell silent.

Bishop nodded, "I am happy to hear you have met and talked with Dr. Marner. I think the two of you will make a good team and I hope you both rely on each other when it comes to treating patients and what is the best course of action. You will find that the things you have heard about the Enterprise and her crew to be quite true. We like to think we're a cut above. If that is a conceit, it's a healthy one." Bishop finished.

“I hope I can fit in here sir, to be honest I am…” she hesitated…”I am not what you might call a normal Vulcan. This may confuse the crew. I am not without emotion and I follow the teachings of Surak.” She wondered suddenly why she had told him this.”

"I see no reason for you won't be able to fit in Doctor." Bishop replied honestly then grinned at her. "How at=re you not normal? All Vulcans have emotions, they just suppress them. Is that not correct? In addition, don't the vast majority of Vulcans follow the teachings of Surak?"

“You May think that Captain but there are many parts to Suraks teachings and I am from an offshoot that does not believe in suppressing their emotions yet believe in logic.” She raised an eyebrow. “If you like I can teach you more about Vulcan religiousity. In any respect my family are not like me and I am not like them. Our logics do not meet.” She stopped so he did not feel she was preaching to him.

"I see." Bishop replied. "I appreciate you enlightening me to differences Doctor. I would like to learn more about Vulcan religious practices." he paused. "I am sorry to hear that you and your family are at odds over your beliefs. I think personal views can be put aside when it comes to family. However, I also know that in many cases that is easier said than done."

“Vulcans are very different in that respect Sir, if one does not share a family belief system there is a process called Shar’A’tH which is in essence a breaking of the bonds of family. My father and my elder brothers performed this ritual against my mother’s wishes and shunned me for many years. My mother was Captain of a Vulcan ship and I spent time with her until, not so long ago!” T’Lara’s voice began to break and she stood and turned away from him ostensibly looking at the wall art her hands clasped behind her back. “Her ship was destroyed not so long ago, she died and I was attend her funeral on Vulcan.” T’Lara’s voice sounded bitter, “ and collect a flame from the eternal one that burns in our home near the Sea of Vorath. I will never be allowed to return because of what I have done but, at least I have a part of her. That is why my Sehlat is so important to me, he has been more of a family than my own.” She turned and retook her seat in front of him. “He enables me to meditate.” She was quiet for a minute. “I am sorry sir, I do not know why I told you this.”

Bishop heard the bitterness in T'Lara's voice and her momentary loss of control. He kept silent and allowed her to resume the conversation at her own pace. "I am sorry Doctor, sorry for the loss of your mother, who you were obviously close to. I am also sorry that your family has splintered and taken the attitude they have towards you. I think that is mean spirited, short sighted and most definitely illogical. I am glad you have your sehlat.I would like to meet him someday. Oh, I think you know why Doctor. I think, I hope you can sense that you can trust me. That I don't gossip and what you have told me, will stay with me."

‘I would love to introduce you to Karik Val that means strong one in Vulcan, please feel free to visit us Sir and maybe share in our meditations. I brew a mean Vulcan beer.” She smiled, “and thank you for letting me get it all out. I had intended to go for a Counseling session but for some reason I felt I could open up to you.” TLara stood to attention waiting to be dismissed.

"I would like to meet Karik Val and even share your meditations. I'll even try your beer." Bishop said with a smile. He rose as she did. "For now, acclimate yourself to the Enterprise and Sickbay. I will see you around Doctor, you can be sure of it and you are dismissed."

T’Lara nodded, it seems to her that maybe she had made a friend today, even though his ranking gave her a headache. As she reached the door she turned and, before she had even though about what she was saying it had tripped off her tongue. “Do not make it so long Sir.” Embarrassed once again she left and headed towards sickbay for her next meet and greet.


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