Defensive Stances
Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 11:08pm by Commodore Loatha Targaryen & Captain Bakti Kret & Captain Nathan Bishop & Commander Nathan Hawkins & High Commissioner Jasmine Haynes & Lieutenant Commander T'Lisha "Hawkeye" Bishara & Patton O'Sullivan & Petty Officer 2nd Class Corvus Hannah & Zoey Parker
2,877 words; about a 14 minute read
Location: MTAC, Starfleet One
Timeline: 2430-01-08, 09:00
Fleet Admiral Luzol looked at the holographic displays before her with a scowl on her face. The simulations had been repeated multiple times and each time the same thing happened. While Starfleet One, the Spock, and Gateway Station had all been able to withstand a lot of punishment from the Dominion Warship, they were destroyed each time. Only in one simulation did they survive, but Starfleet One was lost after it was used in a last ditch effort to ram the Dominion vessel.
It was sickening. Thankfully it wasn't reality.
Luzol let out a long breath. The Dominion meeting was tomorrow and she intended to have a last plan in place to defend the ship and survive the Dominion at least long enough to get support into place. She had gathered the tactical leadership team of Starfleet One together to discuss this a final time. Her husband was in place with the President working on the diplomatic side - ideally she should have been there - but it was agreed her talents were more suited for this role.
She typed on the workstation, "So, we're in trouble here people. Every simulation that we've run so far shows the Dominion overwhelming our defenses using the strategies we've employed so far or the death of the President. I've called you here to plan that last Hail Mary play that will win the day for us. So, what are our thoughts?"
"Perhaps it's time to redraw the box Admiral. By that I mean some completely unorthodox thinking." Bishop spoke from his place, opening the discussion.
"You can not trust in simulations. They can not count on human survival factor. Those simulations, show we have a small chance of survival, and how we are going to do that, is to think outside of the box. We know, we can not go toe to toe with the Jem'Ha'Dar Battleship, so let's not." Jasmine suggested to the group.
“Depending on the scenario we may react in different ways,” O’Sullivan added. “We are not logical but flesh and blood. In the end it will come down to survival and that is where we have them beat.” Patton took a deep breath. “That being said I agree with Lieutenant Commander Haynes. Our plan has to be outside the box and unexpected. They already think they know what we will do.”
Commander Hawkins remained quiet as the others began to voice their opinios. The simulations had been brutal and utterly devastating, it was hard to see that this point how those outcomes could be changed.
"Has anyone considered retreat as an option. Our first duty is to the safety and protection of the President. Not going down in a blaze of glory." Jasmine pointed out to the group. No reason to die, if you do not have too.
Luzol nodded to the Security Chief, "I'm a little humbled to hear the Chief of Security of the ship recommend that as an option. You're not wrong either. We have run a simulation along those lines," she brought up the results of that study, "based upon the reaction times that we've seen so far from the live, unannounced simulations the Jem'Hadar ship is able to disable the propulsion system before we can respond. But, in all fairness, it's not a bad idea. As has been pointed out the truth is these are all simulations and we don't know what would happen in reality."
The hybrid Admiral crossed her arms, "With the simulations there's another unwilling participant that we have to factor in the Jem'Hadar overwhelm our defenses and attack Bajor within two hours." She pecked at the controls, "The attack on a Federation member would be devastating, not only for them but the Federation in its entirety. So, what other out of the box ideas do we have?"
Bishop spoke next, "We place a combination of cloaked mines and armed satellites in orbit about Bajor. All at different levels with some putting out a transporter scattering effect so the Jem'Hadar can't use their transporters. They need to land. Coming through a mine field with the only safe route known to Federation starship captains will take out some of their drop ships. It's a delaying action but it buys time."
The CinC smirked, "Interesting, illegal, but interesting. Then again Bajor isn't a normal case now is it? The Federation Council has given special dispensation to allow the usage of a minefield to protect the Wormhole." She looked at Bakti.
"Correct. We have a defensive screen in place at our terminus of the Wormhole. We were out of time to activate it when the Dominion ship came through though," the Bajoran answered.
"So we could pursue this option," Luzol answered. "The only problem is that the Dominion ship would know we were working on it." She sighed, "We know that the meeting is 24 hours from now. What plans do we have for extracting the President?"
"Let them see. It may make them stop and reconsider their next move(s)." Bishop replied. "It has to be fast, which means it can't be time consuming in getting the President to safety either by transporter or ship. Perhaps have a runabout or better two standing by. One could be a diversion. The checklists complete. All they have to do is liftoff."
“We could take the Spock off before we get there and hang back ready to extract the President and run,” O’Sullivan spoke up. “They will be monitoring the ship but they won’t necessarily expect that.”
Hannah held his hand in the air while scowling.
"No need to raise your hand, Petty Officer Hannah," Luzol said noticing the Medic, "What are your thoughts?"
"I was just wondering," he said, swallowing against the lump in his throat. "Why are the simulations only using those three ships?"
Captain Bakti Kret decided to field that one, "Are you referring to the Defiant and the Ushaan?" He didn't wait for an answer and instead just jumped right in, "The problem with them is that the Defiant is... well let's face it she's old and would never withstand the onslaught of the Dominion Battleship. The Ushaan is currently on patrol of the Bajoran System. She would return in the combat, but she is also a smaller ship and lightly armed. The simulations did show both involved and they were eliminated shortly after they became involved in the fight."
"The Defiant is also a symbolic ship from the war," the Fleet Admiral commented. "It was a thorn in Weyoun's side - it's predecessor was ordered destroyed by Weyoun himself during the Battle of Chin'toka." Luzol smiled, "That may be something we could use to our advantage. The problem is the Bajorans are quite fond of that ship. It was the personal flagship of Ben Sisko, their Emissary."
"Uhm, well,," Hannah said, suddenly unsure of himself under the withering gaze of the admiral and captain. "I mean, yeah, okay, those two should be included but, I think you're uhm, well in my opinion I mean, and really, I mean, yeah, uhm...well...but," he faltered letting out a breath. But he started this, he brought the attention on himself and, yeah, sure, he was going to drop dead any second, his death born of ignorance and daring to speak up in this company. "But, it's kind of like a disease right? I mean, yeah? That one out there, the Dominion ship, it's a phage cell right? A disease that's killing us? And SF1 and the Spock and, well, even the station, they're all targeted antibiotcs, to attack the disease. But the body, it's got, ehr," he felt so many more eyes on him and the weight of their stares bearing down on him. "Well, it's got other systems and so do we, don't we? We've got runabouts and bees and shuttles and, well, there are other ships docked at the station aren't there? I mean, we're...just...looking at the antibiotics and forgetting about like, the lymph nodes and the spleen and autophagy and...targeted, directed medicated infusions directly into the disease itself."
Yep, that was it, he was done. And at any moment his rapidly beating heart was just going to explode in his chest. It'll pop, everyone will hear it and then he'll just drop dead. Hopefully they remove his body rather than just have it scooped up by janitorial and dumped into the dust bin.
Nathan couldn't quite suppress the smirk on his lips at Hannah's nervous meltdown, it was ease to relate to, once upon a time every member of the room was a green recruit and a bag a nerves.
Captain Bakti smiled at the suggestions that were being made, "It would take time but launching all of our support vessels would give them a lot of targets. The more they had to shoot at the more we overwhelm them."
"The problem comes if we have to evacuate the ship or the station. If the support vessels are all launched we only have the escape pods to rely on," Luzol reminded. "The support ships are also easy targets."
"But the more distractions we have the better," the Station Commander repeated. "It also gives us a chance to explore the other options proposed."
"Escape to where?" Did that come out of his mouth? Hannah wondered. It sure sounded like his voice and...oh ye gawds of the galaxy, if you ever loved a fool now was the time. "You said so yourself, Admiral, that the simulations said we were all dead and, well, you're an admiral so I'm sure the simulations are all proper and right but...well...that being the case. Where are we going to escape to? And, well, the Dominion, how much of a threat are they going to take a bee? Even if they don't know that it's loaded with, I don't know, superbigbadexplosion torpedoes," oh, yeah, there it was, the gawds of the galaxy showing what a complete fool his superbigbadexplosion?. "They really going to concentrate on them, even when they go up against their hull and go bigboomboom?" He wanted to just drop dead now. Just..."Drop dead and shut your fool mouth!" he hissed, not aware he was speaking and certainly not aware it was very audible.
Luzol looked at the young officer then glanced over at his CO. Instead of a reprimand like the medic seemed to expect, instead she went with a different approach, "You're not wrong and I bet you're glad I gave you permission to speak freely." She recalled from history something similar being suggested during the Battle of the Binaries in the 23rd Century. "You certainly were thinking out of the box. So, any thoughts to go along with the suggestion of the Petty Officer?" She asked as she signaled Commander Bishara to join them.
“I agree with Hannah’s ideas,” Patton spoke up. “However as far as evacuation goes we need to stick to the plan of getting the president out of there. Even if we have to leave the ship and crew behind our priority is his safety. I would recommend a close destination so we can return and lend assistance.”
"Bajor," the Captain of Gateway recommended. "It's a Federation world after all. It does have a planetary defense network. The President would be safe there."
Bishop looked at the Captain of the station. "You're kidding right? Escape to Bajor? The Dominion would shred its defensive network like tissue paper not to mention that's the first place they'd look to acquire the President. Why not take him and the ship he's on through the wormhole? In the chaos, they wouldn't be expecting that. It's the last place they'd look. It would buy the President and any reinforcements time."
"Commander," Hannah asked, keeping his voice low. It was bad enough having the attention of the admiral once, he didn't want to try for it again. "What about a team on a runabout? Trying to beam anybody off the station by any of the big ships would mean dropping shields. But, if we're launching a bunch of gnats, then couldn't we have one standing by, ready to beam the President off the station and then taking off while the rest of the ships attack the dreadnought over there?"
"I believe I mentioned using a runabout earlier Mr. Hannah so we're on the same page there." Bishop replied with a grin showing there was no ill will at Hannah not remembering the earlier mention of a runabout.
"Yes, sir, of course, Commander," Hannah said, vowing that he was going to just shut up now and stop proving himself to be a fool. "I mean it's a really good idea."
Luzol nodded, "That it is. Well unless one of us is a shapeshifter," there was something ominous about how she said it.
"Perhaps we should all go to medical be tested...just to make sure one of us isn't." Bishop replied factually.
The Fleet Admiral smirked, "Not a horrible idea. Commander Ash had a different plan though. The entire ship.has been subjugated to a quantum stasis field. The changeling would be unable to function." She left out the 'in theory' part as to avoid a potential panic.
This entire conversation was really good and full of ideas however the safety of the President was paramount so..."If I may say something.....from what I have heard so far has been good ideas yet you are missing the main point. The President's safety! The idea about the runabouts is good amd so is the Spock...but don't you think the Dominion would have thought about that? If you really want the President taken to Bajor for safety's sake, use the runabouts and Spock as decoys. I can get him down to Bajor in my fighter. She is faster, smaller, and something they would not be expecting", T'Lisha said calmly.
"Harming the founder in any fashion, will only make the Dominion desperate. And that would not be an ideal situation for this scenario." Jasmine pointed out to the admiral and to Bishop. The Battleship had the tactical superiority here, they needed to think of survival.
“I agree with the need to prepare and go over scenarios,” Patton spoke up. “But maybe the plan is to keep all these ideas as possibilities. We will not know how to react until we know what we are facing. We can talk all day about what we think they will do but perhaps they are going with the unthinkable. We need to be prepared to make decisions based on what they throw at us.”
Luzol nodded, "That's the problem though. We don't know what they will throw at us." She typed on the panel, "All of these have been good suggestions, I just hope that none of them come to pass." She spoke carefully, thinking about the next stage before moving forward, "Commander Haynes, I want you to remain with the President for the entirety of the meeting with Weyoun. Should the shit hit the fan, you will escort him as quickly as possible to the shuttlebay where Commander T'Lisha will be waiting. Captain Hawkins and Commander O'Sullivan will be in position waiting aboard the Spock," she glanced at Commander T'Lisha, "but as a diversion. I want the President taken to the Starship Kirk for transit out of the area. I doubt that will be suspected."
The Commander of Starfleet paused a moment, "I will be unavailable, as will Admiral Teagarden and Captain Bakti." She looked at Commander Bishop, "This leaves Starfleet One without a commander. Nathan Bishop," she called out.
Bishop looked at Admiral Luzol as she made her announcement. "Yes Admiral." He answered cautiously wondering where she was going with this.
"Commander Bishop... I hereby promote you to the field commission of Captain," she informed from the head of the small table. "While Admiral Teagarden and I are off the ship with the President you are Acting Captain of the Enterprise."
Bishop stiffened at Admiral's Luzol's announcement. He had always hoped to make Captain but not like this. He accepted the promotion and the enormity of what it meant. It was time for him to sit in the big chair. No more following orders, he would give them and the responsibility of their success or failure would fall on his shoulders alone. He nodded in acceptance as words failed him.
It was painful watching his friend literately sag under the weight of the field promotion. Bishop was certainly capable and deserving of a promotion and his own commission Hawkins had concluded over the last few weeks. It plagued him to consider he'd held Bishop back on the Vigilance and clipped his wings. He quashed the thought as Luzol was addressing them again.
"That having been said," Luzol looked around, "any final thoughts on this one?"
Having found his voice after the shock of the Admiral's announcement Bishop shook his head and replied. "Not from me Admiral."
"No, nothing more from me neither," Hawkins added.
"All right then. If there is nothing else we're adjourned," the Fleet Admiral said, but planned to stay behind should anyone have something to discuss privately.