Those Who Defend
Posted on Sat Jul 18th, 2020 @ 9:09pm by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Administrator Weyoun 12 & Commander Ash Randall & Commander Sherwin Porter & Lieutenant Commander T'Lisha "Hawkeye" Bishara & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Chire & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Captain Nathan Bishop & Councilor Jahra Naron of Bajor
3,265 words; about a 16 minute read
Location: Conference Room, USS Enterprise
Timeline: 2430-01-10, 09:00
Admiral William Teagarden sat at the head of the table in the conference room staring across the table at Administrator Weyoun 12. He'd kept a tight grip on the datapad holding the contents of their conversation from yesterday in his hand, feeling the heat of the device for the destruction inside of it. The horrors of the past were upon them once more and now they needed to act upon them for the sake of the entire future. Now he got to share the bad news with the rest of the crew.
Lily walked into the room carrying a large silver tray with a cover. She nodded to the Admiral as she placed the tray. Then she pulled the cover to show the homemade scones, various muffins, and hand whipped butter and cream cheese. Then she walked out of the room with the tray cover and brought in another tray and placed it on the table. When she pulled the cover on this tray it contained several carafes and a few mugs.
She went from the room on last time and returned empty handed. Then she pulled her PaDD and set it at her place. "Admiral, Administrator, please have some. Tan carafe is tea and the chocolate one is coffee ." Lily stated as she took her seat.
William smiled at the Chief Scientist and stood, "Thank you, Commander Snow. Very kind of you," he poured himself a cup of the tea and accepted a scone from the tray, "I am certain that they are delicious."
Commander Randall entered the Conference Room, "Ensign...just leave the toothbrushes in my office. Thank you. Randall out." The Chief Engineer said, as she tapped her com badge, and moved to what had become her accustomed seat at the conference table. The Tuansee officer nodded a greeting to Commander Snow and then addressed the Admiral. "Good morning Admiral." She greeted, though, Ash could sense that the truth of the statement was that it was morning and he was an Admiral and there was nothing good at all about it, then turned her attention to the 'distinguished guest' in their midst. Eyes and ears focused on Administrator Weyoun, "Greetings." The felinoid Starfleet Officer said and then took her seat.
Lily just remain quiet when Randall walked in. "You're welcome Admiral. Besides I hand made all of this." She said with a smile and her pure British accent. "Commander Randall, please have some." she gestured towards the platters.
"They are delicious," William interjected.
Commander Randall nodded a thank you to Lily and looked to the Admiral at his announcement of a state of deliciousness for the scones and then liberated one from the platter and also grabbed a cup of coffee.
"Thank you Admiral. It is a favorite hobby of mine." Lily said as the food tasted professionally cooked. "I feel that fresh prepared food is better then replicated. Always had an odd taste to me." She added.
Bishop entered desk, having left Galatea in command of the bridge. Entering the conference room he greeted everyone. "Admiral, Commander Randall." He greeted. His eyes found Lily and he smiled warmly at her. "Commander Snow, I see you have favored us with some of your homemade goodies." His eyes shifted to Weyoun. "Administrator Weyoun."
Lily just lite up, with a smile of her own, at Bishop and his commit. "Just some breakfast items. Thought it would be a good peace offering to the other senior staff." She admitted.
"Now that is command thinking." Bishop bantered easily. As he sat down in the chair to the right of the Admiral. He inhaled deeply, "They smell divine." He noted as he reached for a scone.
Lily's normally pale cheeks got a little color in them as she started to blush a little. "Thank you."
Bishop grinned as he took a bite of the scone. " You are welcome and it's delicious." He said with a wink.
Commander Randall was daintily nibbling away at her chosen scone while Bishop and Lily bantered back and forth. The chief engineer agreed completely with Dr. Snow about the differences between replicated and freshly prepared foods. Most couldn't tell the difference but Ash could and, apparently, so could the good doctor. "Delightful." Ash said, with a look to Lily. "Thank you." She added.
The Admiral waited a few moments for the others of his remaining Senior Staff aboard the Enterprise to arrive. It had been exactly a day since they took off from Gateway Station on this mission to the Gamma Quadrant and he was eager to get this behind him. He wanted to head home to see what was going on with his wife and children on Earth. There were only a few loose ends to tie up.
Sherwin entered last, taking an empty seat. He noticed the food and that folks seem to be enjoying a treat at the meeting. That made him smile; he'd not been accustomed to that and the food seemed to put people more at ease than usual.
"Thank you all for coming," William informed as he looked around the room. "For those whom have not met him, please meet our Dominion host Mister Weyoun."
"Happy to be here," he said with the grin of a salesman.
The CMO looked over, keeping his expression neutral. Having come from a recent conversation with the Admiral about whether or not to trust Weyoun, Porter couldn't help but be suspicious of the man.
The Admiral typed on the workstation attached to the table, "As you all know we encountered an unexpected surprise upon our arrival here yesterday. An unidentified vessel attacked a world allied with the Dominion," he almost choked on his words knowing it was a subjugated race, "and utilized a devastating weapon known as Genesis to destroy the civilization there."
"Yes," the Vorta said, "Loyal citizens of the Dominion were snuffed out by a deadly enemy who is without remorse, without conscience. It's a tragedy for us all."
"At the time we were unaware of the identity of the attacking vessel. Mister Weyoun and I had a long discussion yesterday about what is happening and we learned something critical from him," the Admiral keyed a final sequence and the monitor in the room awoke with an ancient symbol. "The information about to share is classified, but some is an open secret amongst the powers of the galaxy. The Klingon Empire has stories of an unfathomable adversary known as the Hur'q; a species of raiders who plundered the galaxy of its resources. Whatever they couldn't take they destroyed so others couldn't have it. Their efforts had rewarded them with technologies and wonders that peace would never have yielded; thousands of worlds lived in fear of them and the galaxy belonged to them by right of birth. They annihilated dozens of cultures and conquered all who resisted. They ruled unmatched, until they met the David that slew their Goliath."
William took a sip of his tea before continuing, "The Hur'q began expanding deeper and deeper into the Beta Quadrant until they encountered a race known as the Sevo. The Sevo were an enlightened race, heavily advanced even beyond both ourselves and the Dominion," he glanced at Weyoun's reaction. "They had mastered interdimensional travel, using transpatial axis generators capable of folding space-time to create artificial wormholes. They forced the Sevo into submission, enslaving their greatest scientists so that the Hur'q could capture the entire universe. A new dark age overtook the galaxy and the peaceful Sevo were to blame. In days the Hur'q had destroyed countless worlds - ending billions of lives. That was until the Sevo decided to fight back. The Sevo tricked the Hur'q into launching an invasion force through a rift into a barren realm of subspace. Realizing the deception they tried to return, but the Sevo sealed them there and took their own lives to leave the Hur'q imprisoned."
"So, since we've been discussing Klingon bedtime stories, it's time to get to the nightmare. The Hur'q may've had the majority of their forces trapped, but that did not stop them entirely. The survivors rebuilt their forces and vowed that they would release their brothers from captivity. They secured the trajector and vowed they would one day have revenge on the entire galaxy. As the Hur'q ravaged the galaxy, their strongest, deadliest warriors were placed into suspended animation to await the day that their comrades returned. The damage to their forces was significant though, and their empire ended in a blaze of glory for the Klingons. The battle was long and bloody, with fierce fighting taking a terrible toll on both sides, but the Hur'q were the victors. The Hur'q forces were splintered, forced away from the Klingon Empire but stealing sacred artifact - including the Sword of Kahless - in the process. The Hur'q were broken and dispirited, dying off not long afterward. Their lost brethren becoming nothing more than myth, but one group remained."
"Those who defend," Weyoun interrupted, "the Kam'Jahtae. Our enemy."
Ash was in mid sip of her coffee and nearly did a spit-take but managed to swallow instead and, calmly, set down her coffee cup. "Well, I knew it was bad..." And she paused for a couple seconds and looked at Administrator Weyoun. "...but, this might qualify as apocalyptic." And looked to the Admiral. "Is this to be a discussion, Admiral?" She asked, pointedly.
Patton hadn't said a word as of yet. He was listening for the most part and collecting data and waited for the Admiral to answer Ash's question.
Chire entered much later than she had anticipated and stood to one side of the room, trying to blend in which was of course impossible with her form. She looked around for someone she knew or had at least spoken to and although there were quite a few people she'd worked with she could think of nothing to speak about with them.
William looked at the group, "This may be a briefing, but I'm open to discussion as always. What's on your mind?"
The Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise picked up her cup of coffee. "Well, I think there needs to be an understanding that, OUR enemy, is the enemy of all life in this galaxy, sentient or not...solid or not. We have to prepare for total war and it can't JUST be the Federation and the Dominion to face this enemy." She observed, quietly and took a few seconds for a sip of her coffee. "WE need allies and all the major powers of the Alpha Quadrant would be a good start."
"The Dominion has already assessed the worlds of the Alpha Quadrant for alliance in this conflict. As we made clear we are not in support of their involvement. The Klingons had been conquered by this race, making their bloodlust all the more dangerous. The Romulans are a broken, scattered people that are still treacherous. The Cardassians leacherous. The threats are simply too great to risk," Weyoun spoke honestly with deadly earnestness.
"All, terribly, true Administrator." Ash admitted and took another sip of her coffee. "We're going to need serious edge then. Something monstrous, unexpected and unthinkable." She mused and looked to Admiral Targaryen. "Seriously unthinkable." She added.
"How about we approach Hugh's Borg." Lily stated as she was making up her tea. She remembered reading about them from the old Enterprise D. "that should be the big bad that should scare the shite out of them."
"Be careful for what you wish," Sherwin responded lowly, but loud enough for all to hear.
The Admiral glanced at Weyoun, thinking about the suggestion of the xBs being brought into play against the Hur'q and the Kam'Jahtae. Their Hive Mind and relationship with the inhabitants of Ghulion 4 not withstanding, bringing them into play would have a stronger pull in bringing the Federation into the Dominion sphere. "I think we should stay away from the Children of Soong for the time being."
He paused a moment, "With the Kam'Jahtae forces being out there we need to be making preparations for potential conflict. As Weyoun can attest we are underway for the Dominion Homeworld even now to meet with their Great Link," he glanced at the XO and then the Helmsman, "due to their security needs I have allowed for a Jem'Hadar soldier to take over our piloting duties."
T'Lisha nearly choked, "Admiral! You've got to be kidding! Give a Jem'Hadar complete control of the helm? I mean no disrespect but that is not such a good idea regardless of the situation", she croaked. That made her bristle with anger, giving control of the helm to a Jem'Hadar pilot.
"Admiral with all due respect to out distinguished guest. Administrator Weyoun." Bishop almost choked on the word but managed to keep going. "I agree with Commander Bishara. I don't believe this is a good idea. All our pilots need are the coordinates as has already been pointed out."
Chire raised her eyebrows, or she would have if she'd actually had any. That was certainly different, a Jem'Hadar at the helm. It did make her uneasy but she also didn't want to offend anyone. But she was also sure that the Admiral knew what he was doing, or at least he better have. "I'm sure security precautions have been taken."
"I'm not seeing the point, honestly." Ash admitted. "Having a Jem'Hadar at the helm to navigate doesn't prevent the location of the Dominion home world from being known by a dozen different means if that is what's desired." Ash observed. "Now, in the case of my own 'home world'..." And the Tuansee used air quotes to indicate that wasn't what it was "...even knowing where it is, you won't find it unless you know 'HOW' to find it or they want you to." Ash continued, and looked to the others. "That may be the point...?" She asked, and then looked to Administrator Weyoun. "...or not, I am just speculating." She admitted.
Lily just shook her head at Commander Ash's statement. "Commander, i thought the Federation's mission is to promote peace and understanding with other races of the universe. Even those that was once our enemies." She stated in her British accent. "They are asking us to trust them, as they are the ones that extended the olive branch to us."
"The olive branch is a matter of necessity." Ash pointed out, with a glance to Dr. Snow. "A Jem'Hadar, at the helm, as well." She added. "Any security concern on our part is secondary to that necessity. I was just pointing out that the necessity is unlikely to be keeping the coordinates of the home world a secret. Not arguing against it." The Engineering chief added.
"I have approved that our course, speed, and general scan data of the region will not be recorded. In the event that we come under attack we will divert resources to resume normal operations." William finished his scone, "Our olive branch had been extended for our meeting with the Dominion because, if this is truly the Hur'q resurgent, the Federation may be the last line of defense."
"No, Admiral," Naron said, finally speaking. He'd been watching the abominable display of unprofessional conduct among the ship's crew. If they had acted this way when he was in the Bajoran Militia then...
He rubbed his forehead, not wanting to go to that place. It was bad enough that he fought as hard as he was lately just to keep his temper under control. "Your subordinate's lack of discipline in addressing an admiral has allowed them to wander away from the point. Fortunately, I have not. Administrator Weyoun does not, no matter how much he wishes, dictate Federation policy nor alliances. This is the second time he's attempted to divest us of Klingon assistance, while admitting they may be the only true power remaining in the Alpha Quadrant to have faced this threat. Faced and defeated. Yet, he does not wish for us to call upon their experience?"
Naron shook his head, his jaw clenched. Inside his voluminous sleeves, his fists were just as clenched. He realized his mood was careening recklessly out of control but that was for another time. This had to be settled now. "The Federation government will dictate Federation policy on this, not the Dominion nor individual officers aboard this ship," he tried and failed to keep the sneer at their behavior out of his voice. Failed miserably. He required more meditation...or some meditation. He'd still failed at every attempt. "The officers have only one choice in what I say, agreement or they are free to resign and walk away before they find themselves facing further action. You, Administrator Weyoun, have this choice: cease attempting to dictate how the Alpha Quadrant will face this threat here and now or I will order the Admiral to set you loose in a life pod and return this ship to the Alpha Quadrant. What, then, Administrator, will be your choice?"
Weyoun looked around the room, puzzled by this turn of events. He was surprised to say the very least, "Very well, Ambassador. If the Federation government is not willing to support our initiatives and the wishes of our government to maintain our safety we have no other option available: we hereby request to be taken to the nearest Dominion world where we will leave you in peace."
"Councilor, Administrator," William interrupted. "I am certain that..."
The Vorta waved it off, "No need, Admiral. The Federation's position is very clear. A Class M world is less than 30 of your minutes away at high warp. Once you drop us off you will not be bothered by our alliance offers again." He exited the room.
The Admiral stood and looked amongst those gathered, "Dismissed."
Lily stood with a glare at Naron. "Not everyone within the Federation is against a peaceful coexistence with the Dominion." She stated very coldly. "Admiral, Administrator." She said with a nod to the both of them and glared, that was colder then deep space, at the Councilor.
Commander Randall had been studying Councilor Naron when the Admiral dismissed them and plucked one of the remaining scones off the tray before exiting the room without a word.
William stood at the head of the table watching, carefully thinking about the situation they were now enbroiled in. His crew were mosty leaving in silence, he himself was just as speechless. Peace was something that he truly hoped for, prayed for. If the Dominion fell it would be a disaster. If the Hur'q captured their resources the risks greater. He remained silent, pondering the next move.
"Well that was interesting," Chire said, not having risen from her chair yet and not speaking to anyone in particular. She too was staring off at a point in the bulkhead which there appeared to be nothing there.
The CO of the Enterprise nodded, "Indeed." He looked at the Bajoran Councilor, "I need to speak with the Bajoran Councilor, everyone. XO set course for the nearest habitable world. I'll join you shortly."
Bishop gave a glance at Councilor Naron before his gaze and attention returned to the Admiral. "Aye sir." he replied simply rising from his chair. "I will see you on the bridge sir." He spoke to Galatea next. "Bishop to Galatea, set course for the nearest Dominion world at warp five." He deliberately ordered a lower warp speed to let the Admiral 'talk' to Councilor Naron.
William looked at the Ambassador, "If you will remain a moment."