A Adventure in the Dark
Posted on Wed Feb 17th, 2021 @ 11:54am by Commander Nathan Hawkins & Captain Nathan Bishop
3,048 words; about a 15 minute read
Short Treks
Location: Holodeck
The two men stood in the mouth on the cave giving their equipment one final check over before setting off. Though the holodeck would keep them safe within the programme parameters, climbing ropes and protective equipment were all part of the experience. Testing their ability to work as a team, negotiating the tight confides, scaling crackly surfaces and perhaps crossing a body of water.
Twisting on his head torch attached to his helmet Nathan Hawkins shone the beam into the darkness: "Just for the record," he explained to Bishop. "I've not been here before either so I don't know what to expect. This is Lieutenant Davis' programme, though he said he'd 'dumb it down' for us."
"Dumb it down?" Bishop repeated as he checked his own equipment. "I think I'm insulted Nathan. What's Davis think we are? Two bumbling fools?" Bishop flicked his head torch on as well as directed it into the mouth of the cave and the pitch black darkness. He smiled at his friend, "Ready when you are Nathan. Lets get this party started."
Stepping forward into the gloom Hawkins continued. "When I asked him about the programme he listed some of the obstacles we may encounter. When the risk of drowning, rock falls and cave-ins were mentioned the look I gave him prompted the 'I'll dial it down for you sir' came about. I figured we face enough danger from time to time without needing it on an afternoon off."
The torch beams illuminated a tunnel, long, narrow and slopping downward. Distantly they could hear the steady dripping of water and their nostrils were awash with stale air.
Bishop nodded though in the dark it was hard to see. "Okay, I don't want us to drown or get crushed by some falling rocks. So he's off the hook... for now." As the two progressed further into the cave, the sound of running water grew louder though the air was still stale. "Wait a second Nathan." Bishop said to his friend. "Where's the sound of water coming from? I don't want us walking off a cliff into a raging rapids." As he swung his head torch to see if he could determine where the sound was coming from before they walked or fell into water.
"I'm not sure," Hawkins responded twisting around also. "Perhaps an under ground river, it certain sounds close-by."
Indeed it was, only a short walk further the tunnel floor slipped away below them and the sound of rushing water grew into a roar. "Mind out," Hawkins called having come to the ledge first.
Extracting some glow sticks from his pack he snapped them and dropped them into the gloom before, the bright rods dropped instantly before coming to rest some twenty feet below. One rolled a little way further illuminating the river alongside which from their vantage looked fast but shallow.
"How are your knot skills?" Hawkins asked pulling bundles of climbing ropes and equipment from his pack.
Bishop looked down at the fast moving water the glow stick had illuminated. He looked to Hawkins. "First rate thank you. A better question would be how are your swimming skills? In case you happen to fall. That's fast moving water Nathan." He pointed out as he turned his head to let the helmet lamp light the area around them and possibly show another avenue around the water. Unfortunately the light revealed nothing.
He took out his own ropes and carabiners, "So we climb." It was more a statement of fact than a question.
"Afraid of heights my friend or of getting your feet wet?" Hawkins quizzed glancing up from attaching his harness.
"Both." Bishop replied to his friend as he double checked his harness before beginning the climb.
Hawkins studied the Captain briefly for a moment trying to asses if he jesting or not. "Just take it steady and you'll be fine," he assured him. "Want me to go first?"
"Thanks Dad. Sure, show me how it's done." Bishop replied as he took a step back to give Nathan room to start climbing.
Rolling his eyes at the cheeky remark Hawkins attached himself to the safety line, pulled it taught before approaching the ledge and scrambled over the edge. Jamming his heavily booted toes into the rock face and gripping with his finger tips the Commander weaved his way down the cracky surface steadily until with a sense of relief he made it safety down.
Looking down at Nathan, Bishop clapped, "That was exceedingly well done Nathan." He said with grin. "Let me see what I can do," As he checked his own safety line and went over the edge. His fingers searching, finding handholds and his feet doing the same. He made his way down the rocky face slowly but arrived next to Nathan in one piece. "Ta da! and in one piece, I might add."
Hawkins smiled at Bishop's accomplishment . "And now for our next obstacle," their flashlights bounced off the speeding underground river. "We should look for a safer way to cross we'd be swept away if we try here I think."
"Let's see if we can find the headwaters of the river." Bishop suggested, "They may be slower moving than what we're seeing here and afford us the opportunity to cross."
"Agreed," the Commander adjusted his pack and lead the way. "Do you recall the last time we splashed about in the a river?"
Bishop grinned broadly at the memory. "Sure do. We were canoeing down some white water rapids. It was grand fun, fighting the rapids, pushing ourselves to the limit. we need to do that again..... well all except getting dunked at the end." He finished grinning.
Nathan laughed, "It was bloody freezing too! I couldn't climb out of the thing after that ride."
"It was that." Bishop agreed. "You know what else it was? It was fun, Pure fun." He finished not waiting for Hawkins to reply. "We need to do it again sometime."
Ahead Hawkins nodded: "Indeed, we're have to pencil it into your busy schedule."
"To do that again with the same company. You just pick a time Nathan and I will make the time." Bishop replied honestly.
"Wouldn't you want to spend more time with Commander Snow?"
Bishop looked at his friend, a full smile on his face. "Leave it to you to notice. I like Lily very much. Oh, I know she appears cold and distant even aloof but she really isn't. However in answer to your question, yes I would like to spend more time with her. I also want to to the things we like Nathan. Believe it or not I can make time for both."
The Commander shrugged: "I'm not judging your choice of women, I'm happy she's peaked you're interest she's just not the type I thought you'd like."
Bishop favoured his friend with a look, "Oh really? Well Dr. Hawkins, what in your infinite wisdom is the kind of women I should be interested in?" He finished with a grin on his face.
"I had you pegged as the romantic type, figured you'd prefer a more..." he paused looking for the correct word. "Softer, fragile sort of women, the ones you could sweep off their feet with hearts and roses."
"You had me pegged right." Bishop admitted. "However how do you know Lily isn't soft and hasn't been swept off her feet with hearts and roses? Hmm? Answer me that."
"Because her claws haven't retracted." Hawkins replied. "She's still as standoffish as before."
Bishop chuckled and clasped Hawkins's shoulder in a sign of friendship. "Ahhh, now we have it. Your upset because Lily is still giving you the cold shoulder. She hasn't warmed up to your charm."
With a smile Nathan shook his head. "I don't think she ever will either. Some battles aren't worth fighting."
"Now Nathan don't be like that. Lily just might surprise you. Just do what your doing, say hi or good morning, not asking or expecting you to go out of your way. However if you do, you just might get a pleasant reaction." Bishop told his friend.
"Maybe," Hawkins sighed. "These things go both ways however. But enough of that, the water looks calmer up ahead. Do you think we should cross?"
"Oh, I agree Nathan. Takes two to tango after all." Bishop replied then turned to look at the water Nathan had referenced. "I think we can cross here. Water is much calmer even though the current still looks swift. I think we'll be alright."
"Maybe set down an anchor to be on the safe side?"
Bishop nodded in agreement at his friend's idea. "I think that is an excellent and prudent suggestion Nathan." He replied. "Lets do it."
It didn't take long to set up, the anchor set firmly into the rock and the two men attached to individual lines. "Want to go first this time?" Hawkins asked.
"Certainly." Bishop replied. "No sense you having all the fun Nathan." He replied as he neared the water's edge. "I think this will be fine." As he prepared to cross the river.
"We could look further up if you change your mind." Hawkins added as Bishop stepped closer to the water
"No. I think here will be fine." Bishop repeated as he stepped into the water, his hands firmly on the line as he began to cross the river, the water swirling about his legs as it tugged and pulled at him. He remained focused on crossing, giving a running commentary to Hawkins. "Current is swift but not too strong. Keep a firm grip on the line and you'll be fine." He stated as he continued to cross the river.
Watching till his friend was safely across Hawkins followed. The cold water bit at his legs as he wadded in deeper, the speeding flow threatened to whip him away downstream but the Commander kept his balance. "It's freezing," he called out as the water chopped around his knees. "We'd probably struggle to swim in this."
"Yes. We couldn't stay in the water long." Bishop agreed as he extended a hand to Nathan as he drew closer to the shore. "You are almost here just a few more feet."
"Personally, I hate the cold." Hawkins commented as he drew closer. "I never understood why we created skiing holidays," he stretched out and clasped Bishop's hand for support as he grappled to find purchase with his wet boots. "All that snow and ice just isn't for me."
As his hand clasped around Nathan's and he drew him ashore, Bishop chuckled at his friend's comment. "A nice tropical beach for you Nathan with a warm breeze and a pinna colada in your hand. Have to admit it sounds nice."
"Remember that the next time I put in a leave request for Risa," Hawkins panted having hauled himself out of the frigid water.
Bishop laughed, "Trust me I will. You okay?" He asked noticing Hawkins heavier breathing.
Nathan nodded, "Just the water took my breath away a little."
"It' will do that." Bishop agreed as he looked for a new direction for them to explore. He nudged Nathan in the side, "What about that way?" He pointed towards another opening in the rock walls. "May be promising." He ventured.
"Let's go and have a look," Hawkins agreed detaching himself from the line.
Bishop turned on his helmet lamp as they neared the opening. "The Black Hole of Calcutta." He mused as he stood in front of the opening before turning to Hawkins. "Well, might as well as get to it. Can't find out anything standing here."
"I couldn't agree further," Hawkins peered into the darkness. "Need a boost?" he asked noting the cave was situated a short distance above their heads.
"Sure, can always use a helping hand from a friend. Then once I'm up there, I can pull you up. After all one good hand deserves another." Bishop replied with a grin.
"Surely you'd prefer to watch me struggle," the Commander joked before cupping his hands together to help elevate Bishop toward the opening.
"Now Nathan. what a terrible thing to say." Bishop joked as he put his foot in Hawkins's cupped hands and pulled himself up to the opening and wiggled himself in with a little difficulty. He then turned and thrust his hand out to his friend, "Here you go Nathan grab my hand unless you think you can jump in here." He joked.
"Maybe about fifteen years ago I'd be up there in a blink," Hawkins replied wishfully before reaching up a taking a firm grip on Bishop's out stretched hand. Working his toes into the nooks in the wall to assist Bishop's action the two worked smoothly until they were both inside the opening.
Twisting to remove his backpack and scrapping his hard hat on the cavern ceiling Hawkins wiggled himself onto his belly: "This take me back," he remarked following behind Bishop. "Those hours on the obstetrical courses and the freezing conditions were gruelling."
"A memory I was happy to forget Nathan." Bishop teased his friend. "Only difference is now we're doing this as fun. I think this is statement about our current mental state."
"Glutton for punishment?" Hawkins quibbled.
"Definitely that." Bishop agreed. "Along with are we out of our minds doing this?"
"I think it says more about Davies' mental state than our own," Nathan replied. "Though I have to hand it to him, its not a bad programme."
"You have something there Nathan." Bishop replied as he shone his helmet light light into the inky darkness of the cave. "You ready to continue this little adventure?"
"Yes, lets press on," Hawkins nodded in agreement. "Just watch out for the end of the tunnel, we had to scramble up to get inside so there could be a drop on the other side."
"Indeed. That would put a real downer on this little adventure." Bishop chuckled at his little joke. "Come on that was funny or at least humorous."
Hawkins rolled his eyes in the darkness behind. "Pull the other one," he moaned teasing his friend as they continued to crawl.
Bishop crawled cautiously, not wishing to be surprised by a sudden down sloping of the cave floor. Plus by going slow, he wasn't outpacing his helmet light. He had a chance to look at their surroundings despite the tight confines of the cave. "How you doing Nathan? He called out to his friend.
"Fine," Hawkins replied. "Can you see an exit? Turning back would be awkward in this."
Bishop didn't answer immediately. He looked ahead shining his helmet light down the bitch black tunnel of the cave. "I think it's getting lighter Nathan, can't judge the distance too well in this darkness but it doesn't look to be much further. Best guess 50 to 60 feet."
The two men continued to belly crawl through the space, negotiating around the occasional bend twisting until: "Uh Nath," Hawkins called from the rear. "I don't mean to press you but I think we should ramp up the speed. Water is coming in from somewhere, this tunnel could flood."
Bishop couldn't turn around due to the tight confines of the tunnel. "Got it Nathan." He replied and at the same time picked up the pace as best he was able inside the tunnel. "Not much further, I can definitely see the opening."
"That's reassuring," Hawkins called feeling waters chill under his fingertips.
Bishop caught the underlying tension and hurried his progress through the tunnel, the opening now clearly seen just a few short feet away. "Almost to the opening Nathan and you are right, it drops down." He told his friend.
"Use the gear in your pack," Hawkins reminded him. "There's rope, glow sticks, crimps etc. Unless of course you fancy swan diving out?"
"No. No swan dive maybe next time but only if you promise not to get jealous." Bishop returned as he was already digging through his pack to find the needed equipment. Getting out the rope, glow sticks and the rest of the equipment, Bishop broke open a glow stick to get a better look at where they were. He viewed a small flat area devoid of rocks, looking like it was composed of sand. He drove in his stakes, tied the rope around his waist and began to rappel down the side of the cave they were just exiting.
Hawkins wiggled himself toward the opening and repeated Bishop's move rappelling down to the sandy surface. He shone his beam around them, the light barely penetrated the darkness. "Looks like we're still on the tip of the iceberg. Want to carry on or save this for another time?"
"In for a penny, in for a pound Nathan. Lets see what we've got. If it looks to be too much, we can stop and pick it up at another time." Bishop suggested to his friend.
"OK," Hawkins adjusted his backpack slightly and lead the way across the compressed sand. "A long dried riverbed you think?" he asked gently kicking the surface.
"I'd be perfectly fine with that." Bishop answered, "I'm tired of getting wet."
His action disturbed something solid looking, Hawkins bent down to examine and retrieved a long thin object, rounded on the edges and darkened with age. The Commander's lips twitched with mirth. "I'll have to give Lieutenant Davies' extra credit," he passed the object to Bishop. "He's shoehorned his fascination for fossils into the program too. I couldn't tell you what its from, though I wouldn't be surprised if its modelled off a dinosaur piece. It looks vaguely familiar."
"It does look familiar." Bishop agreed. "You'll have to ask him when we end this."
Hawkins was about to respond when the com interrupted: "All senior staff report to the briefing room..."
The Commander sighed wearily; "There goes the bell," he commented before turning to Bishop. "Try again another day?"
Bishop nodded, "Fraid so Nathan. Perhaps we can pick up our adventure here. I truly want to see what else is in store for us." Bishop replied.
"It certainly has me interested," Hawkins agreed as the scene vanished from view. He blinked in the bright light of the holodeck: "Come on, we'd better not keep the others waiting."