In the Shadows
Posted on Wed Nov 20th, 2019 @ 11:51pm by Civilian 47 & Civilian 66
Edited on on Thu Jan 2nd, 2020 @ 5:08pm
644 words; about a 3 minute read
Location: Cargo Bay, Starfleet One
Timeline: 2429-12-03, 21:45
Agent 47 stood in the Cargo Bay of Starfleet One waiting quietly. The cargo capacity of Starfleet One was still impressive because of its former role in the fleet, but they were in disuse now due to the ship operating close to Earth far more frequently. That didn't mean that they didn't have the occasional visitor though. 47 only hoped that he didn't have some poor crewman stumble in at the wrong time.
Starfleet One's current mission had gotten a lot of attention and, in some respects, the wrong attention. The presence of a Preserver Dreadnought was something that couldn't be ignored and it had to be acquired by any mean necessary. It was only fitting that Starfleet One had cost them the only Preserver ship in captivity, now they had the chance to make up for their former failing.
He heard the clamshell doors open.
She walked into the cargo bay, dressed in her long skirted uniform. After she looked around she spotted the person that had contacted her. "What do you want? I'm done with you and your partners." She told him barely keeping her temper.
The other remained obstructed, face out of view to the newcomer, "It doesn't quite work that way. No one is ever really gone, Agent 66, especially from us. I've heard of your discovery out in the backwoods of the galaxy. You should have expected a visit," the lights flickered and a console went dark as he spoke.
She got a snarl on her face. "We had an unexpected development, in this first contact mission." She said very icy and acidic. "Now tell me what you want, so I can return to my assigned duties."
"Nothing much," he answered moving around in the shadows, "except for the Preserver vessel. Years ago we had one for study and the crew of Starfleet One cost us it. Now we would like one back and you're going to acquire it for us."
She crossed her arms across her breasts. "And how do you expect me to do that? I have no information on how this Preserver Vessel works. So, unless you are going to supply me with more operational data, I can't help you." She said with her icy and acidic tone.
The shadowy man smiled and grabbed a small, positronic chip from a satchel. He tossed the device to the Agent, "Everything you need to know about a Preserver Juggernaut all in one, convenient package." A nearby workstation flickered once again as static filled the display, "Well, provided your computers can read it at this point. Galatea will be your biggest threat on this mission, 66. She's fully integrated into that vessel at this point, and she will be their biggest champion. We ran that risk once before, the safeguards were barely able to extract her. If you need to do so neutralize the hologram. Though it may not come to that. The data you need is on that chip, 66, and if you disable its acoustical beacon you should be able to upload our remote overrides. Can you handle that?"
"I do this. I'm completely finished with you and your group." 66 said flatly. "Wait?!?! Galatea was integrated with a Preserver ship before and you placed her here?" She said with her temper starting to flare again.
47 nodded, "Galatea was used to interface with such a vessel almost seven years ago. The vessel was not the same as this one, but the underlying systems are the same. I'm sure that you'll figure out a way to remedy the situation."
"I'll figure something out." 66 side coldly. "Is there anything else, or can I go and start planning this."
"Nothing from me," 47 answered. "Aside from good luck."
"Now bugger off." 66 said turned and heading for the door.
47 grinned, "There's the 66 I remember." In a quick wink of light he was gone leaving Agent 66 to her mission.