The Dinner Party
Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 10:19pm by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Captain Bakti Kret & President Gruzy of New Xindus & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes & Secretary Jonathan Grayson of United Earth & Councilor Jahra Naron of Bajor & Captain Ryan Walsh & Colonel Mok'leth Kevan House of Kilrah
4,032 words; about a 20 minute read
Location: Promenade, Gateway Station
Timeline: 2430-01-06, 17:00
As the doors to the Promenade slid open before him, President Gruzy of New Xindus was overjoyed by what he saw. Bustling around them was an expansive, open air bazaar known as the Promenade filled with denizens and transients to Gateway Station taking in the wares that the businesses had to offer. There were shops, beverage stands, restaurants, and other businesses and offices. Five stories tall and full of people, the most impressive sight was the crystalline statue of Gateway's predecessor, the famous Deep Space Nine, surrounded by curved benches.
"Isn't it remarkable," the President said looking around. "All these people, all these different races, coming together."
Luzol looked around carefully, taking in the sights from an objective stand point, "It's a real melting pot that's for sure. The Promenade here has grown over that of Deep Space Nine tremendously," they passed the Bajoran Temple, "but some features remain the same. It could be compared to New York City on Earth, the Jalanda Forum on Bajor, Paradise City on Nimbus 3..."
"Where are we meeting Captain Bakti?" Gruzy changed the subject from Nimbus.
"The Captain has invited us to join him for dinner at Quarks," William reminded as they walked.
The Xindi nodded, "I've heard of Quarks but never had the pleasure. Anyone ever been there before?"
“I have wanted to experience it,” Ryan spoke up. “But it will be a first for me as well.”
"A place such as Quarks is no place for a respected and devout member of the Vedek Assembly," Naron said solemnly as he found himself joining the growing party around the president. He had a stern look upon his face as he spoke. "So naturally, I have an open tab. He does have, somehow, access to the best spring wine."
William smirked at the Vedek, stifling a laugh as quickly as he could. To do so would've been truly improper. "I had visited the old Quarks once during a previous layover at Deep Space Nine. Enterprise had been participating in an research mission that ended in the tragedy that led to the destruction of the previous station."
"I don't think you ever told me that," Luzol interrupted.
"It's not something I like to revisit," William concluded. "Especially when similar circumstances are brewing behind the scenes."
Jasmine had remained silent. She was observing the room. She gave the classic smiles, and head nodding, to show she was paying attention. However, she was more interested in protecting the president at the moment. It was her primary reason for being at the meeting. Everything seemed a little perfect, which made her nervous. She expected more commotion. More excitement over the president being on the station. So far, things were to quiet.
William looked at his Security Chief. He whispered, "Keep your eyes open."
Jasmine leaned in to whisper. "Always sir." She said, as she made sure her vigilance to her duty was keen and sharp. Jasmine was not sure what to suspect, so she suspected everything. Making threat assessments in her mind.
The doors to Quark's Bar and Gaming Establishment opened to an amazing sight of raucous amusement. Strange, alien music echoed throughout the three level establishment as the delegation joined in the fun. There were dozens of people, a myriad diaspora of different species, all co-mingling and carousing. There were smiles, laughter, a beacon of fun in what was a rather mundane environment so far. In the distance the Dabo Table echoed its lyrical tones as a beautiful, seductive young Bajoran woman called out to the guests.
"Fortune's fates are with you today, friends," the temptress called out to the gamblers around the table. She looked to them with a devilish grin, "Prompt wagers please."
"I didn't know that gambling was still legal on the station," Luzol said looking at the bets being placed.
From behind him a familiar voice interrupted, "Quark's isn't just any other bar. This is actually the Ferengi Embassy for Bajor."
"Captain Bakti," Gruzy greeted as he turned toward the Captain of the Station.
Gateway's Captain was walking toward them, passing by an alien musician playing one of the strangest instruments that the President had ever seen. The cloud of vapors from those smoking gave a strange ambiance for the Bajoran, almost like a cloaking device enveloping him in a fog of war. "I apologize for not greeting you sooner. I wanted to meet you at the airlock, but I wanted to make sure that Quark had everything in place for us."
"DABO!" The Bajoran woman from earlier interrupted them. Around her some of the guests cheered while others groaned and cursed their misfortune. One still fell to his knees in anguish, having lost everything and not reacting well to it.
The Xindi nodded, "I can understand why. Is there somewhere quieter that we can go?"
The Captain nodded, "We have a private room available to us in the back."
"Lead the way," Gruzy motioned as they started. He saw what looked like a fight brewing nearby, "Let's stick close together, though. I'd rather not appear on the evening news for being in a barroom brawl."
William interrupted, "The rest of you go on ahead. I need to speak with Commander Haynes for a moment."
"Alright," the President answered. "Hurry back though, Commander, just in case fists begin to fly."
Fist beginning to fly comment got Jasmine's heart rate going. She walked closer to the president, just to be precautious. Her eyes were razer shop, and tactically she hated this meeting place. To open, to public, to many unknown factors. She had security tight, throughout Quarks.
"Pardon me, Mr. President," Naron said, as he moved toward the potential combatants. "Prophets be with you," he said to them as he folded his hands into the sleeves of his robe.
Jasmine got between the President and Naron. Motioning for her hand, for him to stop his advancement. She started to scan him, with her tricorder. "He's clean." Jasmine called out, in a normal tone voice.
"I would suggest, Lieutenant Commander," Naron said, eyes narrowing as he glared at the human woman, "that you refrain from interfering with my business again. Unless you relish the idea of guarding a decommissioned garbage scow patrolling the MBari Deadlands." With that, he pushed past the annoying human woman to attempt to continue the conversation with the two combatants.))
Mok'leth was watching the goings and comings in Quarks Bar wondering when this shindig was supposed to begin in earnest. He was eager to eat and discuss politics. Sitting at that bar both hungry and thirsty did not help his attitude.
Ryan has a feeling, one he relied on that told him to keep his eyes open. He knew that Haynes would protect the president at all costs so he would concentrate on the others if need be.
Jasmine wanted to get the President to a more secure location. She did not like him being exposed like this. She kept a vigil eye on everything. she nodded to the Admiral, that the coast was clear so far.
Luzol looked around the small dining room after they entered. It was rustic looking, closely resembling an Old Earth dining room from the French Countryside. The only sight betraying the scene was a rather alien looking Ferengi waiter. It didn't take a genius to know where they were, "Holosuite?"
The Bajoran Captain nodded, "It seemed most appropriate. My security staff have scanned this area. It's clean of listening devices."
"Commander Haynes will be the judge of that," the President nodded giving her permission to scan openly. "I must say this is a lovely scene. What do you think?" The President asked indiscriminately.
Jasmine started to scan the area, luckily her tricorder was a bit sensitive, and could detect short range cloaked listening devices. So far her scans, were coming up clean. "All clear sir." Jasmine said, to the President. She had a feeling if someone was going to try to slip one in, it would be after she had swept the room, so she would be extra vigilant.
Quark moved through the room quickly, joining the President, "May I take your order, Sir, or perhaps interest you in a visit to our holosuites?"
"Quite unnecessary, Mister Quark, but how's the local synthale?"
"You won't like it. I love the Bajorans... such a deeply spiritual culture... but they make a dreadful ale. How about a nice Tranya?" The Ferengi said with a devious smile.
"You'll have to forgive the holograms," Bakti said as he sat at the table. "Quark installed them to help limit his overhead costs."
Gruzy pointed, "So this isn't the real Quark?"
"No. He left some time ago after his brother gave him a small moon as a birthday gift. He visits every so often, but last I heard he was visiting Freecloud to check on his franchise there," the Bajoran Captain explained. "I'm sure that the President will enjoy a Spring Wine. We all will."
The hologram nodded, "Coming right up! Be sure to check out the menu though. We have some wonderful delicacies available. Don't forget about our souvenir shop either. We carry a select line of unique artifacts and gem stones indigenous to this region. Recently, we acquired rare Lobi crystals from a very strange creature called a Morn that are up for sale."
"We'll keep that in mind, Mister Quark," Gruzy interrupted. "For now my drink, please."
As the hologram scampered away the Admiral returned with Commander Haynes in tow, having discussed a matter of importance with her. "Nice to see that we have so many options available on this station for food at least. I only wonder how long it'll be until we hear from Weyoun."
"Let's not talk shop tonight, Admiral. I for one would love to hear about something other than work for a change," the Xindi answered. "Any suggestions for a meal? I'm starving."
Mok'leth heard the Admiral clear as a bell when he mentioned food! Walking quickly towards the Admiral, "Admiral you took the words right out of my mouth. I am also starved. I have never had the Bajoran menue but...." and he let the sentence die.
"I don't recommend the Bajoran menu. Quark may be a genius at marketing marketing...but his greed surprasses all and he's never had a proper cook. Or palate. His hasperat is never spiced correctly. He does, however, have a rather flavorful Intarian selection. Mainly because they work cheap with no real concept of personal profit," Naron said as he rejoined the party after having settled the potential brawl.
The President remembered the Intarian civilization. They were members of the Federation, although they hadn't been sending a Representative to the Council sessions recently, but their food was fairly good. He nodded in agreement, despite also knowing they were an aquatic civilization. "Sounds like a good plan. I for one am grateful to see such a diverse assortment of options from Federation Members here on Gateway."
"Quark has long been a proponent of a diverse workforce, it should be a Rule of Acquisition - the more cheap the diversity, the better it is," Naron said. "Though, I do agree, they are good cooks and I am particularly fond of their uqualist with rice."
The group laughed and talked for a while, longer than any of them imagined that they would. As the hours grew later and later, the sounds from outside changed. Before the noises had been jubilant, filled of excitement as people won at Dabo or danced the night away. It all became different in a blink as the room outside of them grew quiet. The President turned toward the door, "I wonder what that could mean?"
He soon had his answer. The door to the private room slid open revealing beyond it a lone Vorta standing over the threshold. Dressed in an immaculately prepared suit, he stepped into the room with a broad smile on his lips and his eyes a glowing sapphire blue. "It is wondrous to see you all. I suppose my invitation was lost in subspace either by accident or design?"
Jonathan had been standing at the bar having a drink. When the room went silent and the Vorta Weyoun entered. He was the center of attention just as he no doubt wanted. He had his used car salesman smile going full blast as he greeted the crowd. He wondered just what Weyoun's next move would be in this little gambit.
"Fek'lar, here goes the evening...." Mok'leth growled. Not a big fan of Vorta's, he remained civil for now.
Naron's hand closed tightly about the knife sitting at his spot at the table. His grasp was so hard and tight it popped veins in his forearm and turned his knuckles white. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the Vorta and imagined how it might feel to plunge the dull bladed knife directly into one of those impossibly blue eyes and swizzle what served it as brains behind that eye.
"Ah, Weyoun," he said, forcing himself to let go of the knife and put a smile on his face. "How nice of you to join us for drinks. We were just discussing how fortunate it is that we could meet here and making sure that our individual interests were put in order for a collective agreement moving forward in negotiating with the Founders. Please, join us," he said again as he indicated a vacated seat at the table. "But, let's make tonight a joyous occasion and leave the diplomacy for the formal negotiations, shall we?"
Naron continued to smile as he picked up a bottle (and restrained the urge to smash it against the edge of the table and plunge it straight into the Vorta's despicable neck) of spring wine. "Shall I pour you a glass? It's an excellent vintage from one of the Jalanda vineyards."
Mok'leth felt his control slipping. "Weyoun, I am pleased to see you here finally," he said through clenched teeth. "As Ambassador to the Klingon High Council I am honored to convey the Chancellor's greetings," he said. Remaining somewhat civil he cross chest saluted Weyoun and sat back down resisting the urge to strangle the Vorta.
Weyoun seemed unmoved by their comments, instead keeping his diplomatic bearing as he stood with his hands clenched together at his waist. "I am afraid I am a bit surprised to find a representative of the Klingon Empire present," the Vorta kept a false smile as he spoke evenly. "I was unaware that we had invited one to these negotiations."
"As for the Spring Wine," he looked at Representative Jahra, "the offer is welcome, but unnecessary. The Vorta sense of taste is fairly limited, I am fearful that the selection would be wasted upon me. Though, I am humbled to find Bajor now a seated member of the Federation itself. I would be remiss if I did not remind that your nonaggression pact with us forbade such an act. It would now be null and void should our efforts here fail."
Gruzy stepped in, having taken enough time to remain quiet. "Administrator Weyoun," his greeting was more formalized, "I am grateful for your having joined us for dinner. I regret that you feel slighted; however, you did not exactly answer our hails earlier."
"Not entirely accurate," he defended. "When I responded you had left for a meeting to select which fork to use tonight if I recall correctly. I had invited your Executive Officer," he glanced at William, "to a visit aboard my vessel this evening. While he was deliberating he placed me, rudely, on hold. I know when I am a third nacelle and chose to withdraw my invitation."
Luzol glanced at William after the Vorta's comments, "I'm certain that no slights were intentional. We apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused." She felt like she was throwing Commander Bishop under the bus, but she really wasn't as nothing would come of this complaint.
"No bother," Weyoun replied. "I have come to formally invite your negotiating team to a diplomatic meeting with the Great Link to occur three days from now aboard my vessel." He glanced at the Klingon Ambassador then back to the President, "The Federation Delegation has been specifically requested by the Founder aboard my vessel to meet to discuss terms of an alliance between the Dominion and the United Federation of Planets."
Mok'leth's fists clenched and it took all of his control to remain quiet and civil. His blood was almost volcanic in nature as it festered inside him.
"What of the Klingon delegation?" William had to interrupt.
Weyoun looked at Admiral Teagarden as he answered, "Our invitation was for the Federation. The Founders did not invite the Klingon Empire to the negotiations. No dishonor to your Chancellor or government, Ambassador." There clearly was a sleight planned from the start.
Gruzy looked down at the Vorta from his full height, "The Klingon Empire is hereby invited as a guest of the Federation Government."
"But not as a guest of the Dominion," Weyoun said with a nervous chuckle. "Let us not hold our words. The Founders believe an alliance between the Dominion and the Federation to be more beneficial to the future of our two governments." He looked at Ambassador Mok'leth, "I will pass along the request for the Klingon Ambassador to be present, but I would not guarantee such acts."
The Xindi looked at the Klingon Ambassador then back to the Vorta. Even he wanted to rip the smug Vorta's head away. "Be certain to inform me of their decision. Three days. No longer. If there is a delay the Federation will withdraw from these discussions."
Mok'leth was livid! He was about to stand and grab Weyoun for saying what he had said. Thinking before he reacted was the only thing that stopped him from following through with what he desired to do, he had insulted Mok'leth and the Empire.
"You have the word of the Founders, Mister President, that we want nothing but peace. When the Founders say they will meet with you in three of your days you can be certain that their will will be done." Weyoun studied the room, taking in all the faces, "I would recommend that you all share the bottle of Spring Wine together. The discussions to come will be arduous, but worth the wait. Until then."
Ryan was still wary of this whole dinner and immediately elected to not drink the Spring Wine. If necessary he would have an unknown allergy or something but he wasn’t having any.
Jasmine listened in. She took no solace in the words of Weyoun. What was he up too? She could not see the Dominion giving into the demands of the Federation. It would make them appear to be weak. She knew they needed to prepare for a tactical strike, maybe run a simulation or two. To prepare for with the Dominion. She hoped she was wrong.
William watched as the smug Vorta turned on his heel and sauntered away. He leaned in as the doors slid shut, holding off before saying anything as he knew the Vorta had the ears of a German Shepherd. He was giving a reasonable amount of time when Captain Bakti interrupted.
"Kosst," the Commanding Officer of Gateway Station cursed. "I didn't expect that."
"Nor should your security have allowed him to get that far without first having alerted you, Captain," Luzol reprimanded as she drank the wine offered to her by Representative Jahra. The hybrid CinC placed the goblet on the table and pushed it forward, "This certainly puts an interesting spin on things. The Dominion is clearly up to something."
The Xindi Reptilian sighed, "Obviously. We have to prepare for what is to come. Ambassador Grayson, Ambassador Jadra, please work with Admiral Luzol and Captain Walsh on diplomatic overtures. I want to be prepared for our meeting with Weyoun and whomever the Dominion brings with them."
"Of course, Mister President," Naron said as he stared at the knife on the table, frowning. The urge to pick it up and plunge it into that irritating worm of a Vorta was still strong and palatable.
"I would like for Commander Rigby to also be involved," William interjected. "As my Counselor she doubles as protocol officer aboard Starfleet One."
"I don't see why that is out of the ordinary," the President approved.
The Bajoran Captain added, "I can arrange temporary lodging for you here on Gateway Station. That way you won't have to commute between here and Starfleet One."
"I don't trust any of them. The Dominion is up to something. May I make a suggestion? We should have a telepath, Betazoid here in these proceedings. I am sure that they can let us know if something is amiss", Mok'leth suggested.
Jasmine brushed away Luzol comment about security allowing the dominion representative getting to close, if she would have intervened. No doubt in her mind that Luzol would have said, she was being to zealous. "I can increase our security presence, if you think it would help. I fear though, it may make a few panic. Wondering why we are increasing Security, throughout the area." Jasmine pointed out. Her job was the safety of the President, but a larger presence from Security, might make that difficult.
Luzol listened, debating how to address the comment. She had not had concerns with Commander Haynes but rather the Security on Gateway Station itself. She was about to make that comment when she was interrupted.
Getting up, "I need a drink! This is not a good start to negotiations of peace!" Mok'leth said as he headed for the bar and a drink.
"Negotiations are never easy. Most of the time, both sides agree to give something up, to gain a common ground." Jasmine said, as she watched Mok'leth walk over to get a drink.
"Then perhaps it should start with people being able to understand friend from foe after weeks of travel," Naron said, not unkindly, "rather than letting personal failures weigh too heavily on the mind. Which is why, perhaps, diplomacy is not the province of the trigger happy." It was exactly what he meant, but, even he found himself a bit horrified hearing such venom dripping from his lips.
“We need to use caution,” Ryan spoke up quietly. “There are a lot of emotions flying around.”
"More than typically," Gruzy answered. "I think that this is as good a place as any to call it a night. We all have a lot to do to prepare and I think that I'm going to call it an early night."
"Captain Bakti," Naron said, turning to the Bajoran CO, "is there still a Temple on the station? I find I need some time for quiet meditation. I will also need a secure and private channel prepared to the Vedek Assembly, to the office of the Kai."
The Captain of Gateway Station nodded, "Right this way."
William watched as the Captain and the Ambassador left the confines of the small dining room. He let out a sigh of relief, looking momentarily at the President and then his wife as others moved along, "We're going to have to be prepared for anything out of Weyoun especially after this little stunt of his."
"He certainly has something up his sleeve," Luzol sighed from her seat. "Do you think that the Dominion is ever going to be genuine with us? We know they've got an ulterior motive."
"Maybe so, but we're going to let this play out to its logical conclusion. Let's head back home. I want to get some sleep and I'm sure that you want to see your children," the President offered.
Luzol nodded, "Indeed I do. Thank you for dinner, Mister President. I had a lovely time."
"Lies are unbecoming of my Commander Starfleet, but I appreciate the sentiment all the same," the President reprimanded. "Now get going."
The Admirals did as they were told, all the while wondering if this was the start of something far more dangerous.