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Moving Men

Posted on Tue Dec 8th, 2020 @ 4:48am by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen
Edited on on Sat Dec 12th, 2020 @ 3:42am

726 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Cheese
Location: Ready Room, Starfleet One
Timeline: 2430-08-30, 00:15

"What did you expect?" Fleet Admiral Luzol asked across subspace from her seat at the table in the Ready Room. She picked up a coffee mug before her and took a sip from it, the original with her at their home on Earth. She slid it away, "You did break the law and you were asking to break it again. This time with the President sanctioning it."

"That was never what I intended and you know it," William said as he pushed the desk around in his office to look the other way. When he was most frustrated he had a nasty habit of reorganizing the furniture in his office. It was at least something that he could control. He looked at the desk that now faced the window, "I was doing my best to keep the Federation and Starfleet out of all this. Instead he wants to flat out risk Sakkath and the security of the Federation for no reason. Doing nothing is tantamount to declaring war regardless."

She crossed her arms, "The desk looked better the other way."

"Quit deflecting when you know I'm right," the Admiral countered.

"I'm not deflecting because you're right or wrong because I know you better than you know yourself. You do what you're thinking about doing and you might as well have just handed him the resignation PADD and been done with it. To make matters worse I doubt he'll be as kind to give you a pardon like Lesia did, which means I will have to scramble the Fleet and send it after you and, frankly, you're too stupid not to enjoy that dear husband. I, however, am not looking forward to your incarceration or worse." She kept her eyes locked on him as he moved the desk slight to the left. The large monitor now to his left displayed the course Enterprise was following along the Federation/Romulan border.

He glanced at it, "It's right there, Lynz. I could be there and out in minutes with this ship."

"And a fleet of Warbirds would follow you out with weapons primed," she prophesied. "Problem is they wouldn't stop until they took out the Federation in the process." She glanced out the window, "I was wondering how long it would take for them to catch you."

William looked up from the desk, "What the Hell is that ship doing out here?"

Outside the window the Curiousity Class Cruiser Hua Mulan entered into a parallel course, "The President sent a message on subspace shortly after we spoke. He asked that Enterprise receive an escort back to Earth."

"He's worried I'm going to try my plan isn't he?" Teagarden asked with a sigh.

"Wouldn't you be?" His wife answered. "Do what you're told for once and don't try to be a hero, Will. It won't end well."

He sighed, "For me or the Hua Mulan?"

"Husband, if you try to take the Enterprise into Vulcan territory or in any way put the President at risk I will have to order your arrest. If you are arrested I can tell you now it will be your last days in Starfleet and as a free man. I have already ordered the Hua Mulan to impound any vessel that leaves your ship. Please do not make me have to do this," she pleaded.

"You know that Sakkath will die if we do nothing. The Romulans, that code word, it means that he's in trouble. We don't leave people behind," William pleaded with his wife.

She nodded, "You're right. We don't leave people behind; but they left us behind." She rose from the table, "I don't want to see you in irons, Will. I don't want you to lose the ship that has meant so much to you or the family that you have built. If you do this, if you try your plan the wrong way, I will have to stop you."

He sat down at his desk and looked at his wife, "You always know just what to say to help me see the right path."

"Then talk to the President and don't do what we both know you're planning," she pleaded again. "For me."

The Fleet Admiral faded, leaving William alone in his office. He looked at the space she had just stood in and sighed, "But what of the Federation?"


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