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The High Command

Posted on Fri May 7th, 2021 @ 3:27am by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Admiral Xeri Tei & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes

1,731 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Cheese
Location: Vulcan Space Central
Timeline: 2430-08-31, 12:00

Perhaps the oldest city on the planet, ShiKahr was the capital city of Vulcan - now known as Ni'Var - and was the largest city on the world. At the base of Mount Seleya, ShiKahr was home to Surak and had been the site of his first teachings. Not only was the Vulcan Science Academy located there, but the Vulcan High Council were also housed in the city. It was truly one of the most important places on the planet.

Now it was firmly in the hands of the Romulan Star Empire. The unique, ornate, perfectly symmetrical architecture of the past had given way to the militaristic nature of the future. As the transporter materialization cycle ended Luzol Targaryen sighed at what she saw around her. She had been here so many times, actually Vulcan was one of her favorite planets to visit, and now she felt sick to her stomach by what she saw around her.

"If Surak could see you now," she mumbled under her breath.

She turned toward the Commissioner, "Did you make it in one piece, Commissioner?"

Jasmine was caught a little by surprised by the comment. With a forced smile, and trying to ignore the pain, she said in a calm and collected voice. "More or less, but I am ready to assist in the mission Admiral." Jasmine stated, wondering what angle the admiral was coming from. Despite her injury, she was good to go. She was to stubborn, to admit she should be taken it easy.

Luzol looked carefully around the large anteroom that they had been beamed to. She knew from experience that they were in the ancient acropolis - the site of Surak's first teachings no less - which had been converted to house the Vulcan High Command. From what she saw around her it was now the Romulan High Command itself. She expected that a low level aide would be sent to escort them, but she was shocked to see Praetor Xeri Tei herself in the distance with Sakkath alongside.

The Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire wore her traditional military uniform proudly and freshly polished. Her blonde hair was closely cropped and her eyes piercing as they came into view. She had a friendly scowl across her features, but it was a scowl nonetheless. She didn't want them here and it was evident. Sakkath, on the other hand, had the typically impassive appearance one would expect from a Vulcan.

"Jolan Tru," Tei greeted in the direction of Commissioner Haynes. "I am Praetor Xeri Tai of the Romulan Star Empire. I believe you know my companion, Minister Sakkath of the Confederacy of Vulcan - our new Proconsul of the Romulan Star Empire."

Luzol held her tongue, but barely. If Sakkath were in such dire straits as the code word that brought Gregory Coulson here would make them believe she was really curious what a good day would be like for the Vulcan Minister. She kept quiet, letting Commissioner Haynes do the talking for now.

Jasmine was a little surprised by the statement made by the Praetor, she would have assumed a new government ruling body would have been appointed from both sides. Before establishing Ni'Var as the new Homeworld of the Ni'Varians society. She was not sure how she felt about the Romulans proclaiming they were still part of the Romulan Star Empire. There was several romulans who would take acception to that claim.

Jasmine had a warm smile on her face, as she opened her palms, and first said to the Praetor. "Jolan Tru, Preator Xeri Tai, and Minster Sakkath." Jasmine said, as she opened her palms to both. She wanted to be respectful of the Romulan culture. Especially since the Praetor made a big deal about it. "I am honored to meet you both, and to represent the Federation today."

"We are a bit surprised that you are here, Commissioner," the Praetor answered as the reflection of the star caught her uniform. "Minister Sakkath is far from at risk, as I am certain you realize now. He is the second of our government, his role subservient only to my own. Yet the Federation believes him to be at risk?"

"And you report that Admiral Coulson has come to Ni'Var intent on seeing for himself that I am well. His impulsive nature has always been his undoing. One would have considered that his promotion to the Starfleet Admiralty would have tempered his more reckless inclinations. It is a disservice to your Federation that it has not. Tell me," he shifted his weight beneath the Vulcan robes he wore, "is it true that he disabled the New Vulcan Colony in order to come here?"

"We have dispatched a task force to answer that very question." Jasmine said, with a warm smile on her face. She did not want to show weakness around the Romulan. She purposely exaggerated how many ships were heading to New Vulcan Colony. She did not want to say that they were only sending two ships to New Vulcan. The truth was, they were still in the dark, and it was clear that the Romulans knew more than they were leading on.

Jasmine wondered, if the Tal Shair was keeping an eye on the Colony as well. It would not surprise her, if they were. Especially since Admiral Coulson was making some wild accusations.

"No doubt," Tei replied from adjacent them. "I only hope that your colony is safe. The Trimble system is perilously close to the Klingon border. With the current relations between your two governments I can only hope that they did not take this opportunity to lay claim to the resource rich worlds on the outskirts of the system."

Luzol smiled at that comment, "I can assure you, Praetor, that Starfleet has never shirked from its responsibilities of defending the Federation from harm. I am sure that our Task Group is more than prepared to defend the System from danger, just as we are more than prepared to defend the Federation and its way of life."

"Spoken like a true Starfleet Commander," Sakkath interrupted. "Bluster is a way of life for the Federation. You believe yourselves to be able to handle all that come your way, but it is arrogance. Nothing more. That is why the Federation and the Confederacy of Vulcan parted company. Your arrogance, your blatant display of emotion, all of it is a risk to the safety of your worlds. If you do not change course you risk your own destruction."

"With respect, Minister, as a former member of Starfleet you should know better than any that this isn't bluster or a game of brinksmanship. This is a reality. Starfleet is more than ready to defend the Federation from any threat rather it be foreign," she looked at Tei subconsciously then back to Sakkath, "or domestic."

Praetor Tei laughed as the statement and kept a wide grin across her face. Her eyes were piercing, "I do believe that was a threat against us. I can assure you, Admiral, of the same fact when it comes to the Romulan Star Navy. We are more than capable of dealing with our enemies should they act against us - a fact that we have proven time and time again."

"Was that before or after you lost 3/4 of your fleet when your homeworld was destroyed to warlords, gangs, and other despots?" Luzol questioned.

"We are on our homeworld," she did not lose a beat.

Sakkath nodded crisply, "Indeed."

"Perhaps so," Luzol added to her earlier diatribe. "Regardless, perhaps we do need to focus on tomorrow rather than the hazards of the past. It's the only way to move forward. Why don't you open the capital to guests from Starfleet One for shore leave? It would be a gesture of goodwill for our future."

"I am certain that guests from your vessel would be an unnecessary distraction for our world, Sakkath replied. "I must..."

Sakkath was quickly interrupted by Praetor Tei, "Nonsense. We would be delighted to host your crew for shore leave, Admiral." She looked at Commissioner Haynes, "As a gesture of goodwill. Please alert your crew they may begin beaming down. We would be happy to receive them here in Shikahr. Do you agree?"

"Most generous offer, we would love to be your guests." Jasmine said, wondering what Sakkath's true hidden agenda was here. This was not the same Ambassador she had read up on. He seemed to have to change. Was he being brainwashed? Did he have a change of heart? She was not sure, but she knew the best way for Starfleet to find out, was to take this opportunity, and see where the clues landed them.

"Is there any more business to discuss before our luncheon?"

"Not at the current moment, my admiral's and I would love to prepare for your generous offer of shore leave. We will need to inform the crew of the shore leave, and ultimately prepare for luncheon with you." Jasmine said with a warm hearted smile. She hoped the admiral's in the room picked up on the hint, that after the meeting, she wanted to meet with them both.

Praetor Tei observed the Federation delegation like a teacher monitoring a student during an exam. She nodded crisply in response, "Very well. You may utilize the nearby anteroom to communicate with your vessel prior to our lunch." The Praetor motioned toward the small office that overlooked the nearby mountain range. "As I am certain it is a matter of concern, please feel free to scan the room without subterfuge. I am certain you brought a tricorder with you when you beamed down. I just hope not a weapon," the leader of the Star Empire smirked, but knew the answer already.

"Very astute," the Admiral answered casually. "It would seem you know me better than I know myself, Praetor."

"We take a lot of pride in getting to know the people we are involved with, Admiral," she glanced at Sakkath as she made the comment. "We will leave you to your business. Jolan tru."

"Jolan Tru Preator Tei." Jasmine said, as she looked over to her delegation. That went smoother, than she thought it would. She thought for sure the Admiral would challenge the Preator's notions of events. But it was clear that both sides were measuring each other up.


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