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Posted on Wed Jan 27th, 2021 @ 4:19am by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Commander Galatea & Lieutenant Commander Sawbones & Lieutenant Ilbis Ilkun MD & Captain Nathan Bishop & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Commander Ash Randall & Lieutenant Commander T'Lisha "Hawkeye" Bishara & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Lieutenant Commander Chire & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake & Lieutenant Sonden & Zoey Parker & Petty Officer 2nd Class Corvus Hannah

5,227 words; about a 26 minute read

Mission: Cheese
Location: Multiple Locations
Timeline: 2430-08-30, 11:00

[Main Bridge, Starfleet One]

Galatea stood at her workstation attached to the Tactical railing on the Bridge of Starfleet One checking the reports as they came in. They were still in standard orbit over Earth and all shipboard systems were at functional parameters. Captain Bishop was in command of the ship after the Admiral, abruptly, beamed to the surface to meet with Admiral Luzol at her office in San Francisco. So far he hadn't answered any of her hails or any messages, but that was fairly routine for him. She was busy anyway, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new A500 units.

Glancing up from her workstation she saw the big blue marble in the viewscreen. Earth was home to the Federation and she found it to be a beautiful world. While it was relatively unremarkable there was just something about it that drew her in and was awe inspiring. She wondered many times if that was by design - she was a representative of the consciousness of the main computer of Starfleet One after all. Maybe she would address this with either Commander Ash or Chire later.

A series of light tones came from her workstation. Typing on the panel a sensor scan of the nearby area appeared, "We're receiving a distress signal from the USS Venra. The ship has lost power and is stranded. Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them."

Bishop swiveled in the center seat. "The Venra? What class is she and where is she?" He asked Galatea. "Also alert Admiral Teagarden beam him directly to the bridge."

"The Venra is a Wallenberg-class transport ship," the hologram explained as she typed on the workstation. "I can't bring the Admiral aboard, he must be in either the secure levels of Starfleet Headquarters or the Federation Council."

"He should be told first. Can a message be sent down to him?" T'Lisha asked. "How far away is she from us?" T'Lisha added.

=/\= Main engineering to bridge. A500s are green for go on your mark.=/\= Announced Commander Randall

"I agree T'Lisha. The Admiral needs to be informed." Bishop replied as he next addressed Galatea. "Galatea push an urgent message through to the Admiral informing him of the situation."

He next spoke to Commander Randall, " Go ahead Ash, bring them online and lets see what we have."

=/\= Initiating startup, Captain. Main Engineering...Out.=/\=

"The Venra is near Titan," Galatea informed as she typed on her workstation. "I have tried to push the message through. The Admiral has still not responded. If he is in the Federation Headquarters as I have theorized we may not be able to reach him. I recommend that we proceed."

"I agree with Galatea," Hawkins nodded from his station. "The Admiral would understand."

Chire, who had been remotely keeping tabs on the improvements in engineering nodded in agreement as she allowed the conversation that was going on around her to filter to the front of her thoughts. Not only was it the right thing to do, it was also following the rule book. They were supposed to render assistance and the Admiral did not necessarily need to be here for that to happen.

"Recommendation noted Galatea." Bishop answered and offered a nod to Hawkins at his work station. He settled into the center seat. His voice crisp as he issued orders. "Galatea, try again to contact the Admiral. It there is still no response. Mark the message urgent and push it to the top of pending messages. He looked to T'Lisha next. "T'Lisha, quickest route to Titan. Warp 5. " He swiveled to look at Hawkins. "Nathan, lets not get surprised. Sing out if you see anything unusual. Co ordinate with Commander Snow on the sensors." He looked back to T'Lisha, "Stand ready."

"Of course," Hawkins replied.

Galatea typed on the workstation and forwarded the message to the Admiral with the urgent designator. She looked over at Commander Snow and gave a reassuring nod to her, returning her attention to her own displays. Inside her mind she felt the A500s come online in the Engineering section and be assigned their orders. Her positronic network had been designated to keep a close eye on them as they did their work, especially considering the challenges that had been faced decades ago.

"The Admiral has not responded."

Bishop nodded, his decision made. "That's it. We've waited long enough. Galatea signal Command we're on our to the Venra." He looked to T'Lisha. "T'Lisha, punch it."

Patton stood at his station, watching the screen for any sign of trouble. It was more than likely routine aide but there was always the possibility they were being set up.

It took only a few moments for Starfleet One to reach the location of the Starship Venra. Immediately after coming out of warp they were greeted by the sight of a Federation transport on fire and adrift. No other vessels were visible and only Saturn and her myriad of moons, including Titan, were visible. It was clear from the image though that this wasn't as simple as they'd lost power.

Seeing the wrecked ship. Bishop acted quickly, "Red Alert! Shields up, sensors to maximum. Lets get some answers. Galatea, scan the Venra. Any life signs?"

Galatea turned to Commander Snow to see what her sensors saw.

Snow started the scan, when she spotted the cloaked patterns. "I got 3 cloaked signatures." She called over her shoulder. Adjusting her sensors. "I got a Gal'Ga'Throng Class and 2 D'Deridex." She stated as they started to decloak.

"Power up the weapons and get a lock on them but don't fire at least not yet. Lets see what they do." Bishop looked to Lily, "Keep the sensor lock on them Lily, don't want them slipping away." Bishop spoke.

"Ever get a feeling you're in the Kobayashi Maru," Rrawran mumbled from his chair.

Hawkins lips curled at the comment: Rrawran was right this was suspiciously like the famous simulation. However given the location of this assault the options open were somewhat limited as Galatea reminded.

Galatea spoke up, "They are in Federation Space and in close proximity to Earth, Captain. We have to take this as a hostile act."

"Noted Galatea." Bishop looked over at Lily. "Lily can you tell if the damage done to the Venra was caused by Romulan weapons?"

An instant later the Romulan vessels started to move on differing courses. They reengaged their cloaking devices as they moved, making their appearances vanish from sensors. A series of trills and beeps erupted from stations as anti-lepton radiation was detected - limiting sensor efficiency for Starfleet One and their long-range communications. It took only a moment until they decloaked again, each ship launching a dozen plasma torpedoes directly at Starfleet One before reengaging their cloaks.

"Nathan, fire phasers, a full salvo along with photon torpedoes. Blanket the area. Evasive manoeuvres Bishop Gamma Delta 8,1,7. Galatea inform Command of what we've encountered."

Data points scrolled over Galatea's computer console as she worked, "We're heavily impacted by the anti-lepton radiation, Captain. Communications and Sensors are both heavily affected."

"Firing," Hawkins replied stiffly as the ship shouldered the barrage.

"Impact!" Galatea screamed as Starfleet One shuddered with the impact of the Plasma Torpedoes. Consoles flickered and lights dimmed as the enemy projectiles slammed into the shields of Starfleet One. She typed as her own matrix shimmered and de-rezed for a moment before she returned to stable. She checked the readouts, "Shields have been overwhelmed in the Engineering section and we have impacts to our energy distribution systems. We're going to have to start reallocation of resources."

The viewscreen started to flicker at that moment, but it wasn't as one would have expected in a battle. The data points shimmered and adjusted until, suddenly, they were still in Earth orbit. The data on the workstations returned to normal too, displaying that Starfleet One never left Earth.

=/\=Main Engineering to the Bridge. In case you are wondering what just happened, the simulation we were just in was terminated by an A500.=/\= She announced. =/\=They were ordered to find and repair damage that doesn't exist and terminated the simulation to fulfill the request it seems...or, something along those lines.=/\= The chief engineer added, a note of amusement in her voice.

=^= Yes, very funny. Thank you for the information Ash.=^= Bishop replied as he looked at the other faces on the bridge. "Well." He asked looking at Galatea. "Did you know something like this was going to happen?"

"The Admiral did say he wanted to run simulations of combat between Starfleet One and a Romulan force," the hologram said flatly with annoyance dripping beneath every word. "Nonetheless, I had no idea about this either. I'm no happier about it than probably any of the rest of you." She pecked at the controls, "Now that I have actual access to our systems again I have located the Admiral if you would like to raise him."

They didn't have long to wait. The Admiral's voice interrupted the Bridge, "Teagarden to Enterprise."

Bishop replied, doing his best to keep his tone civil while seething on the inside at the Admiral's latest simulation. At least Galatea was caught off guard along with the rest of them. "Enterprise here Admiral."

"Recall all key personnel to the ship, Captain, and standby to receive both myself, Admiral Luzol, and her delegation aboard. Then set course for Ni'Var at maximum speed."

"Yes sir. "All personnel on board. Preparing to beam you and Admiral Luzol and her delegation aboard. Course is laid in and will execute when you are aboard."

"Thank you. Out."

Lily cocked an eyebrow at the Captain. Then she shook her head at this little test. She was annoyed that they sprang another test like this on them.

Bishop saw Lily's shake of her head and knew she was as annoyed as the rest of them. He gave her an answering nod of agreement.

Hawkins shared Snow's displeasure at the test they'd just endured, on the plus side however it mean the A550's were working correctly and thankfully the Federation wasn't at war with the Romulans, or at least not yet.

[Main Engineering, Starfleet One]

Shortly after its last visit to Vulcan and the reunification of that world with its Romulan cousins, Starfleet Command had ordered a full refit of Starfleet One in order to make it more efficient and diplomatically oriented. In the process, Starfleet reconfigured its personnel allotments and attempted to overcome deficits in Engineering by installing Emergency Engineering Holograms aboard the ship to serve as a short-term supplement. Unfortunately, more than once, they became a hindrance rather than help. As the ship became more and more at risk and energy at a premium, the EEHs were prone to shorting out which only created more problems. They needed an alternative and, thankfully, today they were getting one.

The Daystrom A500 was a synthetic lifeform that had been developed in the 24th Century as an answer to the growing need for a labor force at the Federation's shipyards. Requested by Geordi LaForge, the A500s were developed by combining Bruce Maddox's expertise in cybernetics with Estella Mackenzie's work in bio-neural circuitry to created laborers who were not sentient. This was all the more important as Starfleet needed to mass produce a fleet of transport ships to relocate Romulans and others threatened by the Romulan supernova. They served with distinction, until they didn't.

On First Contact Day in 2385 the Daystrom A500s experienced a catastrophic malfunction. One of the A500s, designated F8, deactivated Mars' orbital defense system and allowed a massive attack that destroyed the fleet, the Utopia Planitia facility, and set the planet's atmosphere ablaze. 92,143 people were killed in the attack and Mars was left uninhabitable. Immediately afterward the Federation banned synthetic life throughout its territories; however, fifteen years later, it was discovered that the A500s had been manipulated into their actions by a rogue Romulan intelligence organization intent on destroying synthetic life. While the ban was soon overturned, the A500s were left disassembled.

Until today. Using his influence Admiral Targaryen had arranged for a contingent of the A500s to be deployed to Starfleet One to assist in maintenance. They were about to come online in Main Engineering for the very first time.

Commander Randall wasn't thrilled by the deployment of the A500s. The Chief Engineer of Star Fleet One recognized that there was a shortage of engineering and operations personnel and the A500s were designed, specifically, to fill such a role and they had done so, very well, until...well, they went rogue and caused more death and destruction than seemed possible. Ash looked on while the final diagnostic tests were run on the first wave of A500s and waited for the green go ahead for final activation.

"Diagnostic protocols are completed, Commander," Denobulan Lieutenant Barbax said as he stood at the diagnostic workstation. "Everything checks out."

Lieutenant Blake stood alongside Ash wondering what this would mean for the future of engineering. It should be a blessing, a much needed helping hand to increase the capacity throughout the Fleet. Yet, given the checkered history with synthetic lifeforms he wasn't totally convinced on the project either. Arguments could be easier made of Galatea especially as she has shown unusual programming characteristics when they encountered the Preserver Ship, yet she remained a vital part to the vessel.

He watched the Commander's ear flicker at Barbax's announcement. "Remember, we can pull the plug on it whenever you want." He tried to reassure her.

Ash gave a sidelong glance up at Lt. Blake and nodded. "True." She agreed. "But, will we know to do it if it needs to be done? Its not like they'll start singing show tunes or do the Can-Can through main engineering." She mused, with a little shake of her head. "But, we've done first and last looks and every diagnostic that protocol from Daystrom required or recommended and they're fit for duty." She continued and rubbed her eyes for a few seconds before tapping her Com-badge. =/\= Main engineering to bridge. A500s are green for go on your mark.=/\= She announced and waited for the word GO. The Chief Engineer looked up at Blake, a certain tiredness in her eyes. She'd been very quiet and reserved lately and, sometimes, abrupt and anxious as if she were waiting for something.

Blake chuckled lightly under his breathe: "That I'd love to see."

=/\=Go ahead Ash, bring them online and lets see what we have.=/\= Captain Bishop responded.

=/\= Initiating startup, Captain. Main Engineering...Out.=/\= Ash responded back and looked to Barbax. "Lt. Barbax, if you would initialize the A500s, please?" She asked, quietly, and watched carefully while the first of the units activated. "I read somewhere that these units, while not sentient, can develop quirks like, telling knock-knock jokes or swearing at inappropriate times. So, this should be interesting."

"Would certainly liven things up a little," Blake's lips curled with humour again masking his overall sense of trepidation of the activation.

"Activating now," Barbax informed as he typed on the workstation. "Hopefully the DOT-9s don't get jealous." He cracked a wide grin as he initiated, thinking about their other repair droids.

"One thing at a time please LT," Dylan replied watching the the A500s jerk into life and take stock of their surroundings.

The A500 androids all opened their eyes in a creepy synchronicity, the machines carefully studying the surroundings like a child looking upon the world for the very first time. On the monitor console the screen displayed that the diagnostic protocols were in progress and complete in mere seconds. The A500s were perfect and all systems were go.

"Good day," they said in perfect unison, "How many I help you today?"

Blake shivered: "That's kinda creepy," he said lowly as they come online.

Ash looked at the assembled A500s after their unified inquiry and looked to Lt. Barbax. "Turn all but two of them loose on the low priority, deferred, maintenance task list. There are things on that list that have gone unaddressed far too long. The remaining two will remain on station here in main engineering to assist in case of a crisis." She ordered. "We'll see how things go as they work through the deferred maintenance list. Routine, hourly, status updates like any maintenance crew with scheduled walk throughs, of course." She added.

"Uploading data now, Commander," he answered as he typed on the computer panel.

The androids spoke out as one, "Service support ticket added to queue." In perfect synchronicity all but two of the androids turned and began to disperse with their assigned duties throughout the ship.

The remaining two stood in place, "Awaiting service support ticket upload."

Half turning from his work station, Lt. Sonden, another Denobulian, spoke over his shoulder. "Put me in for a walk through. I'd like to get a personal view on how they handle things." His normal tone of humour mixed with a little more suspicion than normal. "They may be a ton of needed extra hands but are they good at the job?"

"Worried you'll be out of a job?" Blake joked though he too shared their scepticism.

Ash watched while the A500's tasked with the deferred maintenance listed scattered to perform their assigned service tickets and looked to Blake for a second or two with a dead, serious, expression and then quirked a smile. "Being replaced by the A500s would be the least of our worries right now." She announced and looked to Sonden and Barbax as well. "We'll all be following up and performing walk throughs on our newly acquired helpers to evaluate their work. Any issues or deficiencies are to be reported, immediately, for correction on the fly because, with the exception of catastrophic failure, they're here to stay. We want them doing their job quickly, efficiently, and correctly so the walk throughs and follow ups are important." She explained. "Report but do not interfere, interrupt or try to correct a unit or its work. If you think it is doing more harm than good have it recalled or for its activities to be suspended so corrective action can be taken. I am depending upon you to pass this directive on to your respective teams." She finished.

Barbax nodded as he checked the controls, "So far so good at least."

Blake watched the droids retreat from sight curious to how they'd perform the assigned tasks. Ticking off the maintenance list would be a good and safe way to assess their abilities and integration in the ships systems. He thought of Galatea and how she must be reacting for the new additions, maybe, he summarized the AI would free enhanced by their activation like she'd grown additional limbs and could therefore multitask more efficiently. He'd like to ask her at some point.

His sense of curiosity however was quickly pushed aside as the chillingly familiar siren blared as the ship went into red alert. "Should we recall them?" he asked Ash. "So we can test them in a more controlled environment?"

"And that," Pointing up in general at the siren, "is sound of job security." Sonden said cheerfully as he turned back to face his work station. He quickly started taking maintenance diagnostics off the active que, optimizing power for whatever. "This wouldn't be a drill, you think? A rude time for a drill I'd say."

Ash peered around her, speculatively, and shook her head. "No, not a drill. Scramble emergency repair crews to ready status and have the A500s return to main engineering and put them on stand by. I have a really bad feeling about this." She announced and moved to an auxiliary station to get some information on the cause of the red alert. "Seriously?" The Chief Engineer asked, rhetorically, after a couple seconds. "Only this ship could find 3 Romulan vessels to mix it up with in the Sol system. A Gal'Ga'Throng Class and 2 D'Deridex class no less." She mused and shook her head.

"Awaiting maintenance queue," the A500 droid repeated as it stood to the side of the room.

Barbax studied the readouts, "Sensor scans show that the Venra is significantly damaged, Commander. The Romulans did a real number on her."

Ash looked to Barbax. "They could have completely destroyed her without significant effort." She remarked. "Certainly without her getting off a distress call and then why wait to see who comes running?" She asked, herself, mostly and then nodded. "Roll with it." She advised. "We have a job to do, regardless." She added.

"It's got to be a drill," Blake echoed Snoden's thought. "This deep in Federation Space and this close to Earth, we'd have a whole armada out here in a flash if it..." he comments were lost as the ship shook under fire. "OK, they're either crazy or suicidal."

"Unless we want to walk out an air lock to find out, this is the real thing." Ash confirmed as things rattled and she started working on power distribution. If it was real, then they were now at war with the Romulans.

Starfleet One shuddered with the impact of the Plasma Torpedoes. Consoles flickered and lights dimmed as the enemy projectiles slammed into the shields of Starfleet One. Barbax checked the readouts, "Shields have been overwhelmed in our section. I'm also showing overloads in the energy distribution systems. We can't take many more hits like that."

The A500 that had been on standby looked at them carefully, listening to the words that were being said. The android stepped forward and walked to the wall mounted workstation, typing on the console quickly and adjusting readouts and data points. "Input error. Unable to locate damaged circuits."

Ash looked at the A500 unit and then looked to the other A500s. "All A500s check for and repair damage!" She ordered and looked to Blake. "If one can't find damaged circuits then it might be a malfunction but if all of them can't, then that's something else entirely!" She told him and then went back to work on maintaining power distribution.

"Let's hope its a glitch, otherwise that's a lot of time wasted on scrap metal," Blake commented crossing to assist Ash.

Ash shook her head. "If more of the A500s are unable to locate any damage then one of us needs to, visually, confirm whether we are under attack or if this is a simulation." She responded to Blake. "WE have to assume we're under attack and are not going to question the outputs we're seeing and the sensations we are feeling. The A500s can't make any assumptions and are only going to act upon the damage they can actually find." She explained. "Any suggestions on how we can get eyes on what is going on outside?" She asked, her hands almost a blur as she made adjustments in the power distribution system to address the persistent alarms. "I want a plan for confirming any suspicions we have, if and when, we contact the bridge." She added.

"Makes sense," Blake nodded. "The A500's aren't as sophisticated as Galatea they can only repair actual damage not comprehend a simulation no matter how real it feels," the Lieutenant grimaced as the lights flickered above. "We'll have to resort sending out the very few damage control teams we have. Have them report back their findings, providing internal comms still work. Long range communications have been disabled I see," he glanced briefly to the limited data available from the bridge.

The A500 continued typing on the display that he held. Studying the screen readouts, the blank eyed machine adjusted several indicators on the screen. It flashed for a moment, then restored to its default levels. "Analysis complete. Simulation terminated," the robot informed as it turned and walked back toward the entryway.

Ash stepped back from the station she was at and watched while the main board went green and all the alarms cease, indicators returned to normal and wasn't quite able to stifle a giggle. "And...a simulation it was. I'm beginning to take a shine to our new found helpers." She announced and tapped her com badge.

=/\=Main Engineering to the Bridge. In case you are wondering what just happened, the simulation we were just in was terminated by an A500.=/\= She announced. =/\=They were ordered to find and repair damage that doesn't exist and terminated the simulation to fulfill the request it seems...or, something along those lines.=/\= The chief engineer added, a note of amusement in her voice.

=^= Yes, very funny. Thank you for the information Ash.=^= Bishop replied.

Sonden's fingers stopped suddenly. The power assignments he was working blink up at him, as his attempt to restrain himself failed and he bursted out with a huge laugh. "And here I was thinking to myself 'Not a drill, not a drill, not a drill.' Can't fault their logic there." And after letting out a big sigh proceeded to restore power settings to pre-crisis levels.

"Well," Blake sighed straightening. "It has us all fooled so don't think yourself Sonden."

Barbax stepped away from his own workstation, "With the simulation overridden by the A500s I have full access to the systems again. There is no detected damage anywhere onboard the ship. We are fully operational, Commander."

[Main Sickbay, Starfleet One]

Doctor Ilbis Ilkun stepped out of the Men's Locker Room and into the expansive Main Sickbay Compound in the Stardrive of Starfleet One. Unlike most Starfleet ships, Sickbay aboard Starfleet One was not tucked away deep inside the Saucer Module but rather was not far from the Shuttlebay and Engine Rooms to be able to provide priority assistance in an emergency. A secondary sickbay was in the saucer, still large but not as well appointed, that was available if needed during separated flight. A full contingent of medical personnel worked in both sections through.

Standing outside Surgical Bay 3, his favorite, he checked the display to see what his day looked like. So far he had half a dozen procedures scheduled. All were fairly routine, which was a good thing, and he'd be able to get caught up on his paperwork and research projects. He saw the notes that his first patient, Bajoran Petty Officer Uze Opeha, was already prepped and waiting for him in the primary clinic. Since it wasn't far, and since he had to follow protocols, the turtle-like Chelon decided to pay his patient a visit inside the 20 bed chamber.

Zoey walked into medical facility commonly referred to as sickbay. She was supporting her left ankle. She had managed to twist it hard this morning. When working out. She felt a little embarrassed as she walked into the room. She immediately looked for a doctor. She wanted to be in and out, as soon as possible.

Hannah had been sitting with Petty Officer Uze while she waited to go into surgery. He didn't know her well, but figured he could work to help answer any questions she might have or relieve any anxiety about the upcoming procedure. However, he left the area when Dr. Ilkun approached the bed. Checking his chronometer, he saw he still had a few hours left on his shift and considered using up that time in study when he noticed another person entering Medical.

"Corpsman!" he called to one of the medical crewman as he moved over toward Lieutenant - he realized he didn't really know her name, he'd only seen her around on the ship. But he moved toward her side quickly to get her weight off the leg she was favoring. The corpsman took the other side. Between the two, they begn to direct the lieutenant toward the nearest biobed. "What happened?" Hannah asked at the bed while he directed the corpsman to bring over his diagnostic glove and lenses.

"I rolled it. It's very stiff, and hard to walk on. I think I just sprained it, but I wanted to make sure." Zoey said, as she limped her way closer to Hannah. She felt very dumb walking in with a injured ankle. Especially since she rolled it on accident.

Doctor Ilkun looked over and saw Doctor Hannah with the patient. The turtle-esque alien stood at the nurse's station knowing that they would ask for him if they needed him.

"Always a good idea, Lieutenant," Hannah said, directing her to the biobed. He noticed that Ilkun was nearby. Once he performed the scans, he'd know a bit more about what was going on. While the doctor should be preparing for surgery, if this injury was more than just the sprain Parker thought it was, he should be able to do the repair work quickly, leaving Hannah to finish up afterward. "Okay, Lieutenant, up on the bed and we'll see what's happening. What were you doing when you rolled your foot?"

"I was playing basket ball, and when I jumped up for a shot, I came down on my ankle hard. Not the first time I have rolled it. I have done this in the past, back during my high school days." Zoey said, as she grabbed onto her ankle. It was very tender. Wednesday mornings she liked to play sports, for her morning work out.

Throughout the sickbay the red alert klaxons announced the approaching Romulan Warbirds.

The Chelon surgeon sighed, "This better not be another drill." He tapped his razor sharp fingers on the PADD that he handed back to the nurse, "Let's get this section ready for battle." He was about to head to the surgical bay when he felt the impact of the plasma torpedoes. "That was a little too close for comfort. Let's get ready for casualties."

Hannah just finished the scans of the lieutenant's ankle when the klaxons went off. "This will take just a few moments," Hannah said, replying to the Chelon doctor as he looked around. "You managed a slight tear to your calcaneofibular ligament and strained the talofibular ligament. Pretty common injury when people are jumping, they land wrong and roll on their ankle." Hannah grabbed the regenerator tool from the tray and activated it. "I would tell you to take it easy for the rest of the day but the sirens tell me you're not going to be able to do so. Just be cautious." A few passes over the ankle and the scans revealed the tissue was repaired.

"Okay, Lieutenant, battle stations apparently," he said as he set the tool back to be sanitized and recharged. "Let's try to make the other bastards have more casualties than we do, okay?"

After repairing the damage to her leg, Zoey looked over to Hannah. "I will, and thank you for your assistance. Am I free to report to station?" Zoey asked, wondering how bad it was. She could hear the klaxons still going off.

Doctor Ilkun walked nearby and took a look at the patient as the alert klaxons terminated, "I think it's safe to say you're released, Lieutenant." He looked at Hannah, "Good work on this patient."

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Zoey said, putting weight on her leg. It felt a lot better. Just a little tender. She started to walk out of the room thinking to herself, Hannah did a remarkable job.


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