Posted on Sun Oct 30th, 2022 @ 2:28am by President Gruzy of New Xindus & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes
1,081 words; about a 5 minute read
Short Treks
Location: Executive Conference Room
Timeline: 2431-03-08, 09:00
President Gruzy of New Xindus sat comfortably at the head of the table as his Cabinet meeting drew to a timely close. In the past six months the Federation had seen some rather unanticipated and expected changes, some for the better and others decidedly not. It pained him to be leading the Federation through another calamity. Ever since the disaster at the Vulcanis Lunar Colony that cost so many their lives it had seemed as if the Federation were experiencing one devastating disaster after another. This was, sadly, no different.
When the Enterprise encountered the Interstellar Coalition at Talos very little was known about them. Now, six months later, the Federation had learned a great deal through attrition. They were a large empire, rivaling the Federation in size, that was situated in the Beta Quadrant just beyond the territory held by the Romulans. Their government was mostly focused on peace; however, in situations where they believed a neighboring nation had become threatening to their way of life, they were not above beginning a campaign to enforce their brand of peace upon them. The Federation may have become their latest target.
Fortunately, their new plan was in place and so far working perfectly. Located in the Maelstrom, Deep Space 12 was redesignated to serve as a secondary Federation Headquarters. In the event of a disaster befalling Earth DS12 would assume responsibility for commanding the Federation from its secure location. They had a full contingent of personnel available to represent Federation interests including a member of his cabinet to assume leadership of the Federation should he become incapacitated. He just hoped it never came to that.
As the Cabinet adjourned he looked to the last remaining member there, "It's been a while since we talked, Jasmine. I wanted to see how you were holding up with being the Federation's Designated Survivor."
"It's not a job I am looked forward too. My job is to support you, I should be by your side, instead of hiding in a box. But I understand the importance of it." Jasmine said, realizing that was the tactical officer in her speaking out. She always wanted to protect the president, that part of her nature was not easily turned off. Another part of her, wanted to provide him a friendly ear to lean on, and offer her expertise as they were to his cabinet.
The Xindi nodded in agreement at what Jasmine had said. When he first met he she was the Security Chief on the Enterprise, but her logical reasoning and dedication to the Federation had swayed him to offer her the position of Chief of Staff. He knew that asking her to serve as the Designated Survivor would be a challenge because of the separation.
"I can only imagine how challenging this has been. With the Federation facing another major combatant so soon after the challenges with the Klingons I definitely need support, but I also need to know that the Federation will be protected should Earth be challenged."
"I know I still have a lot to learn from you. Most of skills are in tactical operation. The world of diplomacy is new to me. I do pride myself on being a quick learner. But I would be lying to myself, if I said I was ready today to lead a nation incase a major incident occurred at this very moment." Jasmine pointed out to him, part of her knew she was beating a dead horse. But she wanted him to know, she was not ready but she would do what was asked of her.
The President laughed, "Tactics and Diplomatics are not that dissimilar. Both focus on strategic thinking. That's the key."
Jasmine grinned slightly. She found comfort in his words. "Yes Mister President, I'll keep that in mind. I am learning how to strategize the political arena. I have a great teacher." She said as her grin grew.
He waved her off, "far from it. I just had the luck to be the oldest living member of the Council after the Destruction of Vulcanis. The benefit of being a Xindi Reptilian - people are usually afraid to piss you off."
Jasmine gave him a look. She paused for moment, then she went on to say. "Intimidation can be a good motivator. I can see the benefit in it." She said, thinking to herself she was not a reptilian. She might have to come up with her own angle to motivate her subordinates.
"Sometimes. Sometimes you need the carrot instead of the stick," he answered. "Especially is a post Interstellar Coalition galaxy."
"I better start a garden then." Jasmine suggested with a big teasing grin on her face. She appreciated the softer side of the president. It hardly came out, during open meetings. Most of the time, he was busy running and directing the meeting.
"Too true," the President answered. "With all we go through you'll have more than enough fertilizer." He glanced up, looking off to the side as if someone had arrived but no one else entered the holocom. His attention returned fully to Jasmine, "Sorry, the Starfleet Liaison wanted to let me know that Admiral Targaryen approved the Bonhomme Richard to be reassigned to the Diplomatic Corps as your transport. DS12's engineers are refitting its propulsion now."
Jasmine sat in silence. She knew when to remain silent. She was curious to learn more about the diplomatic cruiser. She wondered if they were getting a replacement for the USS Spock. She hoped the President would give her details after the holo interruption from the Admiral.
"The Representative from Vashti is rearing her ugly head again and is demanding to speak with me urgently," the Xindi seethed. "Do you have anything else you'd like to talk about before we close this meeting?"
"Do you want me to take a stab at her first?" Jasmine asked, hoping to take some of the stress off of the president. Most of the time, they just wanted to complain. Jasmine could easily handle that.
The President thought about the offer for a moment. Vashti had become a thorn in their sides recently after suggesting that the Federation had neglect their world and other frontier members in favor of the core. It wasn't a bad suggestion. "I think that may be a prudent idea, provided the carrots are grown."
Jasmine nodded in agreement. She was grateful that the president trusted her enough to try to reach out to the Vashti.