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Works of Art

Posted on Sat Mar 21st, 2020 @ 11:55pm by Administrator Weyoun 12

628 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Genesis
Location: Administrator's Cabin, Dominion Battleship
Timeline: 2430-01-08, 23:00


Weyoun 12 remained silent as he stood looking at the painting on display in his cabin. The only piece of art in the entire room, a painting had been created by Tora Ziyal during the Dominion War and was one of his few possessions. He had kept it with the intention of using it as a trophy of sorts, but it had become more than that. The replica of the flower reminded him of his own rebirth and his unique place in the universe.


Weyoun sighed. He walked to the nearby computer panel, "Yes, Third Kasun'ulir, what is it?"

"We have received a transmission for you from Empersa. The Link commands you to make contact with them."

The Vorta rolled his eyes. He had served the Founders faithfully for a dozen lifetimes now and this one was no different. The only difference this time was that now the Founders had more and more disdain for him. At times he didn't understand why they had chosen him for this mission and it was becoming more and more clear to him that they didn't trust him. Perhaps they never did?


"Very well," he flashed his trademark smile as he returned to the world. "Please route the transmission to me."

With a series of tones through the communications array a hologram appeared before him. He bowed immediately, almost instinctively, as the genetic programming of his past kicked in, "Founder. You honor me with your presence."

"Save it, Weyoun," the Founder answered with a haughty voice from across subspace. "What is the status of your mission?

"I have made contact with the Representatives of the United Federation of Planets as requested. We are having a diplomatic conference tomorrow morning aboard their outpost at which point I will discuss the offer of alliance between our two governments." Weyoun reported while still in a near bow to his leader, his head slightly tilted downward as not to directly look at the Changeling.

There was a pause as the Founder considered all that was being said, "What of the Klingons and the Romulans?"

Another pause, this one heavier, as he prepared to reveal the truth. "I have limited their involvement in this meeting."

"You what?" The Changeling crossed his arms, emboldened by the declaration. "Why?"

"It is what is for the best. The previous interactions we had with both governments were more than dangerous for the safety and security of the Dominion. The aggressive nature of the Klingons, the duplicity of the Romulans, both would spell certain disaster for us should we have included them," Weyoun spoke fast, knowing that his decision was directly in contradiction to what the Founders had asked for.

The Founder sighed, "I am not interested in what you feel is for the best, Weyoun. The Link has not issued such a declaration; you have done so against our directives. We need the support of the Alpha Quadrant Alliance at this juncture."

"Founder, to include the other two..."

"Is at the discretion of the Great Link as the leaders of the Dominion," the Founder stated decisively. "If you are opposed to following through with your mission I can arrange for Luaran to replace you."

The Vorta wanted to challenge the Founder, to tell him to do as he wished, but he couldn't. The genetic programming took over, willing him to want the adulation of his God. "That will be unnecessary, Founder. I will execute your will."

"I expect nothing less," the Changeling answered. "Make your next decisions carefully, Weyoun. We'll be watching."

The hologram faded and the long growing sigh escaped from Weyoun. Rolling his eyes he walked back to the painting and stared, hoping that the rebirth of the Dominion wasn't squashed by the decisions made here today.


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