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Jinx, Part 4

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 10:50pm by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Captain Bakti Kret & Commander Galatea & Lieutenant Commander Sawbones & Lieutenant (J.G.) Zomuul jav Ghul

559 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Genesis
Location: Main Bridge, USS Spock
Timeline: 2430-01-06, 17:35

Patton headed to the ship on the run. He called out orders to the crew, reading The Spock for immediate take off. Once they were prepped he pressed the comm.

“Starfleet One, this is Commander Sullivan on board The Spock,” Patton’s voice came over the comm. “We are ready at your orders for immediate departure.”

"Hannah to Spock, due to projections of the nature of the emergency, it looks like I'll be needed in Medical on the ship. Or the station."

"That's fine Hannah," Hawkins voice sounded tinny as he replied having arrived aboard the Spock. "Stay safe," he signed off.

"O'Sullivan," Hawkins continued. "Get us underway, all hands to battle stations."

“Helm, get us out of here,” He remembered his orders and pressed into the com. “Transporter room, lock into the President and any others in our party and beam them over now!”

He'd hoped this day hadn't come so soon, he wanted more time to familiarize himself and crew to the Spock before diving into such an important mission. Galatea had fed information about the dinner party to his Command Chair and Nathan cursed at the readings.

"We need a way to break through the antilepton radiation," he looked to Patterson. "Right now I'm open to suggestions."

"We may be a little behind the time," the Tellarite Science Officer announced from his workstation. "Enterprise has fired a tachyon torpedo to dissipate the antilepton radiation. That's the good news, here's the bad. Sensors have registered an impact on the Stardrive Section. The Coaxial Drive has been hit and is destabilizing. We're estimating a little over a minute before it blows." He turned toward the Captain, "If it goes it'll collapse subspace for a billion kilometers. Establishing a warp field will become impossible anywhere in the Bajoran Sector!"

Hawkins could bearly comprehend what has happening, his brain whirled to catch up. The explanation from the science station knocked him for six - they were at checkmate before they'd even started.

A second later it all changed though. On the displays the computers all displayed END SIMULATION. The Tellarite looked confused, "Huh?"

Hawkins expelled muttering a curse under his breath. "All hands stand down. We've all just been shown an example of Doomsday, looks like we may all have some homework."

The image on the screen was replaced with that of the Admiral, the confines of a small office aboard Gateway behind him, "I want to thank you all for taking part in this training exercise. I know that it was unannounced and caught everyone a bit off guard, but the reality of this situation is that's exactly the scenario that we're going to face if our diplomatic mission goes south. We need to all be prepared for any eventuality, and the risks of our President and government facing genuine harm increase with each passing moment. Do your best, that's all I ask, and thank you for your efforts here. I look forward to reviewing them," the recorded message ended.

"Wonder what he'll think of them," the Science Officer mused.

Patton growled inwardly. He hated these surprise simulations but understood them at the same time. He and Hawkins would have to meet and discuss their failures and how to correct them.

Looks like we have some work to do.” O’Sullivan called out to the Spock crew.


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