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Posted on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 4:33pm by Commander Nathan Hawkins & Lieutenant Commander Chire & Lieutenant Commander Lily Snow PhD, MD
Edited on on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 4:39pm

1,071 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Genesis
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: 2430-01-07, 19:10

Chire was so happy to be in a place big enough that she could stretch her wings she nearly cried out upon seeing the arboretum. It appeared empty for the moment and it would feel so good to lift off. She didn't fly like she used to. Ever since her wing had been broken she was afraid to use it in the manner she had before. Spins and dives were common among her people when they were young but Chire just gently came off the ground and soared around more like an eagle than a diving swallow. She happily flipped over a few times, feeling the wind she had created ruffle her feathers before a sound brought her out of her happiness and she landed quickly as to not frighten anyone.

Snow had been in the arboretum gathering vegetables for her dinner to night. Her keen hearing brought her attention to another in the space, well above her. She carried her basket to see the Creoli flying overhead. She cleared her throat loud enough to be heard.

"Sorry," Chire said as she put her feet back on the ground. "I didn't mean to disturb anyone, I was pleasantly surprised by the size and configuration of this arboretum. It's been so long since I stretched my wings, I wasn't sure they would still carry me. I mean there was no physical reason they wouldn't but it was almost as if I thought they would forget how."

"You're not disturbing me." Lily stated a little cold. She set her basket down and flattened out her skirt. "I was just surprised to see you flaying around. At least it is a good place to do it."

A soft pounded of feet drew closer and Commander Hawkins arrived dressed causally in sweat slacks. He'd seen Chire soaring overhead, the sight at first surprised him, then awed secondly: what a wonder it must be to able to fly like that without technology to aid.

His smile faltered slightly when he saw the new arrival wasn't alone: "Hello," he greeted them both. "I assume that was you up there Chire?" he asked.

"Yes Sir." She replied, wondering if she was going to be reprimanded or something. Perhaps there was a no fly rule in place. "Just stretching my wings a bit."

Snow caught the look from Hawkins when looking at her. She gave him a nod, but just picked her basket back up.

"Should I not have been?" Chire asked, not understanding whatever silent communication had passed between the two of them.

Nathan opened his mouth to speak when Snow replied first.

"No the arboretum is open for everyone on the ship." She said in a chilly tone. "It is just that I'm not well liked by most of the other Command personal." She shot a look at Hawkins.

"And I am a large bird. I wasn't aware that Starfleet had a popularity contest?" She was joking of course, her very dry sense of humor occasionally made itself known but she saw no reason why this woman needed to feel separated from the others.

Wanting to sigh or shake his head at Lily's remark Nathan bit back his instant reply knowing it would only fan the flames. "It's nothing like that Chire, please don't worry. You're most welcome to continue to use the arboretum to fly around, I would imagine it is a good form of exercise for you."

"It is . . . freeing," Chire finally decided on the word. She turned her attention to Lily. "Do you like my coloring? I ask because it is very unusual on my planet. In fact I am the only one that I know of who has it. It's made me a bit of an outcast in ways. The product of a rare genetic mutation, a gene both of my parents shared. But, I am capable. I am healthy. Don't let others decide how to label you."

"I like your color just fine. Besides your unusual coloring should attract you a mate better." Lily said. "I never said I was labeled, I said I wasn't liked." She stated. "And that is their choice to like me or not."

"True," Chire said thinking. She didn't believe that her coloring gave her any better chance of finding a mate but she was glad Lily was not letting the others judgment affect her as much as Chire originally thought. She knew what she wanted to ask, but not how to ask it. "Would it be all right if I remained with you in here?"

Feeling increasingly uncomfortable at the unspoken aspect of the conversation Nathan was keen to move on and resume his run: "Of course, Chire please carry on. Feel free to use this space as often as you wish." He answered, "If you'd excuse me I should carry on before I get too cold."

"Oh, No Commander, If you prefer to stay, I do not need to fly." Chire felt as if he was being chased away but she didn't really understand why.

"It's quite alright Chire," the human smirked at her manners compared Snow's icy character Chire was refreshingly innocent. "I'm only doing laps around the arboretum. I'd say we could have a competition but I fear you'd have the advantage on me."

"I could remain on the ground and run, though my feet were not designed for such a thing. I could go slow with my wings, and hover." She showed him as they stretched out and simply beat in place. She then slowly moved backwards. It took more effort but it rather amused her to watch him from this angle.

Nathan smiled at her ability and enthusiasm. "You make that look so effortless," he commented. "Makes me wish I could fly."

"Enjoy yourselves." Lily said. "If you wish to speak more my office door is always open." She stated headed for the exit.

"Hmm," Chire said watching as Lily left. "She's not the easiest person to befriend."

"No," Nathan sighed. "That's most likely why she finds herself on the outside, she not the most approachable of persons I've met."

"That just makes me more determined." Chire said, turning her attention away from where Lily had been to where Nathan was standing now. "I believe I will let you finish your run. I have . . . . things to do."

"Thank you Chire, enjoy the rest of you're evening " Nathan nodded and moved off.


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