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Posted on Mon Nov 2nd, 2020 @ 2:00am by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Commodore Wilkan Targaryen & President Gruzy of New Xindus

1,017 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Exodus
Location: Presidential Office, Palais de la Concorde
Timeline: 2430-01-15, 18:00

"We are preparing to depart now to escort the Dominion vessel back to their space," Admiral William Teagarden said from his chair across from the President. It had been several days since the Federation Council had voted to ratify the alliance proposal from the Dominion and, so far, very little fallout had occurred. The Dominion had made several overtures and more than 100 meetings had happened in the interim, but the feared invasion never came. They had been the perfect guests and even limited transit to and from their vessel to help alleviate security concerns.

The President gave a simple nod from his seat, "I hope that it's a less eventful trip than the last one. I think we've all had enough adventure for this year." He took a drink from his tea cup and set it back on the saucer, "What of the Bajoran Orb we recovered?"

Admiral Luzol fielded that one, "We've successfully recovered it and, at the request of the Bajoran Government, it has been remanded to Starfleet. We have moved it to a secured location, but are willing to return it should it be requested."

"I'm not a believer of their mysticism," Gruzy informed, "but it is important to them so we will honor their wishes. Do we believe it to be a risk to either Federation or Bajoran Security?"

"The Bajorans take their 'mysticism' seriously, Mister President," she said contemptuously toward the Xindi and not the Bajorans. "If the Orb originates from the Pah'Wraith and not the Prophets then it is a security concern for not only Bajor, but the Federation as well. The Bajoran Councilor did not seem himself when he perceived himself as having encountered it."

"No he wasn't," the Admiral answered. "He had a lot of concerns over how we were handling the situation involving the Dominion. He felt Starfleet was trying to usurp the authority of the Federation itself."

Gruzy smirked, "Planning a coup are we?"

"Not today," Luzol replied. "Besides, I don't want the headache of running the galaxy."

"Sometimes neither do I," the Xindi Reptilian sighed. "I will work with the Bajorans to ensure they know their contributions remain valued. In the mean time how is the Spock?"

William's turn, "It took significant damage in the attacks. The Corps of Engineers are working with it now, but there are a lot of concerns for the future related to it. Among the issues found is that the spaceframe has taken a significant pounding. Portions show severe strain and cracking. They're going to try to repair it, but it may not look good."

"I want them to double their efforts to repair that ship," the President ordered. "It saved my life."

The Commander of Starfleet nodded, "I'll speak with the Director of the Corps of Engineers myself, Mister President. We will repair the ship. I guarantee it."

"The Klingons continue to deny involvement," Gruzy reported. "I spoke with Chancellor Mogh myself and he denies all involvement. I saw the ship myself on the viewscreen, so did their Ambassador, though they still deny."

"We are investigating the wreckage, Mister President," Luzol explained. "So far it has been slow work because the anti-matter explosion devastated the entire ship."

The President looked concerned, "Is that normal? I wasn't in Starfleet - I was a Merchant Marine - so I'm not exactly familiar with all of the ins and outs of Starship destruction."

"It can be," Teagarden informed. "To this extent is a bit atypical, but if the ship was loaded down with additional ammunition or fuel then it is possible."

"It was a Klingon ship," Luzol rolled her eyes as she said it.

Her husband continued, "Allegedly."

"I wouldn't be too surprised if a Klingon ship didn't have extra ammunition aboard. Please keep me apprised of the investigation and the results. I want to be made aware if, at any point, we can confirm it to be a Klingon ship. I do not want to have a diplomatic incident if we don't need one."

"Of course," the Fleet Admiral agreed.

"If you will excuse me the Warp Core is primed and I want to get on the road with the Dominion," William informed.

The President nodded, "Not a problem. I think we're done here anyway. Unless there was something else?" He had risen from his chair and was at the window looking out upon the evening traffic flying along the Paris skyline.

"Nothing from me," Luzol confirmed.

"I'm good too," the Enterprise's Commander answered.

Gruzy agreed, "Very well. Dismissed." Moments later the two Starfleet Officers had faded away to empty chairs.

Fleet Admiral Luzol rose from her desk in her Office at Starfleet Headquarters and sighed. The last meeting with the President had been draining and she was glad that it was over. As much as she liked the President, these briefings frequently grew tedious with some of his questions. Many of the things he asked were repeated questions, but he was the President and she would never call him out on it.

She had other business to attend to.

Crossing her office she went to the large, wall-mounted display console and brought up the data points on the panel. reaching forward she brought up the results of the investigation into the attack upon the Spock. The latest reports had come in and showed that the debris that they had recovered had been properly cataloged for analysis. The majority of it was simple debris - conduit, metal fragments, assorted flotsam. There was one item of interest that they uncovered that gave credit to the owners of the Bird of Prey: the remains of what was once an arm. Forensics had done a complete investigation into the remains and they knew without a doubt the species it originated from.

She opened the file and looked at the data it contained. Reaching forward she brought up the submenu and locked the file out and deleted all records of the arm having been recovered, knowing that what she just read would spell disaster for the entire Federation if it were ever revealed to anyone.


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