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Away Mission

Posted on Fri Jun 21st, 2019 @ 11:18pm by Civilian Viol & Captain Nathan Bishop & Commander Sherwin Porter & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes & Petty Officer 2nd Class Akaathaan Saarnosh
Edited on on Thu Jan 2nd, 2020 @ 5:20pm

2,034 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Atlantis
Location: AEV Timaeus
Timeline: 2429-12-02, 13:35

Nathan along with Haynes and Green arrived at transporter room 2. They checked their equipment to make sure they were properly outfitted.
Phasers, tricorders, hand lanterns just in case they couldn't get lights restored.

Stepping up on the pad, he glanced at the other two, "By the numbers ladies. Don't know what we're going to find , so stay alert." He then tapped
his com. "Bishop to bridge, preparing to beam across to alien ship. Will contact you again when we're aboard."

"Understood," Galatea answered.

He nodded to the transporter tech. "Energize."

An instant later the trio disappeared is a rainbow of lights and rematerialized on the alien ship. Lights were on but were dimmed. Bishop looked around saw Green and Haynes. "Everyone alright?"

"Yes sir." Carla stated, pulling her tricorder from her belt.

Jasmine was trying to figure out the foul stentch coming from the room. At first she wondered, if someone had died on the ship. That was a dumb question to ask. Or so she told herself, as she looked over to Nathan. "I'm good Commander, the stentch of this place is a little revolting, but I'll manage." She said.

"You have a talent for understatement Jasmine. It smells like something died and is decomposing even now." He tapped his combadge, "Bishop to Enter.... um Starfleet One, "We've arrived safely and are beginning our search of the vessel."

"Initiating close range scans." Green began to do a more intensive one, trying to see if she could pick up something that their initial scans might have missed. "The type of technology here is very similar to old style Earth as I found earlier. Wherever this came from, we may be looking at a parallel world with life development that was on a par with our own, before the Eugenics Wars took place."

"All analog or digital?" Jasmine sked as she walked over to Commander Green. She was curious, what exact level of technology they were at. She was fascinated by 21st century technology.

"A combination of both." Green said. "The craft appears to have been in transition between the two."

Bishop looked at the rest of the ship as Jasmine and Carla conferred. He stopped as Carla mentioned a parallel world. "Could this have come from the mirror universe?" He questioned the science chief.

"That what sir?" Jasmine asked. What was the mirror universe? Jasmine wondered what this was, and why he thought this technology could be from that universe.

Galatea listened to the conversation and discussion, keenly aware of what was being discussed. She was about to interject when she overheard Commander Green's response.

"No, that wasn't what I was referring to." Green shook her head. "I was referring to Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development, a biological theory first postulated by A.E. Hodgkin. The theory was that similar planets with similar environments and similar populations tended to gravitate toward similar biological developments over time. Although initially applicable only to biology it was later expanded to include a tendency to move toward similar sociological developments as well with sentient beings." She looked over her shoulder at them both. "That may be what we're looking at here. We'll need to pull the flight log from this ship, or the computer program for the trip, and see what it says."

Not far away from the Away Team a bulkhead door slid open and Mission Commander Viol stepped through. A tall, athletic woman she had long, curly blonde hair and a sadness on her features as she struggled. The most striking feature was this: she looked exactly like a Human. Behind her another person walked along, a man who was busily working on fixing a piece of equipment as they walked. That was until they saw the newcomers.

"Thank the Gods! You received our distress call?"

"Is everyone alright." Jasmine asked, as she saw a small medical kit in the shuttle, if they needed it. She was curious what happened to them, and why they were singing the away teams praises.

Viol shook her head, "No, we're not. There was an accident as we were testing the FTL drive. We lost one of our crew of five and another is severely injured. We need help. How did you get here so quickly?" She asked while looking the Away Team over, "And why are you wearing those strange costumes? We don't have any other vessels with an FTL like ours. How is this possible? Who is in charge?"

Carla looked to the Commander for that answer. Instead she simply sidestepped the question asking, "If you could please direct me to your main computer, and also any hard copy plans you have of your vessel, we may possibly be able to get your FTL up and running. It depends on the severity of the damage. Barring that, we could probably get you some" She again looked to Bishop for direction.

Bishop was looking at the woman and the man standing slightly behind her. "I'm Commander Bishop and I'm in command of this away team. Who might you be?" He asked politely.

"I'm Mission Commander Viol of the Atlantean Exploration Force." The alien woman answered. "Your accent, I don't recognize it. Your uniforms are unfamiliar. And you think you can repair our engine? Few Atlanteans are aware of it let alone repair it. Are you part of the Exploration Forces?"

Bishop was thinking, *Atlantean Exploration Force?* but he didn't let his surprise show as he dodged her questions. "Yes Commander, I believe we can repair your engine. We have engineers who specialize in that." He said simply.

"Well we need to get to work then," Viol answered. "We have wounded and we need to get them home for treatment."

"I believe we can help you there as well." Bishop replied as he tapped his combadge. "Bishop to Starfleet One. Send Dr. Porter over we have made contact with the Atlantean Exploration Force, and they have some injuries among their number."

Jasmine looked over to Bishop, waiting for official orders for her. She was just subtly scanning the area with her eyes. Looking for any potential signs of danger. So far, everything seemed to be okay.

Green had said enough. This was quite obviously a serious first contact situation. A ship that was on an exploratory mission blew out it's drive. It was Zephram Cochrane all over again, but a little more advanced this time. And, they were in the role of the Vulcans. She continued to scan and let Bishop direct what he'd want them to do next. Having sent for Dr. Porter, then cracked door had just been opened wide to the new future that would be coming to these people. The name 'Atlantean' struck her as, her sister Kara was on the USS Atlantis, on a secret mission, but Kara could not tell her where or for how long. Carla knew it was a long ways from home though. So, who were these people using the same name?

Bishop looked at Jasmine, gave her a nod and said, "Check the ship for any danger." Then to Carla, "Carla continue to scan and see if you can pinpoint where this ship came from."

"Aye sir," Green directed her scans now to the ship's navigational systems, pulling up what seemed to be a rudimentary flight path. She looked it over, then saved the data for further analysis back aboard the Enteprise later. She then traced the course back to the planet where the craft had originated from.

The Mission Commander was surprised, "Starfleet One? What is that? I'm unfamiliar with it." Viol looked amongst the crew with her, "And why do you need to track back to where we came from? Don't you already know?" She had a realization, "You don't know. We came from Atlantis and you didn't."

Jasmine looked over at Viol, "Its the name of our vessel." She simply said, looking over to Nathan, to explain more or move the conversation along.

The alien leader nodded, "Please, take us to your ship. Your vessel can tow ours back to Atlantis and you can visit our world."

"As you wish." Nathan replied as he tapped his combadge, "Bishop to Starfleet One, Prepare to beam the away team and five guests aboard. Also inform the Admiral to meet us in the transporter room." He looked at Carla and Jasmine. "You can come back later to study the ship more once we take it in tow."

"That's fine, Commander. I have the data you requested already." Green held up her tricorder so he could see she'd already obtained the info for engineering and science. "I'll look forward to working with an engineering team as well, to gain more indepth insight, however."

"Aye sir." Jasmine said, as she stood by Nathan, waiting to be beamed back up. "We should not wait to long, to come back over." She suggested in a monotone style voice.

"Quite right Commander. Quite right. I'd love to examine this ship closer." Nathan answered as they waited to be beamed back to Starfleet One.

Carla looked at their new first contacts. They seemed like ordinary people, just another set of humanoid type races that maybe the Preservers had seeded throughout the galaxy so long ago. But, their naming of Atlantis. Could it be maybe they were descendants, or even originators of the old Earth myth of Atlantis? The same that had sunk into the ocean supposedly uncounted thousands of years ago?

A shimmer behind them resulted in Commander Porter's arrival. He began moving as soon as he fully formed through the transporter. "I'm sorry, Commander, but I had to belay your order to return to the ship before I review the status of the patients," the Chief Medical Officer said as he stepped past Bishop. He didn't like countermanding an order, but he had a job to do.

"No apologies are necessary Doctor. I understand." Bishop answered easily. "The well being of the patients comes first."

Green listened but continued her scanning.

Without even looking at anyone else, Sherwin bent down and confirmed that the one patient was indeed killed instantly by the accident. He quickly moved to the second patient and ran the scan over him next. He tagged them with different beacons. "Porter to Enterprise," he said into his commbadge. "Emergency transfer of black beacon to the morgue and red beacon to Sickbay and tell them to prepare for emergency surgery STAT."

Crewman Saarnosh answered, "Energizing now."

The bodies shimmered out of existence as he stood up and moved over to the three remaining members, quickly scanning them. He pursed his lips briefly and looked into the eyes of the last one who appeared to be their Commander as he scanned her last, then he stepped back. "The rest of you are cleared to beam to the Transporter Room as Commander Bishop ordered, but please report to Sickbay at your earliest convenience."

"Excuse me," Viol interrupted, "but what happened to my officers? What is this beaming you mention?"

"They have been transported to our ship." Bishop answered. "It is how we move from one place to another without a ship. It is primarily used for relatively short distances." Bishop knew he was being vague but he would leave it to the Admiral to decide how much yo tell Viol.

"I have the location of their planet, sir." Green said softly. "Forwarding you and the Enterprise, it's location."

"Perhaps we should go to your ship too," the Atlantean woman suggested. "Can we be transported too?"

Bishop inclined his head with a nod, "We can." He touched his combadge, "Bishop to Starfleet One. Six to transport back."

The Selay Transporter Chief's voice came through, "Aye Sir. The Admiral has requested we send everyone to sickbay for thorough investigation by the medical staff. I'll beam you to the transporter room in the Sickbay Complex." The sound of the transporter console could be heard through the transceiver.


Viol turned with a smile on her face as the annular confinement beam took hold. A second later the confines of her ship dissolved before her as she and the others were taken away to Starfleet One...


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