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The Way of the Warrior

Posted on Fri Oct 23rd, 2020 @ 3:47am by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Commander Galatea & Lieutenant (J.G.) Rrawran & Lieutenant (J.G.) Zomuul jav Ghul & President Gruzy of New Xindus & Civilian Chomei & Captain Nathan Bishop & Commander Nathan Hawkins & Lieutenant Commander T'Lisha "Hawkeye" Bishara & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD & Lieutenant Commander Chire & Petty Officer 2nd Class Corvus Hannah & Secretary Jonathan Grayson of United Earth & Councilor Jahra Naron of Bajor & Colonel Mok'leth Kevan House of Kilrah & Lieutenant (J.G.) Dylan Blake

1,484 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Exodus
Location: Enterprise/Spock
Timeline: 2430-01-10, 16:15

Galatea stood at the Tactical Station behind the Captain's Chair on the Bridge of the Enterprise's stardrive as the ship emerged into real space from Coaxial speeds. She hadn't wanted to jump the ship, but her subroutines had kicked in to ensure that the President was not placed at any further risk. It took mere moments for the ship to arrive at the site of the battle. On the viewscreen a Klingon Bird of Prey moved from visible to cloaked as it maneuvered over the stricken Starship Spock. The holographic AI of the ship checked her readouts carefully as data scrolled over them. She waited for their orders.

Snow was making some adjustments to the sensors as the Klingon ship recloaked. "Galatea, adjust the targeting scanners to track Ionized gasses. We can track the Klingon's while cloaked."

"Excellent idea, Commander Snow!" The hologram answered as she checked the sensor data that appeared on the panel. She typed on the screen keyboard of the workstation, "Readings suggest that the Bird of Prey is a Hegh'ta Class Heavy Bird-of-Prey. I can't get detailed information at the moment, but the standard weapon layout includes Disruptor Cannons and Torpedoes."

She was not a religious person but Chire felt the need to say a little prayer that everyone was okay on the Spock and that they would be able to chase away or locate their attackers. "They have a slight variation, remember to fire a few meters ahead of where you think the ship is located while cloaked." Chire supplied. "Can we hail the Spock?"

Petty Officer Fazio's fingers raced over the horseshoe shaped workstation at the front of the Bridge of the Spock. The console was sluggish from the damage it had experienced, but it was still enough that they were able to get through to certain data clusters and processes. The tall Saurian sighed as he tried to keep the ship functional, but the Klingon vessel was a dangerous foe.

"Direct hit to our aft shields," the alien announced, "We're losing them!"

The arrival of the Enterprise was very welcomed, abet just the stardrive section. She'd still be enough to ward off the Klingon vessels Hawkins felt a glimmer of hope they'd survive this nightmare by the skin of their teeth.

"Fire thrusters," the Captain directed. "Move us closer to the Enterprise."

Fazio's fingers slid over the controls. The available power made the lights flicker a bit as the thrusters engaged, but it was enough that they were able to move through. "Do you think they could hear us through the combadges? Could we dock?" She ship shook as a disruptor barrage pounded their shields into near nothingness.

"There's a chance," Hawkins agreed with a wince as the ship trembled.

This was going be close...

"I can try and boost the signal, modify the frequencies," Lieutenant Blake added from the Operations station. "Have them extended their shields as a quick fix, docking would take longer and more risky. Try it now Captain."

"This is Hawkins," he touched his pin. "Please respond."

"I have the Spock on an open frequency," Galatea said proudly. "Audio only."

"Good to hear a friendly voice," Hawkins replied relieved they could be heard and knowing deep down Bishop would move mountains to ensure their safety. "We're barely holding it together, our shields have failed and the hull plating is under increasing distress. Requiring immediate assistance."

The AI typed on her workstation quickly as they talked. The Klingon vessel fired again, hitting the Enterprise's shields directly this time. The Hologram checked the readings, "Shields are at 84%. That Bird of Prey is packing quite a wallop for a ship it's size."

"We could attempt to bring the Spock aboard," Galatea recommended. "It would only take a few moments, but we could theoretically beam them all aboard including the vessel itself." She knew that her comments were going over the communications line to the Spock. She wondered what they may think.

"I'll take anything at this moment," Hawkins voice sounded lost among the wailing of alarms emitting from the Spock's bridge. He'd just witness Blake being thrown backwards from his smoking console and heard stumbling directly behind as Luzol, Haynes, the Presidant and his aids struggled for footing.

Lieutenant Rrawran barked from his console, "The Klingon ship has fired again. It's packing quite a wallop against us. Whatever we do we need to hurry."

"Fek'lar!," bellowed Mok'leth. Tripping as the ship rocked again. "Don't they realize that their Klingon Ambassador is on board?" he growled.

Hannah stumbled onto the bridge as the ship was rocked by yet another volley of enemy fire. He was in time to see an officer thrown from his console. Racing to the downed man, he began using his diagnostic glove to scan the officer for injuries while visually scanning the rest of the bridge. Fortunately, the injuries didn't seem to severe at this time. A case of plasma burns were mostly superficial. A contusion on the back of his head didn't show signs of internal brain bleed. He was much luckier than some of his other patients who didn't fare so well in this renewed attack.

It was fortunate, for the young medic, that he had work to keep him occupied. Otherwise his thoughts might dwell on..."You'll be fine," Hannah said to the officer he crouched over. He glanced at the record on the left side of his display for the man's name. Blake. Hannah didn't know more about him but his name would be enough. "I'm going to give you a mild painkiller at the moment, we'll get you fixed up when we're out of danger again. Okay?"

Blake whimpered slightly in reply as the flesh upon his hands and face continued to burn while his vision swam.

"Stick with me for a few, Lieutenant," Hannah said, pressing the anesthetic laden hypospray into the officer's neck. He started preparing a second with a topical to apply to the burns. He continued working on the lieutenant, keeping his focused on what was happening now and trying to keep his mind away from Sickbay and what happened there.

"Captain," Naron said as he watched the battle unfolding on the main viewscreen. "Try targeting their torpedo tubes. If your tactical officer times it correctly and gets the torpedo just before it leaves the tube..."

It was an old trick they employed in the resistance when the smaller Bajoran freedom fighters were up against larger, more powerful Cardassian ships. It did take some effort and, hopefully, the Enterprise's tactical officer was up to the challenge.

Rrawran looked at the Captain, instinctively coming to grips with the order as it was given from the Councilor. The clawed hand of the alien Lieutenant rushed over the workstation as glowing indicator lights illuminated. The wolf-like alien transfixed for a moment as the sensors indicated more torpedoes being prepared. He brought the phasers to bear on the target and opened fire, slamming their phasers directly into the forward torpedo tubes as the shields momentarily flickered to allow the enemy missile to escape.

An alarm blared. Galatea tapped at her controls, "Sensors show that the Klingon vessel is losing..."

On the viewscreen the entire ship erupted into a ball of flame as the anti-matter explosion consumed it. The computer system automatically dimmed the viewscreen data as the high definition display bathed the Bridge in the blinding light of a star erupting before them. The hologram looked at the Science Officer, wondering if there were any survivors but having her own theories on that. There was nothing left. Just ash and cinders.

"Yes! Great shot Mr. Rrawran! That was timed perfectly," T'Lisha said guiding the Enterprise s.owly nearer to the Spock.

Aboard the Spock Hawkins shielded his eyes as the blinding light enveloped them. Blinking away the spots before his vision the Captain stood in awe - the Klingon vessel was gone. "Christ," he whispered lowly. "Rrawran deserves some vacation time for that one..."

Mok'leth wiped his brow, "Yes very much so, as a matter of fact, I will invite him to drink a barrel of bloodwine once we get aboard," he said, relieved.

"We have cleared the docking bay for the Spock to return aboard," Galatea informed from her workstation. "Come on home."

"Gladly," Hawkins replied. "Fazio, begin dock procedures if you please. Galatea, have medical standby we have wounded, some critically."

"Enterprise, can I get myself and a few others beamed directly to medical? Lieutenant Blake next to me and there are two patients in Medical?" he took a moment to take a deep breath. "There is a body in Medical which will need to be transported to the morgue."

The voice of the AI came through the communicator, "Transporters are standing by. I can beam everyone over when ready."

"Make it so Galatea. Bring our people home." Bishop replied decisively.


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