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Departing is Such Sweet Sorrow

Posted on Tue Apr 28th, 2020 @ 12:11pm by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Commander Galatea & Captain Nathan Bishop & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Commander Ash Randall & Commander Sherwin Porter & Lieutenant Commander T'Lisha "Hawkeye" Bishara & Patton O'Sullivan & Lieutenant Commander Chire & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Petty Officer 2nd Class Corvus Hannah & Councilor Jahra Naron of Bajor & Zoey Parker & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake & Cadet Senior Grade Anthony Porter
Edited on on Tue Apr 28th, 2020 @ 12:15pm

4,993 words; about a 25 minute read

Mission: Genesis
Location: Starfleet One
Timeline: 2430-01-09, 09:00

Galatea walked around the edge of the Bridge of Starfleet One toward her workstation. It was still highly symbolic that she stood at a console to do her job - especially as she was directly connected to all the shipboard systems through her cyberpathic linkages - but it helped to reaffirm her place as a member of the crew of the ship. She had been designed to be a part of the crew, but people did have problems relating to a hologram from time to time. Even though all the bans on artificial life had been dropped over the years, for some they were still heavy weights to bear.

Hannah watched the AI as she moved about the bridge, somewhat intrigued by her. On their last mission together, on the Preserver ship, she her discontent with being treated as anything less then a full member of the crew. He knew, of course, about other artificial intelligences throughout the Federation, but he'd always consider them to be highly advanced machines. express upset over disparate treatment was far beyond what he considered possible for an collection of programming.

He shifted in his seat, trying to remain unobtrusive and out of the way. As one of the few combat medics on the ship, he was stationed on the bridge as a precaution and emergency medical service in case things went south, as the Admiral cautioned. At least he'd be here to provide triage, on the spot triage and stabilize any injuries so they could be shipped to Medical. But, as he wasn't even an officer it was being nudge nudge wink winked with his presence on the bridge. A privilege he firmly intended that A> he did not abuse and, more imporantly, B> no one remembered it happened.

The computer automatically logged her in as soon as she took her place at the workstation behind the Captain's Chair. Display details started to show her information about the tactical situation around the station. The Dominion Battleship was still in place docked to the Station with SF1 parallel. Spock was docked with the ship, the Kirk and Georgiou were in position on orbital patrol of the station. Gateway's support vessels were still inside the internal docking garage waiting to be used if needed. They were on schedule, ready if needed.

She turned her attention elsewhere. Bringing up the PDTs of the President and the diplomatic team she brought a schematic of Gateway up on the holographic portion of her panel. The datapoints of the team shown in the Federation logo and Starfleet deltas. The sensors had identified others present in the room. She typed, "Looks like the President and his group were late to the party. The Dominion delegation is already there."

Seated inn the Captain's chair, Bishop saw Galarea's typed message appear on his PaDD. He smiled at the message and typed back. " Not the best of first impressions. Round one to Weyoun." and sent it back to her.

Lily was sitting at her station. There was nothing going on, she was just reviewing reports from her department. She was just wanting to spent time with Bishop, but that had to wait for the moment. "Galatea, there isn't any more surprise drills on the books?" She asked looking at the holographic representation of the Ship's AI.

"I don't know," the artificial intelligence answered as she typed on the holographic panel hovering above her workstation. "If it makes you feel any better I didn't know about the last one either," she said with a smile. It was certainly the truth. The Admiral had chosen not to include her in his discussions about what was going on with the battle preparations for the ship despite her critical need to know.

"Nice that we're all on the same footing," Hawkins commented lowly from the security station in Haynes absence.

"Now would be a bad time for one," Hannah muttered as he worked to make sure his wrist diagnostic unit was properly calibrated. Not that he was having problems with it abundance of caution never hurt anybody.

Patton listened to the chatter on the bridge. He was more keeping his concentration on the president and his entourage at the moment.

Chire had never been on the bridge before. She stood outside the turbolift feeling a bit shy both because the position of Chief Operations Officer was new to her and because of what had happened in the lounge the other night. She was still completely embarrassed about that.

As the Turbolift doors opened, Galatea looked toward the lift, "Welcome to the Bridge." She said with a smirk as they were able to enter to take their stations.

Bishop saw the new officer come onto the bridge, "Commander." He addressed her, "Welcome, find your station if you please."

"Yes sir," Chire said looking around. Of course she knew where it was on a schematic, but it was a bit different to see it in person. Still, she found where she needed to be and kept on ear open for the conversation around her.

The hologram pecked at the controls of the Situation Console behind the Command Chair. "Intriguing," she commented as she typed on her panel, "I am intercepting increased communications coming through the Wormhole Relay station. They are directed at Gateway Station... to the Dominion delegation."

Bishop turned to face Galatea, "Do tell. Want to make any guesses on who is talking to them?

"!", said T'Lisha. Turning in her seat, she looked at Bishop. "Five bucks says it is Weyoun. Miserable traitor he is......I don't trust him as far as I can throw a boulder," she added.

"I agree T'Lisha. You aren't alone in not trusting him." Bishop looked back at Galatea, "Anyway we can find out what is being said?"

The hologram looked at the Science and Ops Officers, "Is there?"

"Yes." Was all Lily said slowly and studying her screen intently.

Galatea grinned, "and?"

Commander Randall entered the bridge and headed straight to the engineering station and relieved the engineering officer on duty. The Tuansee logged into the station and delved right back into working on the details of a proposal she hoped would never need to be presented. Ash glanced around at the others assembled on the bridge and, seeing Chire, nodded a greeting and then went right back to her work.

Chire didn't have any ideas immediately but she looked to Lily when she spoke, just as interested as Galatea seemed to be for the answer.

She sighed heavily as she stood, and flatten her skirt out. She stepped over to the Tactical station. "Now if you adjust the lateral sensor array toward the Bajoran Celestial Temple, and route the transmission through the secondary subspace detector. Once you acquire the signal." She said as she was making the suggested adjustments. "Then you run that transmission back through the Universal Translator attached to the main communications hub. Then you run all standard Dominion Decryption. But as the Dominion uses a secondary line of Decryption." She looked at Galatea. "Then you run it back thought the Universal Translator, and it will decrypt itself." She grinned down at Bishop. "Now this a dirty trick is undetectable by the Dominion. To them we are scanning the Wormhole or the surrounding space. Now if you switch the array you are using, it looks as if we are running sensor tests and/or upgrades. And here is your transmission with only a twenty percent drop in signal strength."

Bishop grinned like a kid in a candy store. "Now that is sneaky. I like it. I'm glad your on our side Lily." He glanced at Galatea "Galatea if you please, lets see what their saying. we may just find it useful."

"Just another trick, that I picked up." Lily said with a shrug, trying to play it cool, but she was blushing slightly. She turned sharply and went back to her station to do nothing in particular.

Chire was impressed. Perhaps she would have to try to make friends with Lily again so that she could learn some of those 'tricks'.

The CMO's voice came over the comm. =/\=Commander Porter to Bridge. I've been using the sensors to monitor medical information of the delegations on the Station, and I thought you may want to be aware that the Jem'Hadar are carrying a substantial amount of Ketracel White...approximately twice the typical amount usually kept on hand.=/\=

Zoey had been called up to the bridge, she was a little unsure, but she walked over to a secondary terminal and logged in, and decided to listen in. To see what was going on. She could tell, there was a lot of commotion happening.

"Interesting." Ash commented, without looking up from her work. "Could be SOP, I suppose." She added, with a little shrug. "Could also be they expect the need to be able to operate independently for some reason."

“We know things will go south,” Patton spoke up. “It is a question of when. I concur that we should not trust Weyoun but would suggest that we keep our eyes on everyone. If there is one there could be more.”

"Perhaps they simply want to keep the Jem'Hadar a bit more docile than usual. This is a negotiation is it not? Not that I'm suggesting that they aren't up to something." Chire said as she felt like everyone on the bridge was looking at her.

Galatea adjusted indicators on her workstation, "I'm monitoring the transmission, but we didn't have much to go on. They've stopped transmitting." She typed on the panel, "Whatever it is certainly gained the attention of the Dominion delegation." She transferred her readings to the viewer, "This is a live sensor scan from the Station. The Dominion delegation has beamed back to their ship."

"They're certainly in a hurry," Hawkins added. "The vessel is powering up."

"They are sending a departure request to the station Captain." Chire said as she winced, there was a tiny bit of a high pitched wine that she doubted anyone else would be able to hear. She reached up to rub her earlobe, obscured by orange feathers. After her embarrassing situation during the diplomacy party she'd also opted to wear a uniform to the bridge. It was uncomfortable but she thought it might make others more comfortable around her.

"That amount of white means one thing, they have troops nearby on another battle ship....or on that ship!", T'Lisha stated. "I don't like the feeling I am getting in my gut. It spells trouble in my book", she stated.

Bishop listened to the comments of those around him. "Alright, here's what we know. They have an unusually large amount of Ketracel White on board. They received orders from somewhere in the Gamma Quadrant and their in a hurry to leave. Which means they were talking to the Founders. Their the only ones the Vorta get in a panic over. The White they have is unusually large, perhaps as Commander T'Lisha says there is another ship nearby or additional Jem' Hadar troops on that ship. Or maybe their stockpiling the White. Why I don't know. The Vorta don't keep me informed." The last said with a small smile.

"Galatea,power us up. I have a feeling we're going to be following that ship. Once the President and the Admirals are back on board."

"Yes Captain," the hologram didn't have to be told twice, "Standby for departure. Seal the airlock. Release docking clamps, aft thrusters at one quarter, port and starboard at station keeping." She looked to the Chief Engineer, "Please bring all systems to full readiness Chief."

"Bringing all systems to full readiness." The chief engineer confirmed, calmly.

"Commander Snow, please begin working on tracking their course alongside the Conn," Galatea asked impressed by the abilities of both in their roles aboard the ship.

"I already have their warp signature and their Ion's emitted from their Impulse drives." Lily said with a chill in her voice. "Perhaps they are the vanguard for a new forward operations base." She said adjusting their scans. "They could also be deploying cloaked vessels, sense the Romulans, Klingons and Cardassians lost hundred of cloak capable ships in the Dominion War." She stated flattly.

"Let's hope not," she said with a smirk. For Galatea that would actually be welcome. She missed being a warship more than even she could express. "Let's lock in a course from that Commander Bishara."

"Yes lets hope not." Snow said with ice in her voice. "I'm having a bad feeling about this." Was all she added.

Galatea listened to the words of the Science Officer and analyzed her own thoughts on the matter. Was she truly so disturbed by her new role that she would actively pursue war to get away from diplomacy? She was a warship, no question, but had the fight before her become more important than the safety of those behind?

She relented as she conceded, "You have a point, Commander."

"I know I have a point." She said lowly to the AI.

T'Lisha was inputting navigational routes to follow the ship while also having her fighter on standby just in case. "Helm ready sir", she added.

"Let's begin a run through of preparations for our tactical systems," the AI ordered wanting to be ready for what would be coming next.

Patton went to work at his station. “I am preparing now.” He looked over at the others.

Hawkins nodded, "We certainly cannot afford of be caught sleeping."

"Sirs," Hannah said as he got up. His pack was full of emergency medical equipment and supplies but he began checking the medkits on the bridge to make sure they were stocked and ready in case they needed it. Next step would be to prestage other medics in key areas in case battle broke out. Fortunately not all communication around the ship had to be verbal. He was able to tap out and send quick messages through his wrist diagnostic system. "EMT systems are coming online and should be ready to go within a minute," he announced.

Continuing, "Ops, begin working on calibrating the deflectors with Tactical for potential engagement with the Dominion."

"Yes Ma'am." Chire said, her fingers already running through the routine on the console. She was grateful for something to do to keep her mind occupied and keep the speculation out.

She looked at Captain Bishop, "The vessel is coming to full readiness, Sir."

"All systems at full readiness." Commander Randall announced and looked to Galatea. "For what it's worth, I think they may be bugging out to return to the Gamma Quadrant." Ash observed. "That message may have been a distress call." She added.

Zoey was a little nervous. This was Starfleet One, not a Federation Destroyer, or a military cruiser. So why weren't they attempting to flee, with the President? She could not understand, the reasoning for staying put, when their was a chance to get the president to safety.

"Possibly Galatea and if it is a distress call, I'm very interested in what can cause that sort of reaction with the Founders, Vorta and especially the Jem'Hadar." Bishop remarked candidly.

Commander Randall looked to Bishop. "Something the Dominion thinks the Federation is uniquely equipped to help combat." The Chief Engineer observed. "And, I think we're going to find out...soon." She added.

"Teagarden to Enterprise."

"Bishop here Admiral, go ahead."

"I'll be aboard in five minutes. Begin evacuation of all nonessential personnel from the Enterprise to Gateway Station. Transfer the diplomatic transponder to the Spock and have Commander Hawkins prepare for immediate departure. Commander O'Sullivan will be remaining on the Enterprise as Acting Chief Tactical Officer until further notice. We're going to be leaving for the Gamma Quadrant in fifteen minutes."

Patton was surprised to hear he was being bumped off The Spock having just been given the position as first officer but he knew there had to be a reason for it. The Enterprise needed a security tactical officer and he was already on the ship. The Spock would have Haynes and Walsh both in it so it made sense but it still rubbed him the wrong way he was being shuffled around. Still he was used to following orders so he would do as he was told. He left his station and moved to the security station.

"Yes sir. Very good. The ship is already in the process of powering up. We'll be ready to depart when you are aboard." Bishop remarked and continued, "All nonessential personnel are being evacuated to the station as well." He looked to Hawkins and nodded, "Captain Hawkins heard you sir and he's headed to the Spock. The diplomatic transponder is also being transferred to the ship." He glanced at Patton. "Yes Commander Sullivan is aware of his reassignment."

"Excellent. See you soon. Teagarden out."

At the instructions Hawkins quickly logged out of his console and swatted Patton on the shoulder as he passed. "Lieutenant Blake, Snoden, Parker and Hannah" he called. "Report to the Spock immediately."

"Aye, sir," Hannah said as he grabbed his pack and shouldered it. He frowned as he glanced at Patton, who was his HazTeam commanding officer but...well...orders were orders. Besides, if for some reason the admirals found fault with his CO, then perhaps his excellent performance (which he would have to make sure he gave them) would show them the kind of officer and leader Patton was.

Zoey looked over to the Captain, and then over at Paddy. She hated the idea, that he was being left behind. She blamed Jasmine for this. She would prefer to be on the Enterprise with her boy toy. Not stuck with his stuck snobbish obsession. Paddy might have liked her, but she had no reason to like Jasmine.

"Y-yes, sir," Blake responded semi automatically at the request as the realism of the situation began to dawn on him. He turned to Chire just before he left wanted to say something comforting or humors but words seemed to become lodged in his throat.

She met his eyes and gave a small nod with her head as if to say, 'it's all right, go.' They had a small discussion about what happened in the lounge, it was still greatly embarrassing. Not only had she made a complete fool of herself but she had called him her mate. She let out an inaudible sigh and turned back to her station. Regardless of what had happened, he was her friend and she didn't want anything to happen to him.

It didn't take long to carry out the Admiral's Orders. The crew of the Enterprise were well trained and capable, knowledgable about their responsibilities and the most efficient way to complete them. While there were over 5,000 people aboard the ship, the essential personnel were only a fraction of their crew complement. In total the ship was fully evacuated within 10 minutes of the order. Galatea was proud of the crew.

But it remained to be seen if the Admiral would be. The forward starboard door slid open and the Admiral stepped into the Bridge, arms behind his back as he walked and datapad in hand. He looked stern, but there was more to his look for those who'd known him long. Admiral Teagarden was worried.


Bishop answered even as he was getting out of the center seat. He saw the look on the Admiral's face and the worry it contained but he pushed the thought aside and answered the Admiral's query. "All non essential personnel have been evacuated to the station. Captain Hawkins has departed for the Spock. The ship is powered up, all systems show green across the board and the crew is awaiting your orders sir." Bishop answered crisply.

"Good work for such a short period of time," he answered as he looked around the Bridge. It was time, "Stand by to get underway." He walked up to his chair as the crew made preparations for the departure sequence. "Seal the airlock, release docking clamps, aft thrusters at one quarter, port and starboard at station keeping. Once we're clear of the station, Spock will depart and we'll lay in a course to the wormhole."

Commander Randall monitored and confirmed the tasks completed by engineering. Other than duking it out, toe to toe, with the Dominion Battleship with the station caught in between, the scenario unfolding was a very close second in the category of 'waking nightmare'. The engineer had assumed that Starfleet One would be travelling through the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, had expected it, but not the instant sense of shadowy foreboding that came with the announcement by the admiral. "Something Wicked This Way Comes." She said, to herself, quietly but clearly.

The colossal starship came alive like a sleeping dragon waking from its slumber. Its nacelles lit like fire as the warp plasma generation inside came to full power. It pulled away from the tower - the powerful Starship Enterprise back to life and ready to serve the Federation's ideals.

"Lay in a course," William ordered Commander Bishara.

"Course laid in for the wormhole, and my fighter and alert 5 is up and ready sir", T'Lisha said smartly.

"Nathan. Let Spock know they can depart," he approved from his chair.

"Aye sir." Bishop replied as he opened a channel to the Spock. "Bishop to Hawkins. "Your free to depart Nathan. Safe travels and keep the wind at your back."

"Affirmative," Hawkins' voice returned. "Look after yourselves too, we're grab a beer when this is over."

" Will do and sounds like a plan and I'll buy." Bishop volunteered before saying. "Enterprise out."

Admiral Teagarden watched as the Ushaan Class Spock glided out the docking bay on the underside of the Enterprise's stardrive. Pivoting on its axis, William had a moment's burst of dread as he watched the small ship disappear into subspace.

But now they had their job to do. He sighed as he looked forward, "Take us in."

"Once more unto the breach we go, my the gods watch over us as we travel," T'Lisha said as she prepared to point the Allegiance class ship for the wormhole.

Patton concentrated on his station, ready for anything that may come his way. He was concerned about Zoey and those on The Spock. It didn’t sit well to be left behind but he had learned a long time ago these things happened.

"Take us to Red Alert," William ordered as the Enterprise raced through the wormhole toward the Gamma Quadrant. They were only ten seconds from the Gamma Quadrant... ten seconds from destiny.

T'Lisha wasted no time in putting her evasive maneuvers and combat flight moves into the helm along with various escape vectors. Tapping her combadge, "Alert 5 be ready to launch on my orders. Have 1st Squadron "Raiders" on standby," she said quickly and closed the link. "Admiral helm is ready for battle maneuvers. Alert 5 is ready to launch on my command when needed. 1st Squadron "Raiders" on standby," she added.

"Thank you, Commander," the Admiral answered from his chair as the Enterprise passed through the Gamma Quadrant terminus and into open space. He took a deep breath as he looked at the readouts on his console, surprised that they were not in the middle of a firefight with the Dominion ship. Actually, they appeared to be completely alone.

"Where the Hell's the welcoming committee?" William asked as he checked his panels. "Full power to sensors, Commander Chire. Lily, where the Hell are the Dominion?"

Chire's mind had been elsewhere, a dangerous thing at a time like this. She jumped slightly when she heard her name called and quickly did as he asked. "Yes sir," was her only response other than her fingers moving across the panel.

"It's going to be fine, Commander," William said reassuringly. He only hoped his own lie reassured his own nerves.

She glanced at him and nodded. He had to say that though.

William looked at the Science Stations, "Any data, Commander?"

"One would think there would be a presence of some sort on this side of the wormhole, Admiral." Ash observed. "No presence here, not even of a minimal level, suggests the Dominion has far greater worries, elsewhere, than what might come through the wormhole from the Alpha Quadrant?" The Chief Engineer suggested.

"Well now, that's a comforting thought." Bishop replied from the XO's chair as he checked the sensor readings coming in and they showed what everyone else had said, they were alone.

The Enterprise's Commanding Officer didn't like the thought of that, "Extend sensor range. Let's see what's in the neighboring systems to Idran."

"Blimey!" Lily exclaimed. "Oh bloody hell those wankers are getting bellend in the arseholes." She stated out loud with out a hint of her normal icy tone. She studied the scans a few moments longer. "Admiral I'm detecting weapons fire in the Rakhar system." Her brow frilled together. "Confirmed. I'm seeing Dominion weapons signatures and Antiproton weapons."

Teagarden looked at the viewscreen, seeing the data as it scrolled over on the tactical plot. It was a bit far away, adjacent to the Chamra Vortex, but they could make it in seconds if they used the Coaxial Drive.

"Set course and engage. Keep us on the periphery though. We aren't sure this is our fight," he ordered the Helm before looking to Tactical, "but have weapons ready."

"Warp, Slipstream and Coaxial drive are online and available." Ash confirmed for the helm.

"Engage when ready, Commander," the Admiral approved.

"Understood! Engaging Coaxial drive, in 3, 2, 1, engaged," she said quickly, as the Allegiance class took off. "Sir do you want me to fight here or in my fighter?", T'Lisha inquired.

"Here, Commander, we do not know what we're going to encounter," the Admiral ordered.

"Keep scans going. I want to be ready if things go bad. Let's get ready if we need Fortress Mode."

"Queueing up Fortress mode protocols for carriable countdown at your mark, Admiral." Commander Randall announced. "We may find it advantageous, if we're intending to observe, to take up station 30 degrees above the orbital plane just beyond the heliosphere. We'd be, effectively, invisible and only a few seconds away from involvement at warp." She suggested, in general.

"Captain, make sure Sickbay is ready. We may need them," he said grimly. "And invite the Ambassador to join us."

Bishop didn't answer he just got to the task. Tapping his combadge he spoke crisply, "Bishop to Sickbay. Dr. Porter, please have your personnel standing by with equipment ready in case we have injured to send to you."

In his next breathe he tapped his combadge again and contacted the Ambassador. "Ambassador please come to the bridge, your presence is required."

"Thank you, on my way," Naron said as he made his way through the corridors, doing his best to avoid as many people as he could. It was taking much more effort to keep his focus. The text of ancient scrolls from the Assembly were on the PaDD in his pocket. It confirmed much of what he was already suspecting - the Wraith Orb left and indelible print on him and it was causing him problems. He wasn't sure if he needed to see the ship's counselor or doctor but he had to do something soon. Even as he thought that, he found his fist closed tightly, the nails cutting into his underpalm. With a deep breath he forced himself to relax. "Bridge," he told the turbolift.

At least he would go into this a bit more comfortable. He'd changed out of his Vedek robes and into a tunic and trousers affair. The dja pagh on his ear was a more commonplace and less ornate affair. In deference to his position, however, he kept the Bajoran symbol commbadge on his chest, rather than the typical Starfleet insignia.

The Admiral watched the viewscreen intently as they used Coaxial Warp to reach their destination. He had never been as nervous going into a fight as he was today. The last time that he faced off against the Dominion things hadn't gone well for him or this ship. If they weren't careful this could be a more disastrous repeat.

Three minutes were left until intercept.

Patton was psyched for this. He knew it wasn't going to be pretty. His weapons were ready to fire as needed. They would be in for a fight that was for certain.

Commander Randall monitored the status of the Coaxial Drive as it, basically, collapsed space between Point A and Point B. It was not the instantaneous mode of travel many thought it was but, for all intents and purposes, compared to standard warp, it was nearly so. A strange calm had come over the Chief Engineer once the decision was made to go to investigate the fire fight in the Rakhar System even though the sense of approaching darkness and foreboding increased the closer they approached. Ash was calm because the darkness and foreboding she felt were familiar to her and wondered if it could possibly be the same evil they had faced and defeated years before.

T'Lisha was in tunnel vision mode, rooted to her console and her tactical defensive maneuvers and escape vectors. She was not going to be beaten not this time and she meant that. This time she would be ready. Whether she was at the helm or sitting in her fighter, she was not going to lose this fight!

Admiral Teagarden watched, his eyes focused on the viewscreen, as they raced toward the scene of the battle. He kept his arms crossed and his mind firmly on what lay ahead, but he knew, deep down, that the future of the Federation would rest on the decisions that they made here today. He only hoped he made the right ones.


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