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New Horizons

Posted on Wed Oct 28th, 2020 @ 3:04am by Councilor Idris Kizak of Betazed & President Gruzy of New Xindus & Secretary Jonathan Grayson of United Earth & Councilor Nokomis Diza of Krios & Councilor Kohek Cilona of Vashti & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes & Councilor Ana-Maria Alexandrescu of United Ficus & Colonel Mok'leth Kevan House of Kilrah & Administrator Weyoun 12
Edited on on Wed Oct 28th, 2020 @ 4:13am

4,693 words; about a 23 minute read

Mission: Exodus
Location: Earth
Timeline: 2430-01-11, 09:00

[Palais de la Concorde]

President Gruzy never thought that he would be so happy to sleep in his own bed. It had been only six hours since the Enterprise and the Dominion Battleship had arrived at Earth, but it had been enough time for one of the most relaxing sleeps that he had ever had. Well at least recently. The Risian designed bed had been designed to allow a person to experience the equivalent of a full night's rest in a few hours thanks, in part, to massage circuits and sleep-inducing harmonics built in. Or maybe some other mumbo jumbo that he had forgotten about. He wasn't sure. He was just grateful to have it right now.

Looking at himself in the mirror he brushed at a rather deep cut that he had on his cheek - a hold over from the nightmare they had all endured. If the Lady Luck hadn't stolen the diplomatic transponder they probably would still be stuck out in the middle of no where or, if worse, the Klingon ship would've engaged them while they were defenseless. He sighed as he considered the implications of that. The Klingon Empire - one of their oldest allies - had been behind an attempt on his life while their own Ambassador was with him. If he needed an excuse to exclude the Klingons from what was to come he had it, but, fortunate for them, he wasn't that type of leader. The Dominion was willing to play ball with everyone and he was going to allow them to do just that.

"Mister President?"

Gruzy let out a long breath and tapped the comlink on the keypad next to the mirror, "Yes?"

The voice of his Receptionist echoed, "We have received word from the Council. They are ready to convene."

Now the fun began. He nodded, "Thank you. I'll be transporting to San Francisco momentarily. Gruzy out." He tapped the key and looked at the cut. The medic and later Doctor on Starfleet One had offered to heal it, but he'd chosen to let it go for now as a memento of what they endured. Instead he would make up for the cosmetics by picking an outfit for this meeting that would gather the attention of all. He was already facing great opposition for what was going on, the Delegation of 20 was still furious over the potential alliance and now Councilor Caxl's death had only added fuel to the fire. They would need something to make a statement and he knew just the thing.

[Federation Council Chamber]

In the Council chambers, Idris Kizak of Betazed entered and made his way to his assigned place, he knew one or two of his aides would be there already sorting out any paperwork he needed to know. Once there he sat and the Betazoid aides began to converse with him in hushed tones, occasionally via Telepathy.

Gaia kept a firm glimpse at the controls before her as they moved toward a return to session. The Enterprise and the Dominion Battleship hovered in orbit of Earth directly parallel to the Council Chamber. She knew that if they started a fight that Spacedock, Enterprise, and about half a dozen Starfleet vessels would swing into action to defend the planet. It was still a large risk. They were risking the safety of a lot of people if this was subterfuge on the Dominion's part.

Galatea didn't seem to think that there was any risk, but she wasn't sure her sister was thinking clearly at this point. Enterprise's AI was a prototype for her line, but still had many unique modifications and functions that never made it onto the factory floor models. Even though Gaia was the AI for the Federation Council she herself didn't have all the attributes as Galatea. Although, that wasn't a bad thing. Gaia was far more diplomatic and supportive than her sister ever was. If Galatea had her way they'd probably have already opened fire on the Dominion ship and just gone to war with the Klingons for what happened with the President's mission to Earth.

She paused as more started entering the Chamber for the meeting.

Ana-Maria had arrived a few minutes later then the others. She needed to place a comm to double check on the financial stability of the Federation and all the various internal and external trade. With the Enterprise, a Dominion Battleship, and the Presidents return. She felt things where about to get really interesting for everyone in that room. And she was ready to place a Trade Embargo upon the Klingon Empire for any and all finished goods.

Gaia turned as her sensors notified her that President Gruzy had beamed into the anteroom off of the Chamber. She looked at the Xindi Reptilian with intensity as he took a datapad from one of the Aides roaming through the room. "Mister President," she greeted.

"Hello Gala," he stopped and smirked, "Hello Gaia. Have our guests arrived?"

"They are in orbit awaiting authorization to beam down," the hologram informed. She sent additional details to his PADD, "Most of the Council has arrived and are awaiting the start of our session. Several have already announced they will not attend in protest - others out of fear related to the death of Councilor Caxl."

Mok'leth walked into the council chamber, full ambassadorial garb he was wearing proudly and took his assigned seat nodding his head as he passed a few that he knew, and sat quietly.

"Any leads on that?" Gruzy pecked at the controls of the PADD as he scrolled through the screen.

The AI answered, "Negative. Federation Security is still investigating but whomever was responsible left no discernible evidence. They have completed several forensic sweeps including molecular reconstruction techniques based upon those of the Tal'Shiar."

"I always thought that was dubious at best and illegal at worst?" The President asked.

"That was what they Romulans wanted us to think," she typed on her own workstation. "Still, it had little to no results."

He sighed, "Well, looks like we should get this party started."

Gaia nodded and pressed a control on her workstation. Immediately a series of tones played throughout the immense Council Chamber. The President stepped out into the crowd and onto the stage, hoping that this wasn't the end but only a new beginning.

Councilwoman Kohek Cilona of Vashti sat down at her seat shortly after the President took his place at the podium. Clasping her hands before her in the rectangular room, she watched closely as the President spoke about the recent challenges they faced on their return to Earth from Gateway Station. She listened with interest as he detailed the Klingon attack upon their vessel as they voyaged and, more interestingly, the Dominion response of joining them here. She wondered if the President identifying the Dominion helping save him would hold any sway over the proceedings.

Just last night she had been a special guest on Richter Kalungay's Illuminating the City of Light where she challenged the dominance of the Core Worlds upon the Federation Council and its operations. Even now she looked out at the stage and saw the Federation Ambassadors sitting looking back at them. The Andorian Ambassador had announced he was stepping down after being nominated to be Speaker of the Federation and the Vulcan Ambassador had returned to New Vulcan, but their power was still palpable. It made her sick to her stomach to think so many of them were ignored while these few had so much power over the rest. The United Earth Ambassador sat in his chair.

The Betazoid Councilor, the Kriosian, and Bajorans caught her eye as she looked around at the others. She sighed as she wondered what they thought. The President's Chief of Staff and Commissioner Alexandrescu also got her attention she she pondered, wondering if they were in support of this as the Dominion Ambassador stepped onto the stage.

It wasn't the first time in her life that Nokomis wished she could have been born Betazoid. Then perhaps she could have read some of the minds surrounding her as to what they thought of the Dominion taking the stage. She could guess of course. There were still a lot of hurt feelings after the war, despite the years in which it had been over. Feeling the baby kick she automatically reached for her belly, covering the spot as if the child wanted to hold hands despite still being in the womb.

Ana-Maria kept her neural face in place. She turned her unusually colored eyes towards Nokomis as she looked at her. Giving her a wink before turning her attention back to the podium and waited for them to be addressed.

Next to the President the Dominion delegation stood looking out among the crowd of Ambassadors and Councilors. The Female Changeling stood with her hands behind her back with a long flowing orange gown dipping down to the floor behind her. Next to her stood another Founder, this one the male named Odo, who kept the unique visage he had during the Dominion War. His tunic was similar in design to that used ages ago by the Bajoran Militia, just minus the communicator or rank insignia.

They spoke carefully, diplomatically as they stood next to the President and outlined their needs. Tovaa Confar sat listening to what they had to say. The Tellarite watched carefully among the crowd wondering who would be the first to speak out.

It didn't take long. The Councilor from Vashti rose from her seat and addressed the gathered, "Am I the only one who sees the risk of this?"

"The Chair does not recognize the Councilor from Vashti."

She didn't care, "The Dominion, years ago, tried to take over this Quadrant. Their empire had sights on each of us, desire to destroy and control each of our worlds. Now you want to have peace. Need I remind that during the destruction of my homeworld, the great seat of power for the Romulan Empire, the Federation withdrew because of the Attack on Mars. You left us to die yet now we are here welcoming the Dominion with open arms and they were more dangerous, more devastating than my government ever was toward you. You offend me," she said looking to the Changelings before switching to the President, "but not more than you."

"I challenge that the Federation has grown too complacent, too focused on expansion than protecting that which came before. The Core Worlds," she pointed to the stage, "have too much control. They are paradise, but for many of us paradise never came. For those of us on the frontier life can be a struggle still and our worlds don't have saints like all of you. We need strength, we need stability, we need equality!"

"I demand that the Dominion be sent back to where they came and we focus on our own!"

Ana-Maria stood to look at the Romulan woman. "If you had forgotten your history my dear. The Romulan's had signed a Non-Aggression with the Dominion during the war. Also, the Federation has a habit of turned bitter enemies into friends." She said staring the woman down. "During the late 23rd century, we got the Klingons to the table, and later as Allies. How about the Romulan Empire? Didn't we form an Alliance with your people as well?" Her odd colored eyes darkened. "Now the Dominion wants to join us at that table and you want to throw them out. Yes we fought a long and bloody war with them, but here they are extending the olive branch of peace. Did you ever think that, if we open trade relations with the Dominion, that is hundreds of different markets to transport goods that are produced on Colonies on the frontier life." She fired back her own words. "So this would be a means for making 'Paradise' on the frontier life. I know for sure, I would love to see what goods they have for trade. If you produce what your on the frontier life worlds produce, I'm sure I can get some fresh goods into their markets."

"You are Human," the Romulan woman answered almost derogatorily. "Even if you aren't from Earth you are a descendant of one of their worlds. You lived in paradise while we lived in purgatory along the former Neutral Zone, struggling for even the most basic of supplies all because the Federation left us to fend for ourselves following the Attack on Mars!" She looked at the Dominion Representatives then to the Bajoran Councilor, "They're like locusts. They'll descend on this Quadrant. They'll descend on Bajor! Wasn't that what the Bajoran Emissary prophesied?"

"Yes I am Human." Ana-Maria said cutting off the Bajoran response. "You just wish to whine about the Federation having to pull out of aid to the Romulans. Do you realize that the Attack on Mars destroyed the very convoy that was going to the Romulan worlds." Her oddly color eyes turned even darker. "But that is getting off topic. We have a means to for another Ally, and new markets. The former neutral zone is near the Bajoran Wormhole. So your worlds would be some of the first ones to see this new trade. This would also turn Bajor into a major Trading hub. This trade would stimulate your economy, your work force, and allows you to rebuild your worlds." She stated. "If you don't wish to see your worlds prosper with new trading partners, and only wish to whine about about something in the past. There is another place and time for that. At this time we are here to hear what the Dominion is bring to the table."

She instead decided to try a new angle. She motioned toward the Betazoid Ambassador, "What about the Honorable Councilor from Betazed? How do you feel knowing that the very people who enslaved your world, killed your people, are now on the verge of being our allies? How do you sleep at night knowing that the Federation is accepting the Dominion with open arms while so many worlds struggle to survive?" The Romulan sighed and shook her head, "Vashti has been on its knees before the Federation begging for scraps. You argue that this will be good for us, that it will bring us a new future with opportunities for trade and advancement. I see it as another risk of invasion."

Nokomis sighed. She thought about intervening but doubted it would do any good. They needed to get out their frustrations in order to be able to listen and listen is what they should be doing right now.

The President of the Federation stood at the podium listening as the Councilor from Vashti laid out her side of the story. He stood there, carefully dissecting what she had said and directed back toward them. There were many points - some good and others flimsy - but the overall argument was one that had been repeated over and over for them recently. The Xindi Reptilian listened as she directly challenged worlds and their perspectives on what was happening. She went after the Betazoid Ambassador, the Bajoran, even attacked the Federation Core Worlds in the process. The slippery slope they were on right now told him that they needed to be careful, but they also needed this alliance.

Gruzy shifted his weight as he cut her off from the discussion. He knew that this was a risk, but he knew too there was no further alternative. He tapped a control on the panel before him and disengaged her communicator. He diverted it back to himself as he stood next to the Dominion Ambassadors, "Ladies, Gentlemen, and Transgendered Representatives the Chair would like to acknowledge the concerns of the Representative of Vashti and the challenges that she has leveled before this body."

He looked at Odo and the Female Changeling then back into the sea of people, "The truth before us is a daunting one. The United Federation of Planets, the esteemed body that has served to unite so many, has become flawed throughout the ages of its existence." He knew that was going to become the soundbite on the news feeds tonight, but pressed on. "The Federation has gotten old, stagnant, and has forgotten what has made it such a strong force for good in this galaxy. We are good at observing, we are good at reaching out, but we're not the best at maintaining. We build people up, but when we feel they're at their best we step away and don't necessarily watch to ensure they stay at their lofty ideals as we have laid out for them." Gruzy looked among those on the stage with him, "We look no further than our own worlds from time to time, forgetting those of our neighbors unless there is a need to do so. Worse, some take efforts of peace and go from face value to an agenda."

The President looked to the Ambassadors from the Dominion, "Twenty worlds have threatened to end membership in this body if we were to ally ourselves with the Dominion." He looked at the Councilor from Vashti, "That's six more than what threatened to leave over helping the Romulan Star Empire. Some of the players are the same, so maybe we should carefully pick who we get into bed with before we start firing shots," it was lobbied at the Romulan delegation. "Many of you have argued that the Core Worlds suppress the rest and that the paradise of the core is a far cry from the purgatory of the frontier. I implore each of you to work with us to make a better galaxy for all and to bring paradise throughout the Federation."

"The Dominion has agreed to this relationship with no questions asked and nothing from us except for help against an enemy. A mutual enemy, mind you, that once ravaged the Alpha Quadrant itself. If we ignore their plight then the Dominion will fall," he hurried to the next part as to not invite challenge from the Dominion, "and then they will come for us. Do we wait and face the enemy on our own or do we face them now, together, with allies from across the stars? That is the question we all must ask here today. Do we wait and face the night alone or with the support of our friends? The Dominion are agreeable to our terms, they will share support to each of our worlds in exchange for this help and, more importantly, are willing to work with the other great powers in the Alpha Quadrant to build peace."

He paused as he considered the next words carefully, "This has been a time of great doubt for many of us; a time where we have had to make hard choices that impact our worlds to their very heart. We have an opportunity to make history, today, with the choice that we come to. I hope that we make a good one because the story of the Federation is far from over, but if we forfeit the possibility of peace with a former enemy then we spit on the grave of every patriot who ever lived and died for the Federation. How will history judge us? We will soon find out and I hope that whatever the outcome you do what is best not just for your world but for the Federation as well."

Twenty members will cede from the Federation if the alliance with the Dominion goes ahead, Idris was shocked to learn. Fourteen members would have done so if the humanitarian fleet from Mars had been deployed to Romulan worlds before the supernova. Idris, having been in Starfleet during the Dominion War, had to trust in Command's judgement of the bigger picture and follow orders.

The political landscape was no different, of course the President and his cabinet had to look at the bigger picture to save as many lives as possible, it was nice to see that the Xindi Reptilian was actually now speaking of the bigger picture and pleading to all members to work with him. He wasn't from a Core world, though the Founding Worlds Ambassadors behind him facing the Council probably had more interaction with the President then the rest of the Council. Idris would see to changing that, and if the Ambassadors' valued the same as the Federation as a whole stood for, they will accept some changes.

Idris stood. "Mister President, fellow Council Members," he began. "Two things, one: If the twenty member worlds wish to abandon the Federation and seek independence, let them go. It was a choice to join and it should remain a choice to both remain a member or leave if they feel we are no longer United. We should not ignore the freedom of choice for any member world. They can petition for any commerce to be reestablished later.

Second: I would like to hear more on this mutual enemy you spoke of, if the Dominion wishes our assistance then they must be willing to share all knowledge they have about the enemy. Full disclosure, wouldn't you agree Mister President, fellow Council members?" Idris turned around to face his equals. "To the Council members of the worlds who wish to leave the Federation, I suggest you either make it formal now for I believe whether you like it or not the President will be formalising this alliance as it is his job to see the bigger picture and strategize how best to save as many lives as possible or you return to your homeworlds and prepare for the worst without Federation assistance and benefits. It too was our job to see the bigger picture but it seems many of you have forgotten that as the Council we must see to the safety of all our worlds together but it is your choice, because if you are using your membership as a threat to make the government do as you wish then it seems you are not as enlightened as you claim to be when you joined the Federation. If there is more war on the way, we need to focus on preparations not on internal politics. I will not subject my people and my worlds to more suffering as it seems we have war coming because we were not prepared because some members feel left out causing confusion and delay.

Here's some questions to you, have you stepped up and pushed for anything? Have you taken part in any of the policy creation processes? Have you been proactive in any way or have you just sat back and waited for whatever to happen to happen? What have you done to make your world's voice heard? Or are you just reacting to events as they happen and simply being selfish because you yourself want 'whatever'? Do your worlds want to leave the Federation or are we just taking your word for it?" Idris faced the President and the Dominion representatives as he wanted to hear what the Dominion had to say, leaving the Council to contemplate his questions. He was sure there were Councilors from happy member worlds who followed along and hoped that they too will seek to be more involved.

Mok'leth had heard just enough of this bickering. Getting to his feet, he walked a little ways in the room before turning to face the assembled members. "In the interest of the Klingon Empire, we have agreed to come to the table with peaceful intentions. The Dominion refused to allow me to their talks earlier, but, with the President's urging, I was finally allowed to be admitted. With that in mind, sure the war with the Dominion took its toll on the status quo of the Quadrant and several worlds were attacked, prisoners tortured and thousands died. Yet here we all are, now, present day trying to work together to find common ground for peace. The Empire is willing to accept the peace with the Dominion as long as they honestly stick to this treaty. However, I will say this, with respect to the Federation and the President, if the Dominion breaks this treaty in any way, the Empire will declare the Dominion hostile and a state of war will exist," he said looking at all gathered. Slowly walking back to his seat, he waited for any and all opposition to his statement before he sat down.

The Romulan Councilor cursed in her native tongue - the universal translators having been programmed to ignore the translation. Instead she stood and left the Chamber.

"The Dominion will honor its agreements," the Changeling known as Odo announced. "The withholding of access to our delegation was not a decision of the Great Link but rather a short sighted decision by an Administrator we foolheartedly trusted. The Dominion does not suffer foolishness lightly and has already taken steps to ensure peace will reign between our governments."

The Female Changeling was next, "We have arranged all of the available information we have to be shared with the Federation and the Federation Starfleet. It is in their possession now."

"We will deliberate this further in the future," the President informed. "For now we will move forward with estabilishing peace. Do I have a motion to accept the Dominion overture for peace?"

Ana-Maria simply smirked at the retreating Romulan. She pulled her PADD out and made several notes. The chief among them was to sent the Klingon Ambassador a barrel of the best Bloodwine and to check to see what goods that the Romulan worlds, because she might need to place an embargo upon them.

It happened quickly after that. The Tellarite Ambassador made the motion from her chair behind the podium to accept the Dominion offer of peace. Gruzy stood as the next Councilor, this one the Representative of Grazer, offered the second that they needed. Now was the time for the full vote of the Council on whether the Federation would accept the offer of friendship.

Mis suddenly could hear the voice of her father. She idolized the man in her youth and he always had little Earth cliches to use at a time like this, both to make her think and to help her understand the best option for the most people. She deliberated for only a few moments before making a gesture that secured her vote.

From his seat Jonathan watched and listened as the debate raged around him. The President had made a strong case for the accepting the Dominion peace treaty. Now it was time to vote. He watched the vote begin with keen interest.

Jasmine remained silent, as was part of her job. She had never scene the council chambers before. So this was a rare treat. Her primary focus at the moment had been to protect the president. but part of her could not believe Vashti was holding onto ancient history. It had been a few decades since the attacks by the Dominion and the war that affected her parents and grand parents.

Jasmine wanted to believe that anyone could change, including the Dominion. They did have Odo's influence. Jasmine remembered reading from this history books, that Odo rejoined the link, to help them understand and make peace with all the solids, as they called all non changing lifeforms.

Idris selected his vote and waited.

It was over as quickly as it started. Gaia nodded to the President that the votes had been tallied and transferred to his podium. The Xindi looked at the readout and smirked at what he saw, a momentary loss of political bravado in place of genuineness. He activated his communicator, "The votes have been tabulated. The United Federation of Planets, by order of the Council of the United Federation of Planets, hereby accept the offer of peace from the Dominion. We hereby, as of this time and date, acknowledge that the United Federation of Planets and the Dominion are in a formal alliance."

The Council erupted into cheerful applause.


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