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Don't Forget Your Toothbrush

Posted on Thu May 28th, 2020 @ 12:54am by Commander Galatea & Commander Ash Randall & Captain Nathan Bishop

774 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Exodus
Location: Bridge, USS Enterprise
Timeline: 2430-01-09, 10:45

Galatea walked through the side door from Deck One back onto the Bridge of the Starship Enterprise. She had just met with the Admiral and gotten updates from him on their situation. With the Jem'Hadar and the other Dominion forces aboard there were a lot of risks that were mounting around them. None, however, were as dangerous as the ones of the homefront.

Walking up to Captain Nathan Bishop in the Command Chair, she handed over the datapad, "Here's a copy of the latest data the Admiral was able to recover. I'm afraid that it's not much, but at least its a start. He'd like for us to meet with the Ambassador about it."

Bishop took the datapad and read it over. He managed to control his reaction and the only obvious sign of displeasure was a crinkling of his eyes. He looked at Galatea, "Your right it isn't much. He wants us to meet with the Ambassador with Jem'Hadar thick as flies on the ship?" He sighed, knowing it was useless to protest the orders. "Alright lets go." He said standing up. "Commander Rigby, will you join us?" In his next breath he said, "Commander Randall, you have the bridge."

"Aye, Captain. I have the bridge." Commander Randall confirmed, and moved from engineering to stand next to the command chair. The Chief Engineer turned the command console her direction so she could access it while standing and assumed bridge command.

Galatea whispered to the alien Chief Engineer with a smile, "It's a comfortable chair, honest."

Ash cocked an ear the direction of Galatea and nodded agreement and then glanced her direction while she parked her backside in the command chair and perched on the edge of the seat with her feet dangling above the floor. "Like a ten year old in daddy's easy chair." She mused, with a smirk, her tail draped down the front of the seat and swishing back and forth in a leisurely manner. The Chief Engineer looked up at Galatea. "It is comfortable. Thank you for reminding me." She added, with a with a wink, and turned the command console so it faced her while seated in the chair.

The AI decided to have a little fun and looked at Captain Bishop, "Should we tell the Chief that the Admiral made the last person who sat in his chair scrub the Warp Plasma Conduit on the Spock with a toothbrush?"

Bishop decided to play along. "No, I don't think so. Let it be a surprise for Commander Randall. One she'll never forget." He said with a grin.

"Devious, but I like it," she kept up the levity. "So, shall we head to see the Bajoran Councilor?"

"It keeps them on their toes." Bishop joked. "And yes, lets go find the Councilor and get their take on this."

Commander Randall gave Bishop and Galatea a wink. "The Spock must have the cleanest warp plasma conduit in the galaxy and a waiting list to clean them." The Chief Engineer commented, dryly.

Galatea nodded, "When I last checked they did." It was a slight dig at the Chief Engineer, she wondered if the Commander would take the bait or someone else would interrupt.

"Excellent. I'll need to investigate what kind of tooth brush is being used. Bristle length, density and stiffness could be important factors to attaining the same level of cleanliness for Enterprise." Ash responded, while she made a show of entering a personal note to remind her to follow up.

"I think we created a monster," she said to the XO of the ship. "Maybe we should go before the Chief's making us go test the brushes?"

"I know we created a monster. Lets get out of here before she actually decides to do that." Bishop replied to the AI.

"With the absence of the Spock, getting adequate data on the type of tooth brush and any, special, techniques that may have been employed will be difficult so, in the face of that fact, I'll just have to draw up a wide range of tooth brush specifications and a test plan that follows the latest in Star Fleet QA/QC process and procedure." Ash noted aloud, seemingly to herself, but loud enough that Bishop and Galatea would be able to hear her. "I'll need to design a holosuite simulation." The chief engineer mused, with a couple nods to herself. "Definitely." She confirmed.

Galatea looked at the First Officer with a concerned, yet playful look... "Maybe we should go now?"

"An excellent idea Galatea. We should make ourselves scarce before Commander Randall gets any more ideas." Bishop replied with a wink.


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