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Admiral's Log, Supplemental

Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2019 @ 12:34am by Commodore Wilkan Targaryen

306 words; about a 2 minute read

My ship is dying...

We are in orbit over the planet known as Atlantis with a Preserver Dreadnought staring us down. Our Artificial Intelligence Avatar has been corrupted by it, having somehow brought her aboard to serve as the voice of the Preservers. She has yet to declare her intentions to us, but it can't be anything good. An away team has returned to the ship to try to persuade her to return to us, but my hopes aren't high. I have ordered our Engineering and Security Teams to come up with a military alternative; nonetheless, I fear that it's a fool's errand to even try. She knows our ship, she knows our systems, and I don't know how we're going to get out of this one. All the while the computers keep failing throughout the ship without their cybernetic master to monitor them. If this keeps up Galatea won't have to fire a shot at us, we'll fall from the sky like a shooting star on our own. Then what will become of the Atlanteans? We have a duty to help them, even though the Prime Directive applies.

Though my thoughts drift to my wife. The last time she went on a mission for the Diplomatic Corps she was nearly killed by the Klingon Chancellor and I was forced to mediate when all I wanted to do was kill every last one of them. Now she is with the Bajoran Ambassador as they recover a previously unknown orb from the Cardassians. Bajor is posturing, threatening our relationship, but I'm more afraid for her than their membership. That's one of the things most frightening to me. I almost lost her not long ago, now I face that possibility again should things get dicey with the Cardassians.

One thing is definitely clear: our lives certainly aren't boring...


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