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Posted on Thu Jun 6th, 2019 @ 3:57pm by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & Patton O'Sullivan
Edited on on Thu Jan 2nd, 2020 @ 5:25pm

779 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Atlantis
Location: Ready Room, Starfleet One
Timeline: 2429-12-02, 12:55

It had only been a short time since the Admiral had returned to Starfleet One and, already, his desk was getting covered in PADDs. He shuffled through them quickly looking over the titles trying to get some semblance of an order for his review of the data that they presented. There was far too much here to get through in one day, but he'd find a way. He always did.

Instead though the Admiral rose form his seat and walked over to the wall. Leaning against it was the bat'leth that he had used to eliminate Chancellor Brotak, Son of Koloth, while he was on the Klingon Homeworld. The new Chancellor had presented it to William as a gift shortly after he'd been sworn in for his new role. He gently shifted it between hands, feeling the weight of it as he held in between his fingers. Carefully he swung it in a controlled manner, remembering his combat training carefully from all those years ago.

As he followed through he heard the door chime ring once more. Moving back to a relaxed position he called out, "It's open. Come in."

Patton heard the permission to enter and took a deep breath. He was looking forward to a new beginning on Starfleet One. A clean slate without baggage that made it difficult for him to do his job. He walked in and came to attention.

“Lieutenant Commander O’Sullivan,” Patton identified himself. “Reporting for duty as your Hazard Team Commander, Sir.”

The Admiral placed the bat'leth back into position against the wall. He turned toward his new arrival. "Welcome aboard, Commander. I hope that your reassignment didn't come as too much of a shock."

“I never expected to be assigned to Starfleet One,” Patton said honestly. “I was surprised but I will run a right department."

"Glad to hear it," William answered as he walked toward his desk. He motioned for the Commander to sit, "Please ignore the PADD mountain range on my desk. This isn't the most I've ever had, but it is a common thing for me." He sat in his chair. "I'm looking forward to seeing what you and your team bring to the table."

Patton took a seat. “My first order of business will be to meet with the security chief. I believe it is important that our teams are working together at all times. I will be doing some intense training so that we will be at the top of our game in no time.”

"Too bad you just missed one of our training exercises," Teagarden grinned. "In time I want you to meet with Commander Hawkins and Lieutenant Commander Haynes. You will work closely with both aboard the ship."

“Of course, Sir,” Patton replied. “I have planned to contact the security chief as soon as I drop off my things. I will drop a message to Hawkins as well.”

He nodded, "Excellent. Traditionally I have the Hazard Team CO serve as the Assistant Chief of Security. Do you have any concerns about this dual role?"

“None whatsoever,” Patton replied sincerely. “It will make us stronger in the long run.”

William looked through the mountain of datapads on his desk quickly. Pulling one free he handed it to the recently appointed Lieutenant Commander. "Since you missednthe shipwide mission broadcast we're investigating a mysterious signal that we believe to be a distress call. It's on the furthest borders of our space, and we are the only ship that can reach it the fastest. Normally we wouldn't be assigned something so mundane, but the signal is coming from a transmitter incredibly similar to a Federation unit."

Patton looked at the padd and then Teagarden. “It appears to be authentic but I would like to err on the side of caution and be prepared for it being a setup as well.”

"Just like me, Commander, always looking at the silver lining in a scenario. SF1 is the fastest ship so the President wants us to look into it." He took a sip water from his cup and continued, "any questions, Commander?"

“I am good, Admiral,” Patton replies confidently.

"Excellent," William answered. "If there is nothing else I will dismiss you to your duties. Best of luck to you, Commander, I have a feeling you will need it."

“Thank you, Admiral,” Patton replied as he stood and respectfully took his leave. It seemed he had his work cut out for him but Patton was up to the task.

William smiled, "Dismissed, Commander." He also stood, knowing he had to get to Engineering to provide a tour for their new Chief Engineer and Helmsman.

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